人教版(PEP)三年级上册Unit 2 My classroom 第一课时练习卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题选出不同类的单词。1 . AtoyBrobotCJoe2 . AcolourBredCwhite3 . AheBsheCmy4 . AniceBgreatCwhat5 . AamBthisCis6 . AskirtBsweetCcap7 . AgrandpaBgrandmaCfriend8 . AeveningBclassCafternoon找出不同类的词。9 . AboatBboughtCateDtook10 . AfixedBdidCcookedDweekend11 . AplayedBdidCwentDwash12 . AlampBenjoyCgiftDbeach13 . AnurseBteacherCbetterDdoctor14 . AmoonBbiggerCshorterDthinner15 . AlongBeyesCtallDheavy16 . AdanceBpartyCwashDsing17 . AhospitalBcinemaClibraryDwhere18 . AgrapeBappleCbeefDstrawberry给下列句子选择相应的图片。19 . Which animal is bigger, the horse or the rabbit? ( )AB20 . Old people are weak and slow. What can we do? ( )AB21 . Miss Lis hair is shorter than Miss Chens. Who is Miss Li? ( )AB22 . There isnt enough water on the earth. What should we do? ( )AB23 . Its snowy in Harbin now. Which coat do you want? ( )AB二、情景交际24 . 多少啊?( )AHow many?BHow are you?三、匹配题看图,选出符合图意的选项,并将其字母符号填在相应的括号内。A. My favourite food is noodles.B. Its raining.C. Turn left!D. I can make a snowman in winter.E. There is a cat under the bed.F. Merry Christmas!G. I have an English class at ten oclock.25 . (_)26 . (_)27 . (_)28 . (_)29 . (_)30 . (_)31 . (_)32 . 把相应的句子和图片匹配起来I see a monkey. _AI hear a sheep _BTaste the soup, please. _CI like the nice sweet. _DLinda, touch your nose. _E第 7 页 共 7 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、二、情景交际1、三、匹配题1、2、