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上海新世纪版2019-2020学年七年级上学期期末英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . AyellowBbrownCwindowDknow2 . Did you the International Marathon in Lan Zhou on June 2, 2019?Of course. How exciting!AwatchBreviewCsupposeDdiscover3 . Miss Chen, Ive left my English book at home. Can Iit now?It doesnt matter. I can lend mine to you.AbringBtakeCfetch4 . (2017江苏南京)Would you like some green tea?No, thanks. I _ drink green tea. It hurts my stomach.AalmostBseldomConlyDstill5 . Would you like some noodles?_. I am not hungry now.AYoure welcomeBYes, pleaseCNo, thanksDHere you are6 . Coco Lee, the winner of last seasons Im a Singer, showed her great _ for music at avery young age.ApraiseBinterestCtalentDtaste7 . _ ? - It is on May 22ndAWhen. is your birthdayBHow old are youCHow are you8 . Look! The boy who plays football well is in a shirt of Argentina (阿根廷), number 10.Right. He likes football very much and his dream is towhen he grows up.Awear Messis shirtBplay in the World Cup like MessiCtake up a new hobbyDchat with football stars9 . Our new teacher is going to give us some _ this term.AadvicesBan adviceCadviceDpiece of advice10 . These are some safety tips he is considering _ people themselves against crime.AprotectingBto protectCprotectDprotected二、补全短文7选5B) 请先阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后根据短文内容从下面方框内的七个选项中选择五个还原到文中,使短文意思通顺、结构完整 She lived a few miles away.11 . The dog was looking up at the woman. Jack walked up to the woman and said, “Hello, Sue, how are you? May I sit and talk with you for a while(一会儿)?” “ 12 . ”Sue said. Jack sat down next to Sue on the beach(凳子), and they talked quietly together. The dog continued (继续) looking up at Sue, as if (好像) waiting to be fed. (被喂) “Thats a nice dog, isnt he?” Jack said, pointing at the animal. “Yes, he is. Hes handsome. Hes a bit of mixture(混血儿), but thats not a bad thing. Hes strong and healthy.” “And hungry,” Jack said. “ 13 . , He thinks you have some food for him.” “Thats true.” Sue said. “ But I havent .” They both laughed and then Jack said, “ Does your dog bite(咬人)?” “ No, ” Sue said. “ Hes never bitten anyone. 14 . ” Hearing this, Jack decided to hold out (伸出) his hand and touched (摸) the animals head. Suddenly it jumped up and bit him. “Hey!” Jack shouted . “ You said your dog didnt bite.” Sue answered in surprise, “Yeah, I did. But this is not my dog.15 . ”ASorry, youd better not.BI dont have a dog.CShe was sitting on a bench with a dog beside (在旁边)her .DHe hasnt taken his eyes off you. (他视线没离开过你)EHes always gentle(温顺) and friendly.FOf course, please sit down.GMy dog is at home三、完型填空I have a little _ . Its name is Jim. Its only one year old. Every morning Jim goes to the shop near my home. The girl in the shop gives him two things, a sweet and a newspaper. Jim eats the sweet and takes the newspaper in his _. Then he runs home. When I am eating my_, Jim goes outside to _ the bus. When he sees the bus, he makes noises. I run out and the bus stops for me. Jim never lets me _ the bus.16 . AsonBgirlCfriendDdog17 . AhandBmouthCpocketDbag18 . AbreakfastBlunchCsupperDdinner19 . AcallBwait forCaskDwant20 . Aget onBget offCmissDcatch四、阅读单选Hello!My name is Becky Sharp. Im eleven years old. Ive got one brother-his names Jonson and hes fourteen. I havent got any sisters.I live with my mum , dad and grandma in a small house in Chesterfield,in the north of England. There are lots of things to do here. My friends and I go to the cinema on Saturdays.Do you like games? I like football. My favorite team is Manchester United. I sometimes play football with my brother. Im good at it but he isnt very good.Ive got seven pets-a tortoise and six goldfish. I want a dog or a cat,but my mother doesnt like them.21 . There are _ people in Beckys family.AthreeBfourCfiveDsix22 . What is the girls surname(姓)?AsharpBBeckyCBecky SharpDnone of the above23 . The girls family live in _.Aa big roomBa cinemaCthe west of EnglandDthe north of England24 . Does the girl play football well?AYes,she does.BNo,she doesnt.CShes not very good.DWe dont know.25 . The girls mother doesnt like _.Athe tortoise or the goldfishBthe tortoise or the dogCa dog or a catDthe goldfish or the cat阅读理解。A new study says that American children have exciting after-school life. Many junior and senior students have a lot of interesting things to do in their free time. About 57% students have activities every day. 82% students have activities at least four times a week. American students spend their free time doing sports or enjoying arts, music and dancing. They like to have fun outside school because they can make a lot of friends during their activities.26 . What is American childrens life like after school?AUnhappy.BBoring.CExciting.DUnhealthy.27 . How many students have activities every day if there are 200 students?AAbout 30 students.BAbout 114 students.CAbout 139 students.DAbout 164 students.28 . American studentsor enjoy arts, music and dancing in their free time.Ado sportsBwatch TVCsurf on the InternetDplay computer games29 . American students like to have fun outside school because.Athey like their teachersBthey can make many friendsCthey dont like school lifeDthey are free to do anything outsideAfter hours of driving ,my wife Tara and I were so tired,but happy to finally get home . We put the car on the driveway and headed inside home .At seven oclock in the morning,we opened the front door and found that the car was stolen ! We called the police .Afterwards ,all we could do was waiting for news . As time went by, Tara became very upset as she remembered many things in the car-our wedding album, family photos from past generations and my wallet ,just to name a few .Frustrated(沮丧的),Tara asked me how I could stay calm .I said: “Honey, we can have a stolen car and be all upset, or we can have a stolen car and be happy. Either way, we have a stolen car. Why not be happy ?”Five days later ,our car was returned.As I drove it home ,I crashed into (撞上)another car ,which would cost around 3000 dollars to repair .I was sorry and upset for what I had done .I was sad .Then Tara arrived home .She put her arms around me and said, Honey,we can have a wrecked (撞坏的)car and be upset ,or we can have a wrecked car and be happy .Either way ,we have a wrecked car ,so lets choose to be happy .”I looked at her and laughed happily .30 . Why did the writers wife become sad after the case was lost ?Athey just bought the car .Bthey couldnt go to meet their family.Cshe didnt believe the police .Dmany important things were in the car .31 . Why could the writer stay calm ? Because_.Ahe knew the car could come back some day .Bhe thought it was not his fault .Che thought it was no use feeling sad .Dhe had enough money to buy a new car .32 . What can we learn from the story ?AThe writer was too careless to lose his car .BThe writer was calm after crashing into another car .CThe writers wife felt angry about their wrecked car .DThe writer and his wife encouraged each other to face losses.33 . What does the passage mainly tell us ?ABad luck never comes alone ,so be ready for it .BBe careful and there will be no wrecked cars .CYou can choose to be happy when bad things happen .DCars can be easily lost if you forget to lock them .Wang Ping is a student. He studies at No 2 Middle School in Shanghai. On weekdays he gets up at six thirty. Then he puts on his clothes. He has his breakfast at seven. After breakfast he goes to school. He is in Class Three, Grade Seven. He has Chinese, math, English and some other subjects.Wang Ping likes playing basketball in the afternoon, he often plays basketball with his friends. At five oclock he goes home. He does his homework in the evening. Then he eats dinner with his family. He goes to bed at about nine thirty. His school day is very busy, but he thinks he is very happy. He hopes he will be a basketball player in the future because he likes NBA very much.34 . Wang Ping studies at _.ANo. 2 Middle School in ShanghaiBNo. 8 Middle School in BeijingCNo. 5 Middle School in WuhanDNo. 14 Middle School in Nanjing35 . He gets up on weekdays _.AearlyBlateCat six thirtyDat half past seven36 . Wang Ping goes to school _.Awithout breakfastBbefore breakfastCafter breakfastDat half past seven37 . Wang Ping likes _.Aplaying football with his friends in the afternoonBplaying computer games with his classmates in the eveningCwatching TV at home in the afternoonDplaying basketball with his friends in the afternoon.38 . He does his homework _.Ain the morningBin the afternoonCin the eveningDbefore supper五、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意及首字母提示完成单词39 . Why dont we open a b_ of wine to celebrate?40 . The girl could r_ the poem after I had read it twice.41 . Jim has made r_ progress in his English study.42 . As we all know, _ (橡胶) can be used in many ways.43 . His _ (孙子) is so lovely that we all like him.六、回答问题阅读短文, 根据其内容回答问题。There is an apple tree behind Wang Fangs house. These are many big and red apples on it. Wang Fang is standing under the tree. She is looking at the apples and wants to get(得到)one from it. But she is too short and cant reach (够得着)them. She is very worried(着急). After thinking(想了会), she puts a chair under the tree and stands on it to get the apples. But she also cant get one. She doesnt know what to do. At this time(就在这时), here comes Wang Qing, her brother. He is tall and he helps his sister get some apples. Wang Fang is very happy and thanks her brother a lot.44 . Are there many big and red apples on the apple tree?_.45 . Can Wang Fang reach the apples?_.46 . Who is looking the apples and wants to get one?_.47 . Where is the apple tree? _.48 . Why does Wang Fang thank her brother a lot?Because _.七、汉译英:整句翻译句子49 . 不要向外看树上的鸟儿。_50 . 这座城市的中心有一个很大的公园。_51 . 我认为公园是散步最好的场所。_52 . 我最喜欢客厅。_53 . 你最喜欢什么地方?_54 . 我们喜欢在那儿聊天。_55 . 你常和你的狗在花园里玩吗?_56 . 我哥哥和我共用一间卧室。_八、话题作文57 . 书面表达。我们的健康离不开运动。请你根据自己最喜欢的运动谈谈多锻炼对我们的益处。70词左右。第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、补全短文7选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、2、3、4、五、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、六、回答问题1、七、汉译英:整句1、八、话题作文1、


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