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鲁教版(五四学制)英语八年级上册期末测试(一)姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . _ you spell your name? B-O-B, Bob.AHow doBHow doesCWhat doDWhat does2 . Bob doesnt know _ to write about.AhowBthatCwhatDwhere3 . My brother _ as an engineer since he returned from America years ago.Ahas workedBhad workedCwas workingDwill work4 . The exam is coming! How nervous I am!Take it easy. But our teacher often tells us we cant be _ careful while taking exams.AveryBtooCquiteDso5 . We hardly have any time for our hobbies. Have you got any ideas, Samuel?_choosing our hobbies according to the time we have?AWhat aboutBWhy notCShall weDWhy dont we6 . It is reported thatpeople in the world are suffering from the HlNl flu.Aten thousandsBthousands ofCseveral thousands of7 . Have you got any plans for the National Days?I am going to take aanin the Yellow Mountain.AexperimentBcommunicationCvacationDpunishment8 . Do you know Miss King? Yes, she is our good friend. We like _.AhimBherCshe9 . John, do you have _ping-pong ball?Yes,I do.AaBanCtheD/10 . -Guess what ! Tina makes her own clothes.-Wow, she is so _. I could never do that.AenergeticBsimpleCcreativeDpopular11 . _is bad for your health. AStaying up lateBStay up lateCStays up late12 . My name is Kate. _? Lisa.AAre you LisaBWhats your nameCWhats thatDHow are you13 . The thieves the bicycles when the policemen caught them.AstoleBwere stealingChave stolenDwill steal14 . - What timeshe usually lunch?- At about eleven thirty.Adoes; hasBdoes; haveCdo; eatDdoes; eats15 . Every year, _ people come to visit our school.AhundredsBhundreds ofChundred二、完型填空完形填空(本题有15小题,阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。It was a cold winters afternoon. Robert stopped for a moment as he crossed the bridge and looked down at the river below. There were hardly any_on the river. Near the bridge, however, almost right _,there was a canoe(独木舟), with a boy in it. He was _ wearing many clothes, Robert noticed. He felt extremely cold and walked _.Just then he heard a cry, “Help! Help!” The cry came from the river. Robert looked _. The boy was in the water and his canoe was slowly running away. “Help! Help!” he called again.Robert was a good swimmer. Taking _ his clothes, he jumped into the river. The cold water made him tremble(颤抖) all over, but in a few seconds he _ the boy. “Dont be _,”he said and started to swim towards the river bank, pulling the boy with him. But at that moment he _ a large motor boat under the bridge. There were several people on the boat, all looking in his direction. Robert decided to swim towards the _.“_ me a hand.” he shouted as he got near the boat. He looked _ into a row of faces. “Its funny.” he thought. “They look so _.” silently they helped the _into the boat and wrapped him in a blanket. But they didnt move to help Robert.“Arent you going to pull me out too?” Robert asked.“You!” said one of the men. “You! Why, we were making a film and you spoiled a whole afternoons work! You can _ in the water!”16 . AfishBboatsCwavesDducks17 . AaboveBoverCbelowDup18 . AjustBnotConlyDluckily19 . AonBinCoutDdown20 . AupBoutsideCdownDinside21 . AoffBdownCawayDout22 . AarrivedBreachedCwentDcame23 . AworryBannoyedCafraidDcalm24 . AfeltBtouchedCnoticedDsmelled25 . AbankBbridgeCboatDboy26 . AGiveBReturnCTakeDBorrow27 . AdownBrightCleftDup28 . AhappyBdisappointingCangryDembarrassing29 . AboyBswimmerCmailDRobert30 . AjumpBrunCstayDwalk三、阅读单选English has become a global language. So which country, not including English-speaking countries, speaks English best? And where does China rank (排名)?Swedish language education company EF published their 2016 English Proficiency (熟练程度) Index this month. The Netherlands (荷兰) ranked first, followed by Denmark and Sweden. The rankings are based on English reading and listening test results of 950,000 people from 72 countries and areas.According to the index, the English proficiency in China is still low, ranking 39th. Out of the whole country, people in Shanghai are the best English speakers. They speak better English than Italians and French. Hong Kong and Beijing follow Shanghai as Chinas next best English-speaking cities.“Shanghai and Beijing rank high because they are international cities,” EF senior manager Christopher McCormick said. “However, across China, proficiency in English is different from east to west.”China has 400 million English learners, reported China Daily. However, the teaching of English in some areas is not very good. According to the Peoples Daily Online, there are seven primary schools in Shetianqiao town in Hunan, but only one English teacher. Many students still learn English by rote memorization (死记硬背).Sebastian Magnusson, an officer at the Swedish embassy (大使馆) in Beijing, gave some advice. Swedish people speak English well and Magnusson himself is also fluent in Chinese. He said TV programs, movies and even computer games could be learning tools. “Do not limit it to textbooks. What matters most is to use what youve learned,” Magnusson said.31 . Which country ranked first in the 2016 English Proficiency Index?ASweden.BThe Netherlands.CThe United Kingdom.DDenmark.32 . Which city has the best English speakers in China?ABeijing.BShanghai.CHong Kong.DChengdu.33 . Which of the following is TRUE?AHalf of the Chinese population is learning English now.BChinese people have high English proficiency levels.CSome Chinese schools are short of English teachers.DRote memorization is the best way to learn English.34 . What can we tell from Magnussons words?AEnglish is difficult for younger students to learn.BLearning English from textbooks is not a good method.CLearners should put what they have learned to practice.DLearners should get help from their teachers and parents.London, EnglandColor Restaurant has a different color for each night of the week. Friday is the yellow night, and all the food is yellow. You might have carrot soup, then fish in a lemon sauce, then a fruit salad. Other things change, too. On Saturday the food is red, and so are the waiters jackets, the tablecloths, and even the flowers. On Wednesday, everything is blue. So find out todays color before you go, as most guests like to choose clothes that go with their food. Eilat,_IndiaDo you enjoy eating by the sea? How about under the sea? The Red Star Restaurant in Eilat lies seven meters under the sea and 35 meters from land, and it is surrounded by coral and colorful fish. The restaurant is lovely inside, too, with its strange, flowing windows, and fantastic fishy furniture. This is a wonderful place to have dinner. And the best thing on the menu? The fish, of course.35 . If you visit Color Restaurant on Wednesday, youd better wear _ clothes.AyellowBredCblueDcolorful36 . Eilat is the name of a _.AbookBcityCcountryDrestaurant37 . You may find these two passages _.Ain a storyBin a diaryCon a menuDin a guidebookPaul received an expensive car from his brother as a Christmas present. On Christmas Eve when Paul came out of his office, a lovely boy was walking around the shining car. “Is this your car, sir?” he asked.Paul answered. “Yes, my brother gave it to me for Christmas.” The boy was surprised. “You mean your brother gave it to you and it did cost you nothing? Sir, I wish”Of course Paul knew what the boy wanted, but what the boy said surprised him greatly. “I wish that I could be a brother like that.” Paul looked at the boy in surprise, and then he said, “Would you like to take a ride in my car?”“Oh. yes. Id love to.” The boy answered.After a short ride, the boy said, “sir, would you mind stopping in front of my house?” Paul smiled a little. He thought the boy wanted to show his neighbors that he could ride home in a big car. But Paul was wrong again, “Will you stop where those two stairs are?” the boy asked.He went up to the stairs. Then in a short while he was carrying his little crippled(残疾的)brother.“There he is. Buddy, just like I told you upstairs. His brother gave it to him for Christmas and it didnt cost him a dollar. And some day Im going to give you one just like it. Then you can see for yourself all the nice things in the Christmas window that Ive been trying to tell you about.”Paul got out and lifted Buddy to the front seat of his car. The shining-eyed elder brother climbed in behind him and the three began an unforgettable holiday ride.38 . Who was walking around the shining car on Christmas Eve?APaul.BBuddys brother.CBuddy.DPauls brother.39 . Why did the boy ask Paul to stop his car in front of his house?ABecause he wanted to show he had a rich friend.BBecause he wanted to let his brother ride in the car.CBecause he wanted to show his neighbors the big car.DBecause he wanted to tell his brother about his wish.40 . What did the lovely boy wish?AHe could take a ride in Pauls car.BPaul could give his car to Buddy.CHe could be a brother like Pauls.DPaul could see all the nice things.There was a heavy snow last night. Maria stayed at home. Her cousin Cara came to visit her. She came back from Beijing. She told Maria something about her vacation. It was pretty good. She said. Cara visited the Palace Museum and the Great Wall. She took a lot of photos.It was lunch time. Marias parents were not at home. They decided to cook by themselves. Maria cooked noodles with some tomatoes and peppers(胡椒). After Cara ate up the noodles, she said slowly, I think it is delicious! But Maria thought the food was too awful. She said, Cara, thank you, but I put too many peppers!41 . How was the weather? It was。AsunnyBsnowyCcloudyDrainy42 . Where did Cara go on vacation? She went toAHainanBTianjinCBeijingDAnhui43 . cooked noodles.AMariaBMarias parentsCCaraDMary44 . There are somewith the noodles.Apeppers, mushrooms and tomatoesBgreen peppers, tomatoes and eggsCpeppers, tomatoesDpeppers and eggs45 . Was the food awful?AYes, it wasBNo, it wasntCWe dont knowDNo, its really nice四、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意和中文提示完成句子或对话。46 . Are the _ (灯) on the wall beautiful? I think so.47 . Now more and more people have their own cars, and there is bad _ (交通) on the road.48 . The people in west like finding _ (宝藏).49 . Do you walk _ (过) the market on your way home? Yes, I often buy things in it.50 . Slow down when you drive at the _ (转弯处) of the street.51 . You should turn right at the second _ (交叉路口).52 . What are they doing? They are walking down the garden _ (小路).53 . I often go to the English_ (角)at weekends. 五、用所给单词的正确形式填空B.用所给单词的适当形式填空。54 . Most of the_(kid)are lovely.55 . Actions speak_(loud) than words.56 . Little Eliza walked into the room_(quiet).57 . Sandy likes to make friends who are_(difference)from her.58 . Jason_(break)my cup by mistake just now.六、完成句子根据汉语意思完成句子59 . 睡觉前妈妈总是讲故事给我听。My mom always_ me before I go to bed.60 . 他想要和露西交朋友。He wants_ Lucy.61 . 格林先生不会敲鼓。Mr.Green _ the drums.62 . 参加音乐俱乐部怎么样?_the music club?63 . 我爷爷擅长下国际象棋。My grandfather is_ chess.七、用单词的正确形式完成短文other if walk deep what amaze for give wood shortIt was another wonderful Autumn here. I took my dog outside this morning. The air was cooler and drier than it had been for months. Our dog, Fluffy was carrying around a freshly fallen leaf in his mouth. I breathed (呼吸) 64 . and smiled. This was my favorite time of the year. I closed my eyes for a moment and a thousand65 . memories began to appear in my mind.I was a four-year-old kid carrying an armful of (一抱) colorful leaves into the house66 . to my mom. I was a young boy riding my bike down a hill with the wind whistling (呼呼地刮) past my face. I was taking a walk with my wife in the67 . wondering why some leaves turned a rich red, while 68 . turned a light yellow. I 69 . around a local lake with my children wondering why the prettiest season seemed to be 70 . in a year. I was sitting on my back porch (走廊) drinking tea, thanking God71 . another great Autumn afternoon, and wondering 72 . in Heaven it was Autumn all of the time.As I bathed my mind in these memories, I remembered73 . Emerson had once said, “Beauty is Gods handwriting.” I wondered too if God had a special pen just for Autumn.We are all traveling through sweet seasons in this world. May we always take the time to add our own love, joy, and beauty to them.八、填空The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn was published in 1885 and is a sequel(续集)to The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. At the end of the story, Tom and his best friend Huck found a lot of money in a cave and were allowed to keep it. Huck starts his story by describing what has happened to him since then.Many people consider Huckleberry Finn to be one of the great American novels. However, when it first came out it was banned by some libraries and schools. People thought that Huck, a young boy and the main character, wasnt a good example for children because he lied, stole and used bad language. Later, in the second half of the twentieth century, the novel was criticized for its racist language.In the novel Twain attacks many of the traditions of the southern states of the USA, through the eyes of the main character, the reader sees and judges the South, its faults and its good qualities.Several themes run through the story. Perhaps the most important one is slavery, which was finally abolished in all American states in 1865. Another is freedom. Both Huck and Jim want to be freeJim from slavery and Huck from the society that wants to control him. A third is friendship. The adventures that Jim and Huck share on the river bring them closer together. The fact that Jim is black and a slave is no longer important and they become good friends. Jim helps Huck and Huck helps Jim in return.Brief 74 . 75 . in 1885, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn described the story that76 . The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.Book reviewsIt is 77 . among the Great American Novels.When it first came out, people thought that Huck had a bad78 . on children because of his lies, theft and usage of bad language.Later, in the79 . twentieth century, it was criticized for its language.Twain was80 . many traditions of the southern states of the USMainAThrough Hucks eyes, readers learn about different aspects of the South.81 . Slavery. Slavery came to the end in all American states in 1865.Freedom. Huck wants to be free from slavery and Huck from the82 . Friendship. With the adventures on the river, Jim and Hack were brought closer together, 83 . Jim is a black slave.九、材料作文84 . 书面表达假如你是张华,你的外籍笔友Martin给你写了一封信,倾诉了最近遇到的烦心事。请根据信中的内容,给他写一封回信,给出你的建议,并说明理由。Dear Zhang Hua, Hows it going with you? These days, I am really upset because I want to join the school soccer team, but my parents disagree. They want me to spend more time on study. I dont know what to do. Should I join the school soccer team? What should I do? I really need your help. Can you give me some advice? Write back soon!Yours, Martin注意:1. 短文须回复信中所提问题,并适当发挥;2. 文中不能出现真实姓名和校名等信息;3. 词数:80左右。_第 17 页 共 17 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、4、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、六、完成句子1、七、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、八、填空1、九、材料作文1、


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