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English TestforJunior High School TeachersDecember, 20162 Hours 150 pointsName _School _英语试卷 B第 1 页 共 15 页Note: Write all your answers on the Answer Sheet.Part I Listening Test (30 points)Section AConversationsDirections: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer. Please write your answers on the ANSWER SHEET.1. A. She is not a very famous actress.B. She is not very much tempted by big money.C. She has no idea of how to make advertisements.D. She is not so fortunate as other actresses.2. A. He doesnt have a good hearing.B. He has been driving madly for a year.C. He never takes what she says seriously.D. He is always impatient with her.3. A. she is worried about the errors made.B. She has been doing things in a correct way.C. She needs someone to lend her a hand.D. She is still searching for directions.4. A. The woman would apply for the advertised job.B. The woman can help him with his job in the next two weeks.C. He is the right person to help her post an advertisement.D. He can find a better paying job for the woman.5. A. She is stubborn.B. She is lonely.C. Sheis not easy going.D. She is hopeless.6. A. Todays seminar was badly scheduled.B. Both speakers are enthusiastic about the seminars.C. Next weeks seminar is on a different topic.D. There will be two seminars in the next week.7. A. Its dull.B. Its exciting.C. Its simple.D. Its complicated.8. A. $2.75.B. $1.25.C. $1.50.D. $3.90.英语试卷 B第 2 页 共 15 页Questions 9 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard.9. A. Looking for a person to talk to.B. Working on a troublemaking talking.C. Trying to understand the two genders.D. Trying to understand friendship between women.10. A. Enthusiastic.B. Doubtful.C. peaceful.D. Cautious.11. A. An effective tool to help form womens friendship.B. A way to understand and appreciate friends.C. An access that a woman can express her troubles.D. An effective way to achieve something from womens friends.Questions 12 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard.12. A. Reluctant.B. Positive.C. Ambitious.D. Indifferent.13. A. No one wants to look at the closet.B. The man has already cleaned it up.C. It has gradually become a trashcan.D. It is occupied by lots of useless stuff.14. A. The stairs to upper floor are broken.B. The upstairs toilet is full of bleach smell.C. It should be entirely cleaned up.D. It is often tidied up by the womans parents.15. A. Pick up dirty clothes.B.Fix the upstairs toilet.C. Watch the game.D. Do the wash.Section BPassagesDirections: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the fours marked A, B, C and D. Please write your answers on the ANSWER SHEET.Passage OneQuestions 16 to 18 are based on the passage you have just heard.16. A. How important money is in ones day-to-day life.B. How one spends money shows what is important to him.C. Money is more important than the philosophy of life.D. Ones understanding of life is more important than money.英语试卷 B第 3 页 共 15 页17. A. To test the strength of friendship.B. To bring friends even closer.C. To know more people who are in need.D. To make your friends feel they are helpful.18. A. Money is proof of ones value.B. Money is a means instead of an end.C. Making more money is meaningless.D. Money can give great happiness.Passage TwoQuestions 19 to 21 are based on the passage you have just heard.19. A. It has been selling cupcakes for years.B. It sells cupcakes 24 hours a day.C. It only offers one flavor of cupcakes.D. It is a sight-seeing spot in New York city.20. A. They see it as a dated concept.B. They find it hard to operate.C. They appreciate its great service.D. They think it has great appeal.21. A. He thinks it s stupid to buy a cupcake in the morning.B. He has a different opinion from the majority.C. He thinks having one cupcake in the morning is enough.D. He stood in line with his co-workers for their cupcakes.Passage ThreeQuestions 22 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard.22. A. It can be acquired from seafood.B. It is good for our bones and teeth.C. It is mainly consumed by vegetarians.D. It is not as nutritious as it used to be.23. A. Delicious snacks and mineral water.B. Foods that contain much calcium.C. Noodles with high carbohydrates.D. Fruits that contain vitamins and fiber.24. A. They are allergic to meat, fish and other animal products.B. They cannot get over the brutal scenes of killing animals.C. Some of them think it is morally wrong to kill animals for food.D. Some of them believe it is healthier to eat meat and beans.25. A. They refer to transgenic organisms.B. They are harmful to the environment.C. They are grown in green and clean ways.D. They are grown with less harmful chemicals.英语试卷 B第 4 页 共 15 页Section CSpot DictationDirections: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks with the exact words you have just heard. Finally when the passage is read for the third time, you should check what you have written. Please write your answers on the ANSWER SHEET.It is impossible to describe insomnia to people who are sound sleepers. These are the people who trust that getting in bed will be followed by falling asleep,_26_ night follows day; these are the fearless people. Sleepless people are a very different _27_ . They know what insomnia really is: no just the failure to fall asleep, but the fear of that failure. For an insomniac, there is no such thing as a good night. Every evening- even if it _28_ mercifully comes to an end- is destroyed by _29_ . To reach sleep the insomniac must first _30_ terror.The fearless person also _31_ understand how easy it is to become one of the sleepless people. All it takes is one bad night. That bad night begets others: once you know you might not be able to sleep, you cant. _32_ that staying awake all night is a very real possibility, something that could actually happen, is no different than realizing that your boyfriend might no longer be interested in you, or that the friendship you thought was indestructible is , in fact, as _33_ as anything else, or that you could very well not succeed at doing the work you so badly want to do. When you imagine such _34_, you seem almost to will them into existence. To see the abyss is to take the first step towards it. What made F. Scott Fitzgerald “sleep-conscious,” as he called it, was a mosquito: the bug _35_him all night, and after that he had trouble sleeping for years.Part II Reading Test (40 points)Directions: Read the following passages and answer the questions that follow. You get 30 minutes for this part. There are 4 passages and 20 questions. Please write your answers on the ANSWER SHEET.Passage OneQuestions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage. Water in the DesertDeserts are regions that receive less than 25 centimeters of annual precipitation. Although deserts are usually thought of as being hot, they also are found in cold climates, such as Antarctica.Deserts are classified according to the amount of rainfall they receive. They driest deserts are called hyper-arid, where rain is absent for at least twelve consecutive months. Arid deserts experience some rainfall but receive less than 25o millimeters per year. Finally, semi-arid deserts see between 250 and 500 millimeters英语试卷 B第 5 页 共 15 页of rain.Despite the long-term lack of rain, deserts occasionally are drenched by violent storm. During such downpours, dried stream channels, called arroyos, rapidly fill and spill over, sometimes, causing dangerous flash floods. As the water rushes down mountains and erodes the land, it carries gravel, rock, and sand, which are deposited on the bottom of the arroyos as fan-shaped formations called alluvial fans.Some deserts are traversed by their own permanentrivers, known as exotic rivers, which are fed by water from outside the desert. Some well-known exotic rivers are the Nile River in Egypt, the Yellow River in China, and the Colorado River in Arizona. Other sources of water include underground springs or reservoirs, which provide life-sustaining moisture to desert vegetation. Deserts abound with plant species that have adapted to the dry environment by extending taproots deep into the ground to absorb the water below.Temporary lakes may form when rainfall is sufficient. These lakes occur in basins offering no outlet. When the lake beds dry up, they leave a flat plain encrusted with salt, an area known as a playa. Over a hundred playas dot the landscape of North American deserts, including Great Salt Lake in Utah.A scarcity of rain does not always create a desert. There must also be a high rate of evaporation relative to precipitation - a measure known as potential evapo-transpiration. That gauge totals the water lost through both normal evaporation and the evaporation that occurs from plant life. Potential evapo-transpiration is the amount of water that could evaporate in any area. When this potential exceeds actual precipitation, desert-like conditions will arise.AThus deserts can be either very hot or very cold, so long as the potential evaporation is greater than the precipitation. BIcy deserts like Antarctica collect rain in frozen snow that never seeps into the ground. CAnd hot deserts like the Sahara receive little rain, so little that the amount is less than the potential evaporation. D Water is responsible for the concentration of mineral deposits under the desert surface. Rainfall passes through mineral layers and re-deposits the minerals near the water table, where they can be easily extracted in mining operations. Mineral deposits also are enriched by the evaporation of water in the playas, which yield minerals such as gypsum and salt compounds such as sodium nitrate and sodium chloride. An example of such evaporation is shown by the Great Basin Desert in the western United States, which contains boron, an essential ingredient in themanufacture of drugs, water softeners, glass, and various agricultural chemicals.The role of water in creating deserts is illustrated b y the Atacama Desert in northern Chile in South America. That desert spans the area between the Pacific Ocean to the west and the Andes Mountains to the east. High atmospheric pressure over the Andes causes dry , cold air to descend to Earth. This air lacks water vapor and is easily heated by the sun, raising the ground temperatures and lowering the humidity - perfect conditions for a desert.Rain is sparse in the Atacama because of a phenomenon called rain shadow. Warm, humid air from the Amazon rain forest is blocked from reaching the Atacama英语试卷 B第 6 页 共 15 页by the Andes. That air is cooled by the cold mountain air and condenses into rain or snow in the mountains. As the air descends the west side of the mountains, it warms up and retains its moisture, preventing it from falling to the ground. Hence the Andes Mountains have the unusual effect of causing extreme moisture in the Amazon River basin at the same time that they cause extreme dryness on the other side of the mountain. Interestingly, the driest and wettest places on Earth are nearly adjacent to each other.1. The word consecutive in the passage is closest in meaning to _.A. alternateB. annualC. successiveD. proximate2. In stating that some deserts are traversed by their own permanent rivers, the author means that _.A. some deserts are flooded by rivers.B. rivers cross some deserts.C. some deserts cause their rivers to dry upD. rivers flow around some deserts3. Why does the author mention potential evaportranspiration? _.A. To explain how salt forms in dried lake beds.B. To note the most important condition for creating a desert.C. To show how plants aid in causing evaporation.D. To contrast it with normal evaporation.4. Look at the four capitalized and underlined letters A, B, C and D that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage.A comparison of two of the largest deserts illustrates this phenomenon. Where would the sentence best fit? _.5. The authors description of the Atacama Desert mentions all of the following except _A. It is located between the Pacific Ocean and the Andes Mountains.B. The air lacks water vapor.C. Rain-shadow causes extreme dryness.D. Violent storms occasionally occur.Passage TwoQuestions 6 to 10 are based on the following passage.Urban Heat IslandsCities are usually warmer than their surrounding suburban and rural areas, often by as much as ten degrees Fahrenheit or six degrees Celsius. Scientists attribute this to the urban heat island effect, by which several characteristics of urban areas combine to elevate artificially the ambient temperature.The main cause of urban heat islands is architectural; the high buildings in city centers expose numerous surfaces that reflect and absorb sunlight. The reflected英语试卷 B第 7 页 共 15 页light hits other buildings and cannot escape into the surrounding air. The absorbed light, mostly by the dark materials covering the outside of buildings, heats up the buildings themselves. These materials, such as concrete and asphalt, have greater thermal conductivity and reflective ability than do materials used in rural or suburban construction.This tendency of heat to be trapped between and near buildings is called the canyon effect. Another impact of tall buildings is that they block the wind, which normally blows hot air away and cools the remaining air.Also contributing to this heat retention is the absence of evapotranspiration, the loss of water by evaporation from the ground and from the leaves of plants. This phenomenon is blunted in urban locales due to the paucity of vegetation and standing water, both of which have cooling effects.People also play a role in creating urban heat islands. The population density in cities translates into more human heat-generating processes and technology, such as automobiles, buses, and trains, air conditioning units, and factory production. All of these activities result in air pollution, which leads to the greenhouse effect, in which hot air on the ground cannot escape through the air above it because of polluting particles in the atmosphere.The influence of the heat island effect seems to be greater at night. The ground and other surfaces lose heat at night by a process of radiation into the air above. But in cities, this upward radiation is blocked by the tall buildings, tending to hold the heat at the level where people live and where temperatures are measured.Because almost half of the worlds population lives in urban areas, the urban heat island effect can influence the lives of more than three billion people. Thus it is closely studied by demographers and meteorologists. Thousands die in heat waves every year, and urban heat islands increase the severity and duration of those waves. Nighttime on urban heat islands provides no relief since urban nights do not enjoy the same cool-down that occurs in areas outside the cities.Another adverse consequence of urban heat islands is that more energy is needed to power air conditioning and refrigeration. One study concluded that the heat island effect costs the city of Los Angeles about $100 million per year in increased energy consumption. Local weather conditions can also be affected, for example, by altered wind patterns, more clouds and fog, greater pollution, more lightening , and more rain.One strategy for mitigating the impact of heat island effects is to use construction materials in houses, pavements, and highways that reflect, not absorb, the sunlight. Another method is to cultivate more vegetation like many city dwellers do on the roofs of their apartment buildings and offices.Some controversy exists over whether urban heat islands contribute to global warming. One school of thought stresses that no evidence has been found that the effect is any more than a local one, as the long-term upward trend in temperatures is about the same in both urban and non-urban areas. This view gained support from a 2004 study comparing a citys temperatures on clam nights with those on windy nights. No difference was found in temperatures even though the urban-heat island英语试卷 B第 8 页 共 15 页theory would predict that windy nights should be cooler because the wind should blow the hot air away from the city. The conclusion of the study was that global temperatures have risen as much on windy nights as on calm nights, showing that overall global warming is not caused by urban development. Those with a dissenting view tend to be those who are skeptical of the reality of global warming. They contend that urban heat islands account for nearly all the warming recorded by land-based instruments. But there have no scientific studies substantiating this minority view.6. According to paragraph 2, all of the following are effects of tall buildings except_.A. the canyon effectB. the blockage of the windC. the absorption of sunlightD. the cooling of surrounding air7. Which of the following best expresses the essential information in the underlined and bold-typed sentence in paragraph 2 ?A. Heat causes concrete and asphalt to expand, raising the ambient temperature.B. Materials used to build cities retain more heat than materials used in non-urban areas.C. Rural and suburban areas are hotter than cities because there are no tall buildings to block the sunlight.D. Urban buildings are made of light-colored materials that reflect the sunlight up into the atmosphere.8. All of the following factors contribute to the heat island effect except _.A. air conditionersB. tall buildingsC. vegetationD. population9. According to the passage, which of the following is true about the negative effects of urban heat islands? _.A. Heat waves become longer and strongerB. Weather conditions change globallyC. Energy supplies decreaseD. People move out of the city to avoid heat waves10. The word dissenting in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to _.A. approvingB. opposingC. prevailingD. agreeing英语试卷 B第 9 页 共 15 页Passage ThreeQuestions 11 to 15 are based on the following passage.Virtually everything astronomers know about objects outside the solar system is based on the detection of photons-quanta of electromagnetic radiation. Yet there is another form of radiation t


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