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人教精通版六年级下册小升初模拟测试英语试卷(十)姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . Thereare _treesnearthehouse. ( )AforteenBthiteenCfifteenDninteen2 . Are you a vet? _.AYes, you are.BYes, I am.3 . How _ Mr. John _ the cinema? ( ) By taxi.Ado; get toBdoes; get toCdoes; get4 . Whats there in the countryside?( )_ARivers and lakes.BCinemas and theatres.CBuses and cars.根据汉语提示,补全单词5 . c_ _(小汽车 )( )Aa rBe rCo r6 . b_k_(自行车)( )Aa oBi oCi e7 . tr_ _n(火车)( )Ae iBo eCa i8 . _ _ip(轮船)( )As hBc hCt h9 . _ _ane(飞机)( )Ab 1Bp lCt l10 . 选择单词所缺字母,并将标号写在题前括号内。(_)1.m _ _ ningA.orB.arC.ir(_)2.g _ _ dA.uuB.ooC.ou(_)3.h _ lloA.aB.iC.e(_)4.d _ gA.aB.oC.e(_)5.ch _ _ kA.icB.ciC.ck(_)6.f _ xA.eB.oC.a11 . _ do you like doing? ( )I like_ pictures. AWhat, drawingBWhat, drawCWho, drawing12 . /std/ ( )ASundayBFridayCSaturday13 . I _ a friend. She _ a small nose. ( )Aam; isBhave; isChave; has14 . -Help me! Im hurt. ( ) -?-I hurt my knee.AWhichBWhatCWhere15 . A: Where did you go yesterday? B: I _ to a shop. ( )AgoBwentCgoes16 . 找出每组中不同类的一项。(_) 1. A. dinner B. lunch C. fish(_) 2. A. soup B. broccoli C. like(_) 3. A. meat B. fish C. Dad(_) 4. A. carrot B. have C. rice(_) 5. A. Dad B. some C. Mum17 . There _some milk and bread _ dinner. ( )Ais; inBare; toCis; for二、阅读选择阅读短文,选择正确答案。Today is Sunday. My friends and I want to go shopping. Bob wants to buy some tea. Tom wants to buy some apples in the fruit shop. Kim wants to buy a story book in a book shop. Jack wants to buy a new pen for his mother. Lily wants to buy new shorts in a clothes shop.18 . _ wants to buy some tea. ( )ATomBKimCBob19 . Tom wants to buy some_( )ABC20 . Kim wants to buy_( )ABC21 . Jack wants to buy_ for his mother. ( )ABC22 . Lily wants to buy new_ in a clothes shop. ( )ABC阅读短文,选择正确的答案。The Lion and the MouseOnce a great lion was sleeping. A little mouse came and ran over his face. The lion awoke(醒来) and caught the little mouse in anger(生气), and was going to kill(吃掉) her. “ Oh, dear kind(善良) Lion!” Said the little mouse. “ Please forgive(放过) me. Let me go. I shall return(回报) your kindness.“ Ha, ha, ha, laughed the lion. “ How can a little thing like you help a great lion? “ Thank you very much, kind Lion! I hope I shall be able to do you a good return some day, said the little mouse. Some day, the lion was caught in a trap. Just then the little mouse came along. At once she ran up to the lion, and said, “ You were very kind to me once(上次). Now Ill save(救) your life, and repay(回报) you the kindness. Soon she gnawed the ropes of the trap with her sharp(锋利的) teeth, and the lion was happy to be free(自由) again. “ Thank you, little Mouse! said the lion, and he walked away.23 . This lion was a _ lion. ( )AbadBkindCsmall24 . This mouse _this lions life. ( )Adidnt saveBsavedCkilled25 . The mouse gnawed the ropes of the trap with _( )Aher sharp teeth.Bher big mouthCher strong legs26 . The lion was happy because _.( )Ahe ate a mouseBhe was free againCthe mouse was so kind27 . What is the Chinese meaning of “trap”? ( )A绳索B猎枪C捕猎夹三、情景交际28 . 你想告诉伙伴你有一支钢笔,可以说:_ ( )AI have a ruler.BI have a pen.CIts a pen.29 . 当你看望生病的Lisa时,你会说:( )AHow are you feeling today?BNot very well.30 . 你想告诉Tom美国的首都是华盛顿,你会说_AThe capital city of America is Washington,BC.CThe capital city of America is London.C. The capital city of America is New York.四、填空题31 . 看图选词,完成句子。(填选内容)AbigBsmall1.The bag is _.2.The ball is _.32 . 选词填空。【小题1】How _ is the boy? ( tall, short)【小题2】-Is the girl _?-Yes, she is short. (tall, short)【小题3】When is your _? (birthday, years)【小题4】These are my _ (feet, foots)【小题5】Please_ up.(standing, stand)33 . Lets go to The Century Park by _.五、单词拼写34 . 根据首字母填空。1. We shouldnt eat too many c _. 2. Tomorrow we will m _ at our schools gate.3. Eating more f _ is good for our body.4. Peter had a b _ of milk for breakfasr.六、句型转换按要求改写句子。35 . A mouse wake the lion up.(改为一般疑问句)_a mouse _the lion up?36 . Two men caught the lion with a large net.(对画线部分提问)_two men catch the lion?37 . Liu Tao puts his things in order.(改为否定句)Liu Tao _his things in order.38 . My mother is good at cooking.(同义句转换)My mother _cooking.39 . My brother can play the guitar.(改为否定句)My brother _the guitar.七、选内容补全对话Read and choose. (选择句子补全对话。)A. Lets eat the cake.B. Whats your name?C. Happy birthday!D. How old are you?E. Im fine, thank you.Jim: Hello! Im Jim.40 . Tom: My name is Tom.Jim: How are you, Tom?Tom:41 . And you?Jim: Im fine, too.42 . Tom: Im ten. Oh, today is my birthday.Jim: 43 . Tom: Thank you. 44 . Jim: OK.八、连词成句45 . 连词成句(1) you play Can basketball?_(2)Can play you football?_(3) us Let run._(4) cant I jump._(5) you jump Can?_九、书面表达46 . 小练笔。假如下列图片是你下周的活动计划,请用英语表述一下。要求:时态正确,书写工整规范。Monday Tuesday Friday Saturday SundayOn Monday Ill fly my kite. _第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、二、阅读选择1、2、三、情景交际1、2、3、四、填空题1、2、3、五、单词拼写1、六、句型转换1、七、选内容补全对话1、八、连词成句1、九、书面表达1、

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