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冀教版(三起)小升初考试英语试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . _ are my socks? ( )They are on your feet.AWhoBWhatCWhere2 . Read and choose the wrong one: Imfive, and. (_)A B C3 . Go at a _ light. ( )AyellowBredCgreen4 . 找出不同类的一项:( )AtallBsmallCvery5 . You _ doing your homework. ( )AamBisCare根据汉语提示,补全单词6 . l_se(失去)( )AeBoCu7 . w_ _d(木头)( )Ao uBu nCo o8 . p_ _ce(片)( )Ae aBe iCi e9 . _ _op(落下)( )Ad rBb rCd o10 . cr_s_(穿过)( )Ae sBo iCo s11 . h_pp_ly(高兴地)( )Aa iBa eCe i12 . -Who are you going_? ( )-With my mom.AtoBwithCon13 . I want to go _ Sunday.( )AinBonCfor14 . Ive got _ earache. ( )AaBtheCan15 . Taste the lemon. How does it feel? ( )AIt is sour.BIt is soft.16 . Where my shoes?AisBareCto17 . We always _ each other and _ from each other. ( )Ahelp; learnedBhelped; learnChelped; learnedDhelps; learns二、阅读选择18 . 阅读理解。Miss Green came into the classroom with a piece of paper. There is a big black dot in the middle of the white paper. Miss Green put up this piece of paper and asked, What can you see, children? All the children looked at the black dot. A black dot. they answered quickly. But cant you see this piece of paper? The black dot is like the unlucky things in our life. If we only see the black dot, how can we be happy? Miss Green said.The classroom was very quiet. Miss Green took out another piece of paper. It was a piece of black paper with white dot in the middle. What can you see, kids? she asked the children, A White dot. The children answered loudly.Miss Green smiled, My children, although we may be unhappy or worried in our life, it is just like the clouds in the sky. The clouds can leave quickly and the sun can come out soon. You can be a positive child with the sun in your eyes and feel happy all the time.【小题1】What is therelationshipbetween Miss Green and the children? ( )AMother and children.BTeacher and students.CDoctor and patients.DBoss and workers.【小题2】What does the black dot stand for(代表) ? ( )AThe lucky things in our life.BThe sunshine in our life.CThe unlucky things in our life.DThe clouds in our life.【小题3】What does the word “positive mean in Chinese? ( )A善良的B积极的,乐观的C美好的D聪明的【小题4】Which of the following is TRUE according to the article? ( )AMiss Green likes white.BIf we can only see the black dot, we can be happy.CNo one likes clouds in the sky.DMiss Green wants the kids to be positive in their life【小题5】What does this article want to tell us? ( )AWe should see the white dot on the black paper.BEveryone is unlucky sometimes.CWe should not like clouds.DYou should find the hope of live when you are in trouble.三、填空题19 . 选词完成句子women Running to five times Where any1._is exercise.2.These _ are talking under the big tree.3.We go to school _a week.4.Do you need _ help?5.Its time for me _ go.6._ do you live?用所给词的适当形式填空。20 . My brother _ (have) a new bike. He can _ (ride) a bike _ (good). He _ (like) _ (ride) bikes.21 . Mike, please _ (show) the pictures to _ (we).22 . The skirt _ (not) fit you. How about _ (buy) a new one?23 . My uncle _ (live) in Wuxi. He _ (visit) many places every year.24 . Helen, lets _ (go) to the park!25 . Why _ (be) you so sad? Because I _ (be) old.26 . Why _ (not) you go by bus? Because _ (walk) is_ (well) for us.27 . Look! The boy is _ (play) football now.四、改错28 . 改错题。1.These grape are sweet. _2.He cant gets it. _3.They is round and purple. _4.How do it taste? _5.Wait an minute. _五、连词成句29 . 连词成句。1. is, This, my, friend, new._2.is, swimming, He._3.is, a, She, good, teacher._4.am, I, thirsty, not._5.are, very, They, sweet._六、连线题30 . 选择正确的答句:(_)1. What did you do yesterday ?AI feel sick.(_)2. How do you feel ?BI climbed a mountain.(_)3. Whats the date ?COctober 1st.(_)4. Where did you go ?DYes , I did.(_)5. Did you learn English ?EI went to Xinjiang.第 8 页 共 8 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、二、阅读选择1、三、填空题1、2、四、改错1、五、连词成句1、六、连线题1、


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