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人教版(PEP)六年级下册小升初模拟测试英语试卷(八)姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . This girl is _. The boy is _. ( )Along; shortBfat; thinCshort; tall2 . How do you go to Harbin? ( )I go _.Aby the planeBon the planeCby plane3 . -_you _ swimming this morning?( )-Yes, I_.ADid ,go, didBDo, go, doCAre, going, am4 . 选出下列每组中不同类的一项。(_)1. A. visitB. hospitalC. science museum(_)2. A. tomorrowB. tonightC. trip(_)3. A. subwayB. stopC. ship(_)4. A. turn rightB. by bikeC. on foot(_)5. A. dictionaryB. postcardC. straight(_)6. A. crossingB. usuallyC. sometimes(_)7. A. planeB. busC. science (_)8. A. leftB. wordC. straight (_)9. A. visitB. eveningC. tomorrow (_)10. A. whatB. withC. where5 . I know about public signs. ( )Alots ofBmanyCa lotDa lots of6 . Anna wants to go to China. So she learns to _ Chinese. ( )AspeakBspeaksCspeaking7 . There _ some pencils and a bottle in the room yesterday. But now there _ only a bottle. ( )Awas; isBwere; isCwas; was请选出划线部分发音与众不同的一项。8 . AfoldBsongCchopstick9 . ApaperBclassCmake10 . AtonightBkitchenCwhite11 . AgetBsmellCreporter12 . This is_nose.Its big.( )AIBmyCme13 . We all go to see the dragon boat race. We eat zongzi.( )It is _.Athe Mid-Autumn FestivalBthe Dragon Boat FestivalCthe Lantern Festival14 . 选出不同类的一项。( ) 1. A. eat B. love C. plays( ) 2. A. twenty B. twelve C. minute( ) 3. A. listen B. snake C. bear( ) 4. A. how many B. fantastic C. what( ) 5. A. owl B. gets C. does15 . What did Tom do _? ( )AyesterdayBtomorrowCnext Sunday16 . We_ new clothes next Sunday.AbuyBare going to buyCbought17 . What colour is the panda? ( )_ABlack and white.BBlue.CGreen and red.18 . Its hot here. _ your hat, Lily. ( )ATake offBPut onCTurn on二、完形填空完形填空。An old man is _a big cow. A young man comes to the cow and begins to _it carefully(仔细地). Then, the old man goes to _and says in his ears, “Dont say anything about the cow _I sell it, then I will _you some meat.”“All right,” says the young man.After the old man sells the cow, he _the young man some meat and says, “How did you know the leg of the cow _bad?”“I _know it,” says the young man.“Then, _did you look at the cow carefully?” asks the old man.The young man answers, “I have never seen(从未见过) a cow, so I want to know what it looks _.”19 . AbuyingBsellingCgivingDshowing20 . Alook atBlook forClooking atDlooking for21 . AhimBherCusDthem22 . AafterBbeforeCbesideDbetween23 . AtakeBbringCofferDgive24 . AhasBshowsCgivesDbuys25 . AisBareCwasDwere26 . AdontBdidntC/Dcant27 . AhowBwhatCwhoDwhy28 . AlikesBlikeClikingDliked三、填空题根据中文提示完成单词。29 . My grandpa _(读) newspapers for news twenty years ago.30 . My father likes _(听) to the radio every day.31 . My uncle _(买) some things from the shop yesterday.32 . Lily often does _(购物) on the Internet.33 . Now we can read and _(观看) news on the Internet.34 . Twenty years _(以前), my mother made friends at school.35 . Now he can _(写) letters.36 . Ten years ago, I _(不会) walk.四、排序题37 . 对话排序(_)He likes doing Kungfu and swimming.(_)What are Peters hobbies?(_) He lives on a farm, so sometimes he reads to the cows.(_)Really? Me too.(_)He likes reading books. (_)Thats interesting.38 . 为下列句子排序。( )1.Are you cold?( )2.Yes, Im cold, Mum.( )3.OK!( )4.Then lets go home.( )5.Then let me close the door.( )6.Thank you, Mum.( )7.Yes, Mum! My nose is still running.( )8.Eve! Are you still cold?五、任务型阅读阅读材料Welcome to my home. There are five rooms in my home. A living room, two bedrooms, a kitchen, a bathroom and a study. Come and have a look at my bedroom. Its small, but its very nice. There is a doll on the bed. The computer is on the desk. I study and play at it. On the desk, there is a lamp, too. I do my homework under the lamp everyday. There are many books on the shelf. I like reading books. The closet is next to the bed. Its pink. There are three picture over my bed. I like my bedroom. Whats your bedroom like?能力测试将正确的答案写在横线上。39 . There are _ rooms in my home.40 . My bedroom is _ and _.41 . I study and play at my _.42 . There are many book on the _.43 . The pictures are _ my bed.阅读理解,阅读邀请函,判断下列句子正(T)误(F)。Birthday PartyWHEN: October 9th, 8 p.m.WHY: My birthdayWHERE: My homeWHAT: We will dance. We will make a wish. We will sing the birthday song. We will eat a birthday cake.RSVP: Will you come to the party? Please send me an email at lilyhelpsu.cn by October 1st.44 . The birthday party is on October 1st. (_)45 . The party will start at 8 p.m. (_)46 . Youll read riddles at the party. (_)47 . Youll sing the birthday song at the party. (_)48 . Youll eat noodles at the party.(_)六、选内容补全对话选择句子,补全对话。AIts a big and modern city, but its quite noisy.BWhere are you from?CI like playing football.DNo, I like playing volleyball.EDo you like living in Guangzhou?Peter: Hello. My name is Peter. Im new here.Jiamin: Hi, Peter. 49 . Peter: Im from London.Jiamin: Oh, welcome to Guangzhou. 50 . Peter: Of course. Its a beautiful city and the people here are very nice.Jiamin: Whats London like?Peter: 51 . Jiamin: What do you like doing at the weekend?Peter: 52 . Do you like playing football, too?Jiamin: 53 . 七、匹配题54 . 从方框中选出上面句子的应答语。AIts nice.BAll right!CReally?DGood morning!EWe have two1.Good morning! _2.How many doors do you have? _3.Let me clean the window._4.I have a toy dog. _5.Look at the picture. _55 . 认真看一看,为下面单词选择相应的汉语。A、蔬菜 B、电灯 C、书包 D、书房 E、门F、谢谢你 G、墙壁 H、电话 I、头发 J、勺子(_) 1. light(_) 2. thank you(_) 3. hair(_) 4. door(_) 5. schoolbag(_) 6. phone(_) 7.vegetable(_) 8. study(_) 9. wall(_) 10. spoon第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完形填空1、三、填空题1、四、排序题1、2、五、任务型阅读1、2、六、选内容补全对话1、七、匹配题1、2、


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