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1 高考英语词汇手册词汇解析 a advantage abandon oneself to sth 陷入 沉湎于 e g abandon oneself to despair 陷入绝望 have the ability to do sth 有能力做某事 to the best of one s ability 竭尽全力 e g He completed the job to the best of his ability 他竭尽全力完成了那项工作 be able to do sth be capable of doing sth 能够做某事 All aboard 请大家上车 船 火车 飞机 Welcome aboard 欢迎乘坐 be about to do sth 正要做某事 e g We were just about to leave when Jerry arrived go abroad 出国 go overseas at home and abroad 国内外 above all 最重要的是 尤其是 be absent from 缺席 opp be present at 出席 in the absence of sb 在缺乏 的情况下 in one s absence opp in the presence of sb in one s presence 在某人面前 当着某人的面 be absorbed in doing sth 全神贯注 做 某事 academic year 学年 academic achievement performance 学业成绩 with a northern accent 带有北方口音 have access to sth 有机会 权使用某物 by accident 偶然 by chance accidentally accompany sb on the piano 为某人钢琴伴奏 accomplish achieve 尤指经过努力 完成 实现 达到 account for 解释 说明 explain 数量或比例 占 on account of 因为 问题或困难 because of take sth into account 把某事考虑进去 take sth into consideration accuse sb of doing sth 指控某人某事 charge sb with sth be accustomed to doing sth 习惯于做某事 be used to doing sth acid rain 酸雨 act as 担任 act on 对 有作用 有影响 adapt oneself to 适应 add to 增加 add A to B 把 A 加到 B 上去 add up to 总计 be addicted to sth 对 上瘾 对 沉迷 e g He is addicted to football 他迷上了足球 He is addicted to smoking 他吸烟成瘾 adjust oneself to adapt oneself to 适应 admit to doing 承认做某事 confess to doing adult grown up 成年人 in advance 提前 ahead of time ahead of schedule take advantage of 不公正地 利用某人 占某人的便宜 opp disadvantage n 不利条件 缺点 劣势 advantageous adj 有利的 有益的 2 高考英语词汇手册词汇解析 adventure appreciate adventurous adj 有冒险精神的 advertise sth on TV in a newspaper 在电视 报纸上刊登广告 put an ad advertisement in a newspaper 在报纸上刊登广告 advise doing sth 建议做某事 afford to do sth 负担得起做某事 be afraid to do sth 不敢做某事 be afraid of doing sth 担心 担忧某事 e g He is afraid to go out at night 他晚上不敢出去 He was afraid of being caught by the police 他担心被警察抓住 be against sth 反对某事 be for sth 赞成某事 at the age of 5 at age 5 在 5 岁的时候 for ages for a long time 很长一段时间 很久 aged adj 年老的 年迈的 my aged parents the aged the old 老年人 I couldn t agree more I agree completely 我完全同意 travel agency 旅行社 ahead of time schedule in advance 提前 in aid of 为了帮助 read aloud 朗读 take aim at 瞄准 aim to do 力争做到 be aimed at doing sth 旨在 in the air 在空气中 on the air 正在广播 all the time 一直 all in all 总的说来 in all 总共 altogether allow doing sth 允许做某事 allow sb to do sth 允许某人做某事 have no alternative choice but to do sth 除了做某事 别无选择 amount to 总计 add up to come to 等于 相当于 be equal to in the final analysis 归根结底 用于句首 the twentieth wedding anniversary 结婚 20 周年纪念日 one after another 一个接着一个 one another each other 互相 answer for be responsible for 对 负责 be anxious for about 为 担心 be anxious for 渴望得到 be anxious to do 渴望做 be keen to do be eager to do anxiety n 焦虑 apart from 除了 except 除了 之外 还 besides apartment flat 公寓 apologize to sb for sth 因为某事向某人道歉 make an apology to sb for sth apparent adj 明显的 显然的 obvious clear 而 distinct 有区别的 不同的 明显的 appeal to sb to do sth call on sb to do sth 呼吁某人做某事 sth appeal to sb 某事对某人又吸引力 appealing adj 有吸引力的 attractive have a poor good appetite 胃口不好 好 have an appetite for 爱好 get a round of applause 获得一阵掌声 be the apple of one s eye 是某人的掌上明珠 apply for 申请 apply A to B 把 A 运用到 B 中 把 A 涂到 B 上去 apply to 对 适用 apply oneself to 致力于 I d appreciate it very much if you could do sth 如果你能做某事 我会不胜感激 3 高考英语词汇手册词汇解析 approach composition approach n 接近 方法 a new approach to teaching languages 一种新的语言教学法 v 对付 处理 deal with approach a problem 处理问题 appropriate adj 合适的 适当的 suitable proper opp inappropriate approximately adv 近似 大约 用于科技文体 about around roughly argue v 争论 争吵 争辩 arguing argument cf quarrel n assure sb of sth 向某人保证某事 attach A to B 把 A 连接到 B 上 attachment n 附件 attempt to do sth make an attempt to do sth 企图做某事 attempted murder 谋杀未遂 attendance n 出席 出席人数 attend to sth 处理某事 be sold at auction 被拍卖 put sth up for auction 把某物拿出来拍卖 a large small audience 许多 很少观众 have the authority to do sth 有权做 sth authorize v 授权 sb to do sth 授权某人做 sth autumn fall n 秋季 sth be available to sb 某物为某人可获得 on the average 按平均值 平均而言 audio visual aids equipment 视听设备 audio a 声音的 音频的 visual a 视力的 视觉的 visualize v u la z vt 想象 设想 avoid doing sth 避免做某事 await wait for award sb sth award sth to sb 授予某人某物 award sb first prize 授予某人一等奖 be aware of be conscious of 意识到 awareness consciousness n 意识 back vt 支持 support the balance of nature 生态平衡 the balance the rest 剩余 部分 keep one s balance 保持平衡 lose one s balance 失去平衡 ban 禁止 forbid prohibit ban sb from doing sth prohibit sb from doing sth forbid sb from doing sth forbid sb to do sth 4 lift a ban 解除禁令 bank n 储蓄罐 piggy bank break the bank 花钱很多 透支 have a barbecue 进行烧烤 barely hardly scarcely 几乎不 It s a bargain 这是合算的 bargain with sb 与某人讨价还价 barrier n 障碍 obstacle base n 底部 bottom 基础 foundation military base 军事基地 basic research 基础研究 basic principles 基本原理 on a regular basis 定期地 on a daily basis 每天 have take a bath 洗个澡 on the beach 在海滩上 bean curd 豆腐 bear keep sth in mind 牢记某事 beat v 打败 击败 用于比赛 defeat v 击败 战胜 既可用于比赛中 也可用于战争中 be beaten to death 被打死 beat sb black and blue 把某人打得青一块紫一块 beauty spots 名胜 风景点 scenic spots places of interest make the bed 铺床 bed wetting n 尿床 Where s the beef 葫芦里究竟卖什么药 beggar n 乞丐 on behalf of sb 代表某人 behave oneself 守规矩 believe it or not 信不信由你 Seeing is believing 眼见为实 belong to 属于 belongings n 所有物 财产 财物 possessions below prep below freezing zero 零度以下 beneath underneath prep 在 下面 在 正下方 of benefit beneficial 有益的 besides prep 除了 以外 还有 in addition to as well as besides adv 还有 此外 moreover furthermore additionally bet sth money on sth 把 押在 上 I bet that I ll bet that 我敢肯定 我敢保证 我相信 You bet 当然 give sb a big hand 给某人热烈鼓掌 biography n 传记 autobiography t ba gr f n 自传 not a bit not at all 一点也不 do one s bit 尽自己的一份力量 black coffee 清咖啡 black tea 红茶 be to blame for sth 对某事负有责任 blame sb for sth blame sth on sb 责怪某人某事 go blank 头脑突然一片空白 My mind went blank 我头脑突然一片空白 Be blanketed in with 覆盖 笼罩着 在 中 May God bless you 愿上帝保佑你 take a blind eye to 对 视而不见 Blood is thicker than water 血浓于水 blood type 血型 blood transfusion 输血 give donate blood 献血 be in full blossom 花 盛开 be in flower be in bloom blue adj 忧郁的 沮丧的 depressed on board 在船上 在车上 在飞机上 boarder n 住宿生 boarding school 寄宿学校 boiling water 沸水 boiled water 开水 boiling point 沸点 5 bold b ld adj 大胆的 鲁莽的 cf bald b ld adj 秃头的 brave adj 勇敢的 be all skin and bone 瘦得皮包骨头的 a closed book 一无所知的事 预定 reserve borrow sth from sb 向某人借某物 lend sth to sb 把某物借给某人 borrowed word 外来词 bottom line 底线 from the bottom of one s heart 从心底里 Bottoms up 干杯 be bound to do sth 一定会 肯定会做某事 bow b u n 弓 蝴蝶结 Bow and arrow 弓箭 bow ba v Christian kr st n n bulb n 球茎 a bunch of flowers 一束花 a bunch of keys 一串钥匙 burn the midnight oil 挑灯夜战 开夜车 burst into flames 突然起火 burst into tears laughter song burst out crying laughing singing 突然哭 大笑 唱起歌来 be out of business 停业 倒闭 Business is business 公事公办 get down to business 干正 事 It s none of your business 这与你无关 undo the buttons 解开纽扣 undo n du v 解开 do up a button 系上扣子 buy purchase a piece of cake 很容易的事 call on sb 拜访某人 call for 要求 需要 call off cancel 取消 make camp 扎营 go camping 去露营 summer camp 夏令营 launch a campaign 发起一项运动 on campus 在校园里 be capable of doing sth be able to do sth card n 名片 business card carrot and stick 胡萝卜加大棒 威逼利诱 in case 万一 以防万一 in any case 不管怎样 无论如何 pay in cash 用现金支付 cashier k n 出纳 收银员 cast sb as 让某人扮演 rain cats and dogs 下倾盆大雨 cause 引起 导致 lead to bring about give rise to result in contribute to without cease 不停地 cease to do sth 长时间停做某事 cease doing sth 短时间停止做某事 以后还会做 6 wedding ceremony 婚礼 be certain to do sth 一定会做某事 be bound to do sth be sure to do sth 务必做某事 用于祈使句 一定会做某事 用于陈述句 a certain student some student 某一位学生 take one s chances try one s luck 碰碰运气 by chance 碰巧 The chances are that 可能 It is likely that The chances are that she ll be coming 很可能她要来 It is characteristic typical of sb to do sth It is characteristic typical of him to doze off often in class 他经常在课堂上打瞌睡 这是他的特点 cheat v 欺骗 deceive play chess 下国际象棋 chewing gum 口香糖 in one s childhood 在某人童年时 chip n 电脑 芯片 have no choice alternative but to do sth 除了做某事之外别无选择 at Christmas 在圣诞节期间 on Christmas Day 在圣诞节那天 go to church 去教堂做礼拜 under in no circumstances 任何情况下都不 classic music 经典音乐 classical music 古典音乐 clean adj 无过失 犯罪 记录的 a clean driving licence 无违规记录的驾驶执照 He s got a clean record 他没有犯罪记录 climb v 爬 攀登 ascend Every cloud has a silver lining 黑暗里总有一线光明 on the coast 在海岸上 coastline n 海岸线 What a coincidence 太巧了 comedian k mi d n n 喜剧演员 tragedian tr d i d n n 悲剧演员 command respect 赢得尊敬 have a good command of 熟练掌握 精通 comment on 对 做评论 评价 commit suicide 自杀 commit a crime 犯罪 be committed to doing sth 致力于 做 某事 common sense 常识 have sth in common 有某些共同之处 communicate with sb 与某人交际 交流 communicate A to B 把 A 传达给 B keep sb company 给某人做伴 compare A with B 把 A 和 B 进行比较 compare A to B 把 A 比作 B in comparison to with by comparison with 和 相比 compete in 参加 的比赛 compete with sb 与某人竞争 complain about sth 抱怨某事 complain to sb about sth 向某人抱怨 投诉某事 make a complaint to sb about sth pay sb a compliment pay a compliment to sb 赞美 恭维某人 My compliments to sb 替我向某人问候 致意 be compose of 由 组成 构成 be made up of consist of 7 composition n 作文 组成 构成 高考英语词汇手册词汇解析 comprehension discipline comprehension n 理解 力 包含 广泛性 be beyond one s comprehension 无法理解 a term of wide comprehension 含义广泛的词语 comprehend v 理解 understand comprehensible adj 可理解的 comprehensive adj 广泛的 全面的 综合的 理解的 有理解力的 comprehensive planning 全面规划 take a comprehensive view of the situation 通观全局 compulsory adj 义务的 强制的 n 比赛中的 规定动作 compulsory education 义务教育 a compulsory subject 必修科目 compulsory military service 义务兵役制 conceal v 隐藏 掩盖 隐瞒 hide conceal sth from sb 对某人隐瞒某事 concentrate on upon sth focus on 专心于 专注于 be concerned about 关心 担忧 concerning prep 关于 有关 涉及 as far as I m concerned 在我看来 reach come to draw a conclusion 得出结论 in conclusion 总之 living working conditions 生活 工作条件 be in a good condition 状况良好 on condition that 条件是 conduct a survey investigation 进行一项调查 conduct do an experiment 做实验 conduct an orchestra 指挥乐队 be confident of 对 有信心 have confidence trust in 相信 confuse v 使混淆 使困惑 puzzle confusing adj 令人困惑的 puzzling confused adj 感到迷惑的 puzzled confusion n congratulations on sb 祝贺某人 congratulate sb on sth 祝贺某人某事 be connected to 与 相连接 be connected with 与 有关联的 有关系的 have a guilty conscience 问心有愧 have a clear conscience 问心无愧 conscientious k n en s adj 认真负责的 一丝不苟的 be conscious of be aware of 知道 意识到 consciousness n 意识 awareness as a consequence as a result 因此 as a consequence result of 由于 的结果 consequently adv 因而 所以 consider v 认为 考虑 consider doing sth 考虑做某事 consider sb sth to do e g The campaign was considered to have failed 这项运动被认为失败了 constant adj 忠诚的 devoted a constant friend 忠诚的朋友 construct v build 建造 构建 construction n building consult sb about sth 向某人咨询某事 contact v sb 联系某人 make contact n with sb stay in contact 保持联系 keep in touch eye contact 眼神交流 目光接触 be content with 对 满意 be pleased satisfied delighted with contestant n 竞争者 选手 competitor continue doing sth continue to do sth 继续做某事 continuous adj 持续的 不间断的 continual adj 持续的 不间断的 多次重复的 频繁的 通常是有害或恼人的 continuation k nt nj e n n 连续 持续 继续 8 sign make a contract with 与 签订合同 break a contract 违反合同 fulfil a contract 履行合同 contract k n tr kt v 缩小 收缩 缩短 shrink ant expand on the contrary 正相反 A is contrary to B A 与 B 相反 to the contrary 相反的 作后置定 语 by contrast to with 与 相比 对比 in contrast to with contribute sth to 向 捐赠 contribute to 造成 导致 contribute to 向 撰稿 投稿 be in control 处于控制之下 take control of 控制 支配 have keep bring sth under control 把 控制住 convenient adj 方便的 inconvenient adj 不方便的 convenience n 方便 for convenience 为了方便起见 at one s convenience 在某人方便的时候 convert sth to into 把某物改成 convey sth to sb 向某人传达某事 convince sb that 使某人确信 convince sb of sth 使某人确信某事 convince sb to do sth 说服某人做某事 cook v creative adj 创造的 有创造力的 creativity n 创造力 creator n 创造者 credit card 信用卡 credit limit 信用额度 buy sth on credit 赊购某物 turn to crime 沦为罪犯 crime rate 犯罪率 commit a crime 犯罪 financial crisis 金融危机 economic crisis 经济危机 be in crisis 处于危机之中 a crisis of confidence 信任危机 be critical of 批评 be critical to 对 至关重要 be of critical importance 极其重要 a critical crucial moment 紧要关头 关键时刻 criticize sb for sth 批评某人某事 be crowded with 挤满了 be filled with be full of be cruel to sb 虐待某人 对某人残忍 cruelty n 残忍 It s no use crying over spilt milk 覆水难收 culture gap 文化差距 culture shock 文化冲击 cure sb of 治愈某人 be curious about 对 好奇 curiosity n 好奇心 be curious to do sth 对做某事感到好奇 current affairs events 时事 current account 活期存款账户 currently adv 目前 当前 draw close pull the curtains 拉上窗帘 draw back open the curtains 拉开窗帘 9 a curved wall 一道弯曲的墙 cut sth in half in two 把某物切成两半 cut in 插嘴 cut costs 降低成本 in our daily life 在我们的日常生活中 dairy products 乳制品 do cause damage to 对 造成破坏 损害 be in danger 有危险 be out of danger 脱离危险 dare 用作情态动词时 后接动词原形 用于否定句和疑问句中 e g I am so afraid that I dare not move 我吓得一动也不敢动 Dare she ring him at the office 她敢打电话到办公室找他吗 dare 也可用作普通动词 后接不定式 在否定句中 to 也可省略 e g Only a few journalist dared to cover the activity 只有少数几个记者敢于报道这一活动 No wonder the party did not dare to publish that document 难怪该党不敢公布那份文件 in the dark 在黑暗之中 全然不知 be utterly in the dark about leave keep sb in the dark 把某人蒙在鼓里 data bank database 数据库 资料库 date from date back to 追溯到 at dawn 在拂晓时 at dusk 在黄昏时 drop dead 猝死 dead end 死胡同 deaf and dumb 又聋又哑 deal with 对付 处理 how to deal with sth dear adj 贵的 costly expensive have hold conduct a debate 举行一场辩论 debater n 辩论者 辩手 be in debt 负债 pay off a debt 还清债务 deceive v 欺骗 蒙蔽 cheat trick deceive sb into doing sth 欺骗某人做某事 deception n 欺骗 蒙蔽 decide to do sth 决定做某事 decide on upon 仔细考虑后 决定 选定 decisive d sa s v adj 决定性的 关键的 decision n make a decision 做出决定 declare war on 向 宣战 declare against for 声明反对 支持 decrease v definition n 定义 definite adj 确定的 明确的 definitely adv 明确地 ant indefinite 不确定的 to a certain some degree extent 在某种程度上 delay v syn put off Postpone deliberate adj 故意的 intentional deliberately adv 故意地 on purpose deliberate adj 深思熟虑的 审慎的 不慌不忙的 e g a deliberate decision 审慎的决定 a slow deliberate manner of speaking 缓慢从容的说话方式 delicate adj 补充词义 微妙的 需谨慎处理的 e g a delicate matter 一件需要谨慎处理的事 to one s delight to the delight of sb 使某人高兴的是 be delighted with 对 感到满意 10 demand to do sth 要求做某事 demand sb of sth 要求某人某事 supply and demand 供求关系 on demand 一经要求 demanding adj 要求高的 deny doing sth 否认做某事 There is no denying that 无可否认 depart v 离开 出发 启程 departure n depend on upon 依靠 依赖 取决于 be dependent on be independent of 不依赖于 dependable adj 可靠的 可信赖的 dependence n 依靠 依赖 independence n 独立 deposit account 存款账户 put down a deposit on sth 付定金购买某物 depressed adj 感到沮丧的 depressing adj 令人沮丧的 describe doing sth 描述 叙述做某事 description n descriptive adj 描写的 描绘的 be beyond description 无法形容 desert dez t n 沙漠 desert di z t v 离弃 抛弃 遗弃 abandon deserve v 应受 应得 deserve doing deserve to be done n e g deserve punishing to be punished punishment 应受惩罚 desire to do sth 渴望做某事 desperate adj 不顾一切的 绝望的 e g be desperate with fear 因恐惧而感到绝望 补充词义 极度渴望的 极需要的 be desperate for sth 非常需要 sth be desperate to do sth 急于做某事 destroy v 摧毁 毁灭 destruction n destructive adj 毁灭性的 造成破坏的 in detail 详细地 detailed adj 详细的 详尽的 despite in spite of 不管 尽管 determine to do sth be determined to do sth 下决心做某事 a developing country 发展中国家 a developed countries 发达国家 with the development of 随着 的发展 devote oneself sth to doing sth be devoted to doing sth 献身于 致力于 syn dedicate oneself sth to doing sth be dedicated to doing sth keep a diary 写日记 have a dictation 进行听写 be on a diet 节食 go on a diet 开始节食 a balanced diet 均衡饮食 differ from be different from 不同于 diligent adj 勤勉的 勤奋的 hardworking industrious disaster n 灾难 灾祸 disastrous adj 灾难性的 syn catastrophe k t str f n 灾难 大祸 have a heated discussion 进行一场热烈的讨论 be in disorder 处于混乱状态 on display 展出 陈列 with dignity 有尊严地 e g Patients should be allowed to die with dignity 应该允许病人死得有尊严 distinct adj 不同的 different 清楚的 明显的 clear obvious apparent distinguish A from B tell A from B 区别 辨别 A 和 B distinguishable adj 能分辨出来的 区别得出的 distinguished adj 卓越的 杰出的 a distinguished guest 贵宾 a distinguished scientist distressed adj 痛苦的 苦恼的 in the distance 在远处 from a distance 从远处 within walking distance 在步行距离之内的 divided adj 意见 有分歧的 e g The committee was divided over the proposal 委员会在这一提议上意见有分歧 discipline n 尤指大学 学科 科目 纪律 v 惩罚 处罚 punish 管教 约束自 己 严格要求 e g Different cultures have different ways of disciplining their children 不同的文化有不同的管教孩子的方法 11 Try to discipline yourself to write every day 要想办法约束自己每天写作 disciplined adj 遵守纪律的 高考英语词汇手册词汇解析 discount fail discount n 折扣 减价 Members can get a 15 discount 会员可享受八五折优惠 offer give sb a discount 给某人打折 have a heated discussion 进行一场热烈讨论 dismiss v 解散 解雇 fire dismissal n be in disorder 处于混乱状态 be in a mess on display 展出 展览 陈列 in the distance 在远处 from a distance 从远处 be within walking distance 几步之遥 很近 distinct adj 有区别的 不同的 different 明显的 清楚的 clear obvious apparent distinguish A from B tell A from B 区别 A 和 B domestic adj 国内的 domestic flights 国内航班 家庭的 domestic chores t z 家务 domestic appliances 家用电器 domestic violence 家庭暴力 驯养的 domestic pets 家养的宠物 dominate v 支配 控制 主宰 dominant adj 支配的 统治的 占优势的 dominance n e g As a child he was dominated by his father 他小时候由他父亲主宰一切 double adj n v 成双的 成对的 双倍的 两倍的 供两人使用的 字母或数字 连续两个的 两倍 双倍 使 加倍 e g a double room 双人房间 a single room 单人房间 give sb double 给某人加倍 a double edged sword 一把双刃剑 There s no doubt that 无可否认 draft n drunk a drunken a 喝醉的 仅用于名词前 drive sb crazy mad 把某人逼疯 使某人发疯 driver s license 美 driving licence 英 drop out 退学 辍学 a drowned boy 一个溺水身亡的男孩 a drowning boy 一个溺水 落水男孩 It s like water off a duck s back 不起作用的 毫无影响的 take to sth like duck to water 轻而易举地学会做某事 due to 因为 由于 owing to because of be due to do sth 预定做某事 dull a 单调的 乏味的 boring not interesting at dusk 在黄昏时 at dawn 在拂晓时 duty n 责任 税 关税 responsibility obligation a sense of duty 责任感 12 a sense of responsibility duty free 免税的 tax free be on duty 值班 be out of duty 不值班 不值勤 be eager to do sth 渴望做某事 be keen anxious to do sth be eager for sth 渴望某事物 be keen on sth Walls have ears 隔墙有耳 earn make money 赚钱 挣钱 earn make a living earn make one s living 谋生 on earth 地球上 世界上 用于疑问词后加强语气 究竟 到底 be at ease 自在 不拘束 ecology n 生态学 生态 ecological a 生态的 ecologist n 生态学家 economic a 经济的 economical a 节约的 economist n 经济学家 edge n 边 边缘 刀刃 优势 get an edge 占优势 have the edge over 对 更胜一筹 on the edge of one s seat 极为激动 have an effect impact influence on upon 对 有影响 effective a 有效的 有效果的 efficient a 有效率的 高效的 make an effort 做出努力 make every effort to do sth 尽一切努力做某事 put all one s eggs in one basket 把一切希望寄托于一件事上 孤注一掷 elect sb as president mayor monitor 选举某人当总统 市长 班长 elective a 由选举产生的 elective seats 选举席位 选修的 an elective course 选修课 elector n 选民 voter elementary school 小学 primary school elementary level 初级水平 intermediate level 中级水平 advanced level 高级水平 eliminate v 消除 根除 get rid of 淘汰 knock out embarrassing a 令人尴尬的 embarrassed a 感到尴尬的 syn awkward embarrassment n emphasize v 强调 stress highlight emphasis n place put lay emphasis on sth 强调某事 enable sb to do sth 使某人能够做某事 encounter v come across run into bump into encourage sb to do sth 鼓励某人做某事 put bring an end to sth 结束某事 come to an end 结束 endure v 忍受 bear stand tolerate put up with 持续 last enduring a 持续的 持久的 能忍受的 be engaged in 参与 从事于 忙于 be engaged to sb 与某人订婚 engage a lawyer 聘请律师 Reading engages his spare time 阅读占去了他的空闲时间 engage sb s interest attention 吸引某人的兴趣或注意力 enjoy v 享受 喜欢 欣赏 享有 拥有 enjoy doing sth enormous a 巨大的 huge giant tremendous immense vast enough a n ad 足够 足够的 adequate sufficient enroll in on 报名注册 enter for 报名参加 sign up for enthusiasm n 热情 热心 enthusiastic a 热情的 热心的 be enthusiastic about doing sth enthusiast n 热心人 entire a 整个的 全部的 whole entirely ad 完全地 彻底地 completely entitle v 冠名 给 命名 或题名 给 权利 或资格 entitle sb to sth entitle sb to do sth be entitled to do sth 13 You will be entitled to your pension when you reach 65 你到 65 岁就有资格领取养老金 This ticket does not entitle you to travel first class 你拿这张票不能坐头等舱 Membership entitles you to the monthly journal 凭会员身份你可以获取月刊 Full time employees are entitled to receive health insurance 全职雇员都有资格享受健康保险 entrance n 入口 进入 大门口 ant exit n 出口 处 e g the main entrance to the school 学校的正门 the college entrance examination 高考 environmental protection 环境保护 envy sb sth 妒忌某人某物 with envy 妒忌地 be envious of sb sth 妒忌 羡慕 be equal to 等同于 相当于 能胜任某事 比得上某物 能与某事媲美 equip sb sth with sth 给 配备 e g They spent a lot of money equipping the school with new computers 他们花了很多钱给学校配备新计算机 He equipped himself with a hammer and nails 他带了一把锤


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