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1 高考英语单词测验 1 P1 P12 1 n 活动 activity 2 vt 影响 affect 3 adj 一样的 相似的 alike 4 n 广告 advertisement ad 5 adj 心不在焉的 absent minded absent 6 adv 事实上 actually 7 认 使 适应 改编 adapt 8 n 叙述 报导 account 9 adj 中年的 middle aged 10 adj 能干的 able 11 vt 获得 学到 acquire 12 adj 装有空调设备的 air conditioned 13 n 有利条件 优点 优势 advantage 14 adj 积极的 主动的 活跃的 active 15 vt 陪伴 accompany 16 adv 在 到 国外 abroad 17 n 成年人 adult 18 n 航空邮件 airmail 19 vt 采纳 采用 收养 adopt 20 n 冒险 经历 奇遇 adventure 21 n 会计人员 accountant 22 n 酒精 酒 alcohol 23 academic adj 学术上的 学业上的 24 interact vi 相互作用 25 accomplish vt 实现 完成 达到 26 additional adj 附加的 27 absolute adj 完全的 绝对的 不容置疑的 28 agricultural adj 农业的 29 affection 喜爱 慈爱 30 accuse vt 指责 控告 31 admirable adj 令人钦佩的 值得赞美的 32 accidental adj 偶然的 意外的 33 aggressive adj 侵犯的 侵略的 好斗的 有进取心的 敢作敢为的 34 abandon vt 放弃 拋弃 35 adequate adj 充足的 适当的 36 accordingly adv 照此 因此 37 abstract 2 摘要 梗概 38 alert adj 警觉的 警惕的 39 advisable adj 明智的 合情合理的 40 admission n 准许进入 承认 41 accuracy n 准确性 42 agreeable adj 令人愉快的 惬意的 43 accessible adj 某地 易到达的 某物 易到手的 某人 易亲近的 44 advanced adj 先进的 高级的 45 abnormal adj 反常的 异常的 46 agent n 代理人 代理商 47 accustomed adj 适应了的 习惯的 48 accommodation n 住处 住宿 方便 设施 49 absorb vt 吸收 理解 50 adjustment n 整 调节 高考英语词组测验 1 P1 P12 1 准许 进入 admit to into 2 反对 违背 违反 be against 3 担任 充当 act as 4 听从某人的建议 take follow one s advice 5 把 考虑在内 take into account 6 就 达成共识 agree on 7 增加 增添 addto 8 相册 集邮簿 photo stamp album 9 有能力做某事 ability have the an ability to do sth 10 买得起 承担得起 afford sth to do 11 采取行动 take action 12 在 前面 胜过 ahead of 13 根据 according to 14 最重要的是 above all 15 预先 事先 in advance 16 在机场 at the airport 17 全神贯注于 be absorbed in 18 害怕 be afraid of 19 除 之外 还 in addition to 20 一条建议 a piece of advice 21 偶然地 意外地 by accident chance 22 旅行社 新闻社 travel news agency 23 酸雨 acid rain 24 再三地 反复地 again and again time and time again over and over again 25 充分 利用 take full advantage of 26 不在 自 缺席 be absent from 2 27 允许某人做 allow sb to do 28 合计达 add up to 29 瞄准 目标在于 aim at 30 习惯于 be get accustomed to 31 私事 家事 外交事务 private family foreign affairs 32 在 超过 不到 岁 at beyond under the age of 33 毕竟 终究 归根结底 after all 34 可接近 可进入 可利用 have access to 35 因 钦佩某人 admire sb for 36 达成协议 reach an agreement 37 对 起作用 按照 行动 act on upon 38 火警警报 器 fire alarm 39 on account of 由于 40 对 的优势 advantage over 41 追赶 追求 be after 42 急救 first aid 43 建议某人做 advise sb to do 44 适应 adapt oneself to 45 承认做过 admit doing having done 46 交通事故 车祸 traffic car accident 47 总共 in all 48 在 中取得巨大成就 make great achievements in 49 为征求 登广告 advertise for 50 开户头 open an account 高考英语中译英测验 1 P1 P12 1 在你做决定之前请考虑一下我的感受 account Please take my feelings into account before you make any decision 2 就我记忆所及 她各门学科都比班上其他同学好 ahead As far as 1 remember she was ahead of all her classmates in every subject 3 我很高兴被聘请担任北京奥运会的口译员 act I m glad to be employed to act as an interpreter in the Beijing Olympics 4 医生建议他康复后再出院 advise The doctor advised him to stay in hospital until he recovered 5 这位科学家终日废寝忘食地埋首于研究 absorb The scientist is absorbed in research all day neglecting sleep and meals 6 与中国人不同 英国人喜欢在茶加牛奶和糖 add Unlike the Chinese the English like to add milk and sugar to tea 7 边开车边打手机是违反交通规则的 against Driving while using cell phone is against the traffic rules 8 游客只有乘坐直升飞机才能到达山顶 accessible The top of the mountain is only accessible to tourists by helicopter 9 那个撞倒老奶奶的驾驶员承认开车前喝了酒 admit The driver who had knocked down an old woman admitted drinking before driving 10 必须立即采取行动以减少台风带来的损失 action Immediate action must be taken to reduce the losses caused by the typhoon 11 他很独立 所以他不允许任何人牵着他的鼻子走 allow He is so independent that he won t allow anyone to lead him by the nose 12 既然我们还年轻 就不应该太害怕犯错误 afraid Since we re still young we shouldn t be too much afraid of making mistakes 13 商店的商品琳琅满目 让我们眼花缭乱 accustomed We arc not accustomed to seeing so many kinds of goods in the shop 14 显然 人人都钦佩他那绝妙的幽默感 admire 3 It is clear that everybody admires him for his fine sense of humor 15 不管怎样 我们原则上同意你的意见 agree Anyway we agree with you in principle Anyway we agree to your suggestion in principle 16 在旧社会 出身贫寒的人很少有受教育的机会 access In the old society people from poor families had little access to education 17 他的生活方式无法适应公司的要求 只得辞职 adapt He couldn t adapt his way of life to the company so he had to resign 18 他付不起 1000 元一月的房租 afford He can t afford 1000 yuan a month for a house 19 他早在二十多岁时就已经在工程学领域取得了巨大成就 achievement In his twenties he had already made great achievements in engineering 20 充分利用太阳能是节约能源的途径之一 advantage Taking full advantage of solar energy is one of the ways to save energy 高考英语单词测验 2 P13 24 1 n 出现 外貌 appearance 13 n 大气 气氛 atmosphere 2 n 宇航员 astronaut 14 n 到达 arrival 3 adj 吸引人的 attractive 15 adv 总共 altogether 4 adv 不管怎样 无论如何 anyhow anyway 16 阿司匹林 药片 aspirin 5 n 业余爱好者 amateur 17 n 申请 表 应用 application 6 n 运动员 田径运动员 athlete 18 n 公寓 apartment 7 n 怒气 愤怒 anger 19 vt 引起 兴趣 好奇心等 arouse 8 adj 全神贯注的 attentive 20 n 救护车 ambulance 9 n 争论 论据 argument 21 u 出席 参加 attend 10 n 文章 物品 article 22 automatic adj 自动的 不自觉的 11 n author 23 artificial adj 人工的 人造的 做作的 12 adj 古代的 ancient 24 architecture n 建筑 学 25 analyze vt 分析 26 antipollution n 防止 环境 污染 27 apparent adj 显然的 28 ambition n 志向 强烈欲望 29 annual adj 每年的 30 appreciation n 感激 欣赏 赏识 鉴赏 力 31 assignment n 任务 作业 32 anxiety n 焦虑 渴望 33 approve vt 批准 赞成 34 amusement n 乐趣 娱乐 活动 35 assumes 假定多承担 36 alter v 改变 37 applaud u 向 鼓掌 38 audio visual adj 视听的 39 annoying adj 恼人的 讨厌的 40 angle n 角度 41 authority 权力 权威 用 authorities 当局 官方 42 amazing adj 惊人的 令人惊奇的 43 approachable adj 可接近的 易亲近的 44 assist z 协助 帮助 45 announce vt 宣布 通告 46 appealing adj 吸引人的 47 ancestor n 祖先 48 appropriate adj 合适的 适当的 4 49 association n 联系 联合 协会 50 appoint vt 任命 委任 高考英语词组测验 2 P13 24 1 许多 少量观众 a large small audience 2 向某人 查问 打听 ask sb about 3 吸引某人的注意力 draw attract catch get capture one s attention 4 尽可能地 as as possible as as one can 5 为 向某人道歉 apologize to sb for make an apology to sb for 6 感激 某人 做 appreciate one s doing 7 店员 售货员 shop assistant 8 对 感到羞愧 be ashamed of to do that 9 别无选择 只得 have no alternative but to do 10 电气制品 家电 electrical household appliances 11 对 的态度 attitude towards 12 安排 做 arrange for to do 13 呼吁 上诉 吸引 appeal to 14 向某人 要某物 ask sb for sth 15 与 一起 along together with 16 怀里抱着 拥抱 hold in one s arms 17 把 应用于 apply to 18 向某人保证 使某人相信 assure sb that of sth 19 渴望 be anxious for to do that 20 除 之外 apart from 21 到达 大地方 arrive in 22 如果你 我就很感激了 I would appreciate it very much if you would could 23 保持某人的注意力 hold one s attention 24 就 与某人争论 argue with sb about over 25 be angry at to do that be annoyed at sth with sb 26 至于 as for to 27 be attached to 依附于 附属于 28 与某人约好做某事 make an appointment with sb to do sth 29 胃口好 不好 have a good poor appetite 30 arise from 由 发生 出现 31 在各方面 in all aspects 32 朗读 read aloud 33 似乎有 There appear s to be 34 为 做安排 make arrangements for 35 注意 pay attention to 36 连 好像 as if as though 37 担忧 be anxious about 38 某事物的学习 研究 处理方法 approach to sth 39 分配 任务 给某人 布置 作业 给某人 assign sb sth assign sth to sb 40 in arms 武装着 的 41 对 大感惊讶 be amazed at to do that be astonished at to do that 5 42 be associated with 与 有关 43 吩咐某人做某事 ask tell sb to do sth 44 旅游胜地 tourist attraction 45 向 申请 apply to for 46 连 正如 正当 just as 47 问题的回答 信的回复 answer to the question letter 48 assembly line 工厂的 装配线 49 企图做 尝试做 attempt to do 50 在某人看来 似乎 It appears to sb that sth sb appear to do 高考英语中译英测验 2 P13 24 1 我已经安排了一辆出租车去机场接你 arrange I have arranged for a taxi to meet you at the airport 2 教师指定学生写一篇有关切身体验的作文 assign The teacher assigned the students to write a composition about their own experiences 3 你该就刚才的所作所为向在场的人道歉 apologize You should apologize to the people present for what you have just done 4 他要我注意疏忽的地方 attention He drew my attention to the point I had overlooked 5 尽管他很忙 他还是每天抽出一点时间读英语 as Busy as he is he spares a few minutes every day to read English 6 应该鼓励学生将课堂所学知识运用到实践中去 apply Students should be encouraged to apply what they have learned in class to practice 7 看到她在音乐会上的精彩演出 我们惊讶不已 amaze We were amazed at her wonderful performance at the concert 8 他为自己食言而感到羞愧不已 ashamed He felt much ashamed of breaking his promise 9 他与我争论是否应该鼓励人们养宠物 argue He argued with me about whether we should encourage people to raise pets 10 政府呼吁人人节约用水 appeal The government is appealing to everyone to save water 11 出乎意料的是 他对我们采取友善的态度 attitude Unexpectedly he took a friendly attitude towards us 12 我向你保证这项计划会成功 assure I assure you of the success of the project I assure you that the project will succeed 13 今天下午我没空 我和牙医有约 appointment I am not free this afternoon because I have an appointment with my dentist 14 别闯红灯 否则你要被罚款的 or Don t jump the red light or you will be fined 15 他企图隐瞒事实 结果却为此付出了沉重的代价 attempt He attempted to hide the fact only to pay a heavy price for it 16 如有可能 我想听听王教授对我的作文的建议 ask If possible I want to ask Professor Wang for advice on my composition 6 17 他生病了 没有胃口吃晚饭 appetite Since he is ill he has no appetite for dinner 18 一到澳大利亚 他就打电话向父母报平安 arrival On arrival in Australia he called to inform his parents of his safety 19 如果你能帮我学习英语我将不胜感激 appreciate I d appreciate it very much if you could help me with my English 20 学生们急于知道期末考试成绩 anxious The students are anxious to know the result of the final examination The students are anxious for the result of the final examination 高考英语单词测验 3 P25 36 1 adv 而且 besides 2 adj 乏味的 无聊的 boring 3 n 毯子 覆盖物 覆盖层 blanket 4 n 行李 baggage 5 adj 美丽的 出色的 beautiful 6 n 色蕾舞 ballet 7 adj 醒着的 awake 8 n 棒球 baseball 9 相信 信任 信念 信仰 belief 10 v 烘 焙 烤 bake 11 烤肉野餐 barbecue 12 adj 失明的 盲目的 blind 13 v 预定 票 座位 房间等 book 14 n 林荫道 大街 avenue 15 n 行为 举止 behavio u r 16 n 乐队 band 17 a 舞会 ball 18 n 浴室 bathroom 19 v 打 打败 心脏等 跳动 beat 20 账单 账款 bill 21 adj 落后的 backward 22 bloom vi n 开花 23 bargain vi 讨价还价 24 unaware adj 没有意识到的 25 beneficial adj 有益的 26 bomb u 投弹 于 轰炸 27 imbalance n 不平衡 28 basic adj 基本的 29 bitter adj 有苦味的 痛苦的 寒冷等 严酷的 30 bet v n 打赌 31 bodily adj 身体的 32 barely adv 几乎没有 仅仅 33 baby sit vi 看护婴儿 充任临时保 姆 34 belongings n 所有物 财产 35 bless vt 保佑 祝福 36 battle n 战役 战斗 搏斗 37 unavoidable adj 不可避免的 38 beyond prep 超过 39 barrier n 障碍 物 栅栏 40 awkward adj 笨拙的 难用的 尴尬 的 难处理的 41 bacteria n 细菌 42 bloody adj 流血的 血腥的 43 ban n 禁止 禁令 44 biological adj 生物学的 45 boast u In 吹嘘 自吹自擂 46 beg v 乞求 恳求 47 battery n 电池 48 background n 背景 49 awful adj 可怕的 糟透了的 非常的 50 block vt 堵塞 封锁 道路等 阻止 妨碍 高考英语词组测验 3 P25 36 1 因 应受责备 be to blame for 2 某事物使某人受益 某人得益于某事物 sth benefit sb sb benefit from sth 3 破坏生态平衡 upset disturb destroy the balance of nature 7 4 从头到尾 自始至终 from beginning to end 5 对 感到厌烦 be bored with 6 因 授予某人 奖 award sb sth for award sth to sb for 7 不能忍受做 can t bear stand doing to do 8 以 为基础 be based on on the basis of 9 在 方面落后 于 fall be behind in 10 卧 病 在床 be ill in bed 11 竭尽全力做 do try one s best to do 12 售票处 booking office 13 某物对某人来说可得到 sth be available 14 信任 相信 的存在 信仰 believe in 15 介 因为 because of 16 由 开始 begin start with 17 洗澡 have take a bath 18 not a bit 一点也不 19 最好不做 had better not do 20 充分 意识到 be fully well aware of that wh 21 按铃 ring the bell 22 生于 be born in 23 牢记 bear keep sth in mind bear keep in mind that 24 人 human being 25 劳逸结合 keep a balance between work and play 26 行为检点 守规矩 behave oneself 27 平均 on the an average 28 正要做某事 be about to do sth 29 安全带 seat safety belt 30 对 有害 be bad for 31 把 归咎于某人 blame sb for sth blame sth on sb 32 布告栏 notice board 33 理发店 the barber s 34 在海滩 at on the beach 35 be bound to do 定会 负有 义务的 36 避免做 avoid doing 37 像以前一样 as before 38 禁止 做 ban from doing 39 肢体语言 body language 40 属于 belong to 41 big game 象 狮子等 大猎物 42 come into being 形成 43 铺床 make a the one s bed 44 on board 在船 飞机 车 上 45 举止得当 恶劣 behave well badly 46 在某人背后 背地里 behind one s back 47 游泳衣 bathing suit 8 48 生来具有 be born with 49 在 之初 at the beginning of 50 吹唬 boast about of that 高考英语中译英测验 3 P25 36 1 这部以真人真事为原型的电影很感人 base The movie based on a true story is very moving 2 众所周知 知识始于实践 begin It is known to all that knowledge begins with practice 3 一直要想方设法讨好老板 真让我厌烦 bore I m really bored with trying every means to please my boss all the time 4 这个获胜者因她的画而获得了一等奖 award The winner was awarded the first prize for her picture 5 做志愿者的经历让我受益匪浅 benefit I benefit a lot from the experience of working as a volunteer The experience of working as a volunteer benefits me a lot 6 无论你到何处 都要牢记在心 入国问禁 入乡随俗 bear Wherever you go bear in mind that when in Rome do as the Romans do 7 一些减肥广告已经在电视上停播了 ban Some ads on losing weight have been banned from being broadcast on TV 8 人们普遍认为吸烟有害健康 It It is generally believed that smoking does harm to health 9 显而易见 这个国家的人每时每刻都可喝到新鲜牛奶 available Obviously fresh milk is available to the people in the country at any moment 10 昨天发生的事怪不得孩子们 blame The children are not to blame for what happened yesterday 11 由于大雾 从上海飞往北京的航班延误了近两小时 because of Because of the heavy fog the flight from Shanghai to Beijing was delayed nearly two hours 12 正要付钱的时候 我的信用卡不见了 when When I was about to pay the money I couldn t find my credit card 13 那本蓝封面的词典不是我的 belong The dictionary whose cover is blue doesn t belong to me 14 我想你不是很清楚这对我有多重要 aware I don t think you are fully aware of how much this means to me 15 这部历史小说引人入胜 我简直爱不释手 bear The historical novel is so attractive that I can t bear putting it down 16 他从图书馆借了一些参考书而不是侦探小说 borrow He borrowed some reference books rather than detective novels from the library 17 过了许多年这一秘密才被泄露出来 before It was many years before the secret was finally revealed 18 我尽量避免遇到他 因为他总是使我厌烦 avoid I tried to avoid meeting him because he always bored me 19 你最好不要玩火 会伤到自己的 or You d better not play with fire or you may hurt yourself 9 20 每一种药物都有副作用 对健康可能造成损害 bad Every drug has some side effects which may be bad for one s health 高考英语单词测验 4 P37 48 1 adj 明亮的 鲜艳的 聪明的 bright 2 粗心 疏忽 carelessness 3 adj 新建的 newly built 4 n 首都 capital 5 n 分支 如分店 分部 分行等 branch 6 n 地毯 carpet 7 n 糖果 candy 8 n 生涯 职业 事业 career 9 n 品牌 商标 brand 10 vt 取消 删去 cancel 11 n 黄油 butter 12 n 日历 calendar 13 n 动画片 漫画 cartoon 14 v 呼吸 breathe 15 n 船长 机长 队长 captain 16 n 保龄球 bowling 17 n 咖啡馆 小餐馆 cafe 18 n 木匠 carpenter 19 n 新娘 bride 20 n 癌 cancer 21 adj 勇敢的 brave 22 n 胡萝卜 carrot 23 adj 能干的 capable 24 budget n 预箅 案 25 calculate v 计算 26 browse vi n 浏览 随便翻阅 27 ceiling n 天花板 28 brake 制动器 刹车 29 cash vt 兑现 支票等 30 broad adj 宽的 广阔的 广泛的 31 canal n 运河 32 bullet n 子弹 33 botanic al adj 植物 学 的 34 cart n 手推车 35 brunch n 早午餐 晚吃的早餐 用以代替午餐 36 cease v n 停止 37 campaign n 战役 运动 竞选 38 bury vt 掩埋 39 outbreak n 爆发 40 capture vt n 捕获 俘虏 占领 41 canteen n 食堂 小卖部 42 bother vt 打扰 使烦恼 43 catalog ue n 目录 44 candidate n 候选人 求职者 应试者 45 brick n 砖 积木 46 casual adj 偶然的 随便的 不经意的 漫不经心的 47 brilliant adj 灿烂的 极聪明的 48 carbonic adj 碳的 49 canned adj 罐装的 50 cabin n 机舱 船舱 小屋 高考英语词组测验 4 P37 48 1 忙于 be busy with sth be busy doing 2 要求 需要 callfor 3 树立信心 build up one s confidence 4 付现金 pay in cash 5 爆发 break out 6 注意不要 Be careful not to do Take care not to do 7 在校园内 on campus 8 突然大哭 大笑 burst break into tears laughter burst out crying laughing 9 实施 计划等 carry out 10 简言之 in brief 11 不是 而是 not but 10 12 赶上 catch up with 13 撞上 碰见 bump into 14 机械等 出故障 breakdown 15 在 的底部 at the bottom of 16 使 冷静下来 calm down 17 袖珍计算器 pocket calculator 18 给某人带来某物 bring sb sth bring sth to sb 19 carry on 继续 20 营业时间 business hours 21 遇到 雨 交通堵塞等 be caught in 22 中间 休息 have take a break 23 数码相机 digital camera 24 的导因 the cause of 25 埋头于 专心于 be buried in bury oneself in 26 拜访某人 call on sb 27 nothing but 只有 只不过 28 便装 casual clothes 29 再 也不为过 can not never too 30 做生意 do business 31 什么都不能做 只得 can do nothing but do can t do anything but do 32 因公出差 on business 33 喘不过气来 out of breath lose one s breath 34 从事 职业 follow a career 35 不仅 而且 not only but also 36 介 要不是 but for 37 关心 介意 在乎 care about 38 给某人买某物 buy sb sth buy sth for sb 39 公共汽车站 bus stop 40 号召 做 call on to do 41 抚养长大 bring up 42 去露营 go camping 43 担负起 的重任 bear carry shoulder the burden of 44 in no case 绝不 45 从心底里 发自内心地 from the bottom of one s heart 46 不关你的事 none of your business 47 按按钮 press the button 48 消防队 fire brigade 49 喜欢 想要 照顾 care for 50 有能力做某事 be capable of doing sth 高考英语中译英测验 4 P37 48 1 听到那一激动人心的消息 我情不自禁地大哭起来 burst At the exciting news I couldn t help bursting into tears 2 做幼儿园老师需要极大的耐心 call 11 Working as a teacher in the kindergarten calls for a lot of patience 3 恐怕他们遇到交通堵塞了 catch I m afraid that they have been caught in a traffic jam 4 作为班上的尖子学生 她有能力解答这些数学题 capable As a top student in the class she is capable of working out these maths problems 5 现在年轻人所缺乏的 不是书本知识 而是实践经验 not but What young people lack now is not book knowledge but practical experience 6 父母双方必须对养育子女承担同等的责任 bring Parents must be equally responsible for bringing up children 7 她的计划听上去很好 可是我们实施起来将困难重重 carry Her plan sounds good but we ll have many difficulties carrying it out 8 上周因为生病我缺了一些课 但是我会努力赶上大家的 catch Because of my illness last week I missed some lessons but I will try to catch up with others 9 如果您方便的话 今晚我想去您府上拜访 call If it is convenient for you I want to call on you tonight If it is convenient for you I want to call at your house tonight 10 这位作家专心致志于写作 以致忘了自己重病在身 bury The writer was so buried in his writing that he forgot his serious illness 11 她不在乎报酬 对她来说重要的是她的实验 care She doesn t care about the reward and what matters to her is her experiment 12 我会待在宾馆 以防有电话 incase I ll stay in the hotel in case there is a telephone call 13 警方正在竭尽全力查明火灾的导因 cause The police are trying their best to find out the cause of the tire 14 他不仅意识到了自己的弱点 而且想克服它 not only but also He not only realized his weakness but also desired to overcome it Not only did he realize his weakness but also he desired to overcome it 15 救援队在地震发生后不久就设法赶到了那里 break The rescue team managed to get there soon after the earthquake broke out 16 为了承担得起出国的费用 你无论怎样节俭都是不过分的 cannot too In order to afford to go abroad you cannot be too economical 17 在空调房间待太久会使人生病 cause Staying in an air conditioned room for too long may cause people to fall ill 18 小心点 别从车上摔下来 你才刚学会骑车 careful Be careful not to fall off the bike as you ve just learned to ride 19 除了等待进一步通知 我们别无他法 but We can do nothing but wait for further notice 20 不要打扰 James 他正忙于学校音乐会的操练 busy Don t disturb James as he is busy practicing for the school concert Don t disturb James as he is busy with the practice for the school concert 高考英语中译英测验 5 P49 60 1 adj 有挑战性的 challenging 13 n 喜剧演员 作家 comedian 2 n 化学 chemistry 14 n 主席 chairman 12 3 vi n 闲谈 聊天 chat 15 n 奶酪 cheese 4 n 气候 气氛 climate 16 n 职员 clerk 5 adj 舒适的 comfortable 17 n 交流 传达 通信 communication 6 认欢呼 喝彩 cheer 18 n 特征 性格 角色 人物 character 7 adj 清澈的 清楚的 清晰的 清除的 clear 19 n 世纪 century 8 n 社区 团体 社会 community 20 v 收集 采集 募集 捐款等 collect 9 n 巧克力 chocolate 21 n 委员会 committee 10 adj 中心的 中央的 central 22 adj 多云的 cloudy 11 adj 幼稚的 childish 23 n 冠军 champion 12 vt n 认领 claim 24 n 市民 公民 citizen 25 adj 色彩鲜艳的 富于色彩的 丰富多彩的 colo u rful 26 adv 必定地 certainly 27 comparative adj 相比较而言的 相 对的 28 civilized adj 文明的 开化的 29 charity n 慈善 救济物品 常 charities 慈善组织 30 disclose vt 揭露 31 certificate n 证书 证明 32 colony n 殖民地 33 chase v n 追逐 追求 34 clue n 线索 提示 35 common 共同的 常见的 一般的 普通的 36 classic 经典作品 37 celebration n 厌祝 38 charge vt 收费 充电 谴责 控告 39 comment n v 评论 40 classify vt 分类 41 chief n 首领 领袖 上司 42 coast n 海岸 43 Christian n 基督教徒 44 cell n 细胞 45 clones 克隆 使无性繁殖 46 communist adj 共产主义 者 的 47 chapter n 书籍的 章 48 companion n 同伴 伴侣 49 civilian n adj 平民 的 50 collar 衣领 动物 颈圈 高考英语词组测验 5 P49 60 1 总工程师 总编 主厨 the chief engineer editor cook 2 赢得冠军头衔 win the championship 3 别无选择 只得 have no choice but to do 4 逐渐意识到 come to realize 5 以 为特征 be characterized by 6 头等舱 经济舱 first economy class 13 7 办理住宿手续 办理飞机的搭乘手续 check in 8 ten degrees centigrade 10 摄氏度 10 9 去做礼拜 go to church 10 以支票付款 pay by check cheque 11 恢复知觉 苏醒 come to oneself 12 under in no circumstances 绝不 13 迎接挑战 meet the challenge 14 从 中挑选 choose from 15 把 A 比作 B compare A to B 16 将某物更换为同种物品的一件 change for 17 去看电影 go to the cinema 18 下棋 play chess 19 开 闭幕式 opening closing ceremony 20 古典音乐 classical music 21 负责 掌管 in charge of 22 声称 claim that to do 23 错过机会 miss a chance 24 得了 重 感 W have catch get a bad cold 25 有很多 没有共同之处 have a lot nothing in common 26 连锁店 chain store 27 陪伴某人 keep sb company 28 天空 放晴 clear up 29 off the coast 在海上 30 把 A 与 B 相结合 combine A with B 31 点击鼠标 click the mouse 32 收藏了大量的 have a large collection of 33 婚礼 毕业典礼 颁奖典礼 wedding graduation award ceremony 34 常识 common sense 35 凡事都有两面性 Every coin has two sides 36 选择做 choose to do 37 在童年 in one s


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