2020版牛津译林版九年级下册英语 Unit 4 Life on Mars-综合同步练习A卷

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2020版牛津译林版九年级下册英语 Unit 4 Life on Mars-综合同步练习A卷_第3页
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2020版牛津译林版九年级下册英语 Unit 4 Life on Mars-综合同步练习A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Virgin Galactic told reporters that the cost of travelling into space would be low enough for common people to afford _ the year 2020.AforBbyCsinceDuntil2 . _ delicious the food is!AWhatBWhat aCHowDHow a3 . There is a baby _ in the room.AsleepBsleepingCto sleepingDto sleep4 . Time is running out. But I am sure about the huge possibility _ we can get the job finished on time.AwhetherBwhyCthatDhow5 . Manon the earth for millions of years.Abegan to liveBlivedChas livedDhave lived6 . -Who is in the classroom now? -_. All the students are watching the football game on the playground.AEveryoneBAnybodyCNobodyDSomebody7 . Where the lions from?AdoBdoesCisDare8 . I cant get to my food. It means: _.AI cant buy my foodBI cant reach my foodCI cant bring my foodDI cant get my food9 . I dont know _ she studies hard or not. _she does, she will get good marks.Aif; IfBwhether; WhetherCwhether; IfDif; Whether10 . Excuse me,sir. You use your mobile phone at the gas station. Its very dangerous.AmustntBcouldntCshouldntDmightnt11 . Many students in our school _ the old and they usually offer their seats to them on buses.Aworry about B. care for C. agree with D. take care12 . Eddie was born _ a cold morning_ April 26th.Ain; ofBat; onCon; ofDduring; on13 . Air pollution _ by traffic on the Earth is becoming more and more serious.Ais causedBcausesCare causedDcaused14 . The maths teacher asked Grace to pay more attention to _her mistakes.AcorrectBcorrectingCcorrectedDcorrects15 . 一_ do you have dinner with your family at restaurants?一Hardly ever.AHow oftenBHow longCHow manyDHow much二、完型填空Electric bicycles which run on battery-operated (电瓶) motors are winning over riders of ordinary bikes_their speed, quality and environmental advantage.They were first_on 1980s in China, but the selling was not very good. Today, thanks_improvements on battery quality, the electric bikes sell well. There are now more than 100 electric bicycle producers in China and 26 million such bicycles were produced in 2011. Japan is another large_of such bicycles in the world with a total production reaching 381,721in 2010._China is one of the largest producers of electric bicycles in the world, the_of its producers with mass production (大批量生产) is actually small.Electric bicycles are still_for ordinary citizens (民众). Although such bikes are quick, safe and_to operate, their batteries still have shortcomings (不足). They weigh more than 10 kilograms; their service life is_two years and they_yuan each.There were more than 450 million bikes in China in 2006. If just one percent of all these bikes are replaced by electric_, the market will be very large. And_the battery is further improved and the price is_, many of us will not be able to keep back from_the latest electric bikes16 . Abecause ofBbecauseCtowardsDat17 . AbuildBbuiltCbuildingDto build18 . AforBinCbyDto19 . AproducerBproductionCproduceDto produce20 . AButBIfCAlthoughDWhen21 . AbuyerBnumberCpriceDowner22 . AoldBtallCnewDshort23 . AsmallBlargeCexpensiveDhigh24 . AeasyBdifficultChardDeasily25 . Aother thanBmore thanCoverDless than26 . AspendBcostCtakeDmake27 . AcarsBbikeConesDone28 . AwhereBunlessCwhetherDif29 . AincreasedBraisedCreducedDlifted30 . AbuyingBbroughtCto buyDbuy三、阅读单选Imagine this. You come back from school and your robot housekeeper is already waiting for you at the door. He turns on the lights, air-conditioner and television. While you are having dinner, he cleans the floor. Before you go to sleep, he tells you the weather report, then reads you a bedtime story.Such thoughts are not just for stories. Now they can happen in the real world, as long as you have the robot Alpha 2. Alpha 2 was a star at the 2017 World Robot Conference(大会), which was held from August 23rd to 27th in Beijing. More than 150 universities and companies from across the world brought their robots to the event for show and sale. Some robots work in factories. Some robots go to outer space or under water for exploration. But the highlights(亮点)of the event were service robots.This kind of robot is the closest to our daily lives. From cleaning to teaching, music to sports, service robots have been used to do many kinds of jobs.Teo is a popular service robot, as well as an artist and music teacher. His 53 fingers help him play the piano well. He played John Lennons song Imagine at the conference.There is another service robot called Bestic. It acts as a human arm to feed people with a spoon. It can be a good helper for little kids, the elderly and those with difficulties using their hands.The scientists believe that it may not be far when every family has at least one service robot.31 . According to the passage, Alpha 2 is _.Aa housekeeperBa service robotCa star in the skyDa weather reporter32 . Which of the following is NOT true about 2017 World Robot Conference?AIt lasted five days in all.BIt was held in Beijing, China.CPeople can buy a robot there.DAll the robots are service robots.33 . What does the underlined word “exploration” probably mean in Chinese?A娱乐B休闲C探索D思索34 . From this passage, we can learn that _.ATeo can teach people to play the piano wellBAlpha 2 is able to work in space or under waterCBesic can help people who have trouble walking.Devery family has had a service robot at home so far35 . This passage is mainly about_.Athe 2017 World Robot ConferenceBdifferent kinds of robots in the worldChow service robots help with peoples lifeDthe most popular service robots in the worldMany of us feel uneasy when someone stands too close to us, talks to us too loudly or makes eye contact(接触) with us for too long. But have you ever wondered why those things make you uncomfortable?Its all about personal peace, which means not only an imaginary space around the body, but also the space around all the senses. People feel that their space is being violated(侵犯) when they meet with an unwelcome sound, smell or look. This is probably why a man on a crowded bus shouting into his mobile phone or a woman next to you putting on strong perfume(香水) makes you feel angry.Whether people have had a stronger wish to protect their personal space in recent times is hard to say. Yet studies of airlines show that people have a strong desire(渴望) to have space to themselves. In a survey by TripAdvisor, a travel website, people said that if they had to pay more for some extra service, they would rather have larger seats than extra food.Although people may need their personal space, some hardly realize it. For example, people on a bus who hold newspapers in front of their faces to read in fact keep a distance from strangers.Go and watch a library table. You will notice that one of the corner seats will usually be taken first, because they are the farthest way. What if someone sits opposite to you? Maybe you will pile up books as if to make a wall.Preference(偏好) for personal space are different from culture to culture. Scientists have found that Americans generally prefer more personal space than people from other cultures. In Latin(拉丁人的) cultures, however, people are more comfortable standing close to each other.36 . The writer mainly _ in this article.Atells us how to achieve personal spaceBexplains why people need personal spaceCintroduces some knowledge about personal spaceDargues for the importance of keeping personal space37 . Who might feel his personal space is safe according to the passage?AA person who has to sit next to a lady putting on strong perfume.BA person who has been watched by a stranger for a long time.CA person who hears strange noises when reading at home.DA Latin boy who is chatting with a friend sitting close to him.38 . What can we know from the survey by TripAdvisor?APeople need a smaller personal space in recent times than before.BPeople have a strong desire for personal space in recent times.CThere are not enough seats on the plane to meet peoples needs.DFood service is better provided than seats on the plane.39 . Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?AThe space around the body is more needed than that around all the senses.BIf you hold newspapers on the bus, your personal space wont be violated.CPeople usually choose the corner seats first in a library for personal space.DDifferent cultures share the same preferences for personal space.Have you ever heard of a famous charity called Operation Smile? We hope we can help you understand how we are trying to help children all over the world.Operation Smile was started by a doctor and his wife. In 1982, together with some volunteers, they went to Philippines to help children who had holes in their lips or inside their mouths. It was very difficult for them to eat and drink. These volunteers worked very hard. But they worried that they could not carry on with the work because they were short of money. Then they decided to start a charity so that they could help these needy children. They called it Operation Smile.Operation Smile works in more than twenty developing countries and has cured over 10,000 children who have problems with their mouths. Operation Smile has won many prizes for its work and in 1999 they even started a special event called“The World Journey of Hope”. 5,000 children in 18 countries are cured during the event. On the other hand, Operation Smile trains local doctors and nurses in developing countries so that they can continue to help children when Operation Smile has left. As to the children with much more serious problems, they will send them to America for further treatment. So show your kindness and generosity to the needy children now. You can send your donation to Operation Smile at local banks. Many thanks from the children who can smile now will come to you.40 . Operation Smile is a famous _, which was started by a doctor and his wife.AschoolBcharityCbuildingDperson41 . Operation Smile helps the children by _.Acuring the children who have problems with their mouthsBhelping poor children go back to schoolChelping blind children to see againDoffering houses to homeless children42 . Five thousand children from _ countries are cured during the event “The World Journey of Hope”.A. ten B sixteen B. eighteen C. twenty43 . Why did they worry that they could not carry on with the work?Because_.Athere were no more volunteersBthey went to America for further studyCthey didnt have enough moneyDthe doctors were too busy44 . What does the writer ask us to do to show our kindness and generosity to the needy children?ATo donate money at local banks.BTo be a volunteer in Philippines.CTo send cards to the needy children.DTo be a doctor of Operation Smile.四、根据首字母、中文提示填空词汇检测45 . _(糖果)are bad for our teeth if we eat them before going to bed46 . Shes wearing a _(深色的)blue skirt.47 . This pair of trousers_(与相配) Jacks yellow shirtThey look cool on him.48 . My father likes _ (收集) stamps very muchWhat about your father?49 . In China, the family members always get _(在一起) on Mid-Autumn Festival.50 . When we are in Grade 8, we will have an important test in_ (地理) and Biology.51 . There are lots of nice_ (餐馆) on the third floor of the Wuyue Square.52 . September 22nd is a _ (特殊的) day for us because the 20th Asia Masters Athletics Championships (亚洲老将运动会) takes place in Rugao.53 . We are very_ (高兴) to visit Li Changyus Museum. We can learn a lot.54 . The film Coco is _/ppjl(r)/. A lot of parents take their children to see it.五、完成句子55 . 一Did you watch the 24th Beijing College Student Film Festival on TV tonight?一Yes, it has _ (结束)for five minutes. Feng Xiaogang won Best Director Award.56 . 一I have difficulty in learning English. How can I improve it?一One of the best ways is _ (大声读) every day.57 . When I saw so many models of places of interest in the World Park, I simply couldnt _(相信自己的眼睛).58 . No matter how hard your situation is, you had better _ (别灰心).59 . When Manchester City terrorist attack happened on May 22nd, people were so afraid that they ran _ (四面八方).六、单词填空Fill in the blanks according to the phonetic transcription.Almost everyone today 60 . / juzz / electricity in one way or another. It is hard to imagine what life in our cities 61 . / wd / be like without it. Electricity62 . / lats / streets and buildings, and warms people and animals. It heats 63 . /fud / in cookers and cools it in refrigerators. It drives trains and works 64 . / trfk / lights and lifts. It65 . / ls / works the machines in factories that make all kinds of goods. Everyday wonders such as computers and televisions use electricity to 66 . / br / entertainment and news to millions of families. In villages and on farms, electrical machines 67 . / mlk / the cows and chop their food.七、填空六、阅读填空先通过读下面的短文,然后根据短文内容,在文章后表格的空格内填入一个最恰当的单词。所填单词必须写在答题卡对应题号的横线上。每个空格只能填一个单词。Its rare to see a person inspire a new word. But thats what Chinese volleyball superstar Zhu Ting has accomplished. “Stay awesome and ZHUperb!” Volleywood, a US-based blog website for volleyball fans, recently coined the word “ZHUperb”, which combines “Zhu” and “superb”, to describe the 24-year-old players dominance (支配)on the court.At a young age, Zhu is captain of China womens national volleyball team. But it hasnt been easy for Zhu to get to where she is today.Born to a farming family in Henan province, Zhu got a hard-won chance to attend a local sports school at the age of 13. The player got homesick during the first few months of training. But later she got over it, and made progress week on week. She quickly succeed in entering the national youth team from the provincial youth team.In 2013, she became famous after helping the Chinese U20 team to win the title at the 2013 FIVB U20 World Championship. Then Zhu was enlisted in the national team and met the famous coach Lang Ping. At the beginning, as a 1.98-meter-tall girl, Zhu found it difficult to move fast and hold her weight on her feet, but Lang thought it as her advantage. She trained her to jump high to smash (扣杀) the ball. After this, she became an ace spiker (主攻手). Zhu still works up a sweat (汗) during training. “Hard work and talent are equally important. Ill move forward step by step,” she told Peoples Daily.Title: Zhu Ting-The superstar who inspires a new word ZHUperb68 . is ZHUperb?Zhuperb is a combination of “ZHU” and “superb”.It was created by an American website 69 . Volleywood.It is used to describe Zhu Tings dominance on the court.Who is Zhu Ting?Born in Henan province, she is a girl whose parents are farmers.She 70 . to enter China womens national volleyball team and became captain of it.How did she succeed?She is talented and 71 . .She met the famous coach Lang Ping who encouraged her to take advantage of her 72 . and she finally became an ace spiker.八、材料作文73 . 书面表达目前,地球正面临着前所未有的危机,人口增多,能源减少,到太空生活成了热门话题。Daniel和他的同学讨论了在火星上生活的利弊,请根据讨论结果并加上自己的观点写一篇报道。AdvantagesDisadvantagesinterestinggo to online schoolsmuch more spacerobot ( do work for us)things are cheapget ill from living therefar from Earthno food, water or oxygensome dangerous alienseasily float awayLife on MarsLife on Mars is different from that on Earth. Some students think it is better to live on Mars than on earth because _第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、完成句子1、六、单词填空1、七、填空1、八、材料作文1、


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