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旗城学校实验部英语M3试题班级: 姓名: 成绩: 第一部分 听力部分一、 听录音,选出你所听到的单词。(5分)( )1、A.little B.letter C.collect D.look( )2、A.mother B.another C.otherD.father( )3、A.book B.cycle C.bicycleD.bike( )4、A.fall B.tall C.ballD.doll( )5、A.baby B.hobby C.bodyD.happy二、 听音,标号。(5分)三、 听录音补全句子。(5分)1. is her hobby.2. These are from China.3. Have you got any stamps from ?4. Is there a for me?5. I like riding .四、听录音,选答语。(5分)听力部分答题表一12345答案二12345答案四12344答案第二部分 笔试部分一、选出不同类的选项。(5)( )1、A.make B.collect C.got D.write( )2、A.reading B.playing C.swimD.flying( )3、A.lakes B.akes C.bedD.kites( )4、A.cities B.London C.townD.village( )5、A.window B.pen C.bagD.book二、英汉互译。(10)1.集邮 2.放风筝 3.骑自行车 4.图画书 5.我的业余爱好 6.famous people 7.stamps from Canada 8.have got 9.collect dolls 10.dragon kites 三、选词填空。(5分)1 (Collecting/Collect)postcards is his hobby.2. I like (swimming/swim) .3. Ive got lots of (stamps/stamp).4. These (are/is) stamps from Canada.5. (Does/Do) you collect dolls?四、 单选。(20分)( )1、 postcards is my hobby. A.Collet B.Collecting C. Colleted ( )2、-Have you got any dolls from Japan? - .A.Yes, I got. B.No, I havent. C. No ,I got not.( )3、There is a letter you.Its your brother. A.to,for B.for,from C. to,from( )4、He doesnt like picture books. A.reads B.read C. reading( )5、My hobby is . A.fly kites B.flies kites C. flying kites( )6、These are some stamps from . A.Canada B.Chinese C. English( )7、She has got two letters America. A.from B.for C.in( )8、How many do you have? A.hobbys B.hobby C. hobbies( )9、I havent got stamps from Canada. A.to,for B.for,from C. to,from( )10、-Do you like this picture? -No. Please show me one. A.some B.other C. another五、 用所给词的适当形式填空。(5分)1.These are (China)postcards.2. He (have) got an English stamp.3. Do you like (collect) stamps?4. Is there a letter for (I)?5. Lets (watch) a football game.六、选词填空。(5分)on about from of in1. These letters are China.2. This one has got a panda it.3. There are lots of bicycle New York.4. This is a picture the West Lake.5. It is six kilometers long.七、连词成句。(10)1. you/have/from/any/stamps/China/got (?) 2. a/is/letter/me/there/for (?) 3. a picture of/has got/this stamp/the Great Wall/on it (.) 4. is/flying/my/kites/hobby (.) 5. like/bicycle/I/my/riding (.) 八、阅读理解。(10分)九、写作。 同学们,你们一定有很多兴趣爱好吧,请根据下列提示词以My hobby为题介绍一下你的业余爱好吧。(不少于40个单词)fly kites, collect stamps, play football, ride bicycles, collect dolls,readMy hobby 笔试部分答题表一12345答案四12345答案四678910答案八12345答案

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