高考必考语法精讲精练专题二:代词 Word版含解析

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高考必考语法精讲精练 语法专题二 代词 代词是英语中非常重要的一类词 也是高考必考考点 2017 年普通高等学校招生全国统 一考试大纲 附录语法项目表中对代词考查列了六项 人称代词 物主代词 反身代词 指示代词 不定代词 疑问代词 2015 年高考全国卷 第 54 题 完形填空 考查的是代词 whoever whatever whichever 与 whenever 的辨析 第 63 题 语法填空 考查的是 its 的 用法 第 78 题 短文改错 考查的是不定代词 much 与 many 的辨析 第 80 题 短文改错 考查的是 your 与 our 的辨析 2016 年高考全国卷 第 44 题 完形填空 考查的是代词 each another this 与 that 的 辨析 第 68 题 语法填空 考查的是 its 的用法 给出代词 it 根据题意须将其变为 its 第 71 题 短文改错 考查的是关系代词 that 与 which 的辨析 第 79 题 短文改错 考查 的是 our 与 his 的辨析 2017 高考全国卷 第 70 题考查的是关系代词 which 引导非限制性定语从句 I 代词种类 主格 I you he she it we you they 1 人称代词 宾格 me you him her it us you them 形容词 性 my your his her its our their2 物主代词 名词性 mine yours his hers its ours theirs 3 反身代词 myself yourself himself herself itself ourselves yourselves themselves 4 指示代词 this that these those such some 5 疑问代词 who whom whose which what whoever whichever whatever 6 关系代词 that which who whom whose as one some any each every none no many much few little a few a little7 不定代词 other another all both neither either II 人称代词 物主代词及反身代词对应关系表 我 你 他 她 它 我们 你们 他们 主格 I you he she it we you they 宾格 me you him her it us you them 形容性物主代词 my your his her its our your their 名词性物主代词 mine yours his hers its ours yours theirs 反身代词 myself yourself himself herself itself ourselves yourselves themselves III 不定代词用法注意点 1 one some 与 any 1 one 可以泛指任何人 也可特指 复数为 ones some 多用于肯定句 any 多用于疑问句 和否定句 One should learn to think of others Have you any bookmarks No I don t have any bookmarks I have some questions to ask 2 some 可用于疑问句中 表示盼望得到肯定的答复 或者表示建议 请求等 Would you like some bananas Could you give me some money 3 some 和 any 修饰可数名词单数时 some 表示某个 any 表示任何一个 I have read this article in some magazine Please correct the mistakes if any 4 some 和数词连用表示 大约 any 可与比较级连用表示程度 There are some 3 000 students in this school Do you feel any better today 2 each 和 every each 强调个别 代表的数可以是两个或两个以上 而 every 强调整体 所指的数必须是三 个或三个以上 Each student has a pocket dictionary Each of us has a dictionary We each have a dictionary Every student has strong and weak points Every one of us has strong and weak points 3 none 和 no no 等于 not any 作定语 none 作主语或宾语 代替不可数名词 谓语用单数 代替可数 名词 谓语单复数皆可以 There is no water in the bottle How much water is there in the bottle None None of the students are is afraid of difficulties 4 other 和 another 1 other 泛指 另外的 别的 常与其他词连用 如 the other day every other week some other reason no other way the other 特指两者中的另外一个 复数为 the others 如 He held a book in one hand and his notes in the other Two students in our class failed but all the others passed the exam 2 another 指 又一个 另一个 无所指 复数形式是 others 泛指 别的人或事 如 I don t like this shirt please show me another one The trousers are too long please give me another pair some others Some like football while others like basketball 5 all 和 both neither 和 either all 表示不可数名词时 其谓语动词用单数 both 和 all 加否定词表示部分否定 全部否定 用 neither 和 none All of the books are not written in English Not all of the books are written in English Both of us are not teachers Not both of us are teachers Either of us is a teacher IV 高考英语短文改错及语法填空考点分析及训练 代词 考点规律分析 短文改错对代词的考查主要涉及人称代词的前后一致性 包括指代的一致性 和单复数的一致性 人称代词的主格与宾语变化 各类代词的误加与漏用 尤其是一些易 受汉语影响的结构 某些不定代词的用法 尤其是在意思上用错 代词在某些习语中的用 法等 语法填空主要涉及代词的单复数 人称代词主格 宾格以及所有格之间的转换 反 身代词及不定代词的用法等 代词单句改错之真题训练 1 David pointed to a path which it he thought would probably lead to a village 2 When we walked to the car Bill smiled and shook head 3 We climb everywhere not only in America They have been to Europe many times 4 And I can t forget the good food you cooked for I 5 I hope that both you two could come and visit us some time soon 6 The Smiths did his best to make me feel at home 7 And they must not break the rules too often if we want to win the game 8 Now I can t watch much television but a few years ago 9 I ll spend all the whole weekend reading and preparing for it 10 I think I liked those classes because I felt that it helped me understand what the world works 11 in any other words I am an only child 12 For example when he bought a chocolate cake he put them in a secret place I couldn t find 13 Then he ate it all by himself He never helped other 14 I was learning to express me in simple English 15 One day I wrote a little story and showed to my teacher 16 At once I apologize and controlled me at my best till the dinner started 17 And every year more and more people start a stamp collection of your own 18 What s more you have to be friendly with your pupils and take good care of him 代词单句改错之模拟训练 1 Here are some letters for you and he 2 She loves swimming It keeps she fit 3 Here are the cats Auntie brought us Take good care of it 4 Everyone here gets up earlier than her does 5 Here is my dog It s name is Petty 6 He opened mouth as if to say something 7 Don t lose your heart Try again 8 The Smiths have been married but have no children of his own 9 I tell him everything for he is a good friend of me 10 He smiled at her and laid her hand on hers 11 When you are away from home you should look after you 12 If you have any question put up hand 13 It s a very important thing You must think over carefully 14 I don t like these please show me some other 15 In order to catch the thief the police did his best 16 This is the book which you bought it for me ten years ago 17 I m very sorry about all the whole thing 18 When I got up I found parents were preparing breakfast for me 19 Yes money is very important but it is not anything 20 At the airport all his baggage was stolen but soon he got them back 代词单句改错之提升训练 A 级 1 She gave the books to you him and I 2 Whose dictionary is this It s my 3 This is Tom s cap not your 4 I haven t brought the dictionary with me Will you lend me your 5 Kate and her sister went on holiday with a cousin of hers 6 He is too young to look after he 7 He always helps others This is why we trust him 8 That took him three hours to finish the homework 9 Who is that man He is a teacher 10 They were both very tired but none of them would stop to take a rest B 级 1 It is me who am going to help her 2 He thinks more of others than of oneself 3 We had better ask the president him about it 4 That is exactly all what I want to tell you 5 What she said is the same as us 6 The weather in summer in Beijing is hotter than it in Guangzhou 7 He runs faster than anyone in his class 8 I don t think that possible to master a foreign language in a short time 9 Each of them knew about the plan because it was kept a secret 10 He paid the boy 10 for washing ten windows most of those hadn t been cleaned for at least a year 代词单句语法填空之真题训练 1 On my recent visit I held a lively three month old twin that had been rejected by it mother 2 No news is good news and good news is no news are the classic rules for the evening broadcasts and the morning papers 3 For the first time I feel good about me because I m doing something not because someone told me I was doing good 4 Both men and women are living longer these days in industrialized countries However women on average live longer In general can expect to live six or seven years more than men 5 In many ways the education system in the US is not very different from in the UK 6 How would you like if you were watching your favorite TV program and someone came into the room and just shut it off without asking you 7 The meeting will be held in September but knows the date for sure 8 To warm himself the sailor sat in front of the fire rubbing one bare foot against the 9 Niki is always full of ideas but is useful to my knowledge 10 The quality of education in this small school is better than in some larger school 11 The research group produced two reports based on the survey but contained any useful suggestions 12 You can ask anyone for help here is willing to lend you a hand 13 When shall I call in the morning or afternoon I ll be in all day 14 She d lived in London and Manchester but she liked and moved to Cambridge 15 Susan made clear to me that she wished to make a new life for herself 16 I d appreciate if you could let me know in advance whether or not you will come 学习札记 参考答案及解析 语法专题二 代词 代词单句改错之真题训练 1 去掉 it 因它与其前的关系代词 which 语义重复 2 head 前加 his 汉语可 摇头 而英语的习惯要说 shake one s head 3 They 改为 We 前后人称不一致 4 I 改为 me 因介词之后的人称代词要用宾格 5 去掉 both 因 both 与后面的 two 意义重复 况且词序安排也不对 6 his 改为 their 因前面的 the Smiths 指的是 史密斯夫妇 或 史密斯一家 是复数意义 7 they 改为 we 根据句意 主从句的主语应该一致 8 去掉 much 因为从下文看作者现在根本就不看电视 9 去掉 all 因 all 与 whole 语义重复 10 it 改为 they 因它表示 those classes 11 去掉 any 因 in other words 为固定短语 意思是 换句话说 12 them 改为 it 因它指代上文提到的 a chocolate cake 13 other 改为 others others 泛指 其他人 14 me 改为 myself express oneself 为固定结构 意为 表明意思 意见 表达思想 15 showed 后加 it showed 在此作及物动词 后面缺少宾语 16 me 改为 myself 根据主语和句意 此处应用反身代词 17 your 改为 their 主语是 more and more people 故用代词 their 18 him 改为 them 因为此处要代替的是 your pupils 代词单句改错之模拟训练 参考答案 1 he 改为 him 因与you并列用作介词 for 的宾语 2 she 改为 her 因用作动词 keeps 的宾语 3 it 改为 them 因它指代前面的 cats 4 her 改为 she 因其后有动词 does 5 It s 改为 Its it s it is it has 而 its 意为 它的 6 mouth 前加his 按英语习惯 此物主代词不能少 7 去掉 your 比较 lose heart意为灰心 lose one s heart意为爱上 8 his 改为 their 因其前相应的名词 the Smiths 史密斯夫妇 表复数 9 me 改为 mine a friend of 后习惯上名词性物主代词 不接人称代词的宾格形式 10 将 her hand 中的 her 改为 his 句意为 他对她笑了笑 把他的手放在她手上 11 将最后一个 you 改为 yourself look after oneself 意为 自己照顾自己 12 hand 前加 your 否则不合英语习惯 13 think 后加 it 因 think over 为及物动词 14 other 改为 others 指另外的一些 若指另外的一个 可用 another 15 his 改为 their 指代前面的 the police 它永远表复数意义 16 去掉 it 因 it 与 which 语义重复 17 去掉 all 因它与 the whole 语义重复 18 parents 前加 my 否则不符合英语习惯 19 anything 改为 everything 否则语意不通 20 them 改为 it 因 baggage 为不可数名词 代词单句改错之提升训练 A 级 1 I改为me 2 my改为mine 3 your改为yours 4 your改为yours 5 hers改为theirs 6 第二个he改为himself 7 This改为That 8 That 改为The 9 Who改为What 10 none改为neither B 级 1 me改为I 2 oneself改为himself 3 him改为himself 4 What改为that或将all 去掉 5 us改为ours 6 it改为that 7 anyone后面加else 8 That改为 it 9 Each改为None 10 those改为which 代词单句语法填空之真题训练 1 its 根据空格后的名词及前文中的 a lively three month old twin 可知要用形容词性物 主代词 2 Those These 根据句意 没消息就是好消息 好消息就是没消息 对于一些晚间播报 和早报来说 这是 那是 经典法则 指代前面的两句话 3 myself 根据句意 第一次 我因为自己做事情而自我感觉良好 而不是因为别人告 诉我做得好 4 they 根据句意 女人平均比男人活得年龄长 总体来说 她们有望比男人多活六七 年 此处用 they 代替前文的 women 5 that 考查代词 句意 在许多方面 美国的教育制度与英国的不是非常的不同 代词 that 指代前文中出现的 the education system 6 it 句意 如果你正在看最喜爱的电视节目 这时有人进来没有征求你的意见就把电视 关了 你会怎么想 固定表达 how would you like it if 在此结构中 it 代替后面 if 句的内 容 7 nobody 句意 会议将在九月召开 但是没人知道具体日期 句中的关键词为 but 表 转折 故 nobody 没有人 符合句意 8 other 句意 为了让自己暖和起来 这个水手坐在火堆旁 光着脚 用一只脚搓另一 只脚 表示两者中的一个 另一个 用 one the other 9 none 句意 Niki 总是有很多想法 但是没有一个想法对我的知识有用 三者或三者 否定以上用 none 可指人也可指物 10 that 句意 这所规模较小的学校的教育质量比一些规模较大的学校的教育质量好得 多 表示比较时 指代前面的 quality of education 要用 that 为了避免重复 可以替代前面 提到的名词 11 neither 句意 这个研究组发布了以调查为基础的两个报道 但是都没有有用的建议 考查代词 根据句意 两者都不用 neither 12 Everyone 考查不定代词 句意 你可以向任何一个人求助 在这里的每一个人都会 给予你帮助 根据前句中的 anyone 可知填 everyone 13 Either 根据 in the morning or afternoon 我全天都在家里 可知答案应填 Either 14 neither 题干的意思是 她在伦敦和曼彻斯特都住过 可是这两座城市她都不喜欢 就搬到剑桥去了 由此意可知要用 neither 两者都不 15 it 句意 苏珊向我清楚地表达了她希望过自己的新生活 此处用 it 作形式宾语 that 从句作真正的宾语 16 it 句意 如果你能提前告诉我你来不来 我将非常感激 I d appreciate it if you could 为固定句型 it 代指 if 引导的从句


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