2020版牛津上海版英语六年级第一学期Test One Family and friends模块测试(不含听力材料)A卷

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2020版牛津上海版英语六年级第一学期Test One Family and friends模块测试(不含听力材料)A卷_第1页
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2020版牛津上海版英语六年级第一学期Test One Family and friends模块测试(不含听力材料)A卷_第2页
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2020版牛津上海版英语六年级第一学期Test One Family and friends模块测试(不含听力材料)A卷_第3页
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2020版牛津上海版英语六年级第一学期Test One Family and friends模块测试(不含听力材料)A卷一、听短对话回答问题1 . AGo shopping.BGo to the park.CGo to the supermarket.DGo to the market.2 . AClass Two.BClass Three.CClass Four.DClass Five.3 . ABy bus.BBy bicycle.COn foot.DBy taxi.4 . AAt 7: 15.BAt 6: 15.CAt 6: 45.DAt 7: 50.二、单选题5 . This is a photo of my father and _.AIBmeCmineDmy6 . I want to tell you about my problems.OK. You can call me_ 88837878 or emails me_ susanbirds.com.Aon; onBon; atCat; atDat; on7 . is the Yangtze River? Its 6397 kilometers.AHow muchBHow heavyCHow longDHow big8 . Tim _ a cake for his mother on her birthday yesterday.Ais makingBwill makeCmakesDmade9 . Peters grandfather and grandmother likes _ TV very much.AwatchBto watchingCwatchingDwatched10 . Do you read newspapers? No, I _ do.AalwaysBneverCusuallyDoften11 . Why are you in such a hurry, Mike?-There _ an NBA basketball game in ten minutes.Awill haveBare going to haveCis going to haveDwill be12 . We prefer _ her some presents _ her feel happy.Abuying; to makingBto buy; to makeCbuying; to make.Dto buying; to making13 . _does the shirt cost? 200 dollars.AWhatBHowCHow muchDHow many14 . Diana _ back home from America every year.AfliesBflewCis flyingDwill fly15 . Mary got two dolls from her grandfather on her birthday, and she liked _ very much.AitBhimCherDthem16 . -I hear there is an earthquake(地震) inYaan, Sichuan.-Why not _ our pocket money to them?AgiveBto giveCgivingDgives17 . - _ you _ Beijing yet? -No, I will visit it next year.AHavegone toBHavebeen toCHave.been inDHavegone18 . We are often fooled _ April Fools Day.AwithBonCatDin19 . Rick often does _ homework at 6:00.AherBhisCmyDyour三、完型填空I think the sayingthe clothes make the man is true. What we wear says a lot about the_of person we are. I like wearing bright, colorful clothes in my free time, because I wear a(n)_uniform at work. I dont like smart clothes at all. I like wearing jeans and T-shirts. I think trainers(运动鞋)are very comfortable. I never buy very_clothes, because I like wearing fashionable clothes and fashion changes all the time. I buy most of my clothes in department stores or_in the town center. I have a lot of fun when I_on Saturdays with my friends. Sometimes we only do some window shopping in the famous shops. We usually go for a pizza afterwards. Take a look in your wardrobe. -what do your clothes say about you?20 . AnameBkindCgroupDclass21 . AinterestingBbeautifulCboringDnice22 . AexpensiveBcheapCintelligentDmagic23 . Ain book storesBin the libraryCin the canteenDin sports shops24 . Aplay puzzlesBplay footballCsee filmsDgo shopping四、阅读单选Many students like watching TV very much. But from Monday to Friday, they must go to school. So on Saturday and Sunday they always stay at home to watch TV. Some children even watch TV from morning to night. They dont know its very bad for their eyes.Now, computers are also very popular. They make our lives more interesting. But using computers too much also does harm to childrens eyes. So now in middle schools,even primary schools,you can see many students wear glasses.Usually children like to eat meat very much,but they dont like vegetables or fruit. They dont know some vegetables and fruit are good for their eyes.25 . What do many students do on weekdays?AThey stay at home.BThey must go to school.CThey watch TV at home.DThey watch movies in the cinema.26 . According to the passage,what is bad for childrens eyes?AWatching TV too much.BStudying hard on weekdays.CEating lots of vegetables or fruit.DPlaying computer games for a short time.27 . What does the underlined word “harm” mean?A提高B改变C伤害D帮助28 . From the passage,we can infer(推断)that _.Athe writer thinks students can learn better with a computerBparents think it is good for children to watch TV a lotCevery child should learn how to use a computer in classDthe writer doesnt like children to use a computer too much五、阅读判断One afternoon Bob and Jane were walking along a quiet street when they heard a big noise from the street corner. They ran there and found that a small car had knocked into the side of a truck. Both the car driver and the truck driver were hurt.“Bob,” said Jane, “run back down the road to Mrs. Days house. Ask her to Call the police and the ambulance(救护车). Hurry! Ill stay here.”Bob went off as fast as he could. Jane could do nothing but wait. She knew That when people were hurt in an accident, they shouldnt be moved.It wasnt long before the police car and the ambulance arrived. The policemen Got the car door open and moved the man out. Then they got the truck driver out.Luckily, the two drivers werent badly hurt, but they were both taken to hospital.The policemen thanked Bob and Jane. “You were very good to act so quickly when You saw the accident. Thank you for all your help.”根据短文内容,判断下列句子正(T)误(F)29 . The accident happened in a quiet street one afternoon.30 . Bob , Jane, Mrs. Day and the policemen heard the noise.31 . The two drivers were hurt in the accident.32 . Jane asked Bob to call the police.33 . Jane had got the drivers out before the policemen arrived.六、听录音补全句子Listen to the passage and complete the sentences(听短文,完成下列句子)34 . They live in _.35 . Kittys grandmother is very _.36 . Kittys _ works in a restaurant.37 . He likes his _very much.38 . Kittys mother helps make sick people _.39 . Ben wants to be a _.七、听对话给图片排序Listen and choose the right picture(根据你听到的内容, 选出相应的图片)ABCDEF40 . _41 . _42 . _43 . _44 . _八、听短文判断Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false(判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容, 符合的用“T”表示, 不符合的用“F”表示)45 . Tony Wangs school is near his home.46 . He walks to school at 7:10 after breakfast.47 . He has got six lessons every day.48 . He likes English because it is important.49 . He never watches TV news with his parents.九、句型转换句型转换50 . They succeeded finally .(改为同义句)They succeeded_.51 . My mother didnt get a letter from her sister.(改为同义句)My mother didnt _ her sister.52 . They will finish the work in a week.(对划线部分提问)_ will they finish the work?53 . Pour the milk into the blender.(改为否定句)_ the milk into the blender.54 . I shall stay two more months .(改为同义句)I shall stay _ months.十、用所给单词的正确形式填空Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms.(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子。每空格限填一词):55 . We are all proud that paper cutting is one of the greatest _ in China. (invent)56 . The dancing room is on the _ floor of that building. You can go from here. (five)57 . “Would you tell _ about your trip to England?” the children asked Uncle Joe. (we)58 . No one knows _ about his life in England. (clear)59 . When we were flying at a _ of 80,000 meters, I felt excited. (high)60 . Today we have more _ to decide our own future than before. (free)61 . It is said that Captain King has got a very _laser torch. (power)62 . Its _for her to get full marks in maths because she is not good at it. (usual)十一、完成句子Complete the sentences according to the given phonetic transcriptions(根据所给音标, 完成句子)63 . Living on an _ /alnd/can be very interesting.64 . Lets go to the _ /si:sad this Saturday, shall we?65 . I want to travel across the _ / n/when I grow up.66 . The teacher asked us to _ /dsks/ the problem ourselves first.67 . What makes him so _ /gr/?十二、用单词的正确形式完成句子选词填空miss, seat, stupid, take care, past68 . When you are outside alone, you must _.69 . He was away from home for some days and he _ his family very much.70 . I made such a silly mistake that I felt I was so _.71 . The fruit shop is not very far, just go _ the supermarket and turn left.72 . You can take my _, its tired to stand with such a heavy bag.十三、单词填空短文填空:Welcome to the World Park!Everyone can go into the park without buying t73 . . In the World Park, there are over 100 places of i74 . from all the parts in the world. They arem75 . , but they look like the real ones. You can see the Golden Gate Bridge. The Golden Gate Bridge is the symbol ( 象征) of San Francisco, the USA. The real Golden Gate Bridge was built in1937. It is 18meters w76 . and 2,737 meters long. You can either drive or walk across the bridge y77 . . Driving under the bridge s towers is very exciting, and walking can give you time to e78 . the wonderful view of the city. You can also look at the pyramids ( 金字塔). About 4,500 year s ago, Egyptians( 埃及人) built the pyramids w79 . stones. Egyptians used these pyramids to k80 . the dead bodies of their kings and queens (王后). Then you can visit the Sydney Opera House. The Opera House o81 . to the public (公众) in 1973. It is near the Sydney Harbor Bridge. It is one of the busiest art centers in the world. Visitors from all over the world are s82 . to see so many theaters and halls inside the Opera House.十四、回答问题Lucy is seven years old. Last week, her parents gave her a guitar. She practised playing the guitar in her bedroom.She played the guitar(吉他) all the time because she liked playing the guitar very much. She played it day and night. Her parents told her not to play it any more. It was too noisy. She promised not to play it at night. In fact, she still played it all the time.Her parents complained(抱怨), her sisters complained and the neighbors complained.“OK, OK!” Lucy said,“I will be a good girl. I will do it more quietly.” But this didnt help much. No one could work, no one could rest, and no one could sleep.One day, Lucy came home and found her parents and sisters were waiting for her. She saw a violin and a piano in the living room. Lucy was very surprised(惊奇的)!“Wow!” she said,“What are these?” “Well,” her father answered, “we see that we cant beat you, so we decide to join you.”83 . When did Lucy get her guitar?(no more than 2 words)_84 . Where did Lucy practise playing the guitar?(no more than 8 words)_85 . Who complained Lucy?(no more than 9 words)_86 . Did Lucy stop playing the guitar at night?(no more than 3 words)_87 . What did Lucy see in the living room?(no more than 11 words)_十五、将所给单词连成句子连词成句88 . too , in, Ren Yue , Class Three, is._.89 . pen friend ,a ,in, has, Canada, Li Xiang._.90 . does , look ,what ,Maria ,like_?91 . please, your ,you ,tell, could, me ,name_?92 . your ,what, do, does, mother_?十六、话题作文93 . 书面表达。同学们,从小到大,会有很多不同的人物伴随着你成长,他们可能是你的家人、老师、朋友、同学甚至是路人。他们或许对你产生了重要影响,进而给你留下深刻印象。请以 “A person who impressed me a lot” 为题写一篇英语作文,描述一位给你留下深刻印象的人物。要求:1. 结构清晰,内容完整,语言流利。2. 文中不得出现真实的学校,姓名等个人信息。3. 80词左右。A person who impressed me a lot第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、听短对话回答问题1、2、3、4、二、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、五、阅读判断1、六、听录音补全句子1、七、听对话给图片排序1、八、听短文判断1、九、句型转换1、十、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、十一、完成句子1、十二、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、十三、单词填空1、十四、回答问题1、十五、将所给单词连成句子1、十六、话题作文1、

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