人教新目标版八年级英语主题阅读-聚会 练习题

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人教新目标版八年级主题阅读-聚会 练习题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、完型填空Im a person who can get angry easily. But after reading an article from my English teacher,things _ a lot. I am studying at a boarding school,so I _ learn not only how to study well,but also how to _ with others. Some of us are _ while others are quiet. It is common that people have problems and arguments. So how can we be tolerant?Smiling at _ is the easiest way. Another way is to think _ your ideas are reasonable and right before having an argument. If others ideas are really not good, keep an open _. Try to forgive them. Having a friend is _ better than having an enemy after all!Also, dont point out others _ in public. This will make people lose face and get hurt. If you really want to help, send a letter instead. On the other hand, if someone points out your disadvantages, dont be _. Just think this is a person who really wants to help you and become friends. Remember: Tolerance makes life easier.1 . AchangedBhave changedCchangeDare changing2 . AcanBmayChave toDwill3 . Akeep upBget alongCcatch upDtalk about4 . AbusyBshyCseriousDoutgoing5 . AothersBotherCthe otherDthe others6 . AwhichBwhenCifDwhy7 . AheadBmindCbrainDhand8 . AmuchBsoCasDvery9 . AthoughtsBfacesCmistakesDideas10 . AhappyBannoyedCinterestedDconfidentIf you are lost in the mountain, dont get nervous. Staying calm will greatly_your chances of survival. Many people think that good preparation is very_But actually the most important thing is to keep calm. In order to survive, you can do the following things.First, find a hiding place.Unnecessary movement will make you_Youd better find a hiding place to rest in order to save your_If you are in snow, you may be able to dig a cave for protection_the cold weather.Second, send a signal(信号) to searchers for help.The best time to_a signal for help is during the day. Do this from the_point. It will be easier for searchers to see you. If you take a box of matches, build three smoky fires with some dry branches and the_will tell other people where you are.Third, do not walk away.Walking away will make it more difficult to find you,_searchers will try to follow your path and may_you if you have gone off in a different direction. Searchers often find a car with no one in it.11 . AreduceBincreaseCincludeDprove12 . AhelplessBhopefulCimportantDuseless13 . AstrongBweakChappyDsad14 . AfoodBmoneyCwaterDenergy15 . AfromBatCforDoff16 . AbuyBsendCtakeDborrow17 . AlowBhighClowestDhighest18 . AsmokeBmatchesCboxDbranches19 . AbutBbecauseCalthoughDso20 . AcatchBfetchCmissDrun二、阅读单选Dear Li Hua,Today Id like to talk about something interesting. In UK, you can tell a lot about your friends by what they carry in their schoolbags-you may know what they like reading, and other things they like to do after school.In the bags of middle school-age boys, you find hand held computer games, football magazines and playing cards. Girls usually have a book in their bag (maybe a romantic novel) and hair clips (发夹). Girls and boys both often have an MP3, a mobile phone, and, of course last nights homework! By looking in a friends bag, you can tell what kind of person they are. A clean and tidy bag shows an organized person. Someone with a bag full of textbooks and pens works hard.British middle school-age children also have a locker (存储箱) at school. They store their books or sports things, such as a football or a tennis racket (网球拍) there. They use pictures to make the inside of their lockers beautiful. Maybe they have pictures of their favorite music or sports star, or photos of their friends. So just like their bag, their locker says a lot about the person.How about things in China? Looking forward to your letter.Yours,Mike21 . What might you find in a boys school bag?AA romantic novel.BPlaying cards.CA football.DHair clips.22 . Both middle school-age boys and girls usually have _ in their bags.Acomputer gamesBlast nights homeworkChair clipsDfootball magazines23 . What makes the inside of students lockers beautiful?AA football.BA tennis racket.CPictures or their friends photos.DLetters24 . Organized person is _.Aone who puts everything in orderBone who is hard-workingCone who loves sports gamesDWho is their teacher25 . Which of the following is TRUE about the schoolbags?ASchoolbags mean a lot of homework for students.BSchoolbags say how much money a person has.CSchoolbags tell a lot about a students habits and personality (个性).DSchoolbags tell a lot about a students grades.Last weekend was a busy one,and a lot of fun!On Friday night we had a party for my friend Emily.It was her 20th birthday,and we went to Covent Garden.All the cool restaurants were there.It was such a nice place to go to on a Friday or Saturday night.There was a band (乐队) that played lots of cool music.The next day my friends and I went to the Tate Britain Museum.There were lots of paintings of British countryside.I saw a few of the paintings we discussed in class,and it was so cool to see them close.We spent Sunday in Putney,where we saw the Oxford-Cambridge boat race.It has a history of more than 150 years.The students of Oxford and Cambridge are trained all year for this race.It is only 17 minutes long.There were 12,000 people by the river,and it was like a huge party!It was great.26 . According to the passage,Emily was years old last Friday.AtwelveBtwentyCtwenty-oneDtwenty-two27 . Where did the author and his friends go on Friday night?ATo Covent Garden.BTo the Tate Britain Museum.CTo Putney.DTo the River Thames.28 . What did the author and his friends do last Saturday?AThey had a birthday party.BThey listened to cool music.CThey had a painting lesson.DThey saw a lot of British paintings.29 . When did the Oxford-Cambridge boat competition start?AMore than 150 years ago.BMore than 1,200 years ago.CMore than 20 years ago.DNobody knows.30 . What did the author think of his weekend?AIt was very busy and tiring.BIt was very relaxing.CIt was awful.DIt was very busy and fun.Every school has a notice board. Lets see what is on the notice board of an America school.School Policy(政策) Fighting, saying bad words and all other bad behavior will not be allowed. Do not throw rocks, snowballs or sticks on the school grounds.Hand in a note or telephone to school if your child will be absent for the day. Parents and visitors need to check in at the office when entering the school.After-school ProgramThe after-school program will continue for the year 2012. The program will be open from 3.30 p.m. to 6.00 p.m. every day.3.30-4.30 Homework & Reading 4.30-6.00 ActivitiesIf you have any questions, feel free to call the school at 524-9752.Class Announcement (通知)Testing Dates:The math testing is June 12-13The science test is June 15 Parents meeting:The next parents meeting is on Friday, June 22 at 7.00 p.m. in the meeting hall. Homework:Please check the Homework Board at the school homepage to find your homework.Report CardReport card about your school life and work will be given to your parents. Look at the marking key for your school work.MARKING KEY(评分标准)Goes beyond grade level standards4Meets grade level standards3Does not meet grade level standards,making progress2Does not meet grade level standards, not making progress131 . According to School Policy, visitors have to _ when entering the school.Ahand in a noteBcall at 524-9752Ccheck in at the officeDtelephone the school32 . From _, students can get information on the parents meeting.ASchool PolicyBReport CardCAfter-school ProgramDClass Announcement33 . Report Card shows parents _.Achildrens school life and workBafter-school activitiesCplans for classes and testsDcertain school rules34 . Suppose Tony doesnt do well at school but makes progress, he will get _ on the Report Card.A1B2C3D4三、填空以下是两封信。请仔细阅读这两封信,完成对表格内容的介绍。Dear Tony,Im going to have my thirteenth birthday party in my garden of my house.Please come to No. 675 Xihu Road.Date: Saturday, May 15th.Time:3:00p.m.5:30p.mDavidDear Tony,Im going to have my thirteenth birthday party in my garden of my house.Please come to No. 675 Xihu Road.Date: Saturday, May 15th.Time:3:00p.m.5:30p.mDavidDear David,Thank you for inviting me to your party. Im afraid I cant come, because Im busy with my workon that day.I hope you will have a good time.TonyDear David,Thank you for inviting me to your party. Im afraid I cant come, because Im busy with my workon that day.I hope you will have a good time.Tony35 . is going to have a party for his 36 . birthday in his garden of his house. The party is held from 3: 00 p. m. to 5: 30 p. m on 37 . , May 15th at No. 675 Xihu Road. He is going to invite Tony to attend his birthday party. Unluckily Tony is busy with his38 . on that day, so he cant come to the party. But he thanks David for 39 . him to the party and he hopes they all have a good time.第 11 页 共 11 页参考答案一、完型填空1、2、二、阅读单选1、2、3、三、填空1、


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