人教版(PEP)2019-2020学年小学英语四年级上册Unit 3 My friends Part C 同步训练B卷

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人教版(PEP)2019-2020学年小学英语四年级上册Unit 3 My friends Part C 同步训练B卷_第1页
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人教版(PEP)2019-2020学年小学英语四年级上册Unit 3 My friends Part C 同步训练B卷_第3页
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第 1 页 共 4 页 人教版 PEP 2019 2020 学年小学英语四年级上册 Unit 3 My friends Part C 同步训练 B卷 姓名 班级 成绩 小 朋 友 带 上 你 一 段 时 间 的 学 习 成 果 一 起 来 做 个 自 我 检 测 吧 相 信 你 一 定 是 最 棒 的 一 单项选择 共 5题 共 10分 1 2 分 What s name A you B your C Sarah 2 2 分 What s this a pencil A It s B They are C I m 3 2 分 2019四上 微山期中 in your desk Two English books and a notebook A Where s B How s C What s 4 2 分 Mike in Beijing 第 2 页 共 4 页 No He in Shanghai A Do live live B Does live live C Does live lives 5 2 分 Do you like the red bear the blue bear I like the red one A and B but C or 二 为下列问句选择合适的答语 共 1题 共 5分 6 5 分 你告诉别人你妈妈是一名护士你应该说 三 阅读理解 共 1题 共 10分 7 10 分 阅读理解 Rose lives in the U S with her parents They speak English Her aunt and uncle live in China with their children They speak English at home They speak Chinese with their friends Rose likes China This summer holiday she will visit her aunt and uncle She will go there by plane She wants to go to the Great Wall She thinks the Great Wall is very great She wants to take pictures on it 1 Who lives in China A Rose B Rose s parents C Rose s aunt and uncle 第 3 页 共 4 页 2 What do her aunt and uncle speak in China A Chinese B English C A and B 3 How will she go to China A By car B By bus C By plane 4 Where does she want to go A The Great Wall B The Palace Museum C Tian anmen Square 5 What does she want to do on the Great Wall A Take a plane B Take pictures C Go to China 第 4 页 共 4 页 参考答案 一 单项选择 共 5题 共 10分 1 答案 略 2 答案 略 3 答案 略 4 答案 略 5 答案 略 二 为下列问句选择合适的答语 共 1题 共 5分 6 答案 略 三 阅读理解 共 1题 共 10分 7 答案 略


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