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2012学年第一学期五年级牛津英语 期中模拟测试 Name Score I. Copy the sentences:4%how does alices sister leave home kitty she leaves home on foot II. Read and choose the different one: 6%( ) 1. A. us B. brush C.bush( ) 2. A. blouse B. window C. how( ) 3. A. fat B. face C. whale( )4. A. map B. pick C. spring ( )5. A. these B. sleep C. break ( )6. A.jam B. nap C. aeroplaneIII. Write the proper prepositions(填入适当的介词):20%1.busy _with_ homework sell the book_to_him 2. get _on_ the bus first, then get _off_ the bus,next walk _to_ school3. My father runs from home to the street garden every morning.4. Dont leave the rubbish on the ground. Put them into the bin.5. Alice is afraid _to_ swim. She is afraid _of_ climbing the tree, too.6. We arrive _in_ Shanghai first. Then we arrive _at_ the zoo.7. They are waiting _for_ the underground. They are waiting _at_ the underground station.8. My class is _on_ the third floor, _between_ Class 5A and the toilets.9. 在左边 on the left 走上前和Jim交谈 come up to talk to Jim10. Jim tells the police _about_ the men. IV. Read and choose:( ) 1. January_ first. A. come B. comes C. is coming( ) 2. What _ the Wangs do _Toms birthday? A. do, to B. does, to C. do, for( ) 3. - How many days are there in September ? - _. A.Thirty B. Thirteen C. Thirtieth( ) 4.Alice and Peter _ sharks.A. like both B.both like C. both likes( )5. - _pen is under the desk? - Its Toms. A. Who B. Whose C.Where( )9.This doll can sing. That doll can speak._doll do you like? A.Whose B. Which C. What( )10. Kitty has uniform and umbrella. A. an, an B. an, a C. a, an( ) 11. -What their friend ? - He needs some ice. A. do, need B. do, needs C. does, need( ) 12. - does your sister want to ? - A nurse. A. What, be B. Which, do C. What, do ( ) 13. Peter and Danny biscuits under the tree. A. eating B. are eating C. Eats( ) 14. - presents are these? - Theyre Winnies. A. Who B. Whose C. Which( ) 15. - Its nine oclock now. -He his new bicycle. A. is rideing B. ride C. rides D. is riding( ) 16. His birthdays on November . A. third B. the third C. the three D. thirty-first( )17. My father is very tired, but he is still . A. work B. working C. to work D. works( )18. My little sister is only one old. A. year B. years C. a year D. a-year( )19. The picture of is very nice. A. they B.their C. them ( ) 20. No . We cant stop our cars here. A. cars B. parking C. StopV. Read and write(读一读,填入适当的单词完成句子,首字母已给,每空一词):1. Taking the bus is so fast, b ut its dear. 2. F inally/irst , he walks to the office. 3. Dont s tay at the stove(炉子).4. After supper she h elps her mother to wash some dishes. 5. Miss Gao and Mr. Wang are our good teachers. Theyre b oth young. 6. -Whats the m atter with you? - I have a cold. 7. The children play chess o nce a week. 8. My mother is h appy with my homework.9. I dont know how to play this game. Can you t_ell_ me?10. Danny wants to teach c_hildren_ how to read and write.VI. Rewrite the sentences:1. I want to be a teacher. (划线部分提问) What do you want to be? 2. Alice and I always walk to school together. (换种说法,意思不变) Alice and I always go to school together on foot. 3. Youre brave. (改为否定句,原意不变) You arent afraid. 4. I play the piano twice a week. (划线部分提问) How many times do you play the piano a week? 5. The wolf has sharp teeth. (改为感叹句) What sharp teeth the wolf has! 6. I love my grandpa. My parents love my grandpa too. (两句合并一句) My parents and I all love my grandpa . 7. My brothers birthdays on the second of October. (划线部分提问) When is your brothers birthday? 8. I like my bedroom, because its nice. (划线部分提问) Why do you like your bedroom? 9. The big sign means “underground”.(划线部分提问) Which sign means underground? 10.They are waiting for their Mum.(划线部分提问) Whom are they waiting for? 11. Dont smoke. (另写一句,意思不变) You cant smoke! / No smoking! 12. It never snows on Hainan Island.(划线部分提问) How often does it snow on Hainan Island? VII: read comprehension:A. Read and choose:China is a big country. So the weather in the south is quite different from that in the north. In Shanghai, we have warm and wet in spring, hot in summer, cool autumn and cold winter. But in some parts of China. Such as Hainan, Guangzhou and Yunnan, it is always warm and hot there. People never see snow there. In winter, a lot of tourist come to Hainan and enjoy the sunshine at the beach. But some people like cold weather. In the north of China, children can make snowman and play with snowballs. It is fun to play outside while it is snowing. Thats why more people come to Haerbin in winter to spend their holiday. ( ) 1. In Shanghai it often rains in . A. spring B. autumn C. Winter( ) 2. Many people go to Hainan to in winter. A. enjoy the sunshine B. play with snow balls C. see the sunset( )3. It in some southern parts of China. A. often snows B. doesnt snow C. doesnt rain( )4. Children can make snowman when it . A. it was raining B. is windy C. is snowing( )5. The weather is so in China, because our country is very large. A. the same B. different C. ChangeB. Answer the questions: Mothers birthday is coming. Mr. Brown wants to buy a present for his mother. He goes to the market. He can see some parrots. The red one is very nice but its cheap. Because it cant say. Mr. Brown likes the yellow one. It can speak Chinese, English and Japanese(日语). So its very dear. Its 5,000 yuan. After 3 days, Mr. Brown asks his mother,Mother, how is the parrot? Mother says, Oh, its delicious(美味的)1. Whose birthday is it? 2. Which parrot does Mr. Brown buy? 3. The yellow parrot is dear, why ? 4. Can the parrot speak after 3 days? 5. How about the yellow parrot? VIII. Write (请以“My journey to school为主题加以简单描述, 要求意思连贯,语句通顺。要求不少于40个单词,不少于3种句型)。 My journey to school 用动词适当形式填空Peter _(be)a student in a school. He _ (not) live near school. He _(live) far from school. So he _ (take) a bus to school every day.Look, the bus _ (come) and Peter _ (get) on the bus. Peter _(study) hard because he _ (want) _ (be) a pilot. He _(like) _ (fly) in the sky. And he _ (want) _(travel) around the world. 用所给单词适当形式填空1. The story _ (sound) interesting. Let _ (we) tell _ (we) grandparents.2. The wolf _ (like) _(eat) boys. But he _ (not eat) anything for days.3. My sister _ (dance) well. Shes good at _ (dance). She _ (want) _ (be) a good _(dance) when she _ (grow) up.1. Kitty can _ (sing) Chinese songs. Listen, she _ (sing).2. Lets _ (go) to the underground station.3. My father _ (not watch) TV on Mondays.4. Look, it _ (rain) now.Take an umbrella, please.5. What do you want _ (be)?


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