2020版外研版英语九年级上册Moudle 10 Unit 3 同步测试卷(I)卷

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2020版外研版英语九年级上册Moudle 10 Unit 3 同步测试卷(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . -Qingdao is the most beautiful city _ Ive ever been to.-So it is. Many international meetings are held there every year.AthatBwhichCwhat2 . It is a beautiful garden _ lots of trees.AofBinCforDwith3 . Li Ming says he loves singers_their own music.Awhich writeBthat writesCwho writeDwho writes4 . What do you think of the show Readers on CCTV? Its a great TV showexpresses our true feelings by reading aloud in public.AwhomBwhoCwhoseDthat5 . I want to find a good book. Im going to the _.AcinemaBlibraryCmuseum6 . We need two more rooms _.Ato liveBto live inClivingDlive in7 . We have at seven in the morning.AlunchBbreakfastCeggDdinner8 . What do you think of The Belt and Road Initiative(一带一路倡议)?-Great! It will help China improve the _ with those related countries.ArelationshipBagreementCenvironmentDinformation9 . What are you looking for?I m looking for the dictionary _ you lent me last week.A. who B what C. that10 . (2016湖北黄冈中考)I really want to relax myselfCould we see City Danger tonight?Sure!The actor _ a hero used to be a schoolteacherI like him very muchAwho playBwhich playsCwho playsDthat play11 . Russia is bigger than _ country in Asia.AanyBany otherCthe other12 . Only those _ have the patience to do simple things perfectly ever get the skill to do difficult things easily.AwhoBwhomCwhichDwhat13 . This is my _. Shes eight.AbrotherBfatherCuncleDsister14 . If you want to be famous, there is still a long way _AgoBgoingCto goDgoes15 . Do you have any trouble in English?Yes, _ complete conversations.Ato make upBmake upCmaking upDto making up二、补全短文5选4五选四阅读I travelled to Canada one summer with students from my French class. 16 . It was exciting because I could finally speak the foreign language. I was learning and I could hear native speakers(说母语的人).Canada is an excellent place to practice French for two reasons. 17 . I can use French when Im ready. There wouldnt be much pressure. If I have something very important to communicate,they can understand me if I speak English. Second,people there like it when you try to speak French,even if you only speak a little. 18 . Interestingly enough,although I wanted to communicate in my newly learnt language,I soon found I could hardly use any of the words I have learnt when I tried to use them. 19 . It sounded a little strange to me. And many words are completely different. Although I didnt get many opportunities(机会)to practice French in Canada,Im still thankful for this experience.AFirst,most people in the French-speaking part of Canada can speak both French and English.BIt was my first trip outside the United States.CI was glad that I could stay with my friends in Canada for a long time.DWe learnt the accent(口音)used in France,but the accent used in Canada is different from what we learnt.EThey hold French in higher esteem(认为更高贵)than English.三、阅读单选In the east of the world,In the regions south of the Yangtze River, China,There is a piece of poetic beautiful land Yangzhou.Someone says of all the nice moon nights in the world,In Yangzhou, it seems that two thirds of them can be found.When you arrive in Yangzhou,you will start a long Jiangnan dream.The heaven of the birds is everywhere.There is a night, a moonlight on the spring river.There is a kind of romance waiting for a spring rain with an umbrella.There is a beautiful view appearing on a stamp , in which is Wenfeng Tower.You can experience four seasons in a day in Geyuan Garden.In fall, you can enjoy the maple leaves in Heyuan Garden.And Daming Temple is world-famous for Jianzhen.The magical view will make you fall in love here.The relaxing and easygoing life will make you feel sorry to leave here.When spring comes every year, it will give you a Yangzhou dream.In Yangzhou there is a special skill called paper cutting.There is a view which is like a Chinese ink painting.Living in Yangzhou seems like living in the poem or painting.Each place is moving.20 . What does the underlined sentences in Paragraph 1 mean?AYou can see two moons in the moon night.BThe full moon night cant be found in Yangzhou.CYangzhou has the most beautiful view in the moon night.DOne third of the nice moon nights cant be found in Yangzhou.21 . Where can you experience four seasons in a day in Yangzhou?AIn Wenfeng Tower.BIn Geyuan Garden.CIn Heyuan Garden.DIn Daming Temple.22 . The underlined word moving in Paragraph 3 may mean _.A让人动心的B移动的C活动的D流转的四、句型转换句型转换23 . Have you heard of the magazine called Reader?(改为复合句)Have you heard of the magazine _Reader?24 . Lucy told an interesting story. (改为感叹句)_ story Lucy told!25 . I want to watch the football match. (改为同义句)I _ watching the football match.26 . They have stayed abroad for nearly five years. (对画线部分提问)_have they stayed abroad?27 . He is reading a book. The book has many interesting pictures in it. (合并成一句)He is reading a book _ many interesting pictures in it.同义句转换。(每空一词)28 . He is a good comrade with whom you can work.He is a good comrade _.29 . The meeting, which was held in the park, was attended by 1,000 people. The meeting was attended by 1,000 people, _ was held in the park.30 . I dont like the boy, since he is very lazy.I dont like the boy, _ is very lazy.31 . Last month part of Southeast Asia was struck by floods and people are still suffering from its effects.Last month part of Southeast Asia was struck by floods, _ effects people are still suffering.32 . Small computers need small amount of power. That means you use less electricity.Small computers need small amount of power, _ means you use less electricity.五、用所给单词的正确形式填空用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空33 . My mother put too much _ (salt)into the chicken soup.34 . _ (final),they decided to go to the movies on the weekend.35 . First,_(peel)two tomatoes and cut them up.36 . Is that all?No,one_ (many)thing. Dont forget to cover it.37 . Next,pour three _ (spoon)of water into the dishes.38 . Its going to rain. Dont forget _ (take)an umbrella with you.六、用单词的正确形式完成句子从方框中选择恰当的词并用其适当形式填空hate,brush,period,high,famous39 . The store sells all kinds of _.40 . During those _,Mr Brown lived a poor life.41 . Mr Lin _ being late for work.42 . Mo Yan is one of _ writers in the world.43 . That girl is 1.7 metres in _.七、填空任务型阅读阅读下面的短文,在空格处填写一个适当的单词Xinghua is a beautiful city in Jiangsu Province. It covers an area of 2393 square metres and its made up of 34 towns. There are more than 1,500,000 people living here. Xinghua has a history of over 2000 years. Long ago it was named “Zhaoyang” or “Chushui”.Many famous people have lived in this old city. In old times, Zheng Banqiao and Shi Naian were the most famous ones. In Zheng Banqiaos Former House, we can enjoy many Chinese paintings by Zheng Banqiao. The bamboos in them are fantastic. Nowadays, Xinghua is also called “The Town of novels in China”. There are many good novelists in Xinghua, among them is Bi Feiyu. The worlds chess champion(冠军) He Yifan also comes from Xinghua.Spring, especially April, is the best time to visit Xinghua. The weather is so fine that all the views are wonderful. “Qiandao Rape Flowers”(千岛菜花) here is known as the most beautiful rape flowers in China. You cant miss the wonderful natural beauty! Xinghua is around by rivers and “The Forest in Water” is another interesting place. Most of the trees grow in the river there. You can enjoy the green trees on a boat while the birds are singing around you!Xinghua is also well-known for its delicious local food, such as Crabs, Fish Balls, Dried Tofu and so on. There are lots of restaurants in the city centre, many visitors like to try the local food. If you dont like the local food, therere also all kinds of foods from the world.Things here are not expensive.There are many good supermarkets and shopping malls.You can buy some presents for your relatives and friends. Why not come here soon?Welcome to44 . Basic situationIt is in Jiangsu Province.It has an45 . of 2393 square metres and the population (人口) is over 1.546 . .It was called Zhaoyang or Chushui in the past.47 . peopleIn old times, Zheng Banqiao and Shi Naian were the most famous ones.Bi Feiyu is among the novelists.He Yifan is the worlds48 . champion.Beautiful viewsSpring is the49 . time to visit here.Qiandao Rape Flowers is amazing.In the Forest in Water, trees grow in50 . .Delicious51 . foodCrabs,52 . balls and Dried Tofu are well-known.Visitors like to try the local food.ShoppingThere are many supermarkets and shopping malls.Things are53 . .You can buy good presents here.I have lived in France for nine years, but I cannot walk down the street without being recognized(认出) as an Englishman from 50 metres away before I open my mouth. Why?In France, the quickest way to recognize an Englishman is that hell be the one with the belly(肚子) and the shirt hanging out. Englishmen often wear shapeless black T-shirts, either too big or too small. However, Frenchmen are more formal(正式的) in dressing. Their T-shirts have collars(领子). Shorts have buttons and zips rather than drawstrings(拉绳). Shoes look expensive.Englishmen think of lunchtime as 1 p. m. , but for Frenchmen it is 12 oclock, one hour earlier. This may explain the sad looks if an Englishman arrives at a local restaurant at 1:30 p. m. At that time most restaurants dont have waiters. All the cooking and serving may be done by the boss and his wife. When you are shown to your table, just sit there and wait. Dont wave your hands to the waiters. Englishmen think guests should do something to make the waiters pay attention to them. But in France some bread and water will come first, then the waiters will take your order according to the rhythm(节奏) of the restaurant. Have enough patience(耐心)!阅读短文,完成表格(每空一词)。Some 54 . between Englishmen and FrenchmenFrenchmen55 . Dresswear T-shirts 56 . collarswear 57 . with buttons and zipswear shoes which 58 . muchwear T-shirts which are shapelesswear shorts mostly with drawstrings wear shoes which may be cheapLunchhave lunch at 59 . follow the rhythm of the 60 . have lunch at or after 1 p. m.do something to attract the 61 . attentionConclusionEnglishmen wear 62 . formal clothes than Frenchmen.Englishmen cant be 63 . enough for meals while Frenchmen can.八、汉译英:整句四、将下列句子译成英语64 . 我怕蛇,而且多数人怕蛇。_65 . 前几天我游览了长城。_66 . 这孩子能经常保持卧室的清洁。_67 . 你想知道有关动物更多的知识吗?_68 . 这些故事很有趣。还有其他的吗?_九、材料作文69 . 期末临近,学校希望家校双方对每位学生本学期的表现做一个整体、客观的评价。以下是同学,父母和老师对外籍学生Dennis的评价。请根据表格内容,对Dennis进行描述。同学对Dennis的评价善良:用自己的零花钱在书店为班级购书;父母对Dennis的评价健康:有良好的生活方式 (饮食;运动);老师对Dennis的评价聪明:对中国节日了解很多。他知道在春节时,人们(举至少一例春节中国人喜爱做的事)。1. 70词左右。开头已给出,不计入总词数。2.要点齐全,省略处适当发挥使文章通顺流畅。3.文中不得出现真实的人名、校名、地名等相关信息。Dennis does well this term.His classmates think _第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、补全短文5选41、三、阅读单选1、四、句型转换1、2、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、六、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、七、填空1、2、八、汉译英:整句1、九、材料作文1、

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