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2019-2020年度人教PEP版六年级上册期末测试英语试卷A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . They _ wet. ( )AareBdoC2 . Look _ at the spaceship. ( )AoutBupCdown看图,选择与图意、句子相符的选项。3 . ( )Atwelve oclockBeleven oclock4 . Here comes a farmer. ( )AB5 . ( )AmouthBphotoCeye6 . I like .( )Amorning exerciseBtable tennis7 . Taste the rice. ( )AB8 . ( )AKate does her homework in her study.BKate makes a card in her study.CKate reads a book in her study.9 . We should keep our schoolbags _. ( )Aclean and tidyBdirty and messyCbig and cleanDquiet and happy10 . Amy is _ music in the bedroom now. ( )Alisten toBlisteningClistening to11 . Thanks_ your help. ( )AatBforCwith12 . _ did you do last night? ( )I did my homework.AWhenBWhereCWhat13 . She is going toan art lesson. ( )AhaveBhasChaving选出与图意相符的句子,将其大写字母编号写在括号内。14 . ( )AI have a cat.BI have a toy car.CI have a toy bus.15 . ( )AMrs Li is Amys aunt.BAmy is Mrs Lis mother.CMrs Li is Amys mother.16 . ( )AI have a bag.BI have a bear.CI have a ball.17 . ( )AMay I use your ruler?BMay I use your rabbit?CMay I use your eraser?18 . What do you have? ( )AI need a hat. BI have an orange hat. CHeres a hat for you.二、填空题19 . Put the words into right places.AredBmotherCtigerDlionEfatherFbasketballGblack H. football1. ping-pong: _2. brother: _3. chicken: _4. green: _20 . 用适当的人称代词填空:(1) _(She, her)is my aunt.(2) We often visit _(he, him).(3) What day is _(it/they) today?(4) How far is the way? _(it/they)is three kilometers away.(5) Ling Ling is a girl._(She, her)studies in a primary school.(6) Her brother lives with _(we/us).(7) Mike is my classmate. _(he, him)is good at physics.(8) I want a glass of milk.Will you pass it to _(I/me)?(9) Whats the weather like today? _(it/them) is cloudy.(10) Could you help _(I/me)?三、排序题21 . 读句子,将下列句子连成一段完整的对话。(_) Can you find your dog?(_) You must be worried.(_) Yes.(_) No, I cant.四、任务型阅读22 . 阅读理解Helping each otherLook! Kate is flying a bird kite. Oh, her kite is in the tree. And it is broken. She cant climb up the tree. Li Lei and Jim are coming here. Li Lei is helping her. He is getting the kite from the tree.But he cant get down. Jim is helping Li Lei. Li Lei is jumping to the wall. They are getting down from the wall. Kate, Jim and Li Lei are mending(修理)the kite under the tree. They are good friends. 【小题1】根据短文内容,判断对(T)与错(F)1.Kate is flying a kite.(_)2.Li Lei is helping Kate.(_)3.Li Lei and Jim are getting down from the tree.(_)4.Jim,Kate and Li Lei are mending the kite.(_)【小题2】根据短文内容,在A,B,C中选出一个最佳答案。5.What is Kate doing?(_)A.She is flying a red kite.B.She is flying a bird kite.C.She is flying a black kite.6.Who is helping Li Lei jump to the wall?(_)A.Jim is helping Li Lei jump to the wall.B.Kate is helping Li Lei jump to the wall.C.Kate is helping Li Lei jump to the wall.五、英译汉23 . 翻译句子:My little brother is playing with the toy train._六、匹配题选出相对应的答句。A. I can see some ducks.B. He is at school.C. Its Wednesday.D. Yes, it is.E. Great! Lets go.F. Well done!G. Me too.H. Its difficult, but I can try.24 . Look! I can swim now. (_)25 . Is this a flower? (_)26 . What can you see on the lake? (_)27 . Can you draw a cat? (_)28 . What day is it today? (_)29 . Where is Liu Tao? (_)30 . Lets go and make snowmen. (_)31 . I like flowers. (_)32 . 读一读,给问句找到正确的答语。ANo, he doesnt.BIts Jenny.CNo, I dont.DYes, she is.EYes, she does.1. Do you go shopping on Saturdays? (_)2. Does Tom go to school too? (_)3. Whos that? (_)4. Does your mum go to work on Mondays? (_)5. Is your grandma at home on Mondays? (_)选出相对应的答语。A. Happy New Year!B. Its lovely(可爱的)!C. Black.D. Nice to meet you too.E. Thank you.F. Hello, Tom.33 . Look at my T-shirt. (_)34 . Nice to meet you, Mike. (_)35 . Happy New Year! (_)36 . This is my brother Tom. (_)37 . What colour is it now? (_)38 . Your robot is nice. (_)七、连词成句连词成句39 . my, never, late, is, grandma (.)_40 . too, Peter, collecting, is, shells (?)_41 . her, Guo, to, office, walks, Ms(.)_42 . lifeguard, want, do, be, to, you, a(?)_43 . are, kites, children, the, happily, their, flying (.)_八、书面表达44 . 书面表达。根据下面表格介绍下自己喜欢的食物,并说明原因。FoodLike/Dislike(喜欢/不喜欢)Reason(理由)Salad(最喜欢)健康Hamburger(很喜欢)美味Ice cream(还可以)Chicken(不喜欢)_第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、填空题1、2、三、排序题1、四、任务型阅读1、五、英译汉1、六、匹配题1、2、3、七、连词成句1、八、书面表达1、


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