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上海新世纪版2019-2020学年六年级上学期期末英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . (题文)Please come _ see _ yourself at Huaxing Clothes Store.Ato;aboutBat; forCand;forDto; at2 . -Shall we go to the amusement park right away or next weekend?-Any .time will do.AExcuse meBHave a good timeCIm afraid I cantDIts up to you3 . )In which pair of the words, the underlined parts pronounce differently?AjunkupBhousework loudCbread leastDstand fact4 . 选出下列单词划线部分发音不同于其他单词的词AreadBbreadCheavyDweather5 . Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from others?AThe plane leaves at 12:30.BDaddy, will you read me a story?CWe mustnt break the rules.DPoor light produces weak plants.6 . (题文)Tom is healthy, because he eats a lot of healthy .AfoodBeggCpearDapple7 . It was such a day that I felt so .Atiring; tiredBtiring; tiringCtired; tiredDtired; tiring8 . One of my best friends _going to _me next month.Ais;comeBis;visitCare;playDare;enjoy9 . AeveningBeveryCeggDdesk10 . The new bridge over the river is_.Atwo kilometers longBtwo kilometer longCtwo long kilometersDtwo long kilometer11 . Ajacket B. man C. can D. any12 . Is this dictionary?No, its.Ayour, hisByours; hersCyours; her13 . I think computers are very useful. They can help us get much_ on the Internet.AcompetitionBinformationCdiscussion14 . Whats wrong with her?There may be something wrong with her _,she cant see things clearly.AeyesBearsCmouthDnose15 . - Its important (重要的) for us to learn English well. - I agree you.AonBtoCwithDat16 . Dale is tidy. _ his brother _.ABut; isBBut; is notCAnd; is notDAnd; are not17 . _?Shes my aunt.AIs she your auntBWhats itCHows sheDWhos she18 . (题文)There are 365 days in a _.AmonthBdayCyearDweek19 . Physics is too _ for me. I dont like it at all.AinterestingBeasyCdifficultDwonderful20 . Its hot today. How about going swimming after school?_.AThats OKBGood luckCGood idea21 . (云南省昆明市模拟)Many _ are playing an active part in making Kunming a civilized city (文明城市).AmanBwomanCvolunteerDvolunteers22 . _ exchange student from Spain is _ university student.AAn; anBThe; aCThe; anDThe; the23 . She told me the sun _ in the east.AriseBroseCrisesDis rising24 . -Are those your pencils? -_.ANo, they are.BNo, I am notCYes, theyre.DYes, they are.25 . -Lets have a trip tomorrow.-That sounds _. Why not?AwellBballyCbadDgood二、阅读单选Hello! Nice to meet you. Now let me introduce myself (自我介绍) to you. My name is Mary. Im 12 years old. Im from Canada and I speak English. Im a tall girl. I have long brown hair and big blue eyes. I likemusica lot. I often sing songs with my friends in my free time. I have a happy family. There are four people in my family. They are my mom, my dad, my sister and me. I like China very much and I want to visit Beijing, but I cant speak Chinese at all.I hope (希望) to be your friend, then we can help each other with English and Chinese.根据材料内容,选择最佳答案。26 . Mary comes from _.AAmericaBCanadaCEnglandDChina27 . How old is Mary?ATwelve.BThirteen.CFourteen.DFifteen.28 . What does Mary look like?AShe is short.BShe has short hair.CShe has a round face.DShe has big blue eyes.29 . The underlined word “music” means “_” in Chinese.A体育B美术C音乐D电影30 . Which of the following is TRUE?AMary can speak a little Chinese.BMary cant speak English.CMary wants to visit England.DMary wants to have some friends in China.(题文)Tim is a 16yearold boy and he studies in a high school.His parents tell him to study hard and they do everything for him.They wake him up at 6:00 am,and after breakfast his father takes him to school by car.As soon as the young man comes home from school,the dinner is ready.Of course,he never does chores.Once,Tims father would go to London on business for a year.Before leaving,he told his wife to look after their son well.The woman had to get up earlier and did all what her husband did before.Two months later,she was so tired that she was ill.The young man got into trouble at once.He couldnt do housework.Even he didnt know where to get on the bus.Yesterday Tims mother found his shoes were worn out(穿烂了) and told him to buy a new pair.But he didnt know how to choose right shoes.The woman had a sigh(叹息),gave him a shoe pattern(鞋样) and told him to buy shoes himself.With a policemans help,he found a shop.The shopkeeper brought some shoes and asked him to choose.When he was trying on a pair,suddenly(突然) he remembered something and took them off.The man was surprised and asked,“Whats the matter?”“Im sorry.Ive left my shoe pattern at home.”31 . (小题1)Tim _ when he comes home from school in the evening.Adoes choresBhelps to cook dinnerCdoes nothing except(除了) doing homeworkDhas dinner at once32 . (小题2)Tims mother was ill because _.Aher husband went to London on businessBshe had to take care of her son by herself and she was too tiredCher son didnt study hard and she was too angryDshe had to get up too early when her husband was at home33 . (小题3)Tims mother _ to help him choose right shoes.Agave him a book about buying shoesBasked a policemanCgave him a shoe patternDcalled the shoe shop34 . (小题4)Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?ATims parents dont make him do any housework.BNobody can buy right shoes without a shoe pattern.CTims father told his wife to look after their son well before he went to London.DTim found the shoe shop with a policemans help.35 . (小题5)What do you think of Tims parents?AThey are the best parents of all.BThey give their son too much love.CTheir love to their son is great and right.DThey feel tired and bored every day.2017 Tacoma Holiday Food & Gift Festival Ticket InformationHow to buy a ticket?Online Ticket:You buy a ticket before the show. An online ticket will allow you to go directly to the door to enter the show. Any ticket can be used for any day of the show. Ticket prices have been reduced by $1 per ticket if you buy them online.At The Show:Tickets may be bought directly at the show at one of the ticket counters located at the front entrance of the building. A ticket can be used to return any following day of the show with a hand stamp and the ticket stub.Group Ticket:Groups of 10 or more may call Tacoma Dome at 253-272-3663 and ask for “Group Sales” to receive a better rate on your tickets. There is a one time $5 handing fee to cover shipping on any order.Ticket Prices:Kids 12 & under: Get in FREEAdults: $14.50 (Ticket price includes $1 Dome Tax)Return FREE! Good all 4 daysIncludes entry to Cooking For The Holidays & Entertainment ProgramsALL TICKET SALES FINAL, NO REFUNDS OR EXCHANGES36 . There is going to be in Tacoma.AHoliday Food & Gift FestivalBArt & Literature FestivalCHoliday Food & Sports FestivalDTicket & Gift Festival37 . How many ways of buying tickets are there?AOneBTwoCThreeDFour38 . Tom, a 15-year-old boy, wants to go to the show with his twin brother. How much should he pay for the tickets if he buys them online?A25B27C29DFreeHi! My name is Kate. I love dancing. I dance for an hour every day. Healthy food is good for me. I always have milk and bread for breakfast. For lunch and dinner, I usually eat fish and vegetables. Sometimes I feel hungry between meals, so I eat an apple or a pear. I dont like ice-cream or chocolate.Hello! I am Peter. I like playing computer games. I dont like doing sports. I love hamburgers and cola, but they are not healthy. I need to change my lifestyle (生活方式) now. I plan (计划) to eat more fruit and vegetables every day. I love beef, but I also need to eat some fish. There is a swimming pool (池) near my home. I plan to go swimming every week.39 . Kate has _ for lunch and dinner.Amilk and breadBfish and vegetablesCan apple or a pearDice-cream or chocolate.40 . What does Peter like?ADancing.BSwimming.CPlaying computer games.DPlaying soccer.41 . From the article (文章), we know _.AKate has a healthy eating habitBPeter doesnt like fruit and beef very muchCKate and Peter always eat healthy foodDPeter eats more fruit and vegetables every day42 . The articles are about Kates and Peters _.Ahobbies (业余爱好)BlifestylesCfavorite foodDsports三、句型转换句型转换43 . He is going to clean the house next week. (改为否定句)He _ clean the house next week.44 . My mother is going to the shops this weekend. (改为同义句)My mother is going to _ this weekend.45 . Are the four boys going to play cards this evening? (作否定回答)_, _.46 . Tim meets his friends at the station. (用next Tuesday改写)Tim _ his friends at the station next Tuesday.47 . Lucy is going to Disneyland because she likes Mickey Mouse. (对画线部分提问)_ Lucy _ to Disneyland?四、用所给单词的正确形式填空用括号内所给词的适当形式填空48 . Jenny hurt her two _(foot).49 . May I ask you some _(person)questions?50 . _(be)careful! Here comes the bus.51 . Here are some good ways of _(learn)English.52 . How about _(go)for a walk after supper?53 . Its interesting _(play)computer games, but its not good for you.五、单词填空Dina is very54 . .She exercises every day, usually when she comes home from school. She tries to 55 . a lot of vegetables, usually ten or eleven times 56 . week. She eats fruit and 57 . milk every day. 58 . course, she loves junk food, too, 59 . , she tries to eat it only once a week. She 60 . nine hours every night. So you see, she looks after her health very well. And it makes a big difference to her. Good food and exercise also 61 . with her study.六、多任务混合问题李军第一次拿工资,想给每个家人买一份礼物,请根据对其家人的具体介绍,为他们选择合适的礼物。,将相应的图片序号填入第71-74空格中,并完成第75小题。62 . Li Juns brother likes listening to music, he always listens to songs while reading books or on buses.63 . Li Juns father is a taxi driver , he is very busy in the day , but he loves sports very much . He often plays soccer when he is free.64 . Li Juns grandma likes exercising . She often walks in the park on sunny days. She hopes to be in good health.65 . Li Juns mother is a teacher , she is always busy with her work, so she has a sore back these days, she decides to swim in her free time.66 . How much will it take Li Jun to get these present for his family ?ALess than 700 yuan.BMore than 1200yuan.CLess than 1200 yuanD1000yuan.七、话题作文67 . 书面表达用英语为你自己的服装店写一则广告。要求:书写认真、卷面整洁;80词左右,不得出现真实校名、地名、人名Ginas Clothes Store_第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、21、22、23、24、25、二、阅读单选1、2、3、4、三、句型转换1、四、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、五、单词填空1、六、多任务混合问题1、七、话题作文1、


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