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人教九年级第八单元测试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Nick has problem _ . Theres something wrong with his feetAwalkBwalksCwalkingDwalked2 . Emmas computer is under repair, but she can use _.AIBmeCmineDmy3 . (题文)- Didnt I tell you my new address?- AYes, you didnt.BNo, you didnt.CNo, you did.DYes, you told.4 . (题文)We have to _ the apples.AeatBpourCcut up5 . I have trouble _English.Could you help me?Alearn B. learningBto learn6 . Ann, can you come to my birthday party tonight? _. Ill come on time.AYes, pleaseBSure, Id love toCSorry, I cantDNo, hanks7 . Who is Dave looking _?His mother. Shes been in hospital for a few days.AforBatCafter8 . - Mr Lee is really good at telling jokes. This makes him a popular teacher. - Youve got the point. Students all like teachers.AkindBcarefulChumorousDpolite9 . I think _ is good for your health.Agetting up late B. drink more milkBeating more fruits D. to eat more meat10 . Look! The traffic light has turned red. We _ stop our car.AcanBcantCmustDmustnt11 . Its not polite for a guest to leave _ saying goodbye.AwithBwithoutCafterDfor12 . Have you seen Marcus _?Yes, he comes to visit me from time to time.AforeverBprobablyConceDlately13 . -I am considering_ an instrument to develop my interest.-Once you start, keep on instead of _ half way.Ato learn; give upBlearning; giving upCto lean; giving upDlearn; giving in14 . Miss Gao is strictherselfeverything .Awith,atBwith , aboutCin ,withDwith, in15 . Youll fail your next exam you start to work hard.AbecauseBunlessCsoDwhy二、完型填空Once upon a time, there was a teacher and his student lying down under a big grass area. Suddenly, the student asked the teacher, “Teacher, I wonder _ I can find my soul mate(灵魂伴侣)? Can you please tell me?” _ for a second, then the teacher answered, “Well, its a pretty hard and easy question.”The student _hard.The teacher continued, “Look that way, there is a lot of grass there. You just walk there but please _ walk backwards(向后地), just walk straight ahead. On your _, try to find a beautiful grass and pick it up and then give it to me. But just one.”The student replied, “OK ,wait for _.” Then he walked straight ahead to the grass field.A few minutes later the student came back.The teacher said, “Um, I dont see any beautiful _ on your hand.”The student explained, “On my journey, I _ a few beautiful grass, but I thought that I would find a_one, so I didnt pick it up. But I didnt realize that I was at the _of the field, and I hadnt picked up any _you told me not to go back so I didnt go back.”“Thats what happened in _life,” the teacher told the student.What is the message of this story?Grass is people _ you. Beautiful Grass is people that draw your attention. Grass field is time.In looking for your soul mate or your right job, please dont always _and hope that there will be a better one. By doing that, youll _your lifetime ,because “Time Never Goes Back.” So the moral (寓意)of the story is LOVE & take the chance that you have now! Treasure it, dont wait until you lose it.16 . AwhatBhowCwhyDwhere17 . AcalmBstillCsilentDpeaceful18 . AguessedBconsideredCworkedDthought19 . AneverBsometimesCoftenDusually20 . AroadBwayCpathDfield21 . AhimBherCmeDyou22 . AtreeBgrassCflowerDleaf23 . AsawBplantedCdiscoveredDreceived24 . AworseBbetterCsweeterDgreener25 . AbeginningBtopCmiddleDend26 . AbutBthoughCbecauseDso27 . AmagicBmainCtrueDreal28 . AaroundBforCbyDwith29 . AchangeBcompareCcorrectDmiss30 . AsaveBmanageCwasteDown三、阅读单选HelpBy Kate | May 6, 2017Hi! Have you ever helped others? What did you do? Have a person ever helped you? Write and let us know!DISCUSSIONSally 9:30Two weeks ago when I did some running in the park. I fell and hurt my knee quite badly. A few moments later, an old woman helped me to stand up. Then she waited until my father came. I didnt know her but she helped me. Reply ShareFred 10:10On my fifteenth birthday. I stood in line to buy coffee in a coffee shop and I noticed that a man looked very tired. I decided to buy a cup of coffee for him. When I gave him the coffee, I was very happy to see his smiling faces. Reply ShareJoe 11:00The day before yesterday I saw a boy lying on the street. I tried to wake him up, but I couldnt. I called 999. Hes OK now. I made friends with him. He thinks Im a hero, but I just did what was right. Reply ShareLisa 11:20I always try to help other people. For example, I talk to my friends when they are lonely. I make a joke at school when my classmates look bored. Last week I gave away my old clothes to the poor. Reply Share31 . Who helped Sally?AAn old woman.BA man.CA boy.DThe poor.32 . When did Fred buy a cup of coffee for a man?ATwo weeks ago.BOn his fifteenth birthday.CThe day before yesterday.DLast week.33 . Joe saw a boy lying _.Ain the parkBin a coffee shopCon the streetDat school34 . Last week Lisa _.Adid some runningBstood in line to buy coffeeCmade friends with a boyDgave away her old clothes to the poorI was very surprised to receive the phone call at 4 oclock in the morning.It was from the hospital.Our son was terribly burnt on his face,neck and arms.They had called for an ambulance (救护车)and were going to take him to the burn unit in Beijing.Beijing is 350 miles from his university,so we realized immediately that was serious.My sons roommate described the accident,which caused the burns.Our son and his friends decided to barbecue (烧烤)hamburgers in the yard of their apartment.When they hit the charcoal (木炭),it started a fire in a sudden.The fire caught my sons shirt tail and shot from his back to his head.He stayed in hospital for almost two months.After he got well,he had to return to college with scars caused by serious burning.When I was a child,my mother told my sister,who had a long,very clear scar on her arm,“Xiaoling,if you dont care about the scar,other people will pay no attention to it.It does not mean they will not notice it,but it means it will not matter to them if it doesnt matter to you.”I passed this suggestion on to my son who took my advice to heart and returned to school with his head held highglad he was alive.We all have “scars”that cause people to keep away from us.And we spend a lot of time thinking that if only we look differently,or dress differently,people would like us better.But if you focus on them,other people will only judge you by your looks,or your clothes.Put the scars aside,after all,nobody is perfect,so try to be confident,and your beauty will shine through.35 . Why did the hospital call “us”?ATo tell us the bad news of our son.BTo ask us to call an ambulance.CTo describe the accident of our son.DTo let us take our son back to college.36 . The third paragraph wants to tell us .Ato be careful in our daily lifeBnot to care about othersCnot to pay attention to the scarsDto pass suggestions on to others37 . The word “scars”in the last paragraph refers to(指的是).Athe serious accidents someone had beforeBthe feelings of sadness after leaving a hospitalCunpleasant experiences that somebody hadDsomething that makes somebody different38 . What can we learn from the passage?ADont barbecue,for it will cause fire.BListen to others suggestions and be happy.CTry to be perfect and people will like you.DBe confident and face the disadvantages.四、填写适当的单词补全句子39 . 阅读短文,根据首字母提示用合适的单词填空。(共10题,每小题1分,计10分)Hi! My【小题1】n_ is Linda. I am 12 years【小题2】o_. I【小题3】s_ at No. 2 Middle School. I go to school【小题4】f_ Monday to Friday. My favorite day is【小题5】F_. We have art and PE lessons and we have beef for lunch. Beef is my favorite【小题6】f_. My favorite【小题7】t_ is Miss White. She is our【小题8】E_ teacher. She has【小题9】l_ hair. She loves【小题10】m_. She often sings for us.五、用所给单词的正确形式填空40 . Keep practicing and you_(improve) your English.41 . There_ (be) a big football match between England and Italy on TV tonight.42 . The doctor tells his mother he_(be) better next week than he is now.43 . I hope Tim can come to my birthday party. Then we_(have) a much happier time.44 . Dont forget to give my best wishes to your uncle.No, I_ (will)六、多任务混合问题任务型阅读Kim Jones planned a birthday party for her boyfriend Sam Philip last Tuesday night. However, the evening turned out very different from what either of them had expected.In the late afternoon, a huge electricity blackout hit seven northeastern states in the U.S.A. and three provinces in Canada. Just after four oclock, a time when millions of people leave their offices and head home, the electricity stopped. Elevators and the underground systems in large cities like New York and Toronto stopped working. Planes could not land or take off at airports. As soon as most people found out about the blackout, they put their cell phones to good use and called their families to let them know where they were.Kim works on the 70th floor of an apartment tower in New York. She had just left her office and was trapped in an elevator on the 65th floor. At first, she was worried. She called Sam and discovered what had happened. He told her not to give up hope. Then Sam remembered that his friend Joe also worked in that building. Joe could probably take care of the situation. At about five oclock, Joe and some other workers found out that they could get Kim out of the elevator through its roof. Kim still had to walk down a lot of stairs, but that wasnt so terrible.Kim felt tired, but she also felt lucky. When she got down to the street at eight oclock, she found Sam waiting for her. A number of their friends were there, too. As for the birthday party, it turned into a picnic by candlelight because the city went without electricity for several days. Sam said he would never forget it.45 . When did the blackout take place?46 . Whose birthday was on that day?47 . The elevator stopped on the_floor.48 . Kim got out of the elevator with the help of_.49 . It was an unforgettable night to Sam because_. (list one reason)七、材料作文50 . 书面表达NameMs. LiAge35Appearancetall, beautiful, long curly hairHobbiesreading, singing, dancing, playing sportsCharacter(性格)patient, friendly, warmheartedMy comment(评价)a good teacher, a friend, a mother根据表格所给信息写短文。要求:1.文中不能出现真实校名和老师真实姓名。2语句要通顺,表达要正确。3文章要求包含表格中的所有提示。4词数:80左右。5文章开头已给出,不计入总词数。I have met many excellent teachers in junior school. One of them is my English teacher. We call her Ms. Li._第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、四、填写适当的单词补全句子1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、六、多任务混合问题1、七、材料作文1、


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