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上海新世纪版英语第三次模拟考试试卷B卷 一、 句意填词在下列各句的空白处填上一个适当的词,使句意完整。(5 (共5题;共5分)1. (1分)I was so scared to see a lion running _ me. 2. (1分)Please open the _ and let some fresh air in. 3. (1分)Children should learn to be independent so that they can _ for themselves in the future. 4. (1分)Chatting on WeChat too often can get in the _of our schoolwork. 5. (1分)This notebook belongs to _ .You can see my name on the cover. 二、 单项选择(10分) (共10题;共10分)6. (1分)We often have three meals _day. And we usually have _breakfast at 8: 00 every morning. A . a, theB . a, aC . a,/D . /,the7. (1分)Many boy students think physics is geography. I agree. Im weak in geography. A . much difficult thanB . as difficult asC . less difficult thanD . more difficult than8. (1分)He has got a sweater, but he wants to buy _one. A . otherB . anotherC . othersD . the others9. (1分)Youll get better grades _ you follow the teachers advice. A . ifB . untilC . thoughD . while10. (1分)Alice, _ your photo here this afternoon. A . bringsB . bringC . broughtD . bringing11. (1分)The true meaning of Christmas is the _ of sharing and giving love and joy to people. A . differenceB . importanceC . difficultD . important12. (1分)Mum, may I play computer games this evening? No way, you _finish your homework.A . canB . mustC . mayD . will13. (1分)Could you tell me _? A . where can find the bookB . where I can find the bookC . where finding the book14. (1分)That is the cook _ came from London. A . thatB . whichC . /D . who15. (1分)Do you like to go to the movie with me. Sure, _.A . Id love.B . Id love to.C . OK.D . Thats right.三、 交际运用(共15分) (共2题;共15分)16. (5分)用适当的句子补全对话。 A: _ this Sunday?B: I want to go to the zoo. A: _?B: I like pandas. A: _?B: Because they are very cute. A: _this Sunday?B:Yes,its Sunny. A: _?B: Sure, lets meet at 8 oclock at the school gate. A: OK. See you. B: See you. 17. (10分)阅读对话,从每题A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案完成对话。 A: Laura, how are you today?B: Not very well. Ive had a bad day. A: 1?B: I got up late this morning. 2. So I had to wait for another bus. A: Oh, bad luck! 3? B: Yes. I was 30 minutes late. And what was worse, when I got to school, I found no one in the classroom! A: Where did they go? B: 4. Our teacher told us about the match, I forgot. A: 5? B: Yes, but when I found them, they were going back to the classroom!(1)A . What happened B . Whats the wrong C . Are you OK D . Really (2)A . I missed my breakfast B . I caught the early bus C . I had a fever D . I missed the early bus (3)A . You must be late, werent you B . Did you feel better now C . Did you go by bus D . What about you (4)A . They went swimming B . They all went hiking C . They visited the museum on Main Street D . They went to the playground to see a basketball match (5)A . Did you feel upset B . Did you find them at last C . Where did you find them D . When did you find them 四、 阅读(共50分) (共1题;共10分)18. (10分)从方框中选择适当的词语并用其正确形式填空。 move much tomato make health(1)We can call _ vegetable, we can also call them fruit. (2)Taking more exercise is a kind of _ lifestyle. (3)_ your body and you will be strong. (4)Salad is _ of fresh fruits and vegetables. (5)The _ she spoke, the less I understand. 五、 阅读理解(40分) (共6题;共40分)19. (5分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出符合题意的最佳选项。 Job interviews(面试) can be very different from country to country. An interviewers body language and questions, and the form of an interview are not the same around the world.If youre at a job interview in Japan, dont look directly into the eyes of the interviewer. It is considered impolite. But if youre at an interview in the U. S, you should make eye contact (交流) with the interviewer. If you dont, the interviewer may think you are not sure about your ability.In the U.S. and some other countries, interviewers arent supposed to ask questions about family and personal information. In most countries, however, personal questions are very common during job interviews.In Germany, your interview might begin with a very short conversation followed by a formal (正式的) interview. In Mexico and many other countries, the whole interview might not be formal.(1)In Japan, looking directly into the eyes of the interviewer is . A . boringB . impoliteC . humorousD . dangerous(2)What is suggested at an interview in the U. S. according to the text? A . Sitting by the interviewer.B . Making eye contactC . Talking about family backgroundD . Asking personal information(3)In , a short talk usually begins before a formal interview. A . JapanB . the U.sC . GermanyD . Mexico(4)In which part of a magazine can we read the text? A . CultureB . GeographyC . ScienceD . Sports(5)Whats the best title of the passage? A . Job Interviews in JapanB . Job Interviews in the U. SC . Job Interviews in GermanyD . Job Interviews in Different Countries20. (5分)请从AE选项中选出与各个情景相符合的选项, _Tommy: I like to have this class best because I like playing basketball and soccer very much._Cindy: In the class, I can learn to play many kinds of instruments(乐器). I can also learn to sing many new songs._Wendy: I love this class best because the language is becoming more and more important (越来越重要) in the world._Ted: Many girls think it is hard to learn it well,but I like it best. Its is difficult sometimes, but it is interesting._Lin Xi: I like it best because it is my mother tongue(母语).It is one of the oldest(最古老的) languages in the world.21. (5分)阅读理解 Do you know what a burpee is?The burpee is one of the most basic exercises. It is made up of movements performed very quickly and repeatedly. Some fitness experts believe that it is the best exercise in the world because this exercise is one that anyone can do very easily and very cheaply. Best of all, you can get a great full-body exercise without going to a gym.The inventor of the burpee was an American doctor, Royal H Burpee. He firstly developed it in 1932 as a test, called The Burpee Test, to test a persons ability to move rapidly and smoothly.Equipment (设备)needed: noneHow to perform the basic burpee correctly:Begin a standing position, with your feet about hip-width apart (与臀部同宽).Stand with your back straight and your arms at your sides. Hold your abdominal muscles (腹部肌肉)in tightly throughout the exercise.Keep your back straight, squat down and place your hands on the floor.Push your feet back behind you, so that you move from a squat position to a full-length leg extension (伸展).Keep both arms and legs straight and strong. This is lie basic push up position.Bring your feet back to the squat position immediately by bending your knees quickly and placing your hands on the floor.Jump straight up as high as you can from the squat position, holding your arms up directly over your head.For an intense workout (高强度的训练), do three sets of twenty burpees. Always move as fast as you can and perform each set without a stop.(1)As a form of exercise, the burpee is . A . difficult and boringB . simple and inexpensiveC . simple but costlyD . useful but difficult(2)According to the passage, the burpee . A . needs equipmentB . is not for beginnersC . was invented for exerciseD . is an excellent full-body exercise(3)In Step 2, the underlined word squat means . A . stand upB . lie downC . sit on ones heelsD . jump up(4)The passage provides the burpee exercise. A . advice forB . step-by-step instructions forC . the history ofD . all of the above22. (5分)阅读下面短文,从方框选出标题,并完成问题。 (1)从方框选出标题 A. Prepare a seating area.B. Prepare your bedding.C. Make memories.D. Put up your tent.Camping in your backyard is full of fun, whatever your age. Its great for keeping us relaxed. It offers chances to check the night sky and to be noisier than usual. It lets us have friends over to stay who might not fit inside the house! Follow these instructions and youll have a night youll never forget!_Depending on the number of family members and guests, you may need more than one tent. Tell your friends to bring their tents if needed. Follow the instructions or check out the articles on how to put up a tent on the Internet._Youll want your guests to be able to relax in comfort. Put something soft to lie on the floor: A blow-up air mattress or think comforters may work well. Fill the tent with soft toys and blankets. Have lightweight sleeping bags or cotton blankets. They are especially important if you live where the night temperatures drop greatly._If you have a picnic table, that would work best. If not, set up a few chairs and a small table to set out drinks and food. A simple choice is to lay out a blanket in the sun, so that your friends can eat and talk. Be sure the grass isnt wet!_Plan some activities. Youre camping in the backyard, so its time to make the most of being outdoors.Have a camera nearby to take silly photos of you, your family members, and your friends. Take one large group shot with everyone smiling and laughing. Be sure to make copies for everyone!(2)What is the passage mainly about? A . Camping is a good way to keep us relaxed.B . What fun of camping is and how we can have a great camping.C . We should camp in our backyard.D . If you have a camping, you will have a night you never forget.23. (10分)请阅读下面短文,在短文后表格中的空白处填上适当的单词(注意:每空1个单词)。What would you do if you felt anxious(焦虑的)?Would you feel better if someone else could share his or her experiences with you? In the United States, two teenage girls set up a mental health camp called Healing(治愈)Hearts to help people deal with anxiety.The idea of creating the camp came from Dinah Martinez, 17, and her schoolmate Janet Martinez, 18. Both girls suffered from anxiety.Dinah Martinez always did well in school. But then I just started to collapse(崩溃),Dinah Martinez said. She stopped talking to her friends, stopped going to school for three weeks and stayed at home.Janet Martinez was anxious in elementary school. Things got even worse in junior high. It was a lot of pressure(压力)I put on myself. I would wake up in the morning and it was like my heart was racing, she said.The girls camp idea got support from Girls Leading Our World (GLOW) in the US. The organization awarded them $ 5,000 to put on the camp for other teenage girls.The Healing Hearts camp was created to help deal with anxiety, especially with girls in high school because thats when they are the most vulnerable(脆弱的), Janet Martinez said.On the first day of the camp, 10 girls were there. Experts at the camp talked about anxiety. They helped girls who were experiencing anxiety. The girls learned how to calm themselves when they are anxious. They learned about calming methods like deep breathing and guided mediation(调节).Its good to know that someone else is going through the same thing as me and we can both help each other out, Dinah Martinez said.Title: The Healing Hearts CampBackgroundTwo girls suffered from anxiety, so they _up with the idea of setting up a mental health camp.SupportGirls Leading Our World gave them an award of $ 5,000 to put on the camp for _ teenage girls._To help deal with anxiety, especially with girls in high school when they are the most vulnerable.Activitiesl Experts talked about anxiety and helped girls with anxiety.l The girls learned how to keep _ when they are anxious, like deep breathing and guided mediation.ConclusionIts good to give a hand to those whose experiences are _ to Dinah Martinezs.24. (10分)现如今智能手机上有很多实用的APP软件,方便人们生活需求。请你根据以下五个朋友的描述把APP代号AE填入小题相应空格处。 A. B. C. D. E. _A girl named Alice came to China for the first time. She wants to go to Shanghai by train. Now she wants to find out the latest train information._As a newcomer, Alice has no idea where Shanghai HongQiao Railway Station is. She wants to use the App to find her way quickly._On the train, Alice feels a little bored and then tries to listen to music for relaxing. So she takes out her phone and clicks the App to search for more favorite music she likes._When she arrives at the station, she finds she has no charge to pay the bill. So she takes the phone to use the App to pay for the taxi._WeChat is a most popular App on the phone. Alice often uses it to communicate, with friends whenever they are free. Meanwhile shed like to share what she did or likes on line too.六、 书面表达(共20分) (共2题;共20分)25. (5分)根据上下文完成下面内容,每空一词。 Dear Emily, Im glad to hear from you. There is no need for you to _ about the coming exams. In fact, if you know how to prepare for the exams, things will be _ for you. Here is some advice for you. First you should give yourself enough _ to get ready for the exams. And then, review what you have learned. Its necessary for you to look through the textbooks and your notes _ the exams. Besides, go to bed early the night before the exams. Believe in yourself and Im _ you will do very well in the exams. Best wishes.Yours,Wei Ming26. (15分)你是一名品学兼优的学生,除了成绩好之外,你还有许多爱好,比如体育运动、唱歌、读书、绘画等。英语老师让你在这次的联谊会上把你的爱好介绍给大家。请结合下表的内容发挥想象,写一篇80词左右的短文。 Your hobbiesmusicsinging, playing the violinsportsrunning, playing basketball and footballReasons whyyou likemusic/sports第 18 页 共 18 页参考答案一、 句意填词在下列各句的空白处填上一个适当的词,使句意完整。(5 (共5题;共5分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、二、 单项选择(10分) (共10题;共10分)6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、三、 交际运用(共15分) (共2题;共15分)16-1、17-1、四、 阅读(共50分) (共1题;共10分)18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、18-5、五、 阅读理解(40分) (共6题;共40分)19-1、19-2、19-3、19-4、19-5、20-1、21-1、21-2、21-3、21-4、22-1、22-2、23-1、24-1、六、 书面表达(共20分) (共2题;共20分)25-1、26-1、


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