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初一英语上学期期末综合试题(一)笔试部分一、语音。A、在下列各组词中,选出一个与其它三个读音不同的单词,将字母代号写在前面括号中。( )1. A. yes B. jeep C. tree D. meet ( )2. A. name B. have C. grade D. cake ( )3. A. box B. not C. no D. clock ( )4. A. much B. but C. cup D. excuse ( )5. A. this B. like C. fine D. nine ( )6. A. school B. too C. good D. afternoon ( )7. A. hello B. he C. twelve D. seven ( )8.A. who B. what C. where D. white ( )9. A. they B. those C. think D. that ( )10. A. books B. cups C. maps D. bananas B、根据划线部分的读音,将下列单词归类。goodbye car bird school ruler secret very nine game girl meet banana eleven have man cake that thirteen class who teacher egg five they 1.a: _ _ _2. : _ _ _3.u: _ _ _4.i: _ _ _5.e _ _ _6. _ _ _7.ai _ _ _8.ei _ _ _C、根据音标写单词。1. What class are you in? Im in Class _ tu:.2. Nice to meet you! Nice to meet you, _ tu:.3. Excuse me, wheres my pen? Sorry, I dont _ n u.4. Are these English books? _ n u, they arent.5. _hu: is that man? He is Mr. Green.6. _w tare these? They are _ m ps.7. Whats your _ neim? _mai name is Tom.8. How _ uld is he? He is only _ f :二、英汉词组互译。1. 一所中学_ 2. 一辆英国轿车_3在学校_4多大年纪_5给你_6对不起_7用英语_8在二班_ 9. Number 337 bus_ 10. Thats all right. _ 11. I think_ 12. at home_ 13. very old_三、从方框中选词用其适当形式填空。go home, hello, over there, look like, how old, cant find, its time to, excuse me, give to, let me see1. Where is my pen? I _it.2. _. Whats the time, please?3. Its seven oclock. _ go to school.4. Its six oclock. I must _ now.5. This is Jims ruler. Please _ it _ him.6. _, Mike. Look at these flowers.7. Where are the balls? They are _, under the tree.8. Whats the time, please? _. Its four twenty.9. Lucy and Lily _ their mother.10. _ is your father? Hes about forty.四、用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。1. Whats the time, please? Let _ see. Its two thirty. (I) 2. Are these Lilys shoes? Yes, they are _ . (she) 3. Is this _ watch?(you) No, its not _. (I)Its _. (Jim) 4. What colour are your _ (shoe)? They are black. 5. What are those? They are _ (bus). They are new _ (one). 6. _ is this car ? (who) Its _ (Mr. Green).五、按括号中要求转换各句子。1. The woman in the blue skirt is my mother. (就划线部分提问) _ 2. I can see a map on the wall. (改成一般疑问句)_3. What colour are your trousers?(写出回答)_4Whats this? Its a box.(改成复数)_5. The trees are on the hill.(就划线部分提问)_6. Whos your English teacher?(按实际情况回答)_7. I can find my bike.(改成否定句)_8. What are those? They are buses.(改成单数)_ _六、从右栏中找出左栏各句的恰当答语。( )1. Whose shirt is this? A. Thank you.( )2. How do you do? B. The one in the black car.( )3. Is she in Team Two? C. Its eleven.( )4. Whats the time? D. How do you do?( )5. What row are you in? E. Shes Mr. Reads daughter.( )6. Can you see a bird in the tree? F. They are black.( )7. Whos that girl? G. Its Bills.( )8. What colour are your shoes? H. Yes, she is.( )9. Sit down, please. I. Im in Row Five.( )10. Which man is your friend? J. No, I cant.七、选择填空。( )1. Those are not Toms balls. They are _.A. our B. ours C. we D. us( )2. Is this _ blouse? No, it isnt.A. she B. hers C. her D. shes( )3. _ is your brother? Hes twelve. A. How B. Who C. Which D. How old( )4. Hi, Lucy, is Lily _? Sorry, she isnt at home.A. in B. at C. on D. of( )5. These are your clothes. Put _ on, please.A. they B. their C. them D. it( )6. _ everyone here? No, Han Meimei isnt here.A. Are B. is C are D. Is( )7. Who is _ duty today? I am.A. on B. in C. at D. of( )8. This is Jims kite, please _.A. give it to his B. give it for himC. give it to him D. give it to he( )9. Is Kate in Class One or in Class Two? _.A. Yes, she is B. No, she isntC. Yes, she is in Class Two D. Shes in Class Two( )10. Whose bikes are these? They are _.A. the twins B. the twins C. twins D. twins( )11. Its 7:30 in the morning. Its time to _.A. go to bed B. go home C. go to school D. get up( )12. _ can you see in the picture? I can see a boat.A. What B. Where C. How D. Which( )13. _, Miss Gao. Whats this in English?A. Sorry B. All right C. Excuse me D. Thats all right.( )14. This is _ apple. Its _ red apple.A. a, a B. a, an C. an, a D. an, an( )15. That is _ old man. _ old man is my grandpa.A. an, an B. an, The C. the, an D. an, a八、根据上下文补全对话。Li Min: Hello! How are you?Lcuy: _1_, thank you.Li Min: Are you Lily?Lucy: No, _2_ Lucy.Li Min: Sorry. You _3_ Lily look _4_ _5_.Is Lily here, too?Lucy: No, she is not _6_ school today.Li Min: _7_ is she?Lucy: Shes not well today.Li Min: Where is she? _8_ she at home now?Lucy: I _9_ she is.Li Min: Look! _10_ that girl over there?Thats Lily! Hi, Lily, how _11_ you?Lucy: Im _12_ now. Thank you.九、完型填空。That car _1_ there. _2_ number is 607246. My bag is _3_ that car. Its a nice bag. _4_ bag _5_ there. Its here. Im sorry. I _6_ know where your bag is. Is it in _7_ school? You think hard (努力地). Where it is? You can ask Mr Zhang. Maybe (或许) _8_ knows. ( ) 1. A. are B. am C. is D. /( ) 2. A. It B. its C. Its D. Its( ) 3. A. in B. at C. on D. /( ) 4. A. He B. he C. His D. his( ) 5. A. is B. isnt C. in D. at( ) 6. A. not B. do C. no D. dont( ) 7. A. you B. your C. I D. she( ) 8. A. I B. you C. she D. he十、完成下列句子。1. This is a _.(一辆绿色吉普车) 2. These are _.(红苹果) 3. What are those? They are _.(黑色轿车) 4. This is a picture of _.(我们的教室) 5. The girl_(穿红大衣的)is Lucy. 6. The boy _(戴黄色帽子的)is Tom. 7. This isnt _(我的)bike. _(我的)is over there. 8. _ (看)the blackboard. 9. Is this your pen? _.(让我看看) 10. _ (什么颜色)are these oranges? They are orange. Key:一、A:1. A 2.B 3.C 4.D 5.A 6.C 7.B 8.A 9.C 10.D B: 1. a: car banana class2. :girl bird thirteen 3. u:school ruler who4. i: meet secret teacher5. e very egg eleven6. have man that7.ainine five goodbye8. eigame cake they C、1. Two 2. too 3. know 4. No 5. Who 6. What, maps 7. name, My 8. old four 二、1. a middle school 2. an English car3. at school 4. how old5. here you are 6. Im sorry.7. in English 8. in Class Two9. 337路公共汽车 10. 不用谢。11. 我认为 12. 在家13. 非常老 三、1. cant find 2. Excuse me 3. Its time to 4. go home5. give to 6. Hello 7. over there 8. Let me see9. look like 10. How old 四、1. me 2. hers 3. your, mine, Jims 4. shoes 5. buses, ones 6. Whose, Mr Greens 五、1. Who is the woman in the blue skirt?2. Can you see a map on the wall?3. They are blue/ yellow/ green.4. What are these? They are boxes.5. Where are the trees?6. Mrs/Miss Wei/ is our English teacher.或者Mr Wu/ is our English teacher. 7. I cant find my bike.8. What is this? Its a bus. 六、1. G 2. D 3.H 4.C 5.I 6.J 7.E 8.F 9.A 10.B 七、1.B 2.C 3.D 4.A 5.C 6.D 7.A 8.C 9.D 10.B 11.C 12.A 13.C 14.C 15.B 八、1.Fine 2.its 3.and 4.the 5.same 6.at 7.How 8.Is 9.think 10.Whos 11.are 12.fine 九、1.C 2.C 3.A 4.C 5.B 6.D 7.B 8.D 十、1. green jeep 2. red apples 3. black cars4. our classroom 5. in the red coat6. in the yellow hat7. my, Mine8. Look at 9. Let me see10. What colour课外拓展勇敢的小不点 (一) Once upon a time there lived in a village an old father, an old mother and their son. The little boy was very very small. So they called him Little One-Inch. But, he was good-looking and had great courage. 很久以前,在一个小村庄里住着一位年老的父母和他们的儿子。这个孩子长得非常非常小,人们都管他叫小不点。但是他长得非常好看而且很有勇气。 One-Inch was only three centimeters in height, but his greatest wish was to become a warrior. When he asked to go to the capital and become a warrior, his parents agreed. 小不点只有三厘米高,他最大的愿望就是成为一名勇士。所以当他要求去首都当一名勇士时,父母便同意了。 The capital was very big and full of people. The buildings were huge and they looked alike as they stretched up into the sky. One-Inch arrived at the house of one of Englands great lords. He asked to be accepted as a warrior, and the lord was so amused at his boldness that he agreed. 首都非常大,到处都是人。楼房很高,看上去象是伸向了天空。小不点在英国一个君主的房子前停了下来。他请求他们接受自己当一名勇士。君主觉得他勇气可嘉,便答应了。 My Lord, said the little One-Inch, My life and my sword are at your service. 君主,小不点说,我的生命和我的剑随时听候您的吩咐。 In that case, you may use it to guard my daughter. said the lord, I depend on you to keep her from harm. 如果是那样的话,你就用你的剑去保护我的女儿吧,君主说,我将依赖你使他免于伤害。 The lords daughter was a beautiful princess and One-Inch was happy to become her servant. 君主的女儿是个非常漂亮的公主,小不点很乐意替她服务。 Then there came the news of a huge red monster with two horns. The terrible creature had eaten two young girls. It had a magic hammer, which it called its treasure. 不久,传来了一则消息,说是有个长着两只触角的大怪物。这可怕的怪物已经吃了两个年轻的女孩。它有个魔锤,它视它为宝。 One-Inch was determined to kill the monster. He practiced with his sword in preparation. 小不点决定杀死这只怪物,于是他用他的剑练武功。 One day, the princess went to visit a temple outside the city. One-Inch and several servants went with her. 一天,公主跑去城外的一座庙里,小不点和几个随从和她一同前往。 As they were riding home back, they had to pass through a dark and mysterious forest. The pine trees were so tall and grew so close together, that they shut out the light. Suddenly, the sky became very black and a strong wind began to blow through the trees. 回家的路上,他们得穿过一片漆黑神秘的森林。松树很高,挨得紧紧的,把光都挡住了。突然,天一下子变黑了,树上刮过一阵疾风。


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