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人教版2019-2020学年七年级下学期期末英语试题(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . These _ come from Europe.AwolfBwolfsCwolvesDwolvs2 . you the film yet?Yes, I it last month.ADid; see; sawBHave; seen; have seenCHave; seen; sawDDid; see; have seen3 . My father cant play _ basketball. He can play _ piano.Athe; theB/; theCthe; /D/; /4 . The pink skirt looks very nice_ you. Ill _it.Aof; thinkBin; giveCon; takeDat; let5 . 一I try on this sweater in the window? It is just on show.ACould;Yes, you can.BCan;Sorry, you couldnt.CCould; Sorry, you cant.DCan;Yes, you could.6 . - I think I should be allowed to make decisions _ myself. - But you are not old enough.AwithBupCbyDagainst7 . -Happy Chinese New Year! -_.AThank youBThe same to youCYou are welcomeDMerry Christmas8 . - So far, Su Binglan is the only Chinese who finished the 100-meter race in less than 10 seconds.- _ he runs!AHow slowBHow fastCWhat a slowDWhat a fast9 . Could you go to the new movie with me now? Sorry, I _. Look, its time for me to watch The Reader on CCTV.AcantBcanCneedntDmust10 . _ is that quilt?Its red.AHow colorBWhats colorCWhich colorDWhat color11 . The West Lake is great. People _ it every year.Aare visitingBto visitCvisitsDvisit12 . There _ lots of bad information that is not suitable for teenagers on the Internet.Aseem to beBseems to haveCseem to haveDseems to be二、完型填空A teenage girl couldnt stand her parents family rules, so she left home. She wanted to be _, but she had poor education and several years later she had to ask for food on the street for a living. Now her father has died. Her mother is an old woman. But she is still _ her daughter. She has been to every corner of the city. Everywhere she goes, she _ a big photo of herself on the wall. At the lower part of the photo she writes, “I still love you., _ home!” One day, the daughter saw one of the photos. The face was familiar (熟悉). “Is that my mother?” She moved closer and read the _: I still love you. She cried. When she got home, it was early morning. She _ the door. The door opened itself. She rushed to her mothers _. Her mother was sleeping. She woke her mother up, “Its me! Your _ is back home!” The mother and daughter held each other, full of _ tears (眼泪). The daughter asked, “Why is the door not locked? A thief could get in.” The mother answered _, “The door has never been locked since you left.” The door of parents love for their children will never be closed.13 . ApoorBfamousCprettyDsick14 . Alooking throughBlooking forClooking afterDlooking up15 . Alooks atBgives upCfinds outDputs up16 . Acome backBgo backCrun backDrun away17 . AwordsBphotoCposterDpicture18 . ApulledBunlockedCknocked onDlocked19 . AbathroomBliving roomCkitchenDbedroom20 . AdaughterBsonCgrandchildDfather21 . AangryBmoodyChappyDsad22 . ApolitelyBsoftlyCexactlyDloudly三、阅读单选One morning while Officer Vogel was on his coffee break in a restaurant, a man ran in and yelled. “Officer! A little kid is driving a car down the street! He ran out at once and saw a car going slowly-about 25 miles an hour-but it wasnt going very straight. He jumped into his police car and followed it. When the car was stopped, Officer Vogel looked inside. The driver was a little boy. His name was Rocco Morabiro and was 5. In the back seat was his two-year-old sister. Both children were crying.I want my mummy! the boy cried.But she cant get here. I have the car.” Then he had an idea.Just a minute. He told Officer Vogel.I can drive. Ill go to get her.” “No! Officer Vogel said. “You stay with me! Then he drove them to the police station and he called their mother. They had many questions for Rocco. The first question was: Where did you get the car keys? Rocco said. ”From the top of the refrigerator.At seven that morning Rocoos father was at work and his mother was sleeping, Rocco saw the keys on top of the refrigerator. He climbed on a chair, and took the keys.Rocco got into the car and started the engine (引擎). When Roccos sister heard the engine she ran to the car and cried. She wanted to go with him. It was 7 a. m.-rush hour-so there was much traffic. Rocco drove one mile in heavy traffic. Then Officer Vogel stopped him. Newspapers and TV stations heard about Rocco, and a lot of reporters went to his house. A reporter asked Rocco, “What do you want to be when you grow up? “A truck driver,he said, smiling.23 . Roccos car was not going straight because of _.Athe heavy trafficBhis little sisterChis driving skillsDofficer Vogel24 . The little sisters going with Rocco showed that _.Ashe was afraid the would have no one to play withBshe didnt want to wake her mother upCshe wanted to look for her fatherDshe wanted to drive the car too25 . The officer asked Rocco to stay with him in order that _.Aother cars would go much fasterBhe would drive them homeCRocco would not cause any accidentDRoccos sister would not feel alone26 . Rocco and his sister were taken to the police station to _.Ahave a good breakfastBlearn some traffic rulesCanswer the policemans questionsDwait for their mother and deal with the matterSAN FRANCISCO CITY HALL TOURMONDAY- FRIDAY10:00a.m, 12:00 noon, 2:00p.mAll tours are 45 minutes to one hourAll tours sign in at City Hall Decent Tour KioskLocated on the Main FloorPEASE CALL AHEAD(预先) Dr Carton B Goodlett PlaceTo schedule(安排) tours for schools San Francisco. CA 94102 and groups of 8 or more City Hall TTY (415) 554-7491(415) 554-6139 www.sfgov.org/cityhall27 . When will you leave if you enter San Francisco City Hall at 10:oo a.m. on weekdays?AAround 2:00 p.m.BAround 11:45 a.m.CNot later than 11:00 a.m.DNot earlier than 12:00.28 . What must you do before you visit San Francisco City Hall in a group of 10?ACall (415) 554-6139 aheadBvisit www.sfgov.org/cityhallCCome at any time at the weekend.DEnter the City Hall only at 12:00 noon.四、单词填空Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words: (首字母填空,每格一词)13-year-old boy Omkar Dubey (from India) shows that when you start by changing yourself and have courage, you can make a d29 . to the world.In India, more than 100 million homes have no toilets. Dubeys family didnt have a toilet, e30 . . So he asked his father to build one. “ I thought it would be difficult on rainy days to go to the toilet. If we built a toilet at home, it would be e31 . for all of us in the family,” he told the Indian news channel CNN-IBN.At first, his father said it was a waste of space, but Dubey kept on a32 . for nearly a month. Finally, his father gave in and built a toilet. But Dubeys work didnt stop there. He bravely went to the leader of his village and asked him to build the f33 . public toilet. Today, his advice has led to 13 public toilets.Dubey also brought the change to his school. When one leader c34 . to his school, he took the chance and asked f35 . a toilet. Now the school has two clean toilets for boys and girls.“Omkar is an excellent kid. He will shine one day,” Said his teacher.五、信息匹配Jocelyn didnt have many friends, but she had lots of books. She thought books were better than friends sometimes. 36 . And books didnt feel sad when you didnt come to see them for a while. Jocelyn liked detective(侦探)stories. When she read a detective story, she felt like she was a part of it , so she could experience all the adventures in that way.37 . Sometimes she liked history books, too. It was interesting for her to see how people lived their lives in the past. 38 . She liked books about animals and far-away places especially. It made her want to travel around and see new animals living in the strange places. 39 . She didnt care about how people fall in love with each other. She was just into the serious stories. Jocelyn didnt have many friends, but the friends she had also liked books. 40 . Books were great, but they were better with friends to talk to about them!根据短文内容, 选出五个句子填入文中空缺处, 使短文内容完整正确。答案E用“AB”表示。 AIt was a great feeling to read about detective stories.BHowever, she didnt like reading love stories.CThey often talked about books together.DJocelyn also liked science books.E(AB). Books didnt get angry at you.六、信息归纳My name is Charlie Street. Im a boy. Im not twelve. Im eleven. Im not in Grade Eight. I am in Grade Seven. I am in Class Three. My phone number is 66558823. Im from the USA. Now I study in Jiaxing No.3 Middle School.根据短文内容,完成学生证信息填写。Students CardName:41 . Sex: MaleFirst name:42 . Age:43 . Nationality(国籍):44 . School: Jiaxing No.3 Middle SchoolTel: 66558823Class: ThreeGrade:45 . 七、话题作文46 . 假期许多同学都外出旅游,旅游不但让我们开阔眼界,也让我们放松心情。21世纪英文报正在开展“快乐旅游”的征文活动。请你写一篇作文投稿,谈谈你难忘的一次旅游经历,包括:你什么时间去哪儿旅游了,在那儿做了什么,旅游的感受如何。提示词:visit, delicious, photos, scenery, exciting, enjoy, . 提示问题: 1. When and where did you go? 2. What did you do there?3. What do you think of your trip?_第 11 页 共 11 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、四、单词填空1、五、信息匹配1、六、信息归纳1、七、话题作文1、


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