四年级下册英语课件-Unit 4 At the farm BReview 人教PEP(2014秋)

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四年级下册英语课件-Unit 4 At the farm BReview 人教PEP(2014秋)_第1页
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Unit4 At the farm Review,Lets chant,I like tomatoes. I like potatoes. Carrots I will try. I love to eat green beans, But onions make me cry.,Quick response-What are they?,If you know the answer, just stand up and say. 如果你知道答案,就马上站起来回答。,The farm wakes up in the morning.,wake,up,醒来,The hen wakes up.,Cluck, cluck.,The cow wakes up.,Moo, moo.,The horse wakes up.,Neigh, neigh.,The sheep wakes up.,Baa, baa.,Cluck, cluck, hen. Baa, baa, _. Moo, moo, _. Neigh, neigh, _.,sheep,cow,horse,This is a farm. Do you want to have a look? 这是一个农场。你想参观一下吗?,What are these? 这些是什么?,They are tomatoes.,They are potatoes.,They are green beans.,They are carrots.,What are those? 那些是什么?,They are horses.,They are hens.,They are cows.,They are sheep.,Pair work,Farmer:Welcome to my farm. Visitor:What are these? Farmer:They are tomatoes. Visitor: Wow! They are good. Farmer: Try some. Visitor: Yum!,Farmer:Welcome to my farm. Visitor:What are those? Farmer:They are horses. Visitor: Wow! They are so cute. Farmer: Yes.,Animals,Vegetables,Guess-What are these?,Guess-What are those?,Guess-What are these?,Guess-What are these?,Guess-What are those?,Different vegetables are grown from the different places. 不同的植物从不同的地方生长出来。,soil 土地,vine 藤,If you get more closer to the nature, you will get more general knowledge. 亲近大自然,你会了解到更多常识。,Its time to feed the animals. Do you want to feed them? 喂动物吃饭的时间到了,你想喂他们吗?,1. Work in groups. 小组合作。 2. One is the farmer, one is the visitor and the others are the animals. 一个人扮演农民,一个人扮演参观者,另外两个人扮演动物。 3. Make up your dialogue and then act it out. 编一个你们自己的对话,然后表演。,farmer (农场主):Welcome to my farm. Visitors (参观者):Oh! What are these? farmer (农场主):They are _.(一种动物) Visitors (参观者):Wow, they are so cute. Try some vegetables. Animals (动物A+B):What are these? Animal A (动物A):Are these _?(一种蔬菜或水果) Animal B (动物B): Are these _?(一种蔬菜或水果) Visitor (参观者): No, they are _.(一种蔬菜或水果) Animals: Thank you! Yum!,Tips: tomatoes potatoes green beans onions carrots apples bananas peaches strawberries watermelons cherries pigs cows ducks sheep horses hens,Do you want to see the farmer of this farm? 你想见见农场的主人吗?,We are busy and tired every day. 我们每天都很忙碌,每天都感到很累。,It takes one year to feed a pig. 一头家猪的出栏需要一年。,It takes 21 days to hatch an egg.一只鸡蛋的孵化需要21天。,It takes 3 months to grow rice. 一季小麦的成熟需要3个月。,It takes 6 months to feed a duck. 一只家鸭的养成需要6个月。,But we waste them every day. 但是我们每天都在浪费粮食。,Cherish food and refuse to waste. 珍惜粮食,杜绝浪费。,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,

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