外研版(三起)英语五年级上册Module9 单元测试卷

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外研版(三起)英语五年级上册Module9 单元测试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . My mother _ an email _her friend yesterday. ( )Awrote ,toBwrote ,forCwrites ,to2 . What _ your father and mother like to do? ( )Ato doBdoCdoes3 . My aunt is a nurse, she works in a . ( )AhospitalBschoolCstreet4 . Dont be. You should take a deep breath. ( )AhappyBwarmCangry5 . Daming_his pen yesterday.AlostBlosesCis losing6 . My uncle _ on a trip yesterday. ( )AgoBwentCgoes7 . He cansome nice noodle soup. ( )AsmellsBsmellCsmelling8 . Whydoyoulikesummerbest?( )Ican.AgoskatingBgoswimmingCgoshopping9 . We have had _ pork. Thats enough. ( )Aa fewBa littleCfewDlittle10 . 根据图片,选择对应的单词或词组,将序号填入题前括号里。(_)1. A. singing B. dancing(_)2. A. reading B. sleeping(_)3. A. eating lunch B. having a class(_)4. A. go fishing B. go shopping(_)5. A. make a snowman B. do morning exercises11 . Can you sing? _AYes, I can.BNo, I cant.二、填空题按要求写单词。12 . can not(缩写)_13 . lost my ruler (中文)_14 . win(过去式)_15 . feel(现在分词)_16 . lost(原形)_17 . go(第三人称单数)_18 . do(过去式)_19 . tell(过去式)_20 . feel(现在分词)_21 . miss your friend(中文)_三、排序题22 . 将序号重新排列,组成一句话。(只写序号)1I hot feel_.2I happy feel_.3feel I tired_.4do feel How you_?四、任务型阅读Read, true or false. 阅读理解,判断正确(T)错误(F)。Its a sunny morning.Toms family are in the park. His father is talking with his uncle. Theyre happy. His aunt is reading a book. His brother is playing computer games. Tom is worried, because he cant do his word puzzles. His mother is angry with his sister, because she is walking on the grass.23 . Toms mother is talking with his aunt. (_)24 . His aunt is reading a book. (_)25 . Tom is worried because he cant play computer games. (_)26 . His mother is angry. (_)27 . His sister should walk on the grass. (_)五、句型转换28 . 根据要求完成句子。1. clothes/ near/ the/ is/ shop/ home/ my (.) ( 连词成句 )_2. I like my community. ( 把I变为She )_3. I can buy some healthy food in the supermarket. ( 改为一般疑问句 )_4. There is a school. ( 对划线部分提问 )_5. There is a fruit shop. ( 改为否定句 )_六、匹配题29 . 对号入座,请将右栏中相应的序号填入左栏的括号内。(_) 1. What do you have?AFive. (_) 2. Look at my cap.BGreat!(_) 3. How many cats do you have?CHow nice!(_) 4. Can you play football?DOrange.(_) 5. I dont like tigers.ESure. (_) 6. Can I have a look?FYes, I can. (_) 7.Do you like pandas?GIts under the tree.(_) 8.Lets make a fruit salad.H. I dont like either(_) 9.What colour is your box?I. Yes, I do.(_) 10.Where is the dog?J. I have some balls.30 . Look and choose.(_)1. I like noodles.A(_)2. I like rice.B(_)3. I dont like sweets.C(_)4. You are good children.D七、书面表达31 . 小作文。Mike是一个乐于助人的好孩子。仔细观察下图,写一写Mike帮助他人做了什么。提示:carry the desk ride a bike skate cross the roadMike is a good boy. _第 8 页 共 8 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、二、填空题1、三、排序题1、四、任务型阅读1、五、句型转换1、六、匹配题1、2、七、书面表达1、


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