苏教版五年级英语上册Unit 6 My e-friends 第2课时 Grammar time-Song time 练习卷

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苏教版五年级英语上册Unit 6 My e-friends 第2课时 Grammar time-Song time 练习卷_第1页
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苏教版五年级英语上册Unit 6 My e-friends 第2课时 Grammar time-Song time 练习卷_第2页
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苏教版五年级英语上册Unit 6 My e-friends 第2课时 Grammar time-Song time 练习卷_第3页
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苏教版五年级上册Unit 6 My e-friends 第2课时 Grammar time-Song time 练习卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . 选出画线部分发音不相同的单词,将序号填在前面的括号中。【小题1】AcouldBroundCproud【小题2】AlearnBearlyChear【小题3】AwroteBworldCclothes2 . This email is _ my e-friend. He _ in the US. ( )Ato; liveBfor; livesCto; lives3 . Chenchen, I want to get a pair of shoes in this shop. What about _?( )AyouByourCyours4 . Sarah is sick.What should she not do? ( )AHave a rest.BGo swimming.CStay in bed.5 . We_ go to school _ Sundays. ( )Adont, onBdoesnt, inCarent, at6 . We dont have apples. ( )AsomeBanyCa二、填空题7 . 填空。1. Its cool _ autumn.2. I can fly _ (a/an) kite.3. Christmas is _ winter.4. We can go _.(skate)5. Yes, I _.(do)8 . 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. - _ your father _(speak) English?-Yes, he does.2. My e-friend _(be not) _(a) American girl.3.-What _ (subject) _(do) Sam like?-He _ (like) Chinese.4. I _(like)_(sing) English songs after school.5. _ (do) you have long hair?6. _ Yang Ling usually _(play) the piano after school?三、判断题9 . 读一读,辨一辨。划线部分发音相同的画“”,不同的画“”。(_) 1. A. jeans B. sweater(_) 2. A. sneakers B. wear(_) 3. A. have B. cap (_) 4. A. vest B. red(_) 5. A. what B. say(_) 6. A. winter B. summer四、选内容补全对话10 . 根据中文完成句子。(10分)(1)他十五岁了。Hes _ _ _.(2)她喜欢什么学科?What _ _ she _?(3)她阿姨在一所小学教英语。Her aunt _ English in a primary school.(4) 他会画画吗?是的,他画得很好_ he _ pictures? Yes, he _ very well.五、匹配题选出对应的答句AIts red.BThank you.CHow nice!DYes,please.EGood morning.11 . Good morning. (_)12 . Would you like an egg?(_)13 . What colour is your new dress?(_)14 . Its a beautiful jacket.(_)15 . Look at my skirt.(_)第 6 页 共 6 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、二、填空题1、2、三、判断题1、四、选内容补全对话1、五、匹配题1、

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