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湘少版(三起)六年级下册小升初模拟测试英语试卷(七)姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题找出下列各组单词画线部分读音不同的一项。1 . AthinkBthanCthey2 . AdinosaurBfishCtrip3 . AbecomeBoldCrode4 . AheadBheavyCeasy5 . AshadowBdownCgrow6 . I _ my family.AAmBlove7 . What are you doing, Mum? Im _.( )ArunningBruningCrunRead and choose.读一读,选出不同类的词8 . AhappyBclassCexcited9 . AstoryBeveningCafternoon10 . AdogBTVCtiger11 . AreadBproudCclean12 . AbikeBcarCcake选出与其他两个单词划线部分读音不同的单词。13 . AwoodBschoolCcook14 . AflowerBsnowCwindow15 . AsportBdoctorChorse16 . AhardBgardenCquarter17 . AtiredBdirtyCbirthday18 . My grandpa _ a doctor then. ( )AisBbeCwas19 . 选出画线部分发音不同的选项。( ) 1. A. howB. yellowC. showD. window( ) 2. A. eggB. theC. bedD. let( ) 3. A. useB. music C. ruleD. computer( ) 4. A. comeB. motherC. sonD. cross( ) 5. A. findB. lightC. giveD. kite20 . _your sister at home just now? ( )AWasBWereCDid21 . There_apen, abook, twoerasersonthetable.( )AareBisChaveDhas找出下列单词中不同类的一项。22 . AyellowBthreeCpurple23 . AtwelveBoneCred24 . AhamsterBtenCseven25 . AfishBbrownCmouse26 . ArabbitBmouseCpencil27 . ApinkBmouseCblue28 . _ you good at swimming? ( )Yes, I am.AareBAreCDo选出每组中不同类的一项。29 . AfastBjumpChighDlong30 . AswimBrunClongDride31 . ArunBmakeClakeDdo32 . AlookBniceCwashDdraw33 . Ahigh jumpBjumpCswimDrun34 . Show_ your pencil box. ( )AIBmeCmy35 . Grandma Wang is very good. She is _ to us. ( )AhappyBkindChelp36 . 找出每组与其他读音不同的单词,把序号写在前面的括号里。6分(1)A. lake B. name C. game D. map(2)A. flag B. table C. cat D. hand(3)A. we B. red C. yellow D. lesson(4)A. evening B. red C. me D. she(5)A. home B. no C. go D. cock(6)A. duck B. blue C. bus D. rubber二、阅读选择阅读短文,选择正确的答案。The Yellow Mountain is one of the most famous mountains in China. Its in the south of Anhui. Every year many people go to visit it. Its not far from here. You can go there by bus, by train or by plane. When the sun rises in the morning, the sky looks very beautiful. Its really a nice place.37 . _ is one of the most famous mountains in China. ( )AThe Fushi MountainBThe Emei MountainCThe Yellow Mountain38 . Where is the Yellow Mountain?( )AIn Hebei.BIn Anhui.CIn Shanxi.39 . What do many people go to do there? ( )ASee friends. BVisit the Yellow Mountain. CGo to look and study.40 . How can you go there? ( )ABy train.BBy plane.CA and B41 . How do you like the Yellow Mountain?( )AA nice placeBBeautiful.CA and B阅读理解,判断正(T)误(F)。Sam is my penfriend. There are five people in his family. His father is a PE teacher. He likes grapes very much. His mother is a nurse. She likes strawberries. He has a sister and a brother. His sister is twenty minutes younger than his brother. She likes strawberries and apples. His brother doesnt like strawberries and apples. His brother likes oranges. They are all middle school students now. They are in the same school. They go to school together every day. They are all good at PE. They are American, but they can speak a little Japanese. They lived in Japan last year. They would like to China next year. I hope they will come soon.42 . There are 4 people in Sams family. (_)43 . Sams parents like grapes very much. (_)44 . His brother and sister like strawberries and apples. (_)45 . They are American. (_)46 . They will come China next year. (_)三、完形填空完型填空。Amy and Kate are twins. They are eleven years old. Theyre in_class. Amy gets up early and has breakfast every day. Then she_the bus to school. She is a kind girl. She often helps her classmates. She always studies hard. She_her homework before dinner. She always_the green man before she crosses the road. She doesnt run_play on the road. But she has a_habit. She likes eating too_sweets. Kate is also a good girl. Shes polite. She usually says Good morning _her teachers. But she is sometimes late_school and_her homework on time.47 . AsameBthe sameCdifferentDthe different48 . AtakeBbyCtookDtakes49 . AfinishBfinishesCdoDdid50 . Awaits forBwaitsClook out forDlook out of51 . AandBbutCorD/52 . AgoodBbadCwellDbadly53 . AmanyBmuchClittleDfew54 . AatBwithCaboutDto55 . AinBtoCforDof56 . AdoesBdoCdont doDdoesnt do四、填空题57 . 写出下列单词的相应形式。1. drop(动词过去式)_2. too (同音词) _3. felt(动词原形)_ 4. warm(对应词) _5.一组(汉译英)_ 6. leaf(复数)_7. a lot of(同义词)_ 8. healthy(反义词)_9. they(宾格)_10. air(加一个字母变为另外一个单词) _58 . 根据汉语提示补全句子。1. Last Sunday I went to the park with my _ (父母).2. He _ a horse in Xinjiang last year. (骑)3. He is taking _ in the garden. (照片)4. They _ the mountains last month. (爬)5. My cousins visited the Great Wall in _. (七月)用下列单词的适当形式补全句子。59 . The students are very _ (excite ).60 . -Im not good at _(run).-We_ (get) to Beijing at 9:00 in the evening.61 . He _ (be) here just now.62 . Bobby and I _ (get )red packets tomorrow.63 . She watches TV every evening. But she_ (not watch) TV last night.64 . My grandfather _ (leave) Hong Kong for New York in 1998.65 . Childrens Day is_(come).66 . The boy is_ (wear) a T -shirt.67 . We _(walk) in the park every morning. But this morning, we _(dont).68 . Do you want_ (pick) flowers for your mother?五、排序题69 . 读一读,使其成为一段有序的对话。(_)Great! Look! Whats that? Its black. It has so small head.(_)Good morning, Sam. How are you?(_)Good morning, Tim.(_)Im fine. Thanks. Lets go to the zoo.(_)Oh, Its a big bird. Look at the legs! Wow! So long.70 . 读一读,将下列句子重新排序,组成一段通顺的对话。( )1. Thank you .Miss White .( )2. Do you like pears, John ?( )3. Sure ! Here you are.( )4. Have some fruits , John .( )5. No, I dont. Can I have an apple , please ?六、选内容补全对话71 . 看图补全对话。Su Hai: Look at my _, Su Yang. Its _ _.Su Yang: Yes. _ _, Su Hai.Su Hai: OK.Su Hai: Your trousers _ too _, Su Yang. Try _.Su Yang: All right.Su Hai & Su Yang: Now, lets go to the _.Mike: Look at Su Yangs _, Helen.Helen: Theyre _ _.Helen: Whose gloves are these, Su Yang?Su Yang: Theyre _ _.Su Yang: Whose dress is this, Helen?Helen: Its _ _.Su Yang: Its _ beautiful.Helen: Thank you.七、匹配题选择与图片相符的单词。A. art room B. teachers office C. library D. first floor E. second floor72 . (_)73 . (_)74 . (_)75 . (_)76 . (_)给下列图片找到相应的英语。A. ball B. egg C. cap D. grandpa E. car77 . (_)78 . (_)79 . (_)80 . (_)81 . (_)八、书面表达82 . 书面表达。你的爱好是什么?请以“MyHobbies”为题写一篇短文,介绍你的爱好。要求:1语句通顺,书写工整2.不少于40个单词。_第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、阅读选择1、2、三、完形填空1、四、填空题1、2、3、五、排序题1、2、六、选内容补全对话1、七、匹配题1、2、八、书面表达1、

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