2020年秋季九年级英语北师大版上册同步练习_Unit 8 Discoveries

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2020年秋季九年级英语北师大版上册同步练习_Unit 8 Discoveries_第1页
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2020年秋季九年级英语北师大版上册同步练习_Unit 8 Discoveries姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . We cant be successful _ we keep working hard. I agree with you.AifBunlessCbecauseDwhen2 . - Have you ever travelled abroad?-Yes, I went to America with my parents last summerAall over the worldBto a foreign countryCon your own3 . The room is big enough for us_.Ato live inBliveCliving inDlive in4 . Stop smoking, Joe! You _ yourself if you keep on doing it like that!Awill killBhave killedCkillDkilled5 . He got up early _ miss the early bus.AtoBin order not toCforDbecause of6 . My friend always _ a bus to school and walks _ home.Atakes; /Btakes; atCby; /Dtakes; to7 . - Mrs. Li, will you be angry your students dont obey the rules in class?- A little. But I will stop them in a friendly way.AifBunlessCthough8 . I wont go to the party unless Sue _ , too.You mean if Sue comes youll come?Awill inviteBinvitesCinvitedDis invited9 . I dont like this hat.Its too big. Well,here is a one for you.AsmallBshortClongDtidy10 . The Internet has made communication much more_. I agree. For example, I can communicate with my friends on QQ any time.ApopularBnecessaryCimportantDconvenient11 . My teachers words had a big effect me. From then on, I began to work hard on all the subjects.AinBonCforDwith12 . The Apple founder and former CEO Jobs _ on Wednesday at the age of 56Atook awayBpassed awayCput awayDthrew away13 . (2017年贵州安顺) Excuse me, sir, smoking _ in the gas station.Oh, Im awfully sorry.Adoesnt allowBis allowedCarent allowedDisnt allowed14 . Do you often watch Man and Nature on TV?Sometimes. Its an interesting program,but I _ Sports News.ApreferBwantCknowDreview二、补全短文5选5A 阅读短文,然后根据其内容从方框A一E中选出可以填入短文空白处的正确答案。Ireland to list Chinese as national exam subject in 2022爱尔兰将从2022年起引进汉语为大学考试科目Chinese is becoming more and more popular in the world. An Irish education official said recently that Chinese will be added to the list of languages of the countrys national15 . Xinhua News Agency reported.Mary Mitchell OConnor, Irelands minister of higher education, 16 . said the list is based on a program launched in 2014, a short 100-hour course on Chinese language and culture. The education minister made the announcement at a joint conference of Confucius Institutes of Ireland and Britain.OConnor said the Irish government is fully aware of the importance of creating the opportunity to learn Chinese17 . its students, especially against the backdrop of economic globalization and deepening China-Ireland trade ties.Irish people have become interested in learning Chinese, and the number of Irish students 18 . OConnor said, adding that educational cooperation between the two countries is growing well.As Chinese students, 19 . What do you think of Chinese?AChinese is your mother languageBespecially for its studentsCAnd it will be a subject in the college entrance exam in2022DHe said the list was based on a program launched in 2014.E. and the number of Irish students coming to study in China is also increasing三、完型填空After I graduated from the police academy (警官学校), I couldnt _ to do my part to save the world. However, on my first day I _ that I still had a lot to learn.That morning, I arrived at the police station early. At 7 a.m., I went into my office and waited for orders. _, I realized that I hadnt brought my walkie-talkie (对时讲机). I went back to my locker (寄物柜), but I couldnt get it _, however hard I tried.I saw a long stick lying next to the lockers and used it to hit the door. The locker opened, but I was _ that it was empty. I thought I was going to be _ for losing my gear (装备) on my first day.It turned out that I broke into the _ locker. I went to my boss to admit my mistake. He told me to ask next time. I knew he was _, “You silly rookie!”After lunch, I received a call for an alarm at a building. This _ be a theft the first of my career! We arrived there and found a closed company building. It was surrounded by a two-meter-high fence with razor wire (刺钢丝) on the top.The owner was away. My partner was calling him to ask _ we could get inside. I offered to help. I climbed the fence and got up to the top. I was trying to get my _ over the razor wire when my pants got snagged (钩住).I heard my partner say, “Hey! Spiderman!” I looked _ and saw that the owner had arrived. They opened the gate and went inside while I was trying to free _.When we got back in the car, my partner smiled at me and said, “We _ something new every day.” I knew it was his _ way of saying, “You silly rookie!”20 . AhelpBwaitCexpectDagree21 . Apointed outBturned outCtried outDfound out22 . ASuddenlyBLuckilyCUsuallyDSlowly23 . AwideBclosedCbrokenDopen24 . AsurprisedBexcitedCmovedDpleased25 . Ain personBin troubleCin commonDin need26 . AnewBnextCwrongDlast27 . AimaginingBenjoyingCansweringDthinking28 . AcouldBmustCshallDshould29 . AwhenBwhyChowDwhere30 . AheadBarmCfingerDleg31 . AoutBdownCaroundDup32 . AhimBthemChimselfDmyself33 . AlearnBteachCfindDmiss34 . AstrangeBrightCpoliteDawful四、阅读单选Amanda Kitts is one of “tomorrows people” people who have artificial (人工的) body pats. She has a bionic(电子操控的)arm.Now, Kitts runs a day -care center. Children run up to her happily as she comes into the classroom. She bends over to talk with a small girl. As she bends Kitts puts her hands on her knees. For most people, this would be easy. However, just a few years ago, this was impossible for Kitts.In 2006, Kitts was in a car accident. A truck crushed(挤坏) her left arm and the doctor had tocut it off. I was angry, sad, depressed. I just couldnt accept it, she says. But then she heard about a new technique that could use the remaining nerves(神经) in her shoulder to contort an artificial arm.In a difficult operation, a doctor moved Kittss nerves to different mens of her upper- arm muscles. For months, the nerves grew. Millimeter by millimeter, they moved deeper into their new homes. “At three months I started feeling little tingles and twitches(刺痛和抽搐),”she said. A month later, she got her first bionic arm. A research engineer worked with Kitts to make the computer programs match her real movements more and more closely.Today, Kittss arm is great, but its not yet perfect. She wants feeling in her hands. For example, she needs to feel whether something is rough or smooth. She also needs feeling to do one of her favorite things-drink coffee The problem with a paper coffee cup is that my hand will close until it gets a solid grip,” she says. One time at a coffee shop, her hand kept closing until it crushed the cup. But Kitts says positively, One day Ill be able to feel things with it, and clap my hands to the songs my kids are singing”35 . What is the difference between Kitts and normal people?A. She has a bionic arm. B. She can bend C. She can put her hands on her knees36 . Kitts got her first bionic arm _after the difficult operation.A. almost three months B. over one month C. more than four months37 . Kitts is able to _with her bionic hand.A. clap her hands B. hold thing C. feel rough or smooth things38 . Kittss attitude toward her new arm is_.A. positive B. Angry C. perfect39 . Choose the right order of the eventsKitts heard about a new techniqueKitts crushed a paper coffee cupKitts had two human armsA truck hit Kittss carKitts got her first bionic armDoctors moved some of the nerves in Kittss armA. B. C. Choose the best answer (根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案):You need some bread and milk. But half an hour later, you leave the supermarket with a trolley(手推车) full of food. What games do supermarkets play to make us spend so much money?The tricks usually start before you walk in. Outside the supermarket entrance, anybody who walks past can smell warm, fresh bread. That makes us hungry and ready to buy lots of food, not just bread.Now youre inside and, of course, a small basket would be fine, but all they have are trolleys. And of course the problem with a trolley is that it looks sad and lonely with just one or two products inside. So we may fill it with something. In fact, supermarket trolleys are actually getting bigger so that we buy more.Of course, many people shop in supermarkets because they think everything is cheaper than in other shops. So supermarkets offer very cheap prices on some things but then have higher prices for other products. One new trick is to put red stickers on products. Customers usually connect red stickers with lower prices so the red stickers is easy to be noticed, even when there is no reduction! Interestingly, this trick appears to work more with men than with women.There is a story behind the position of everything in the supermarket. For example, customers often go only to buy milk. So they put it right at the back, forcing you to go past hundreds of shelves full of other products. The position of products on each shelf is also important. The most expensive products are usually at eye-level so you see these immediately. The exception is anything that children might like. These products are on lower shelves so that kids see them.Apart from what you see and smell in a supermarket, what about what you listen to? In most supermarkets they have soft, slow music. Its so relaxing that you slow down and spend more time (and money) in the store. You also move more slowly when the supermarket is busy. Experts suggest its better to shop when its quieter, on a Monday or a Tuesday for example. And be careful with queues at the checkouts. These are sometimes deliberate(故意), to make you buy something from the checkout shelves while you wait.So, next time you go into your local supermarket, remember these tricks and see if you can come with just the things you want to buy.40 . Smells from bread in the supermarket _.Adraw your attention to bread onlyBmake you feel hungry and buy more foodCforce you to leave the supermarketDmake you buy less bread than you need41 . Supermarkets dont provide baskets because _.Asupermarkets dont usually have manyBbaskets are too small to hold many productsCits easy to go shopping with trolleysDa trolley can hold one or two products inside42 . According to the passage, supermarkets put red stickers on products to _.Amake them look more beautifulBmake them different from cheaper onesCmake people think the stickers are for menDmake people think they could save money43 . According to the passage, toys for children are usually placed _.Aon higher shelvesBon each shelfCon lower shelvesDon the back shelves44 . It can be learned from Paragraph 6 that supermarkets usually _.Astop people lining up at the checkoutsBclose on Monday morningCplay loud and noisy music insideDmake customers feel relaxed45 . The passage is mainly about _.Aseveral ways supermarkets use to sell more productsBsome advice when people go shopping on the streetCseveral rules that every business should followDsome advertisements that make people buy moreRulerA ruler is a very useful tool. It can measure (测量) the length of something. There are many different kinds of rulers. Rulers are made of plastic, wood, cloth, and so on. We use a plastic ruler in the classroom. Rulers also come in different length. There are 15 cm rulers, 1m rulers and even longer rulers. Rulers were first made in the 1800s.QuarterA quarter is an American or Canadian coin (硬币). How much is a quarter? A quarter is 25 cents. It is 1/4 of a dollar. The first quarter was made in 1796 in America.Do you know that it cots 7.33 cents to make one quarter?Equal Sign (等号)Do you like maths? You probably saw an equal sign in maths. The equal sign is a symbol in maths. It is used to show that things are the same. It was first made by Robert Recorde in 1557.How do you read “10+10=20”? It is read as “Ten plus ten equals twenty”.CupA cup is a kind of unit. It is used to measure how much something holds. One cup is equal to 8 ounces (盎司). It is used in the US and Japan. However, in other countries people use different cups. We can measure salt, milk, juice, sugar and butter with a cup. It is very useful when cooking.46 . Rulers were first made _.Ain the 1800sBin 1796Cin 155747 . How much is a quarter?A7.33 cents.B25 cents.C15 cents.48 . From the passage, we can learn _.Arulers are very longBa quarter is usual in many countriesCa cup is probably used when making a cake49 . Which subject is connected with a ruler, a quarter, the equal sign and a cup?AGeography.BMaths.CChinese.A fish that lives in America can live out. of water for months at a time, similar to how animals got used to land millions of years ago, a new study shows.The Mangrove Rivulus, a kind of little fish, lives in small pools of water. When their living place dries up, they live. on the land, said Scott Taylor, a researcher in Florida.The fish can grow as large as three inches. They group together and breathe air through their skin before they can find water again.The new scientific discovery came during a trip. We were travelling for fun. and one day I kicked over a log (圆木) and the fish came out, Taylor told reporters by telephone. He said he would make his study on the fish known to the public in an American magazine early next year.In lab tests, Taylor said he found the fish can live up to 66 days out of water without eating.Some other fish can live out of water for a short period of time. The walking catfish found in Southeast Asia can stay on land for hours at a time, while lungfish(肺鱼) found in Australia, Africa and South America can live out of water, but only in a not active(活波的)way. But no other known fish can be out of water as long as the Mangrove Rivulus and keep active, according to Patricia Wright, a biologist at a Canadian University.More studies of the fish may tell how animals changed over time.These animals live in conditions similar to those millions of years ago, when animals began to move from water onto land, Wright said.50 . The Mangrove Rivulus is a type of fish that_.Alives on land in AfricaBcan stay alive for months out of waterCprefers living in dry placesDis the longest living fish on earth51 . Who will write a report on Mangrove Rivulus?A, Scott Taylor.ASome reporters.BPatricia Wright.CScientists from Europe.52 . According to the passage, lungfish can_.Abreathe through its skinBbe found in AsiaCkeep alive out of waterDkeep alive and walk on land53 . Which one of the sentences below is not true?AThe Mangrove Rivulus fish can live out of water as long as other animals if it has something to eat.BMillions of years ago, animals began to live onto land from water.CLungfish found in Australia, Africa and South America can live out of water in a not active way.DThe walking catfish found in Southeast Asia can stay on land for hours at a time.54 . What can we say about the discovery of Mangrove Rivulus?Aft was made by Scott Taylor, a researcher in New york.BIt was helped by an American magazine.CIt was helped by Patricia Wright.DIt was made by a researcher while travelling.五、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成句子中的单词55 . Japanese people often b_ to each other to say hello. 56 . Miss Zhao is really kind and friendly. Shes always speaking to others with a s_on her face. 57 . After so many years, they couldnt help putting out their arms and h_each other. 58 . Mr. Black shook his h_and said no to her invitation.59 . American people sometimes k_ when they see their parents or older people.60 . On the evening of the MidAutumn Festival people always get _ (一起) and enjoy a big dinner.61 . Remember not to_ (触摸) the dogs tail. Its dangerous.62 . The elephants _ (鼻子) is useful. They can even use it to work for people.63 . The teachers over there are _ (德国人). They came to our school last year.64 . His friend comes from _ (印度). He speaks English very well.根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词65 . Mr.Smith has a big and beautiful h_.66 . People say its good to d_ milk every day.67 . Hangzhou is famous(著名)for Longjing t_.68 . When do we go to see the m_BorninChina(我们诞生在中国)?We can go t_.I am busy today.69 . I have nothing much to do.Im j_playing with my pet dog.70 . Do you want to w_ the dishes?Yes,Id love to.71 . My grandfather reads a n_ every night.72 . The _(汤)made of tomatoes is nice.Id like to have another bowl.73 . Lily, do you want to go to the _(电影)with me?74 . Is Millie _(交谈)on the phone?Yes,she is.六、完成句子完成句子按所给的汉语, 用英语完成下列句子,并将答案写在答题卡对应题号的横线上75 . 这是个为猫痴狂的年代,难怪星巴克的猫爪杯一上市,就成功吸引了许多消费者的关注。This is a crazy age for cats. No wonder Starbucks cat paw cups _ as soon as they were on sale.76 . 如果你认为这个节目太传统不值得一提,那你就大错特错了。If you think the program is _, you are completely wrong.77 . 不要多虑,你女儿这么外向,怎么可能会难以与新同学相处?Dont worry too much. You daughter is so outgoing, how can she _her new classmates?78 . 社会发展得太快,谁会站在下一个技术领域的潮头,没人会知道。The society is developing so fast that nobody knows who_ next79 . 他的同龄人已搬回城市好多年了,可是他依然坚守着那片保护区。People _ the city for many years, but he still remains in the reserve.80 . 近年来,汉语热席卷全球,这标志着人们对中国及中国文化兴趣的激增。Chinese fever has swept the world in recent years. This _ in China and Chinese history.七、回答问题第三节阅读简答:根据短文内容,回答下列问题。Yu Mei is very busy on Friday. At 8:00 she has math. Then at 9:00 she has science. At 10:00 she has history. It is difficult but interesting. After that, she has P.E. at 11:00. It is easy and fun. Lunch is from 12:00 to 13:00, and after that Yu Mei and her classmates have Chinese. It is her favorite subject. Their Chinese teacher, Mrs. Wang, is great fun. Her classes finish at 1:50, but after that she has an art lesson for two hours. It is really relaxing!81 . What does Yu Mei do at 8:00?_82 . What does Yu Mei do at 9:00?_83 . Whats her favorite subject? _84 . Who is her Chinese teacher?_85 . How long does she have an art lesson after class? _第 19 页 共 19 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、二、补全短文5选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、2、3、4、五、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、2、六、完成句子1、七、回答问题1、


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