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部编版四年级下册期中测试英语试卷(二)姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . My grandma is good _ playing badminton.AtoBinCat2 . Glad to meet you.( )AThank you.BGood morning.CGlad to meet you, too.3 . Lets make a puppet, Mike! ( ) _.AThanksBGreatCYoure welcome4 . _ coat is this? ( )Its mine.AWhoBWhosCWhose5 . I often go to work _. ( )Aride my bikeBby bikeCby a bikeDon bike6 . The blue bag _ got four wheels. ( )AhaveBhadChas7 . time is class over? ( )AWhenBWhatCHow8 . Hes thirsty. ( )AHe wants some iced tea.BHe wants some bread.二、填空题根据首字母或中文提示,写出正确的单词。每空一词。9 . We s_ talk in class. Please listen carefully.10 . September, O_ and November are autumn seasons.11 . I like playing the piano, but I cant play it_ (好).12 . The bus is _ (满的). Lets go to the zoo by taxi.13 . The meat _ (闻起来) good. I cant wait.三、排序题14 . 给下面的句子排序。_When did you come back from London, Tom?_Wow! That sounds great!_I went to see my grandparents and went to the museum._I came back last Saturday._And what did you do there?四、任务型阅读阅读对话,判断下列句子正“T”误“F”。Zip: I can see something on the moon.Zoom: Oh! Is there a river on the moon?Zip: No, there isnt.Zoom: Is there a lake?Zip: No, there isnt.Zoom: Is there a park?Zip: No, there isnt.Zoom: Is there a mountain?Zip: No, there isnt.Zoom: Lets go and have a look.15 . There is a mountain on the moon.(_)16 . There is a lake on the moon.(_)17 . There isnt a river on the moon.(_)18 . There isnt a park on the moon.(_)19 . Zoom can see something on the moon. (_)五、英汉混合英汉互译20 . sit down_21 . 玩得高兴_22 . get together_23 . 在窗户附近_24 . at table_25 . 中式食物_26 . do the dishes_27 . 从.到_28 . look at_29 . 过马路_六、判断题30 . 判断下列各组划线部分的发音是否相同,相同的写“正确”,不同的写“错误”。_A. has B. have C. plate_A. have B. make C. cake_A. take B. cake C. table_A. name B. make C. classmate_A. skate B. lake C. Jane七、改错31 . 选出下列句子中错误的一项,并在横线上改正。(_) 1. I willgoto home._A B C(_)2. How about play football tomorrow?_A B C(_)3. My sister isa English teacher._A B C(_)4. May I eatany now?_A B C(_) 5. You must playin the street._A B C第 6 页 共 6 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、二、填空题1、三、排序题1、四、任务型阅读1、五、英汉混合1、六、判断题1、七、改错1、


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