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上海新世纪版2020届九年级上学期期末考试英语试题C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单项选择 (共20题;共40分)1. (2分)Is your uncle a teacher or engineer? Neither. He is a pianist.A . aB . theC . an2. (2分)- Is carbon (碳) made _ ink ?- Of course, it is.A . ofB . fromC . into 3. (2分)During the May Day holiday, we stayed in a mountain village with _ trees around. A . thousand ofB . thousandC . thousandsD . thousands of4. (2分)Mrs. Miller is my aunt, my fathers . A . sisterB . daughterC . brother5. (2分)People often think the grass is always greener on _ side of the fence (篱笆). A . anotherB . otherC . the otherD . others6. (2分)- pale you look! Are you feeling all right?- Im not feeling well. Ive got toothache.A . How aB . HowC . What aD . What7. (2分) Mom, this shirt is too small for me. Would you like to buy me a _ one? OK.A . smallB . smallerC . biggerD . biggest8. (2分)What would you like?Id like _ milk.A . a glass ofB . two glass ofC . a glassD . some glasses9. (2分)Is that girl Susan?It_ be her. She left for Beijing yesterday.A . needntB . cantC . mustntD . may not10. (2分)Why not go to see the dolphin show with me?Because I it.A . sawB . will seeC . seeD . have seen11. (2分)As we know its difficult to live in a foreign country. _if you cant understand the language there. A . ExactlyB . NaturallyC . UsuallyD . Especially12. (2分) Did you see who the driver was? No, the car ran so fast _ I couldnt have a good look at his face.A . thatB . whichC . asD . after13. (2分)The girl _ in her bedroom when her classmate rang her up. A . dancedB . dancesC . will danceD . was dancing14. (2分)-_ the girls enjoy _ TV.-Yes,they _.A . Does, watching, doesB . Do, watch, doC . Do, watching, doD . Does, watch, does15. (2分)did you buy for your mom for Mothers Day? Some flowers.A . HowB . WhereC . WhenD . What16. (2分)Do you often clean your bedroom? Yes, my bedroom _ every day.A . is cleanedB . was cleanedC . cleansD . is cleaning17. (2分)The box is too heavy to carry.Whats in it?Oh, it is books.A . filled withB . covered withC . used forD . asked for18. (2分)To do the work more successfully, _ we need is more time. A . only whatB . all whatC . all thatD . only19. (2分)- Im afraid that I cant pass the English exam next week.- _! Just try your best.A . SureB . Never mindC . Of courseD . You are welcome.20. (2分) Could you tell me ? Certainly. In half an hour.A . when will the high speed train arriveB . when the high speed train will arriveC . when would the high speed train arriveD . when the high speed train would arrive二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)21. (10分) Andy went home from school by bus one day. When an old woman carrying a basket full of apples got onto the bus, Andy1his seat. The old woman2her thanks to him and before she got off, she3 three big apples and said, I want to give you these three4apples. Tell one apple your wish, eat it and then wait and see.The next day Andy went to a park with the apples. I wish to be tall and strong. Andy said when he saw boys playing baseball there. He ate the first apple and grew into a very tall boy. But all the boys ran away with5when they saw this.Andy was sad. He took out another apple and said, “I wish to be famous so as to have lots of friends.” With these words, he ate the second apple. But when hundreds of reporters tried to interview him, he had to hide himself to6them.Andys third wish was to be one of the richest men in the world. But when his wish came true, he found himself still7.One night Andy8the old lady again in the street. She saw he was not in high spirits and asked him what he really wanted to be. I just want to be9! Andy said. Suddenly he was at the10again. One of the boys came up and said to him, Come on and play with us!(1)A . refused B . offered C . kept D . shook (2)A . expressed B . explained C . imagined D . regretted (3)A . checked out B . pointed out C . picked out D . sold out (4)A . bitter B . plain C . magic D . funny (5)A . joy B . pride C . courage D . fear (6)A . avoid B . control C . receive D . warn (7)A . lonely B . silent C . lively D . excellent (8)A . came down B . came up with C . came to D . came across (9)A . him B . me C . them D . you (10)A . bus B . street C . park D . heaven 三、 阅读理解 (共2题;共28分)22. (20分)阅读下面的短文,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案。Are you between 12 and 16 years old?Are you looking for the perfect holiday?Would you like fun,new friends and a new adventure?We have the answer!And all you need is a bike!Join a Paradise Cycling Adventure Holiday!You will join a group of 12 teenagers and two leaders.Youll see mountains,the sea,pretty country villages and lakes.Youll cycle about 20 km on most days,but dont worry,you dont need to cycle up any mountains and you can go quite slowly if you need to.On the days when you dont cycle,you can have a go at some different sports,like swimming and caving,and youll nove to a different hotel every night.At the end of your holiday youll find you are fitter,more energetic and have more friends!It is really a perfect holiday.Places are limited so book your place now!Phone 005 6867 4758 or visit our website:www.Paradisecycling. (1)What do you need if you want to join Paradise Cycling Adventure Holiday?A . bike.B . A book .C . A leader.(2)What do you need if you want to join Paradise Cycling Adventure Holiday?A . bike.B . A book .C . A leader.(3)How far will people cycle on most days?A . About 10 km.B . About 20 km.C . About 30 km.(4)How far will people cycle on most days?A . About 10 km.B . About 20 km.C . About 30 km.(5)What cant people get at the end of the holiday?A . Health.B . Energy.C . Money.(6)What cant people get at the end of the holiday?A . Health.B . Energy.C . Money.(7)The passage is .A . An advertisement.B . A documentary.C . A story.(8)The passage is .A . An advertisement.B . A documentary.C . A story.(9)How many people are in a group?A . Twelve.B . Fourteen.C . Two.(10)How many people are in a group?A . Twelve.B . Fourteen.C . Two.23. (8分)阅读理解 A road is a bridge between two places. The Silk Road has been there between East and West for more than 2,000 years.But did you know that the Silk Road is not a single route? It is actually a series of trade and cultural transmission(传送) routes. It started to take shape during the Western Han Dynasty. The trade route started from the city of Xian in Shaanxi province and ended in eastern Europe, near todays Turkey and the Mediterranean Sea. The Silk Road was about 6,500 kilometers long. It went across one-fourth of the earth.The Silk Road got its name because Chinese silk used to be carried along this road. Besides silk, jade (玉), tea and steel also went west to Rome. From the West came glass, gems (宝石), and foods like carrots and sesame.The Silk Road was very important to both China and the rest of the world. Not only trade, but also knowledge about science, arts and literature, as well as craftsmanship and technology, was shared across the Silk Road. In this way, languages and cultures developed and influenced each other.Today, many historical sites along the Silk Road are popular travel destinations, such as the Terracotta Warriors (兵马俑) in Xian and Mogao Grottoes (莫高窟) in Dunhuang. A new train line, the New Orient Express, is running from Beijing across the Silk Road.(1)From the story, we know that _. A . the Silk Road covered about 650 kilometersB . the Silk Road began during the Eastern Han DynastyC . glass, gems and food were brought to ChinaD . silk, jade, tea and steel were brought to the east of China(2)What is the main idea of the fourth paragraph? A . How the Silk Road got its name.B . Why the Silk Road is important.C . When the Silk Road was built.D . How the Silk Road came into being.(3)The underlined word destinations in paragraph 5 probably means _. A . placesB . museumsC . symbolsD . performances(4)Whats the best title of the passage? A . The History of the Silk RoadB . The Importance of the Silk RoadC . The Trade Between East and WestD . The Silk Road A Bridge Between East and West四、 任务型阅读 (共2题;共30分)24. (25分)阅读下面短文,根据其内容完成后面的各项任务。In the Charles E. Johnson Elementary School in New York, there is a special radio. It gives people warnings (警报) about bad weather.One day, there came a sound from the radio. This sound brought the piece of news: a heavy storm was coming. William Tomic, principal (校长) of the school, he asked teachers to bring children indoors and put them in a safe place at once.Minutes later, the storm came. However, because of the warning of the radio and the quick work of the principal, no one was hurt. “The radio really did work very well. 我们对它的工作感到很高兴,” William Tomic said. “The parents were as well.” The US government hopes there will be more such success stories. It plans to give this kind of radios to all 97, 000 public schools in the country.Every year, more than 10,000 big thunderstorms, 2,500 floods, 1,000 tomatoes (龙卷风) and some hurricanes (飓风) take place in the US, so the warning radios are very useful.They not only give people warnings about bad weather, but also give warnings about other dangerous things.(1)将文中画线的汉语句子译成英语。 (2)将文中画线的英语句子译成汉语。 (3)回答问题What does the special radio give people?(4)回答问题Why was no one hurt in the school in the storm?(5)请给短文一个恰当的英文标题。 25. (5分)阅读短文,完成表格Read the passage carefully and complete the table with only one word for each blank.Back in the twentieth century, robots seemed to have a big future, at least in the movies. Like the robots servants in the Star War movies. It looked as if one day robots would do all the boring or dangerous jobs while the humans sat around doing something more interesting. But people were also frightened that robots might become the bosses, not the servants.Has it happened? Youre still unlikely to see a robot walking around your town but that doesnt mean they dont exist. Robots are used in car making, and in areas which are dangerous for humans, in bomb producing and deep-sea discovering, for example. We employ robots instead of doing the job ourselves. According to the report, there are 750,000 working robots in the world today.These working robots definitely look like machines but many scientists are now trying to make robots look more similar to humans. So what will robots be able to do by the year 2030? There are already plans to use robots in hospitals and old peoples homes. Robot nurses will remind patients to take their medicine or tell a doctor if the patient needs attention. But many people are worried about the idea of robots looking after the old, the sick and the very young, separating them from important human contact. It may also create unemployment. It is really possible that robots will be used for many jobs in areas.But can we be sure that the next generation robots will always follow human orders? Or even destroy them? Or will we be able to create robots with emotions? Only the future will tell.Will robots _the world?The imagination of robots in the pastThe images of robots appeared in movies.Robots were thought to work for people.People have a_that robots would become bosses.The use of robots at presentRobots dont take over the world.They _people in some dangerous areas, from car making to deep-sea discovering.Peoples plans and _about robots for the futureRobots will be more like humans.They will be used in more areas, like in the hospital.It may cause problems, like the _of humans from each other and the unemployment.五、 短文填空 (共1题;共10分)26. (10分)阅读下面的短文在空白处填入合适的单词, 首字母已经给出。The doorbell rang and Mrs. Carson opened the front floor. Her heart sank w _ she saw Mrs. Burbridge. W _ Mrs. Burbridge called; she stayed for hours and hours. Good afternoon, Mrs. Carson, Mrs. Burbridge said. Do come in, Just a _ Mrs. Carson had feared, Mrs. Burbridge stayed for several hours. It was nearly six oclock a _ Mr. Carson would be home from work soonMrs. Carson kept wondering h _ she would ask Mrs. Burbridge to leave without making her angry. Has your husband got home from work y _, Mrs. Carson asked. Oh, yes, Mrs. Burbridge answered. He always gets home at about five oclock Its nearly six oclock. Wont he be getting worried about you? Mrs. Carson said.I thought of t _, Mrs. Burbridge said. b_ its so pleasant here. Weve had such a lovely afternoon. You know w _ Ill do? Ill ring up my husband a _ tell him to come round, too. May I use your phone, please?六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)27. (5分)以My school 为题,写一篇作文,要求包括信息中提及的所有内容,省略号处需做适当发挥,做到语句通顺,条理清楚,字数60词左右。NameLi MeiAge13Study atNo. 1 Middle School, Class 8, Grade 7Schoolnot very big, trees, flowersa school library, a reading roomTeacherskind After-school activitiesplay tennis, swim第 20 页 共 20 页参考答案一、 单项选择 (共20题;共40分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)21-1、三、 阅读理解 (共2题;共28分)22-1、22-2、22-3、22-4、22-5、22-6、22-7、22-8、22-9、22-10、23-1、23-2、23-3、23-4、四、 任务型阅读 (共2题;共30分)24-1、24-2、24-3、24-4、24-5、25-1、五、 短文填空 (共1题;共10分)26-1、六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)27-1、


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