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复旦求是 MBA 考前辅导班 1 MBA 考研英语协作模版 为了能使考生在较短的时间内获得考试作文的高分 根据不同的命题形式总结了大量模板 以 方便大家在考试中使用 需要说明的是 给出的多个模板考生们不必都牢记在心 只要根据自己的 情况在每种类型中选择一到两种作参考使用 原因陈述类 1 题型总结 原因型作文要求考生对社会现象或社会问题进行解释 出题者以某一社会现象 问题或趋势为 议论对象 要求考生就其形成的原因进行充分地 客观地解释 并从考生自身的视角出发对这一现 象 或问题 的前景 后果或影响做出结论性分析或预测 模板 1 Nowadays we often hear that This phenomenon is not accidental and there are social and individual backgrounds Why cannot For one thing For another As an Example From that we As far as I am concerned I agree that I think that 1 提出一种 要探讨的现 象 2 现象产生 的原因之一 3 举例说明 4 现象产生 的原因之一 5 举例说明 6 作者本人 的观点 复旦求是 MBA 考前辅导班 2 模板 2 In the past 15 years China has experienced an alarming increase in It rose from 8 percent in 1982 to 24 percent in 1995 The statistics look Quite disturbing and cause people to ask why The factors for a great rise in A are complex Some attribute it to and other place the reason to which Whatever the causes only particular external circumstances have been Examined The factors actually are psychological as well as social Most people They also To is the first step towards The effort to and then we may conduct a more extensive campaign To For all these reasons it comes as no surprise that 1 提出要讨论 的问题 2 原因之一 3 原因之二 4 提出建议一 5 提出建议二 6 得出结论 复旦求是 MBA 考前辅导班 3 模板 3 Have you ever Have you ever Have you ever If you have no experience like these your life is an inadequate one In my point of view I like A much more than B Every person can see the first reason The second reason for my propensity for A is that B is somewhat challenging as well Such as How ever I still prefer A for they teach me how to 1 以三个并 列的问句开 头 别有新 意 2 作者在 A 与 B 之间的 取舍 3 理由一 4 理由二 5 说明 B 也 有优点 但 比较而言 作者更喜欢 A 比较分析类 1 题型总结 复旦求是 MBA 考前辅导班 4 一种是运用比较的手段阐述自己观点 在比较所讨论的两个事物的优点缺点时 要有自己的看 法 具体写作时 对赞成的事物优点要详写 缺点少写或略过 对反对的事物 优点要少写或略写 缺点则要详写 使观点得以实现 另一种是所比较的两个事物都有明显的优点和缺点时 则既不完全肯定某一个事物 也不能彻 底否定另一个事物 模板 1 As two main solutions for and draw more attention of the public than ever before Some place more stress on the former while others attach heavier weight to the latter If asked to make a choice between the two forces I would not hesitate to choose the latter over the former There is no need to deny that but it seems Just consider the situation in which Moreover By contrast enables us to feel in fact as nothing brings more benefit than And what is more As can be concluded from analyses above when you judge between both on the basis of their nature don t you think that Therefore 1 提出两种 不同的观点 2 先承认所 反对的事物 有优点 3 转而说明 所反对事物 存在的缺点 4 详述反对 理由之一 5 反对理由 之二 6 所赞成的 事物的优点 7 详述优点 之一 8 详述优点 之二 9 做出结论 说明选择后 者是一种正 确的决定 复旦求是 MBA 考前辅导班 5 模 板 2 With the improved standard of living A plays an influential part in our everyday life Although it is widely accepted that A But in my opinion B It is true that A brings us into a whole new world where we can easily see the changes in our life However just like anything else A also brings us some problems For example To make things worst it Instead the advantages of B carry more weight than advantages of A For one thing B For another B also Although B cannot few things can match B in terms of 1 举出要比 较的事物 并说明作者 本人的观点 2 首行说明 A 具有一定的 优点 接着 着重说明其 缺点 3 A 的缺点 之二 4 反过来说 明 B 的优点 5 B 的优点 之一 6 B 的优点 之二 7 说明 B 也 有缺点 但 比较而言 其优点更为 复旦求是 MBA 考前辅导班 6 For all the above reasons I believe that 显著 8 结论 阐 明作者的观 点 分析利弊型 1 题型总结 分析利弊型作文 其特点是对某一个现象或事物的优点或缺点进行正反两个方面的分析 最后 得出结论或发表自己的看法 注意是针对一件事物 要与比较分析类相区分 模板 1 A now play such an important part in so many people s lives that Obviously A has both advantages and disadvantages As is often pointed out A makes us know So that In addition Yet here again there is a danger The main problem with it is that It is criticized on the grounds that it contributes leads to rise in Besides In addition In any case whether the ultimate of A is good or not one thing is certain that 1 主题段 总体说明 A 有利有弊 2 有利的理 由之一 3 理由二 4 不利一面 5 理由一 6 具体说明 理由一 复旦求是 MBA 考前辅导班 7 It is the uses to which it is put that determine its value to society 7 理由二 8 结论 复旦求是 MBA 考前辅导班 8 模板 2 has many advantages In the first place Second Third For all these advantages it is really worthwhile to However just as everything has two sides there are some disadvantages in The most serious problem is Besides Therefore given an opportunity to One must consider both sides of factors carefully before making up his mind On the whole it is a good thing to but on the other hand one must mot lose sight for the disadvantages 1 首先论述 有利的一面 2 优势之一 3 优势之二 4 优势之三 5 由此得出 的结论 6 不利的一 面 7 不利因素 一 8 不利因素 二 9 平衡观点 复旦求是 MBA 考前辅导班 9 观点陈述型 1 题型总结 有人认为 有人认为 我认为 有人认为 另外一些人认为 我的观点 提出一种现象 不同的看法 有人认为 有人认为 我的观点 模板 1 A is held in contempt by many people In these people s eyes A is always They show great concern for the fact that because for them Conversely many people have an aodor for A They argue that This notion is unacceptable to those who because they believe that In conclusion my idea is that 1 对 A 所持 的一种观点 2 原因 3 另一种观 点 4 原因 5 作者的观 点 复旦求是 MBA 考前辅导班 10 模板 2 Should This is much talked Nowadays Some hold that For one thing And for another Hence Other people however maintain that It is well known that Besides So Personally I firmly believe that because 1 以反问开 头 2 观点一 3 理由一 4 理由二 5 观点一的 结论 6 观点二 7 观点二理 由一 8 观点二理 由二 9 作者的观 点 复旦求是 MBA 考前辅导班 11 解决问题型 1 题型总结 这种类型的短文主要是针对某个问题或现象做出解释并说明原因 其结构主要如下 提出某个现象或问题 并从总结上把握该现象或问题 对该问题给出解释 并提出相应的解决方案 总结 模板 1 The whole society should pay close attention to the problem of Its results may be It will also bring the changes to our society such as When we think about it we find three constructive solutions First Second And finally Then we will find 1 现实生活 中出现的问 题 2 他产生的 后果 3 社会问题 带来的社会 变化 4 建议性意 见一 5 建议性意 见二 6 建议性意 见三 7 改进后会 出现的局面 复旦求是 MBA 考前辅导班 12 模板 2 We are facing major Problems it is reported that There are two basic sources of these problems One is man made for example The other is a natural catastrophe Then how should we One method is Or perhaps is a better way to In addition 1 提出问题 2 问题来源 之一 3 问题来源 之二 4 解决方法 之一 5 解决方法 之二 6 解决方法 之三 复旦求是 MBA 考前辅导班 13 模板 3 No doubt everyone wishes to When we discuss this some fundamental principles should be brought in mind The first key factor to solve this problem is is another key factor But the two methods may bring us some side effects for example Of course the most effective way to solve the problem is that But the conditions are not yet met All in all the solutions may not bring the perfect result but as long As we do it with our brains and hands we will one day resolve it 1 提出问题 2 解决措施 之一 3 解决措施 之二 4 这两种方 法的缺陷 5 解决措施 之三 6 总结 复旦求是 MBA 考前辅导班 14 模板 4 More and more attention has been focused on the problem of It brings not only but also But the most Serious result of the problem is If the problem is not settled down The suggestion we can make to the problem is In that case 1 社会生活中出 现的问题 2 问题带来的后 果之一 3 问题带来的后 果之二 4 这一问题产生 的最严重的后果 5 从反面论证问 题的严重性 6 针对问题提出 的建议 7 解决问题后出 现的前景 复旦求是 MBA 考前辅导班 15 解释说明型 1 题型总结 包括 what 型和 how 型文章 具体解释如下 what 型 what 型说明文是对客观事物的形体的构造 性质 功能 特点等进行说明 如果 文章要求发表自己的观点 就称为 what 型说明文 how 型 以说明 how 为主的文章是把握一过程或顺序向别人加以介绍和解释 因此它注重的 是一个 how 字以及回答或说明 how 这个字所涉及的方面 写时要注意以下几点 表达清晰 用词准确 层次分明 要忠于客观事实 不便用带有感情色彩甚至偏见的词语 不采用夸张手法 强调逻辑严密 文章按逻辑条理或时间顺序来写 模板 1 A has always placed an importance on and distinct effects on an individual There are many practical reasons for that One effect of A is that A reinforces a second effect Perhaps the most powerful effect of A is Many people because of Others Because of Regardless of the reasons for A however the effects are considerable Since 1 主题句 2 A 的影响 之一 3 A 的影响 之二 4 A 的影响 之三 5 总体评述 并给出建议 复旦求是 MBA 考前辅导班 16 We all would do well if 模板 2 The other day I happened to The story is not rare and it is one of the thousands who benefit form One of the benefits derived form To have a better understanding of We may look at Another benefit is concerned with A good case in point is Of all the benefits resulting form none has been more significant than Thus it can be seen that 1 提出要探 索的主题 2 优点之一 3 举例说明 4 结论 复旦求是 MBA 考前辅导班 17 模板 3 We often come into that A The story is not unique it is one of the thousands who suffer from One of the beneficial effects on is To have a full appreciation of we may turn to Another effect relates to A typical example of this is Of all the benefits resulting form nothing is as significant as In my opinion A is just If it may be useful for Whatever A is the key point lies in 1 提出要探 索的主题 2 益处之一 3 举例说明 4 益处之二 5 举例说明 6 益处之三 7 结论 复旦求是 MBA 考前辅导班 18 模板 4 For a long time we have been using A as a means of deciding whether Although A does the job quite sufficiently its side effects are also enormous The most undesirable effect is that For instance A do not but to it does not but to A also Actually few of us admit that If that is the case why cannot we make a change and devise something more efficient and reliable than A 1 引出要讨 论的事物 2 危害之一 3 举例说明 4 危害之二 5 结论 复旦求是 MBA 考前辅导班 19 图表作文 图表作文就是命题者要求考生在看懂各类图表的基础上 把相关的数字统计 线条 曲线等浓 缩的信息转化成文字的材料 图表作文重于说明事实 通过对图表中所反映的具体数据的说明 分析 比较 对某种事物 现象的事实或变化情况加以说明 并得出结论或看法 图表作文常采用议论文体的写法 1 图表作文的构思 图表作文的构思应从以下三方面考虑 交代图的性质及所示主要内容 段落简单 明确 阐述图中所示要点及相互联系 文中主体部分 通过第二段的说明 比较 分析 作者对此可以表明自己的看法 发表议论 做出结论或评价 2 图表作文需要注意的问题 不能在中文 罗列所给的数据 选择典型的 有代表性的数据就可 注意观点要与数据一致而且与数据分析出的结果统一 结论要有说服力 合情合理 既可以总结 也可以预测 复旦求是 MBA 考前辅导班 20 模板 1 The drawing of the cartoon probably wants to tell us that The purpose of the drawer is quite clear He She uses the cartoon to mirror our daily life Today The reason of the condition is We can do and must do something about it We should And Then it can be seen that 1 漫画所包 含的意义 2 社会现实 生活中与漫 画意义相似 的现象 3 产生社会 现象的原因 4 为了扭转 社会现象 我们所应采 取的步聚之 一 5 步骤之二 6 改变现状 后的前景 模板 2 The first graph shows us At the time the other shows that Some reasons can explain this trend First Second Third If we cannot take useful means we may not control this trend and Some undesired result may come out unexpectedly So what we 1 图表反映 的问题 2 理由之一 3 理由之二 4 理由之三 5 针对图表 反映的问题 应采取的措 施 复旦求是 MBA 考前辅导班 21 should do is 模板 3 As is shown in the table or in the picture dropped from in 1996 According to the figures given in the table has greatly increase or decreased in the past years or decades reaching in 1996 From the table we can also see that there has been a sharp decline or rise in It is clear that There are at least two good reasons for On the one hand Let s have an example to illustrate the great increase in On the other hand is due to the fact That In addition is responsible for Maybe there are some other reasons to show But it is generally believed that the above mentioned reasons are commonly acceptable As far as I am concerned I believe that I am sure my opinion is both sound and well grounded 1 对图表信息 的总结 2 理由之一 3 举例说明 4 理由之二 5 理由之三 6 作者所持的 观点 复旦求是 MBA 考前辅导班 22 模板 4 From the chart we can see how the number of fluctuated during the year of As you can see the general tendency is a declining one In the first three months increased from to Then the number fell to by the end of But it rose again and reached There are several reasons for Firstly Secondly Thirdly From the rise and fall in We can predict that 1 从总体上 说图表反 映的内容 2 详细说明 变化趋势 3 理由一 4 理由之二 5 5 理由 之三 6 6 从图 表得出的 预测结论 模板 5 The given chart show changes of from to The rise and fall of the number of indicates that According to the statistics given by the chart from to rose from to approximately because of Similarly also increased by That is to say In fact Moreover Through the above analysis we can expect that In short we will 1 从图表得 出的总信 息 2 图表结论 之一及原 因 3 图表结论 之一 4 原因之二 5 原因之三 6 结论 复旦求是 MBA 考前辅导班 23 模板 6 The graph shows us that We can find reasons to explain this trend First Second Third The situation would become worse if we do not take effective measures In order to stop the trend we should and we should also 1 图表显示 的概况 2 原因之一 3 原因之二 4 原因之三 5 作者建议 之一 6 作者建议 之二 模板 7 As can be seen from the table above some changes in have taken place over the period from to while has continuously decreased more and more Reasons for such changes however are not hard to find out One reason is that A second reason is that There is also another reason namely Our list of reasons could go on but they are already enough to confirm They also indicate that 1 先说明从 表中看到 有了变化 2 说明变化 的趋势 3 原因之一 4 再用一句 话具体阐 述该理由 5 原因之二 6 再用一句 话具体阐 述该理由 7 原因之三 8 再用一句 话具体阐 述该理由 复旦求是 MBA 考前辅导班 24 9 结论 写作常用套句精选 一 第一节 引言段 1 at present currently lately recently nowadays these years in the past several decades over the last several years 目前 当前 最近 近来 现今 这些年来 在过去几十年里 过去几年来 2 at the turn of the century 在世纪初 在世纪末 世纪之交 3 Thanks to China s reform and opening up policy has witnessed great ecnomic and social progress in the past two decades 多亏了中国的改革开放政策 在过去二十年里见证了巨大的社会经济进步 4 With the rapid marked amazing eye catching remarkable fantastic development progress growth advance improvement of economy society industry living standard great changes have taken place in 随着经济 社会 工业 生活水平 快速的 显著的 惊人的 令人瞩目的 发展 进步 增长 提高 发生了巨大变化 5 At the mercy of the ever accelerated updating of science and technology there are rapid changes in all aspects of our everyday lives 受益于迅猛发展的现代科学技术 我们日常生活的方方面面都发生了巨大的变化 6 With the arrival advent of the invention of the information age the 21st cetyry the economy age 随着 的发明 信息时代 21 世纪 经济时代 的到来 7 We are now entering a brand new era The 21st century is a time of advanced scientific and technological knowledge 我们正在进入一个崭新的时代 21 世纪是先进科技知识的时代 8 The human race has entered a completely new stage in its history We have just crossed the threshold of the 21st century and the curtain of the new milleniunl is slowly rising 人类已进入了历史的一个全新阶段 我们刚刚跨人 2l 世纪的门槛 新千年的帷幕正在徐徐升起 复旦求是 MBA 考前辅导班 25 9 We are blessed with new opportunities and faced with new challenges 我们被赋予新的机会和面临着新的挑战 10 With the increasingly rapid economic globalization and urbanization more problems are brought to our attention 随着日益迅速的经济全球化和城市化 更多的问题受到我们的关注 11 As develops 随着 的发展 12 Along with the development of more and more 随着 的发展 越来越多 13 In the past few years there has been a sharp growth boom decline in 在过去几年里 有显著增长 激增 明显滑坡 14 With the steady growth in the country s economy as well as the people s living standard 随着国家经济和人民生活水平的稳步增长 15 While the rhythm pace tempo of people s living is speedillg up a lot of changes have taken place in 人民生活节奏加快的同时 也发生了很多变化 16 With the fantastic spur both in industry and in economy in China the number of is on the rise 随着中国工业经济的迅猛发展 的数目不断上升 17 As living tempo pace quickens 随着生活节奏的不断加快 18 It is commonly believed that the rise in is the inevitable result of economic develop ment 人们普遍认为 的增长是经济发展的必然结果 l9 In recent years China has experienced an alarming increase in 最近几年来 中国 有了惊人的增长 20 The issue of whether we should has been widely debated in our community recently It is an important issue because it concerns fundamental moral and economic questions about the way we A variety of different arguments have been put forward about this issue This essay will consider arguments for and point to some of the problems with these views It will then put forward reasons for the 最近 就我们是否 的问题在我们社区展开了广泛的讨论 这是个重要的问题 因为它关系 到我们 基本的道德和经济问题 对这个问题 人们提出了许多不同的看法 观点 本文将讨论 复旦求是 MBA 考前辅导班 26 支持 的观点 然后指出其中的一些问题 21 Nowadays more and more people begin to realize be aware of notice the importance significance seriousness of the problem of education pollution unemployment 现在越来越多的人开始认识到 注意到 教育 污染 失业 问题的重要性 严重性 22 We often find ourselves caught involved in a dilemma whether we should reach for the bear s paw or for the shark s fin 我们常常发现自己陷入一个进退维谷的境地 是取鱼翅还是熊掌 23 There is a growing worldwide awareness of the need for 全世界对 需要的认识正在不断深入 24 Recently the issue problem of has been in the limelight brought into focus brought to public attention concern 最近 的问题引起了人们的注意 成了焦点问题 引起了公众的注意 关注 25 A recellt report released by the government has caused nationwide repercussions 政府最近发布的一份报告在全国引起反响 26 Recently the phenomenon has aroused wide concern 最近这个现象引起了广泛的关注 27 One of the universal pressing burning urgent problems issues we are faced with confronting us is that 我们面临的其中一个全球性的 紧迫的 迫在眉睫的 问题是 28 Recently the problem issue conflict has become the focus concern of the public 最近这个问题 冲突 成了公众关注的焦点 中心 29 There is a public general heated impassioned debate discussion controversy today nowadays as to over on concerning the issue problem of Those who criticise oppose object to contend argue that They believe that But people who advocate favor are for on the other hand maintain assert that 当前 人们就某事 现象 展开了激烈的 广泛的 热烈的 讨论 争论 批评 反对 的人辩 称 他们认为 然而 支持者却认为 30 A public debate has arisen as to the phenomenon of 关于 的现象引发了一场公众争论 31 Recently there is a vehement discussion on the issue of Those who criticise argue that They claim that But people who firmly advocate on the other hand argue that 最近 关于 的问题有一场热烈的讨论 批评 的人争辩道 然而 坚决支持 复旦求是 MBA 考前辅导班 27 的人则认为 32 There is a long running debate as to whether 关于是否 有一场持久争论战 33 It is undeniable that has become the biggest concern of the present day world 不可否认的是 已成了当今世界最令人关注的问题 34 Now it is commonly generally widely believed held accepted recognized that TheY claim argue hold that But 1 wonder doubt whether it 现在人们普遍认为 他们认为 但是我怀疑它是否 35 According to a n survey investigation analysis statistics report released con ducted made by there is a growing increasing declining number of who which 根据 发表的 所做的 一份调查 分析 统计数据 报告 的数目呈上升 下降 的趋势 36 Once in a newspaper magazine I hit upon came across a the report that 有一次在一份报纸 杂志 上 我看到过一篇报道 37 Which is a better choice A or B Different people have different answers due to their re spective point of view However I side with the opinion that A is far better than B for several reasons addressed below 哪个是更好的选择 A 还是 B 不同的人由于观点不同 答案自然也不同 我个人倾向于 A 优于 B 的观点 理由如下 38 This case has aroused echoes throughout the country with more and more people follow ing its lead but ideas about it vary widely 这个事件在全国产生了反响 越来越多的人开始关注它 但有关的看法却有很大的不同 39 The discussion about whether or not is a very controversial one There are people on both sides of the argument who have very strong feelings 关于是否 的讨论是个很有争议性的问题 争论的双方情绪都非常激动 40 Those who criticize oppose object to are against contend argue hold that 一 But people who advocate favor are for on the other hand maintain assert claim that 批评 反对 的人争论道 认为 但是赞成 支持 的人则认为 声称 41 Some argue hold that but others set forth a totally different argument about the issue of 有些人争论道 认为 但另外一些人则对 的问题提出了完全不同的观点 42 Of course there are a larger amount of arguments which may be advanced in defense 复旦求是 MBA 考前辅导班 28 of 当然 还可以提出更多的论点为 辩护 43 Some people say that other people suggest that But I can hardly share this point of view for several reasons 有些人说 另一些人则建议 但有几个理由令我不能同意这些观点 44 Some people place more stress in the former while others attach heavier weight to the latter If asked to make a choice between the two 1 would not hesitate to choose the latter over the former for several sound reasons 一些人认为前者更重要 而另外一些人却重视后昔 如果要我在两者之间选择的话 我会毫不 犹豫选择后者 理由是 45 Some people advocate that They claim that My opinion is identical with theirs 有些人赞成 他们声称 我的看法和他们的一致 46 Personally I side with the former latter opinion 就个人而言 我赞同前 后 者的看法 47 I am of the opinion that priority should be given to 我同意 具有优先权的观点 48 Personally I stand on the side of 就个人而言 我支持 49 As far as I am concerned I am in favor of the opinion that 就我而言 我赞同 的观点 50 For my part l completely agree with the former latter 至于我 我完全同意前 后 者的观点 51 To be frank To tell the truth I should second the former latter attitude position in preference to the latter former 坦白说 老实说 我赞同前者 后者 的观点优先于后者 前者 52 People from different backgrounds however put different interpretations on the same thing 然而 不同背景的人对同一件事却有不同的看法 53 Views on the issue in question vary from person to person vary widely 对正在讨论的问题每个人都有不同的看法 54 People rarely reach an absolute consensus on a controversial issue 人们很少在一个有争议的问题上达到绝对的一致 55 People S views however are divergent on the matter in question 复旦求是 MBA 考前辅导班 29 然而 人们对正在讨论的问题的看法是有分歧的 56 The other side of the coin has voiced strong opposition saying that 争论的另一方发出强烈的反对呼声 声称 57 Some people are of the opinion that 一些人的意见是 58 Some people hold the belief view that 一些人的意见是 59 Many people have the idea that However many others disagree that Both sides of the question


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