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外研版(三起)六年级下册小升初模拟测试英语试卷(九)姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题给下列图片选择相应的句子。1 . ( )AI have a pencil.BI have an eraser.2 . ( )AOpen your pencil box.BOpen your book.3 . ( )AShake your body.BClap your hands.4 . ( )AGood afternoon.BGood morning.5 . ( )AColour the ear brown.BColour the eye blue.6 . _ did you know about the UK? ( )I asked my e-friend.AWhenBWhatCHow7 . These girls are my _.( )AsisterBfriends8 . 选择下列单词中,划线部分发音不同的单词。【小题1】AseasonBshortCspringDsee【小题2】ApleaseBreadyCcleanDcheap【小题3】AfishBkitchenClikeDbig【小题4】AcatBhasCdadDpark选出与所给例词划线部分发音相同的选项。9 . make ( )AcakeBmatCcap10 . sock( )AmonkeyBcolourCclock11 . food( )AschoolBfootCbook12 . ruler ( )AdollBgirlClook13 . -Whats your mothers hobby? ( )-She likes _.Ago shoppingBgoes shoppingCgoing shopping14 . Ask about _ partners timetable. ( )AyourByoursCyou15 . Lets _school. ( )AgoBgo toCgoes to16 . _ do you have art lessons? ( )AWhenBWhatsCShall17 . Mary _ her mother _ the problem.Atell; offBtells; aboutCtelling; for18 . How can I get there? ( )AGo down this streetByoure welcome19 . Li Ming _ five friends in his class. ( )AwantBhaveCgot20 . Mike is 165cm tall . John is 160cm tall . John is _ than Mike . ( )AtallerBlongerCshorter21 . 读一读,选出每组单词中的画线部分的读音不相同一项。(_)1、A. saysB. todayC. Monday(_)2、A. skateB. classC. pass(_)3、A. schoolB. bookC. boots(_)4、A. pearB. wearC. near(_)5、A. cheapB. fishC. sheep22 . Dont run.( )AYes, I wontBNo, I wont.二、填空题23 . There are toy_(chick)and_(flower)on childrens hats.24 . They are leaving _ Wuhan tomorrow.三、任务型阅读25 . 判断下列句子是否符合短文的内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示。Mrs Brown loves flowers and she has a small but nice garden. She grows many roses in her garden. One afternoon, she sees a little boy outside her house. He has some nice roses in his hand. “Im selling(卖) roses,”he says. “Do you want any? They are very cheap. I pick them this afternoon.”Mrs Brown answers, “I pick roses when I want, and Idont pay(支) money for them, because I have many roses in my garden.”“No, you dont have,”Says the boy, “There arent any roses in your garden. They are all in my hands.”【小题1】Mrs Browns garden is big and nice.【小题2】Mrs Brown loves roses.【小题3】A little boy comes to Mrs Browns house to buy roses.【小题4】Mrs Brown doesnt buy roses from the boy.【小题5】The roses in the boys hands are Mrs Browns.阅读对话,判断正误,正确写“T”,错误写“F”。Zhang Peng: Hello, Sarah. Sarah: Hello, Zhang Peng. I have a new(新的) pen , an eraser and two pencils. Zhang Peng: Wow, I have a new pen, too.26 . Zhang Peng has a new pen. (_)27 . Sarah has a new pen, too. (_)28 . Zhang Peng has a pencil. (_)29 . Sarah has two pencils. (_)30 . Zhang Peng has an eraser. (_)四、句型转换按要求完成下列句子。31 . I have sixteen apples.(对划线部分提问)_32 . I can play basketball. (改为一般疑问句)_33 . Do you like apples? (作肯定回答)_34 . cake, you, Would, like, a? (连词成句)_35 . Mike can swim. (改为否定句)_五、选内容补全对话36 . 根据上下文意思,选择单词的序号完成短文。AtheseBbecauseCvisitD meatErideMany people (1) _ zoos every year. They go to zoos (2) _ they like seeing animals. You can usually see lions, tigers, elephants and monkeys, and also fish and snakes. You can draw the animals or take pictures of them. In some zoos you can watch videos, too. Sometimes you can (3) _ elephants. Some animals eat fruit and vegetables, but others eat (4) _ or fish. At London Zoo, there are also pets, like mice and rabbits, and farm animals. Children can play with (5) _ animals.37 . 补全对话。l. A:that?B: Thats Mary.2. A: he like?B: Hes fat and tall.3. A :today?B: lts sunny.4. A: What do you do?B: I want to go sailing(帆船).六、连词成句连词成句。38 . play, often, games, computer, I (.) _39 . likes, Her, football, father, playing (.) _40 . Peter, Does , the, piano, usually, play (?) _41 . you, the, evening, watch, Do, TV, in (?) _42 . Alice, taking, school, the, to, likes, bus (.) _七、书面表达43 . 书面表达快乐的六一儿童节刚过,小朋友是如何过这个节日的?请认真看图,根据参考词汇,以“Childrens Day”为题写一写,不少于4句话。 Lily Amy Daming Sun LisaJohn and May参考词汇: played the piano, played the suona, played the violin, sang asong, performed(表演) a dragon dance, dancedChildrens DayYesterday was Childrens Day. The children were very happy._第 11 页 共 11 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、填空题1、2、三、任务型阅读1、2、四、句型转换1、五、选内容补全对话1、2、六、连词成句1、七、书面表达1、


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