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外研版八年级英语下册第一模块检测卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . A new TV show called National Treasure has become wildly _with young viewers.AcreativeBfamousCpopularDexciting2 . You _ ill. _ you should go to the hospital.Amay are, MaybeBmay be, MaybeCmaybe, Maybe3 . After hard work, he was _ tired to stand up.AsoBtoCtooDvery4 . I have a bad cold. I dont feel like _ anything.Ato eatBeatingCeatDeatting5 . Listen! Our music teacher is playing the music of Two Butterflies._!AWhat a sweet musicBHow sweet musicCHow a sweet musicDWhat sweet music6 . Hello! _ Hello! Im Jack.AWhats your name?BHow are you?CWhats this?7 . Youd better not eat salt. Its bad for your health. Thanks for your advice.Amany tooBtoo manyCtoo muchDmuch too8 . -Will you go shopping this afternoon, sweetheart?-Yes, but I havent decided_ to buy.AwhatBwhichChowDwhere9 . -are Tom and Jim talking to ? - Their English teacher .AWhatBWhenCWhoDwhere10 . The price of the house is so high. I hope it can _ in the future.AdropBdevelopCprovideDfall二、补全对话7选5根据对话内容从方框中选择能填入空白处的最佳选项补全对话,其中有两项多余。A: Hello, Annie. 26. 11 . B: Yes, I do. We are in the same class.A: 27.12 . B: Hes tall and thin.A: 28. 13 . B: Hes very friendly. He always tells lots of things about his family.A: Really? 29. 14 . B: Four his parents, his sister and him. Oh, Ill play table tennis with Jack after school today.A: 30. 15 . B: Of course. Im sure well have a good time.AWhat does he look like?BCan I go with you? CWhere does he live?DDo you know Jack?EHow do you know him?FHow many people are there in his family?GWhat is he like?三、完型填空阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。Ronnys BookRonny looked like every other kid in the first-grade classroom where I volunteered as the Reading Mom. However, Ronny was different from his classmates in other ways. He had a speech problem so he couldnt_like other kids in his grade.I worked with all the students in Ronnys class one by one to improve their reading skills. On the days when it was Ronnys_, Id give him a silent smile, and hed fly out of his chair. He sat very close to me and opened the book_he was opening a treasure nobody had ever seen.I watched his fingers move slowly under each letter as he struggled (努力) to read out. Every time he_to read a word with a strange pronunciation, the biggest smile would spread across his face and his eyes would shine with_It broke my heart each and every time.A few weeks_the school year ended, I held an awards ceremony (颁奖典礼). I_Ronny with a book one of those Little Golden Books that only cost $5. Tears (眼泪)ran down his face as he held the book close to him and went_to his seat. I stayed with the class for the rest of the day. Ronny never let go of (放开) the_, not once. It never left his hands.A few days later, I returned to the school to visit. I_Ronny on a chair near the playground, the book open in his lap. His teacher said, “ He hasnt put that book down since you gave it to him. Do you know thats his_book hes ever actually owned?”Keeping back my tears, I walked towards Ronny, placed my hand on his shoulder and asked, “Will you read me your book, Ronny?” And then, for the next few minutes, he read to me more_than Id ever thought possible from him. The pages were already dog-eared (卷角的), like the book had been read thousands of_already. When he finished reading, Ronny closed his book and said with great satisfaction, “_book!What a powerful contribution the writer of that Little Golden Book had made in the life of a disadvantaged child. At that moment, I knew I would get_about my own writing and do what that writer had done, and probably still does care enough to write a story that changes a childs life, care enough to make a difference.16 . AreadBcopyCwriteDlisten17 . AteamBtermCturnDtour18 . Aas if(似乎)Beven if (即使)Cas wellDif so19 . AforgotBdecidedCrefusedDmanaged20 . AfearBprideCpromiseDsilence21 . AafterBbeforeCsinceDwhen22 . AcoveredBsharedCpresentedDcompared23 . AoutBupCawayDback24 . AhandBclassCbookDchair25 . AfollowedBnoticedCheardDrealized26 . AfirstBsecondCthirdDfourth27 . AcoldlyBslowlyCclearlyDquietly28 . AmistakesBsalesCchancesDtimes29 . ASmallBGoodCNewDold30 . AseriousBnervousCworriedDsurprised四、阅读单选My mother goes to (去) the food shop every day. 31 has to buy many 32of food because(因为) she has three children, one son and two 33. I am her 34. After school, I can help her do the housework(家务). Today(今天) is Sunday(周日). I go to 35with my mother. In the shop, I find some food 36very expensive(贵). We buy some cakes and bread. My little sister likes 37 very much. My mother buys 38apple juice for my elder(大) sister. 39I dont buy anything(任何东西), because we have a 40bag to carry (提).31 . AIBHeCSheDHim32 . AkindsBkindCglassesDpairs33 . AboysBdaughterCdaughtersDgirls34 . AdaughterBsonCfriendDfriends35 . Aa food shopBa vegetable shopCa clothes shopDa shoe shop36 . AareBisCdoesDhas37 . AthemBitCtwoDone38 . AtwoBanyCa bottle ofDone39 . AButBSoCAndDOr40 . AgoodBheavyCniceDexpensivePeople usually talk about two groups of colours: warm colours and cool colours. Scientists think that there are also two kinds of people: people who prefer warm colours and people who prefer cool colours. The warm colours are red , orange and yellow. Where there are warm colours and a lot of lights , people usually want to be active. People think that red , for example , is exciting . Sociable people , those who like to be with others , like red . Scientists also find that warm colours can produce a comfortable feeling and that time seems to pass quickly in a room with warm colours than with cool colours . So a warm colour , such as red or orange , is a good choice for a living room or restaurant.The cool colours are green , blue and violet . These colours , unlike warm colours , are relaxing . Where there are cool colours , people are usually quiet . People who like to spend time alone often prefer blue . Cool colours are better for offices because it can make people who are working feel relaxed and calm.41 . According to this passage , people who prefer to be quiet probably .Alike the colour orangeBlike the colour blueCprefer warm coloursDare usually active42 . The underlined words “sociable people ”meansin Chinese.A城市居民B社会学家C喜欢运动的人D好交际的人43 . Which of the following statements is true according to this passage?AScientists like warm colours better than cool colours.BTime seems to pass more slowly in a red room than in a violet room.CRed can make people more active than blue can.DWed better colour a living room or restaurant with cool colours.44 . Why are offices often coloured in cool colours according to the passage ?ABecause these colours can make people feel that time passes more quickly.BBecause these colours can make people excited.CBecause everybody likes the colour white.DBecause people who are working can be more relaxed and calm.45 . The best title(标题)for this passage should be .AWarm colours and cool coloursBPeople and coloursCSociable people like warm coloursDPlaces and coloursIn April, 2013, I visited Yangzhou.Ge Garden is very beautiful and peaceful. The ticket has a map on the back of it that I didnt noticed until I had already left. But to be honest, I dont think that map is very useful because it isnt very clear an tailed. In my opinion, its better to improve it. Compared with He Garden, the map on the back of the ticket for He Garden is much clearer, more detailed and more useful. However, in the room that has the picture of the family members, there is only Chinese, no English, so my advice is to add English in interesting places. I got lost in the Slender West Lake. I spent about 30 minutes just trying to get out of one area. I think they need more signs posted along the trails. I like the Slender West Lake best, as she is so pretty! The ladies that were sweeping were very sweet. They always smiled at me and said hello, so it was nice.Taking a taxi is the most efficient(有效率的) and quickest way to get around Yangzhou. I didnt have a problem getting to the places which Id like to go to while using a taxi. The driver was very friendly. The fare isnt too high, either. But I didnt enjoy taking the bus. The bus ride to the Mastixia Bay (茱萸湾公园) took long although I only had to pay one yuan. It was also hard finding where Bus 32 was. I tried asking some people in English but they couldnt understand me, so I had to ask in simple Chinese that I only know buy that still didnt work. I spent about one hour walking around the city to look for Bus 32. The tricycle(三轮车) was nice, but it was a little too expensive for a small distance. Maybe I was_by the guy who rode for me, but it was an enjoyable ride. I felt like I was part of the garden city more.Over all I am satisfied with Yangzhou and will recommend it to others.46 . How many places of interest are mentioned in the passage?AThreeBFourCFiveDSix47 . The underlined phrase “ripped off” in Paragraph 3 may mean “_”.A优惠B退款C骗钱D免费48 . Which of the following I NOT the writhers advice?AEnglish should be added in interesting places.BEveryone in Yangzhou should speak English.CThe Slender West Lake needs more signs along the trails.DThe maps on the tickets for Ge Garden need improving.49 . We can infer(推断) the passage may be written by _.Aa foreign visitorBa lady sweeping in the parkCa taxi driverDa guy riding a tricycle五、填写适当的单词补全句子根据下列句子及所给单词的首字母,在答题纸上按题号写出各单词的完全形式(每空限填一词)。50 . Mary ra bike to school at 7:30 in the morning51 . He doesnt like getting up early, I dont, e_.52 . The boy is old enough to get d.53 . Teachers find that one q_ of the students feel sleepy in class in spring.54 . He is good at music, so he wants to be a m_ when he grows up.55 . John is good at w_ stories for children.56 . There are about nine h_ students in our school.57 . He brushes his t_ before he goes to bed.58 . Jim, n_ run in the hallways.59 . Im sure your dream can come t_. 六、用所给单词的正确形式填空.用所给单词的适当形式填空60 . In the future, there _ (not be) many schools.61 . It usually takes me half an hour _ (get) there by bus.62 . I dont like pop music because I think it is too _ (noise).63 . I think Beijing is one of the _ (beautiful) places in the world.64 . We are talking about how to stop the _ (pollute).65 . Do you think the _ (increase) population is the biggest problem in the world?66 . I want to have a chance _ (see) a famous concert.67 . I like that pet cat _ (call) Duoduo. It is so cute.68 . It took Linda an hour _ (do) her homework last night.69 . You should learn to make _ (note). Because it is good for you.七、完成句子根据所给汉语完成下列句子,每空词数不限。70 . 赫本的美丽和魅力吸引了这位作家的注意。Hepburns beauty and charm_.71 . 他是中等身材的办公室职员。Hes an office worker _ .72 . 贝蒂和她的同学相处得很好。Betty _ all her classmates.73 . 那个男人去年被指控偷商场珠宝。The man _ some jewellery from a shop last year.74 . 当他第一次看到那个女孩时就爱上了她。He _ that girl when he saw her for the first time.八、语法填空Some students dont like speaking in class. We find this kind of children in every class. There are many different reasons 75 . this. Some of them are shy, and some dont learn anything or havent76 . (prepare)their lessons at all.77 . (actual), some shy students have great ideas and understanding ability. But they just dont like to speak in front of people. They may wait for a chance to be 78 . (call) by teachers. Teachers can offer them chances and encourage them 79 . (talk) about their ideas. But for some students, they may not feel good about being asked to speak 80 . they usually cant think of anything to say. For these students, they should try 81 . best to build up confidence and become outgoing.Group work is also 82 . excellent way to solve this problem. Taking 83 . in some kind of group work is able to encourage students to talk. Every member in a small group will have more chances to talk to others. It would be easier to talk to a smaller number of people than to a big class. As we all know, most students would talk to students rather than teachers in school. So, teachers can often organize some interesting 84 . (activity) in and after class. So students can have more chances to communicate with others. It will help these children a lot.九、材料作文85 . 假如你叫杰克,下面是你同班同学的体育活动情况。请根据表格信息写一篇短文,不少于80个词。NameFavorite sportHow oftenFavorite playerDreamSteveswimmingtwice a weekSun Yanggreat swimmerMarrytennisevery dayLi NadancerJackfootballoftenRonaldoscientist_第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、补全对话7选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、2、3、五、填写适当的单词补全句子1、六、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、七、完成句子1、八、语法填空1、九、材料作文1、


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