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新版备考2020年小升初英语专题复习(题型专练):情景交际C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、 情景交际 (共10题;共90分)1. (6分) 读一读,应答配对Where is your father?_ A. Shes in the car.Where is your mother?_B. I am at the fire station.Where is your bird?_ C. You are at Century Park.Where are you?_ D. Hes in the canteen.Where are the birds?_ E. Its in the aviary.Where am I?_ F. They are in the sky.2. (5分) 给下列问句选择合适的答语。 A. Yes, Id like thirty dumplings.B. A bottle of water, please.C. Shes a teacher.D. Ill take part in the boys throwing.E. This is Kitty.(1) Hello. Who is that? (2) What would you like to drink? (3) Can I help you? (4) What did she do? (5) What sport will you take part in? 3. (5分) 选出下列句子的答语。A. Me too.B. She likes watching TV.C. No, he doesnt.D. He lives on the farm.E. Tom is my best friend(1) What is Amys hobby?_(2) Where does he live?_(3) I like doing kung fu._(4) Whos you best friend?_(5) Does he like singing?_4. (4分) 从右栏中找出适合左栏的答语Is it a book?_ A. Its pink.Whats this?_ B. Im fine, thank you.What colour?_ C. Its a monster.How are you?_ D. No, it isnt.Happy birthday!_E. Thank you.5. (25分) A: I often watch TV on Sundays. What about Zhang Peng? B: _.6. (5分) 选出相应的答语 A. Tomorrow morning.B. They are writing letters.C. Ill visit the West Lake.D. Its August 8th.E. Its very hot.F. Its behind the red building.G. Of course. Id like to.H. Ill go by plane.I. Ill travel to Wuhan with my friends.J. Because its Bens first trip to Shanghai.(1) Whats the date today? (2) When are you going to visit the farm? (3) What are they doing? (4) How will you go to Kunming? (5) Where is the restaurant? (6) Why is Ben excited? (7) What will you do in Hangzhou? (8) Do you have any plans or the winter holiday? (9) Would you like to go shopping with me? (10) Whats summer like in China? 7. (25分) What can you hear in the forest? (bird) 8. (5分) 选择正确的答语 Would you like some bread?_A. Yes. Whats up?Shall we meet at 6 oclock tomorrow?_B. It is half past five.Are you free this afternoon?_C. At Renmin Hospital.Where shall we meet ten minutes later?_D. All right.What time is it now?_E. Yes, please.9. (5分) Is he going to play baseball? No, _.10. (5分) _Yes, she is.(strict)第 5 页 共 5 页参考答案一、 情景交际 (共10题;共90分)1、答案:略2、答案:略3、答案:略4、答案:略5、答案:略6、答案:略7、答案:略8、答案:略9、答案:略10、答案:略


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