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人教版(PEP)一年级下册Module4单元测试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . Here_alotofbeautifulflowers.( )AareBamCis2 . My little sister likes collecting dolls. Its her _.( )AsubjectBhobbyCsport3 . Amy like meat?ADoesBDo4 . _ about this hat?AWhereBWhoseCWhat慧眼识珠。(读对话,根据对话内容选出相应的图片,将其序号填入括号内)5 . Where is the panda? ( )Look! Its here. Its under the cap.AB6 . How many balloons do you see? ( )I see fifteen.AB7 . Do you like pears? ( )Yes, I do.AB8 . Where are you from? ( )Im from the UK.AB9 . Have some strawberries. ( )Thank you.AB10 . Whos that woman? ( )She is my teacher.AB11 . Is he a boy? ( )Yes, he is.AB12 . Who is that man? ( )Hes my friend.AB13 . How many balls do you have? ( )I have twelve.AB14 . Is she your grandma?( )Yes, she is.AB15 . She _ draw a picture for her mother_. ( )Awill; yesterdayB/; tomorrowCwill; this afternoon16 . name is Sheep. ( )AMyBmyCI17 . Please help _ tidy up. ( )AtheyBhisCthem18 . Where_ the picture-books? ( )On ShelfABisCareDam19 . Eleven and eight makes _. ( )AthreeBnineteenCseventeen20 . ( )He isteacher.AaBanCnone21 . The shoes are very nice. Can I _? ( )Atry on itBtry it onCtry on themDtry them on22 . this? ( )Its a picturea pen.AWhat; ofBWhats; of23 . What are they?Theyre。AtigersBtiger24 . _ you have a lot of rain in spring?AareBisCdo25 . 为下面的句子选择合适的答语。How many?Good morning!Sit down,please.Whats your name?Good afternoon!AIm Angel.BEight.CGood morning!DGood afternoon!EThank you.二、情景交际26 . 你想让别人指向椅子,应该说:( )APoint the chair.BPoint to the chair.CPoint to the desk.27 . 如果你想问小明“最喜欢的颜色是什么?” 你应该这样问:_( )AWhats your favourite song?BWhats your favourite colour?CYour favourite colour is what?28 . 当你想让萨姆站起来时,你应该说:_( )AStand up, Sam.BSit down, Sam.29 . 你想知道离你近的东西是什么时,你可以问:( )AWhats this?BWhats that?CThis is a car.三、单词拼写将单词按正确的顺序排列30 . dgo_31 . fihs_32 . forg_33 . atc_34 . bidr_35 . oumse_汉译英。36 . 地址_37 . 在哪里_38 . 居住_39 . 公园_40 . 房子_请用正确的手写体格式书写下列字母、单词和句子。41 . Q q W w H h A a J j_42 . afternoon nine seven_43 . goodbye name_44 . 重排下列字母,组成所学单词(1)u,d,o,l,y,c_(2)y,n,i,w,d_(3)g,o,n,r,t,s_(4)e,l,p,e,a_(5)n,a,i,r_45 . 根据句意及中文提示,补全单词:There is a beautiful s_f_ (沙发) in my room.46 . 看图,圈出正确单词: l p s e v e n o q47 . 用所给字母组成单词并写出其汉语意思:o, e, a, t, r, n, h_(_)48 . 看图写出以下节日的单词:_四、英译汉49 . 翻译短文。I like acting. I always act in our school plays. It is difficult, but it is really fun. I want to act on TV, too!_50 . 英译汉1. How do you spend the Spring Festival?_2. We make dumplings._3. We make rice cakes._4. We have a family dinner._5. Whats the Spring Festival?_五、汉译英汉译英。51 . 衣服;服装_52 . 裤子_53 . 帽子_54 . 连衣裙_55 . 女裙_56 . 外衣_57 . 毛衣_58 . 短袜_59 . 汉译英:没关系_六、改错60 . 圈出句子中错误的一项并改正:Whatdoyou live.(_)改错。选出有错误的一项,把正确的写在后面的横线上。61 . Hello, Myam Mike. (_)_A B C62 . Heismy sister. (_)_A B C63 . IsyouLiu Tao? (_)_A B C64 . Thisaremy friend. (_)_A B C65 . HeisYang Ling. (_)_A B C66 . Read and correct. There werent a house here now. _67 . Read and correct the wrong words:Dont make mess again. _七、连词成句把下列单词组成正确的句子。68 . goes, My, work, to, by, uncle, bike._.69 . study, should, healthy, We, and, hard, stay._.70 . see, fish, lot, everyday, can, of, a, He._.71 . Where, Mikes, work, uncle, does_?72 . me, school, takes, My, often, to, mother._.连词成句我最行。73 . time, it, is, What (?)_74 . go, Lets, school, to (.)_75 . for, time, lunch, Its (.)_76 . ready, is, Breakfast. (.)_77 . time, Its, get, to, up (.)_连词成句。78 . his is what name_79 . black it and white is_80 . is schoolbag what in your_81 . go see and lets_82 . a is there window the in classroom_83 . 连词成句:is, it, house, whose (?)_第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、二、情景交际1、2、3、4、三、单词拼写1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、四、英译汉1、2、五、汉译英1、2、六、改错1、2、3、4、七、连词成句1、2、3、4、


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