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人教版2019-2020学年七年级上学期期末模四考试英语试题(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Excuse me, whats your name?name is Betty.AMyBHisCHeDYour2 . If you are going to be an actor, you have to _ .Atake acting lessonsBtake act lessonsCtake acting lessonDtake act lesson3 . I can see _ orange on the table.AaBanCtheD/4 . _, I think you did a great job.AAt allBNot at allCAll in allDAll that5 . What did you do with your problems, Jack?I tried my best to _ myself to work them out.AargueBthrowCachieveDencourage6 . “What do they look like ?” means “_?”AWhat do they like?BWhat are they likeCHow do they likeDHow do they look7 . Deng Yaping is a famous ping-pong player.AgreatBwell-knownCpopularDinteresting8 . -Im sorry to have come late for the meeting.- Oh, its OK. With_ rush-hour traffic and_ heavy rain, no wonder you were late.Aa; aBthe; theC/; /D/; a9 . Ill look into the matter as soon as possible. Just have a little .ApatienceBtimeCwaitDrest10 . Shes never been there before, _?Ais sheBisnt sheChas sheDhasnt she11 . -What does your Chinese teacher look like? - .AHe is 45 years oldBHe is tall and strongCHe is kind to usDHe likes playing basket12 . Elvis Presley was famous the king of rock and roll (摇滚)while Bruce Lee was famous his kung fu.Afor; forBas; asCfor; asDas; for13 . Lets go and _.Aplaying soccerBplay the soccerCto play soccerDplay soccer14 . American First Lady Michelle Obama arrived _ China _the afternoon of March 20, 2014.Aon, onBin, inCin, onDat, in15 . We have at seven in the morning.AlunchBbreakfastCeggDdinner16 . They are trying _ these children to go to school.AhelpBhelpsChelpedDto help17 . Your jacket is nice. _.AThank youBYes, its niceCThats OK18 . (2017芜湖29中四模)The doctor warned us _ more fruit and vegetables instead of meat.AeatBeatingCto eatDto eating19 . 一Are the twoparents from the USA? 一NoThey are from EnglandAboysBboysCboysDboyss20 . We all got _ when we heard the _ news.Aexcited; excitedBexciting; excitedCexcited; excitingDexciting; exciting21 . My shoes _nice.I like them.AamBisClookDlooks22 . - _ rooms are there in the building?- There are 60 rooms.AHow oldBHow longCHow manyDHow much23 . The Silk Road has been a bridge between the East and the Westover 2,000 yearsAatBforCinDfrom24 . -_color is it? -Its_.AWhats, orangeBWhat, an orangeCWhat, orangeDWhats an orange25 . After reading for an hour, its good to _ the green trees for a minute or two.Alook out ofBlook out atClook out fromDlook for at26 . The volunteer_ the students.Ais proud of helpingBis proud to helpingCtake pride in helpDis proud in helping27 . When is Children s Day?Its in _.AMarch B. JulyBJune D. April28 . Ill go on a trip with my friends next Sunday.AYou are joking!BGood luck!CHave a good time!DYes, please.29 . The table is too big and it almost half of the room.Atakes away Btakes off Ctakes up30 . - _ is it from Beijing to New York?-More than 30,000 miles.AHow farBHow oftenCHow longDHow much二、补全对话6选5A: May I help you?B: Yes.31 . A: Im sorry hes not in now. Would you call later again orwould you like to leave a message?B:32 . A: Certainly.33 . B: Yes. My name is George Green. My number is 247-2239.A: OK.34 . B: Thank you.A:35 . 三、完型填空Napoga Gurigo is a 12-year-old girl in Ghana, Africa. It is_for her family to get clean water. The nearest place to get water is a dirty hole half a kilometer from their_.Every morning, Napoga_home at half past five to get water for her family. Sometimes it_six hours to get enough clean water. Napoga has no time to go to school_play with her friends. Millions of people in the world are like Napoga. They cant get enough clean water to_healthy. Most of those people are in Africa. Water covers 70 percent of the Earths surface. But most of that is sea water. We cant use it for drinking or cooking. Fresh water is_we use to drink, take showers and cook food. But fresh water_only 1 percent of the Earths surface.Many people have made wells to get clean water from under the surface of the ground_ there still isnt enough. Scientists say that in 30 years, more than half of the people in the world_have enough clean water.36 . AeasyBhardCfunDimpossible37 . AschoolBcityCcountryDvillage38 . AgoesBstaysCleavesDcomes39 . AspendsBcostsCpaysDtakes40 . AandBorCbutDwhile41 . AkeepBgetChaveDdo42 . AthatBhowCwhatDwhen43 . AtakesBrunsCflowsDcovers44 . AbutBorCandDso45 . AwontBwillCcanDcant四、阅读单选I am in Class Eight, Grade Eight. This is a special English class, so the English teacher in this class is the best in school. His name is Zhang Jie. Usually we call him Mr. Zhang. Sometimes we call him Zhang Sir.Hes a tall man with a pair of glasses. He looks young and he is good at English teaching. He is very friendly to us, and his lessons are very interesting and attractive(吸引人的). When he grades our exercises, he always corrects them carefully, and often explain to us clearly why they are wrong and how to avoid the same mistakes. He often lets us watch English cartoons and movies in his English classes because he often says only when we know some more English, we can learn English better.He is very humorous(幽默的), too. He can make his class lively. But sometimes he is a little angry if we make the same mistakes again and again, because he is very strict with us in study. However, we all like him. He teaches us so well that we can read and speak English very well.46 . Whats the English teacher look like?AHe likes teaching Chinese.BHe is good at teaching English.CHe is friendly to his students.DHe is tall and has a pair of glasses on his nose.47 . Does Mr. Zhang often help his students with their English?AYes, he is.BNo, he isntCYes, he does.DNo, he doesnt.48 . What does the underlined word “grades” mean in Paragraph 2?A年级B划分C批改D级别49 . When is the teacher angry with his students?AThey are too naughty.BThey dont study English well.CThey make the same mistakes again and again.DThey speak English badly.50 . Why do the students like this English teacher?A. Because he is very strict with them.B. Because he is humorous.C. Because he teaches them well.D. A, B and C.Sang Lan is a former member of the national womens gymnastic team. She hurt herself seriously in a competition at the Goodwill Games held in Long Island, New York in 1998. For a long time she could not move her arms and legs. And her body from middle chest down could not feel anything. She has been on a wheelchair since then.Although she was disabled, Sang Lan believed that she would walk again one day. She kept on exercising all year round, and was sure that would stand up. When she was in New York, she caught the hearts of Americans. She said “Get up from where you fall.” So many people called her “a brave and unbelievable girl”. She became an international symbol of courage and was very popular in the United States.The brave girl has been a college student in Peking University now. Her dream of going to college has come true.“She was busy with training and contests before the accident,” Sangs mother said, “and now she takes great interest in studying and works very hard.”51 . From the story we know that Sang Lannow.A. is studying in a universityB. is living in New YorkC. is a sports girl52 . The accident happened.A. in Beijing.B. in Peking University.C. in New York.53 . Sang Lan became an international symbol of courage because she.A. was always smilingB. was a good studentC. face the challenges bravely54 . Sang Lan said “ Get up from where you fall.” meansin Chinese.A. 起来就在那儿摔倒B. 哪里摔倒哪里起来C. 摔倒了要起来55 . From the story we can get to know that Sang Lan is.A. a beautiful girlB. a brave girlC. a sick girl五、句型转换八.句型转换56 . She has waited for you for three hours(对画线部分提问)_ has she waited for you ?57 . He came to Beijing five years ago(改为同义句)He has_Beijing for five years58 . I am German(改为复数形式)We _59 . He has already finished the work(变一般疑问句)_ he finished the work_?60 . She likes listening to pop music(改为反意疑问句)She likes listening to pop music, _?六、根据首字母、中文提示填空61 . We must (决定) where we need to go for fun.62 . Can you tell me something about the great writers in the 20th (世纪)?63 . We should begin to learn to (保护) ourselves when we are young.64 . The cats can sleep (任何地方).65 . We Chinese people are (勇敢的) and hardworking.66 . Stop (smoke). Its bad for you.67 . I enjoy reading and look forward to (learn) more.68 . Today is (child) Day. Children in the park are very happy.69 . I dont think I played really (bad) at the beginning of the match.70 . Listen! Can you hear the teacher (talk) outside?七、用所给单词的正确形式填空(题文)71 . (小题1)I_(usual) just have a sandwich for lunch.72 . (小题2)Good_(communicate) is important for business (业务)73 . (小题3)Phone me if there are any new_(develop)74 . (小题4)Its not right _ (copy) others homework.75 . (小题5)Ruth is good at writing and she has great writing_ (skill)八、材料作文76 . 书面表达假如你是张盼盼,根据你的学校生活以“My School Life”为题给你的外国笔友Lucy发一份电子邮件,告诉她有关你学校生活的情况。要求:1. 60词左右(短文开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数)。2.不能出现本人的真实姓名。3.具体内容可以有:几点上学(放学),在校上课,阅读,运动,活动等情况。4.根据所给信息可适当增加细节,使行文连贯。参考词汇:start, finish, subject, activities, club, reading, interesting, colourful.Dear Lucy,Your friend,XXX第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、21、22、23、24、25、26、27、28、29、30、二、补全对话6选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、2、五、句型转换1、六、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、七、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、八、材料作文1、


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