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人教版(PEP)小升初英语专题复习语法专练八:完形填空姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、完形填空完形填空。Last Saturday, I _to the park _my mum and dad. We _a small boy. He cried _. I asked him, “Are you OK?” He _, “I cant find my parents.” My dad _him to an office in the park. I _him a sweet. The small boy became _. I _happy too.I like _people. What about you?1 . AgoBgoesCwent2 . AwithBandCto3 . AseeBsawCseeing4 . AsadBsadlyChappily5 . AsaysBsaidCsayed6 . AtakeBtakesCtook7 . AgiveBgaveCgives8 . AhappyBsadChappily9 . AamBisCwas10 . AhelpBhelpingChelped完形填空。Wegotoschooleveryday. _doyougotoschool? _footor _bike?Doyouwalk _theright sideoftheroadorontheleftsideoftheroad? Its _to walk on the _side oftheroad inChina. Why?_itssafe.Allthecars,buses,bikesandpeopleare onthe_sideoftheroad. Istheleftsideoftheroad_?TheanswerisNo.Therearemanycars,buses,bikesand peopleontheleftsideoftheroad, too.Aretheyagainstthetrafficrules?_youknow?Why?11 . AWhatBHowCWhere12 . AAtBByCOn13 . AbyBonCat14 . AofBonCunder15 . ArightBleftCcant16 . ArightBleftCthe17 . AButBAndCBecause18 . AleftBtwoCright19 . AbusyBsmallCfree20 . ADoBDoesCAre根据图片或汉语提示选词,补全短文。My name is Tom. Exercise helps make my body_ (强壮的). After I get up, I _for about thirty _ (分钟) in the park. _ (在之前) I go to school, I have_ (早饭). I _to school. After school, I play _for about an_ (小时). I work hard at _. I listen to my _at school. I want to be a good boy. Do you like me?21 . A. strong B. hard C. healthy22 . A. run B. walk C. jump23 . A. minute B. minutes C. minutes24 . A. Before B. After C. Next25 . A. lunch B. breakfast C. dinner26 . A. walk B. walks C. walked27 . A. football B. ping-pong C. basketball28 . A. hours B. hours C. hour29 . A. university B. home C. school30 . A. teacher B. mother C. doctor完形填空。How can you study well? I think that you should have good study_. Then you can spend less time but learn_. First, make full use of your time. _ your books are open, please turn off your TV and _ your snacks. Of course, you need some time to play, but you should play after study. Remember: study comes first. Second, listen to your teachers_ in your class. You know, it is very important. If you have questions, just ask your teachers, and they are very happy to help you. Third, do the homework by yourself. If you cant work out a problem_, you can ask _ help. You cant just copy (抄袭) the answer. Make sure that you really understand (理解) it. Finally, take a _with you. Sometimes you may have some ideas or questions. Please _ them down on the paper. Then you can talk to your teachers, parents or friends. These four tips are helpful to you. Please _ trying! You will succeed if you have good study habits.31 . AskillsBhabitsCinterests32 . AmuchBquicklyCmore33 . AIfBBecauseCSo34 . Aput inBlook afterCput away35 . AcarefulBcarefullyCquiet36 . AsometimesBalwaysCoften37 . AwithBforCto38 . AphoneBcomputerCnotebook39 . AwriteBcutCleave40 . AdecideBfinishCkeep完型填空Helen, look_this picture. This is a picture_a classroom. In the picture you can see chairs_desks. On the blackboard, you can see a tree. A map is_the door. The room is different from_classroom. Under the_desk, there is a football,_you cant see it. The boy in the hat is my friend, Jack. You dont know this boy. He is a_student. He is_American. He looks like Kate. But they are not_.41 . AinBonCat42 . AonBofCin43 . AorBbutCand44 . AbehindBinCat45 . AIBmyCme46 . AteachersBteachersCteacher47 . AsoBorCbut48 . AhappyBnewCold49 . AaBanCthe50 . AstudentsBboysCtwinsChoose the best words or expressions and complete the passage (选择最恰当的单词或词语完成短文)Albert Einstein was born in Germany_1879.As a boy he was not happy at school. He seemed to be_than others and he often didnt pass his exams. Most of his teachers did not like him. His_, however, loved him very much. They often said to the teachers, Albert is a clever boy. He didnt pass some of the exams because he had no interest in those subjects. They_their son would do something great. One day, the Einsteins and their friends were having a picnic by the riverside. Someone said, See_happily the other children are playing and laughing, but not Albert. He is just sitting and looking at the river. Alberts mother heard this and said, Albert is quiet, because hes thinking. Lets wait and see. Hell become a great scientist, I believe.She was_Later, Albert became one of the greatest scientists in the world. He won the Nobel Prize for Physics in1921.51 . AinBonCatDfrom52 . AcleverBmore intelligentCslowerDfaster53 . AclassmatesBteachersCfriendsDparents54 . AbelieveBbelievedCtrustDtrusted55 . AhowBwhatCwhereDwho56 . AsureBwrongCrightDclever完形填空。Every day is a new day. Sometimes it can be very difficult(困难的) to turn one of these days around. Just like someone said, “Life is like a box _ chocolates, you try to _ them from the box.” And it is _. What can we do when were unhappy?First, we have to face the problems(问题). Sometimes we are not _. We ask ourselves _ we are not happy. Dont _ those unhappy ones all day. Just think about those happy ones.Second, _ ourselves we can be happy. The two sentences “I like myself!” and “I want to be happy today!” are helpful. It can turn a bad _ into a good day.Third, _ is a good way for you to be happy. It can _ you to be happy after exercise.Remember, please! Your life is in your hands.57 . AaboutBforCwithDof58 . AwantBneedCknowDget59 . ArightBwrongCsadDlucky60 . AhappyBunhappyCexcitingDexcited61 . AhowBwhatCwhyDwhere62 . Alook forBlisten toCtalk aboutDthink about63 . AaskBanswerCtellDsay64 . AhourBdayCweekDmonth65 . Awatching TVBdoing exerciseCreading booksDlistening to music66 . AhelpBtakeCshowDgive67 . 完形填空。On Sundays we often go to the 1_ near our school. There are many 2_ in ittigers, elephants, pandas and monkeys. The 3_ are very big. They all have 4_ noses. Their noses can 5_ them eat and drink. Tigers are very 6_. They ofte run about. They dont like to 7_ in the zoo. Many people like 8_. They are animals of China. But I like monkeys best. We like 9_ to the zoo. We can 10_ more(更多) about animals there.( ) 1. A. park B. school C. zoo D. the shop( ) 2. A. people B. children C. animals D. things( ) 3. A. elephants, B. tigers C. pandas D. monkeys( ) 4. A. long B. short C. free D. small( ) 5. A. give B. help C. make D. get( ) 6. A. strong B. hungry C. happy D. careful(小心)( ) 7. A. eat B. play C. walk D. live( ) 8. A. elephants B. pandas C. tigers D. monkeys( ) 9. A. go B. going C. are going D. goes( ) 10. A. see B. play C. get D. know第 10 页 共 10 页参考答案一、完形填空1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、

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