人教新目标英语八下Unit 1单元测试

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人教新目标英语八下Unit 1单元测试姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Though she always makes her little brother _, but she was made _by him this evening.Alaugh;to cryBto laugh;cryClaugh;cryDto laugh;to cry2 . He suddenly returned_ a rainy night.AonBatCinDduring3 . Have you been to the Water World?No,never.AalsoBtooCalreadyDever4 . I had a bad cold_AThat sounds greatBGood ideaCThank youDIm sorry to hear that5 . I think teenagers should do some meaningful things instead of _ too much.AtalkBsayCtalkingDtelling6 . I dont have enough time _ breakfast on school days.AeatingBeatCto eatDate7 . Its time to clean your bedroom, Tommy!See the tidy room, Mum!_ is where it should be.ASomethingBAnythingCEverythingDNothing8 . The movie is so interesting that I dontseeing it again tomorrow.AenjoyBmindCkeepDfinish9 . -_color is it? -Its_.AWhats, orangeBWhat, an orangeCWhat, orangeDWhats an orange10 . The funny joke makes everybody happily.AlaughBlaughingCto laughDto laughing11 . Sally isgirl. She is good at dancing.Aa 8-year-oldBa 8-years-oldCan 8-year-oldDan 8-years-old12 . -I will go to Xian for a visit with my family during the winter holiday. -_ASo do IBSo I doCSo will IDSo I will13 . Dont _ hope.Everything will be over soon.Yes.We should learn to be brave when we are in trouble.Aturn upBgive upCclean upDtake up14 . Although it was dark,the workers _ working.Akept onBgave upCcut offDgot out of15 . Tom is my uncles son. He is my _.AbrotherBsisterCuncleDcousin二、完型填空完形填空。根据短文内容,选出最佳答案。Early in the morning, at noon, or in the evening in big cities and in the countryside, all over the United States, you can see Americans running men and women, young and old. People run_ along the beaches of California,_Central Park in New York, down quiet streets in small towns or at the gym. Some people even run in their living rooms.Running wasnt so_in the past. In the 1960s, runners were mostly athletes and healthy strong people. When people saw a runner, they used_,“Hey, whats the hurry for?”or they might say to_,“Is he crazy?” At that time, women almost never ran. If they did, they might be laughed at. But today all these have_Men and women of all_enjoy running.Doctors say many of the health problems in the United States_these bad habits: eating too much, smoking cigarettes, and taking_exercise. Doctors tell us, “Eat less, dont smoke, and exercise more.” Running is a good exercise_it helps build strong hearts and lungs. It also helps most people lose weight.16 . AanywhereBeverywhereCsomewhereDnowhere17 . AamongBonCwithDthrough18 . ApopularBdifficultCboringDstrong19 . Ato askingBto speakingCto askDto speak20 . AthemBthemselvesCtheirDthey21 . AchangedBstoppedCworkedDdone22 . ApeopleBcitiesCvillagesDages23 . Acome fromBlook forCcare forDthink of24 . AfewBmanyCmuchDlittle25 . AhowBwhereCbecauseDuntil三、阅读单选In todays world many people seem to be hungry for money. Some of them even lose their lives for it. Money does have its most useful effect (影响) on the poor,but once a person has a rich life,a lot more money doesnt mean more happiness.If money was everything,all millionaires (百万富翁) would have true love, true friendship,good health and a long life. However,this is not always true. Many of them are not happy, and die earlier.Nothing else is more pleasant than the three words which are “I love you”. But can love be bought?Im afraid not. Love means to give,not to take. To every person,health and long life are probably the most precious(宝贵的) things. Well,can health and a long life be bought with money?The answer is “No”.Of all the longest living people in the world,few of them are millionaires. True friendship cant be bought either. In a word,Where money is worshiped(崇拜),money can cause brothers to quarrel,lovers to hate,strangers to fight and so on. No matter how much money you have,it is still not enough to make you a happy person, if you have no one to laugh with,no one to cry for.26 . According to the passage,which of the following do you think is right?AMoney is everything.BMoney isnt necessary.CMoney is important,but not the most important.DWith no money,with no success.27 . Which sentence of the following is TRUE according to the passage?AIf you havent much money,you cant get more happiness.BYou may live a long life even if you are poor.CEvery year many people die in the world because their family is poor.DIf you are rich,you will have less friendship.28 . What does the sentence“Love means to give, not to take.” Mean ?A爱意味着给予,而不能带走。B爱是可以得到的,不要走开。C爱意味着奉献,而不是索取。D爱是可以索取的,而不必付出Henry is a little fatter than he wants to be.He wants to lose some weight (减轻重量).He tries not to eat too much and he eats very little sugar because it will make him fat.He also does exercise every day.He swims,and he runs about two miles a day.Now he is stronger than before.Henrys sister,Susan, is healthier than Henry.She is also younger and thinner than he is.She does exercise every day.She doesnt eat much meat.She eats a lot of fruit and vegetables, because she thinks they are better for her health.29 . Henry wants to be_Aa little fatterBa little thinnerCa little olderDa little younger30 . Which will make people fat?AMeat and fruitBSugar and meat.CFruit and vegetables .DVegetables and sugar.31 . Susan is _ than Henry.Ayounger but fatterBolder and healthierCthinner but not strongerDthinner and healthier.KotoIt isnt the Chinese instrument Guzheng, but a traditional (传统的) Japanese instrument named Koto. It is about 180cm long and has 13 strings.BalalaikaIs this a picture of Chinese Piba? No, this instrument is from Russia (俄国). It has a triangle-shaped body and three strings. It comes in six different sizes.ErhuThis two-string instrument comes from China. Its history goes back to more than 1,000 years ago. The music Erquanyingyue played on Erhu is very famous.DomraIt is a Russian instrument with a round body and three or four strings. It looks like a guitar, but guitars have a straight neck and six or more strings on it.TablaIt comes from India. Its made up of two drums. One is small and the other is big. There are many different kinds of Tabla in the world.Please visit http:/ yueqi. baike. com/ for more information.32 . The underlined word “string” means _in Chinese.A边B柄C弦D键33 . How many instruments are mentioned (提及) in the passage?A8.B7.C6.D5.34 . Which instrument is more than 1,000 years old?ABalalaika.BErhu.CDomra.DKoto35 . Which of the following about Tabla is TRUE?AIts from Japan.BIts about 180cm long.CThe two drums are of the same size.DWe can find different kinds of Tabla in the world.36 . We can get more information _.Aon the InternetBin a newspaperCin a bookDon a map四、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意及所给汉语提示,写出句中所缺单词。37 . The young man gave _(血) to save a middle school student.38 . Be careful about these _(刀), Lisa.39 . Those great mountain _(攀登者) come from America.40 . Where can we go for vacation? I cant make the _(决定).41 . He is sad because his grandfather is in danger of _(死亡).五、用所给单词的正确形式填空用所给词的适当形式填空42 . He spent half an hour _(finish)his homework yesterday.43 . Lets do some _(shop)this evening44 . We _(visit)the Eiffel Tower last week. We were all very _(tire).45 . They saw many _( interest)things in the street.46 . The movie was very _(excite); she was _(excite)at it.六、完成句子根据汉语意思完成句子47 . 我已经读过这部小说了。I _ the novel.48 . 我还没有做最后的决定。I _ the final decision _.49 . 昨天我完成了这些飞机模型。Yesterday I _ these model planes.50 . 我不想在这个挤满人的餐馆吃饭。I dont want to eat in this restaurant _ people.51 . 我们还没有决定买哪所房子。We havent decided _.七、语法填空Today is July 8th, Im in my grandparents home. Last week grandpa called me. He asked me 52 . (spend) my vacation with him. He 53 . (live) in a village. Its small but its very cool there in summer. Its very hot in our city. So I often feel bored here. I was very happy and thanked him. I said, “Im going to visit you when our summer vacation begins.”It was June 30th, last Tuesday. My parents took me to the supermarket and we bought some delicious food. They told me to take it to grandpa. The next morning daddy took me to the train station. It was the first time for me 54 . (have) a trip by myself. But I felt relaxed. Im fourteen and I learned a lot in geography class. The train 55 . (leave) at six thirty. I looked out of the windows in the train. I found the scenery (风景)was beautiful. I wasnt tired at all.At four in the afternoon my train arrived at a station. I saw my grandpa 56 . (stand) outside. I got off the train and ran to him. He 57 . (be) happy when he saw me. I looked at him up and down. He was old but strong.His village is about three kilometers from the station. We walked there. I looked around. The mountains was high and green. What a good time I 58 . (have) there that day!八、书信作文59 . 书面表达。假如你是Martin,你的笔友Alice在给你的来信中说她经常生病,情绪低落。请你给她写封回信,告诉她应该怎样做。参考词汇: healthy food, do more exercise, enough sleep, keep happy, talk about your problems.要求:1.根据参考词汇,并适当发挥; 2.字数不少于70词,注意字迹工整。Dear Alice,Im sorry to hear that you are not very well and feel unhappy. _第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、六、完成句子1、七、语法填空1、八、书信作文1、


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