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冀教版九年级上学期期末考试英语试卷B卷一、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)1. (10分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。Hi, everyone! Its nice to talk to you.1 name is Cindy Smith. I am a girl. Cindy is a very popular(受欢迎的) 2 in the USA. Smith is my3 name. Here are two nice pictures4my family.In the first picture5 my parentsDavid and Sylvia. They are very nice. The6 boys are my brothers. The boy next to my parents is Henry.7 is two years old. He is lovely, right? And the other boy is Samuel. He is five. I love all of8 very much.The girls in the next picture are my9 . They are Lily and Emily. They are my uncle Bobs daughters. They live(居住) near 10 house. Lily likes red very much. Who is Lily in the picture? Can you make a guess(猜测)?(1)A . Her B . His C . Your D . My (2)A . day B . name C . colour D . number (3)A . family B . middle C . given D . school (4)A . at B . in C . to D . of (5)A . are B . is C . am D . be (6)A . one B . two C . three D . four (7)A . He B . She C . It D . They (8)A . him B . her C . you D . them (9)A . daughters B . sisters C . friends D . cousins (10)A . their B . our C . its D . her 二、 阅读理解 (共5题;共55分)2. (10分)阅读理解 Imagine one day, the water taps (水龙头) in your house stop running. You have to buy water from shops. And still there isnt enough for everyone. Your mother has to save the familys shower water to do other things. Would you be able to stand that kind of life?Probably not. But thats what kids in Yemen are experiencing. Experts said Yemen is going to be the first country in the world to run out of water. According to a report, the capital, Sana, will run out of drinking water as early as 2025.Because of the shortage, the government often cuts the water supply(供应). Hannan, an 18-year-old from Lahej, told Times, In a good week well have a water supply all week. But then the following week there will be water only for a day or two.Hannan said only rich people have enough water to use. They can buy water from the shops or from the water trucks. Private companies own the trucks. They travel around the city every day to sell waterat very high prices. A lot of people cant afford it, she said.The average(平均) person in Yemen uses 100 to 200 cubic(立方) meters of water per year. That is far below the international water poverty(贫困) line of 1,000 cubic meters.The government is thinking of making use of seawater. But it will cost a lot and it may not happen soon enough to help the people of Yemen.(1) is the name of the capital city of Yemen. A . SanaB . LahejC . HannanD . Times(2)A report shows that Sana will have as early as 2025. A . enough drinking water to useB . no drinking water to useC . no private companiesD . more water pollution(3)What does the underlined word shortage in the third paragraph mean in Chinese? A . 充足B . 短缺C . 干旱D . 需求(4)We can infer(推断) from the passage that . A . the poor dont have to worry about the water supplyB . the 18-year-old boy is from a poor familyC . private companies make a lot of moneyD . Lahej is a beautiful place(5)Which of the following do you think is the best title for this passage? A . How to Save WaterB . How to Make Use of SeawaterC . How People Use Water FullyD . Yemen Is Facing Serious Water Shortage3. (20分)阅读理解CAs an English, I can speak three languagesEnglish, German and French, so do you think the British people are very good language learners? The fact is that they arent.Some statistics (数据) from the survey done by the European Commission (欧盟委员会) showed that 62% of the British people only speak English. 38% speak at least one foreign language and 18% speak two or more. Compared with the British people, 56% of the people in other European countries speak at least one foreign language and 28% speak two or more.From this you can see that the British people are famous for not speaking foreign languages and that they are not good language learners in Europe.And the survey also showed that English is the most widely-spoken foreign language. Many European people can have a conversation in English. Thats why my people dont think it is necessary to learn a foreign language.In Britain, students are not required to learn a foreign language. That means learning a foreign language is only an option at school. In UK schools it is common for children to start learning a foreign language at 11 and many of them give it up at 14. So why dont students continue learning foreign languages at school? Because they think it is more difficult to get good marks in languages than in other subjects such as science or history.To solve this situation, the British government is looking for different ways to improve language learning at school. One way is to start learning it at a much younger age. Another one is to give school children more choices.Changing the British attitude (态度) to learning foreign languages may be a hard task but the government decides to try!(1)Which country does the writer come from? A . America.B . China.C . Britain.D . Egypt.(2)Which country does the writer come from? A . America.B . China.C . Britain.D . Egypt.(3)Which of the following about the British people is true? A . They are good language learners.B . 62% of them speak two or more languages.C . They are famous for speaking foreign languages.D . More than half of them only speak English.(4)Which of the following about the British people is true? A . They are good language learners.B . 62% of them speak two or more languages.C . They are famous for speaking foreign languages.D . More than half of them only speak English.(5)According to the passage, students in Britain prefer to learn _. A . science or GermanB . history or GermanC . science or historyD . German or French(6)According to the passage, students in Britain prefer to learn _. A . science or GermanB . history or GermanC . science or historyD . German or French(7)In Paragraph 4, an option means _. A . a choiceB . a gameC . a mistakeD . a conversation(8)In Paragraph 4, an option means _. A . a choiceB . a gameC . a mistakeD . a conversation(9)What is the best title of the passage? A . Speaking EnglishB . Foreign Language Learning in UKC . Schools in UKD . Young English Learners(10)What is the best title of the passage? A . Speaking EnglishB . Foreign Language Learning in UKC . Schools in UKD . Young English Learners4. (10分)阅读理解Do you know Yao Beina?Not only a popular singer was Yao Beina, but also she was an energetic and warm-hearted angel. She had her corneas (眼角膜) donated to two men who needed them, which helped them see the world clearly again.Yao was born in a music family on Sept. 26, 1981 in Wuhan. Her father, Yao Feng, was the former chairman of the Shenzhen Association of Musicians and now serves as the vice chairman of Guangdong Association of Musicians. Under the influence of her family, she had taken up piano since the age of 4, and she sang her first song on the stage when she was 9 years old. Yao did quite well in singing, so she took part in the thirteenth Youth Singing Competition and won the first prize.She became well-known to the public after making a series of songs for the hit TV drama “The Legend of Zhenhuan” in 2012, and the mandarin version (中文版本) of “Let It Go” from Disneys “Frozen”. In July 2013, she competed in The Voice of China II and finally got the second place in Na Yings team. She had won a lot of music awards before she was famous.Yao Beina was unfortunate to be diagnosed (诊断) with breast cancer (乳腺癌) and had a successful operation in 2011. Since then, she has fought against the disease for about four years while keeping singing, but sadly she failed. She originally thought of donating all of her organs (器官) to save others lives, but failed to do it because of her serious illness.Shes gone, even though she had never stopped struggling with cancer. Heaven just got another beautiful angel, with her beautiful voice and kindness.(1)Yao Beina had her _ donated to save others. A . two corneasB . all organsC . heartD . kidney(2)Yao was born in a _ family on Sept. 26, 1981 in Wuhan. A . doctorB . farmerC . musicD . worker(3)How old was Yao Beina when she started to sing for people? A . Four.B . Nine.C . Thirteen.D . Thirty.(4)Which is TRUE about Yao Beina according to the passage? A . She started to play the piano at the age of 5.B . She had great voice and won a lot of awards in music.C . She was a weak and selfish girl.D . She won over the breast cancer in the end.(5)Whats the passage mainly about? A . Yao Beinas family.B . Yao Beinas disease.C . Yao Beinas teacher.D . Yao Beinas art achievements.5. (10分)阅读理解Beijing Opera is my favourite. Bao Zheng always has a black face and Guan Yu has a red face in Beijing Opera. But many people dont know why.I come from America and I have lived in China for six years. I like Beijing Opera very much. I think Beijing Opera is very interesting. I can learn a lot about Chinese history. Now let me tell you the art of Beijing Opera facial(脸部的) paintings(画).In Beijing Opera facial paintings, different colours and patterns(图案) are for different roles. For example, a black face for fair (公正的) people. A red face is for brave(勇敢的) people. A white face is for bad people. Blue and green faces are for heroes(英雄). The gold face is for gods.(1)Why does Bao Zheng have a black face? A . Because he is bad.B . Because he is fairC . Because he is brave.D . Because he is a god.(2)The writer thinks he can learn a lot about _ by watching Beijing Opera. A . Chinese historyB . American historyC . different coloursD . different patterns(3)In Beijing Opera, a _ face is for brave people. A . redB . blackC . whiteD . green(4)Whats the main idea of the third paragraph(段落)? A . It tells us why people like Beijing Opera.B . It tells us the writers personal (个人的) information.C . It tells us the art of Beijing Opera facial paintings.D . It tells us the history of Beijing Opera.(5)The writer _. A . is a Chinese.B . is an AmericanC . lives in Canada.D . is an actor of Beijing Opera.6. (5分) The Winter Olympics are also called the White Olympics. At this time, many colorful stamps are published (发行) to mark (标志) the great Games. The first stamps marking the opening came out on January 25, 1932 in the United States for the 3rd White Olympics. From then on, publishing stamps during the White Olympics became a rule.During the 4th White Olympics, a set of stamps were published in Germany in November 1936. The five Olympics rings were drawn on the front of the sportswear. It was the first time that the rings appeared on stamps celebrating the White Olympics.In the 1950s, the stamps became more colorful. When the White Olympics arrived, the host countries (东道国) as well as the non-host countries published stamps to mark the Games. China also published four stamps in February 1980, when Chinese sportsmen began to take part in the White Olympics.Japan is the only Asian country that has ever held the White Olympics. Altogether 14,500 million stamps were sold to raise (筹集) money for this sports meeting.Different kinds of sports were drawn on these small stamps. People can enjoy the beauty of the wonderful movements of some sportsmen._The White Olympics and the Winter Olympics are different games._The Winter Olympics are held every four years。_Only the host countries can publish stamps to mark the Games._In November 1936,the five Olympics rings were first drawn on the front of the sportswear._Japan is the only Asian country that has ever held the White Olympics.三、 词汇运用 (共2题;共15分)7. (5分)根据语境从方框中选择恰当的短语填空,有的需要变换形式go on the Internet, search for, talk to, travel plan, listen to music(1)My father likes_to buy books. (2)His sister_when she is tired. (3)He often_the American student. (4)I want to_some pictures on the computer. (5)What are your_? 8. (10分)阅读下面短文,然后根据括号内所给汉语意思写出单词的正确形式(每空一词)。Last weekend I went to visit my grandma. _(虽然) her house is far from mine, I still decided to walk there. It was very sunny so I didnt take my _(雨伞). However, on the way it began to rain hard. And soon I was all _(湿的). When I was thinking about what to do next, _(幸运地), there came a taxi. I _(停) it and went into it quickly. When I arrived at my grandmas house, she was very surprised to see me.Is it _(必要的) for you to come here on foot? Why didnt you drive your car here? She asked.Because I want to take more exercise. I answered.Why did you come on _(这样的) a rainy day?I came to tell you a piece of good news.What good news?I _(赢) the first prize in the singing _(比赛).Congratulations! said my grandma excitedly, then she _(给) me a warm blanket to wrap me.四、 语法填空 (共1题;共8分)9. (8分)根据下面短文内容,在短文的空格处填上一个恰当的词,使短文完整、通顺。Chen Qingyuan, 13, is an ordinary student in Grade 8 in the United States. But he has made himself a “star” on WeChat! He has a public WeChat account ( ID: mgzxxx0811) to share his life in the US, from study to after-class activities. He has about 1,200 followers. All his posts are original and he updates (更新)it almost every day.In the beginning, only a _ people read his stories. But he didnt give up. “Gradually, I realized that followers prefer things that are useful to _. Parents are more interested in how to apply for US schools,” he said. For example, his most popular article was how to _ with interviews when applying (申请) for a US private high school. He shared his several interview experiences and gave suggestions. The article had more than 2,200 views and hundreds of reports.To write high quality articles every day, Chen worked very hard. He observed(观察)life _,read a lot of books and even learned how to design pages. “I found everything in life could be written about. The key is to find a point and make it clear,” he said.Recently, he wrote an article about the _ between the first school day in the US and China. Through pictures, he showed that US students would receive many materials _ the first school day, including the Principals Letter and various forms to fill in. While in China, students would have a class meeting to discuss their class rules for the new term or share their different experiences of the last vacation with each other. Many readers encourage and thank him by _ messages and money. So far he has received about 1,500 yuan. And he said he would keep writing at least until high school _ he wouldnt let his followers down.”五、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)10. (5分)今天的火星是地球的前车之鉴,请根据以下要点写一篇短文,内容要点如下:绝大多数科学家相信在火星上条件非常艰巨,没有生命; 但也有些科学家证明火星上曾经有过水和生命; 地球正在变得越来越来拥挤,污染越来越严重;如此下去,地球将不适合人类居住了; 我们应该(保护地球的做法)注意:1. 短文要连贯通顺,语法正确,不要逐字翻译;2. 第5点用一、两句话展开合理的想象;3. 词数80左右。第 18 页 共 18 页参考答案一、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)1-1、二、 阅读理解 (共5题;共55分)2-1、2-2、2-3、2-4、2-5、3-1、3-2、3-3、3-4、3-5、3-6、3-7、3-8、3-9、3-10、4-1、4-2、4-3、4-4、4-5、5-1、5-2、5-3、5-4、5-5、6-1、三、 词汇运用 (共2题;共15分)7-1、7-2、7-3、7-4、7-5、8-1、四、 语法填空 (共1题;共8分)9-1、五、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)10-1、


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