沪教版2020年中考英语专题复习——从句(真题)(II )卷

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沪教版2020年中考英语专题复习——从句(真题)(II )卷_第1页
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沪教版2020年中考英语专题复习从句(真题)(II )卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 一、 单选题 (共60题;共120分)1. (2分)Too much homework has made me tired these days, Mr. Wang.Thats true. But a small tree wont grow into a big tree it experiences lots of winds and rains.A . ifB . becauseC . whenD . unless2. (2分)The factory _ well visit next week is not far from here.A . whereB . to whichC . whichD . in which3. (2分)He made a mistake, but then he took action to change the situation _ it got worse.A . untilB . whenC . beforeD . because4. (2分) What are you looking for? Im looking for the music CD you lent me yesterday.A . whatB . whoC . whenD . that5. (2分)The policeman asked the boy A . where is his motherB . where his mother isC . where was his motherD . where his mother was6. (2分)I cant hear _ you were saying _ the noise. A . what; because ofB . whether; becauseC . that; thoughD . how; because of7. (2分)We can use QQ to communicate with each other online.Will you please show me_?A . which to useB . how to use itC . what to useD . where to use it8. (2分)Its so careless of you to make a spelling mistake again.Sorry. I couldnt remember .A . when I learnt the wordB . if I have learnt the wordC . where should I put the silent tD . in which class did you teach the word9. (2分)Chris wants to know_ truth or dare(真心话大冒险游戏)”at your birthday party. Yes. But if he doesnt like it, well play guessing games instead.A . who will playB . whether we playedC . if we will playD . why we are going to play10. (2分)Jack started playing football one year ago and he feels very now A . sadB . shyC . safeD . fit11. (2分)They are not sure _. A . who is heB . whom is heC . whose he isD . who he is12. (2分)It isnt _ watch. I left mine at home. A . meB . myC . ID . myself13. (2分)The World Cup is coming. I wont any game!Im looking forward to every match of it, too.A . miss;to watchB . miss; watchingC . to miss; watchD . to miss; watched14. (2分)Do you know _?Im not sure. Maybe he is a teacher.A . what the man with glasses isB . what is the man with glassesC . who the man with glasses isD . who is the man with glasses15. (2分)He wonders _. A . where Jim livesB . where does Jim liveC . where Jim liveD . where does Jim lives16. (2分)David thought he swimming if it was cold outside. A . goesB . wouldnt goC . wentD . didnt go17. (2分)The book is _. I wrote _ name on its cover for _.A . my; my; myselfB . mine; my; myselfC . mine; myself; myD . myself; mine; my18. (2分) is it from the park to the old city center?Less than 30 minutes by underground.A . How soonB . How oftenC . How longD . How far19. (2分)I never drink coffee. .A . So do IB . So did IC . Neither did ID . Neither do I20. (2分)I didnt see you yesterday. Where did you go? I _ to visit my grandmother.A . goB . will goC . wentD . have gone21. (2分)Could you please tell _? A . when will he be backB . that he will be backC . where did he goD . where he went22. (2分)Bondi Beach is the most beautiful beach _ I have ever seen. A . whichB . whoC . whatD . /23. (2分) I can hardly believe my eyes. Is that you, Joy? Yes. It has been almost ten years we were together.A . sinceB . beforeC . untilD . after24. (2分)Tom, please tell me. In the Olympic Sports Center.A . where will the match take placeB . where the match will take placeC . when will the match take placeD . when the match will take place25. (2分)I dont know _.A . where is JimB . where does Jim come fromC . how old Jim is26. (2分)- Look at the man in blue! Do you know ?- Oh, he is a policeman.A . what does he doB . what he doesC . how he does27. (2分)I will have a good memory of all the good times _ weve spent together.A . thatB . whenC . whichD . whom28. (2分)Is everything we need to do ? Yes. You neednt worry about it.A . which; has doneB . which; doingC . that; has doneD . that; done29. (2分)Could you please tell me _? Yes. He came to study here just last month.A . that he is a new studentB . when did he come hereC . if she likes English bestD . whether he is a new student30. (2分)You will get lost easily you take a map of the city with you.A . untilB . unlessC . althoughD . if31. (2分)I wonder _. He looks young and handsome. A . how old is heB . how he is oldC . how is he oldD . how old he is32. (2分)What did Lucy ask just now ?She asked _.A . if there will be a meeting .B . when the meeting will beginC . if would there be a meetingD . when the meeting would begin33. (2分) Can you guess the new Nike sports shoes? Yes. Maybe he asked his grandpa to pay for them, I think.A . where he boughtB . how he paid forC . when he paid forD . why he bought34. (2分)Mr Wu, could you tell me _?Youd better do more speaking.A . how I could improve my EnglishB . which way can I chooseC . how I do with my EnglishD . whats wrong with my English35. (2分) Let me help you carry the box. No, thanks. Its big, _ there is nothing in it.A . andB . soC . butD . because36. (2分)How do you spend the coming May Day holiday? I havent decided. I wonder during the holiday.A . where am I going to spendB . whether it was going to be sunnyC . who will I invite to have a trip with meD . if my mother will give me extra homework37. (2分) Could you show me _? Sure.A . what can I do with the bikeB . how I could do with the bikeC . which was the way to the zooD . where he lives38. (2分) Could you please tell me for the class this morning?I am so sorry, Mrs Lin. I got up so late that I couldnt catch the first bus.A . why were you lateB . why you are lateC . why are you lateD . why you were late39. (2分)A Wechat (微信) is an invention _ can help people talk to friends, share photo, ideas and feelings freely.A . whichB . whoC . whoseD . /40. (2分) Can you tell me _ last year? In Shanghai.A . where does she workB . where she worksC . where did she workD . where she worked41. (2分)(2016黔东南)Excuse me! Could you please tell me what time _ Kaili? A . the Greens leftB . did the Greens leaveC . the Greens leavesD . will the Greens leave42. (2分)Have you ever heard of the news _ is about the Strawberry Concert?A . whoB . whatC . whichD . when43. (2分)Excuse me. Could you tell me get to the airport?Certainly. Go straight along here.A . how can weB . how we canC . when can weD . when we can44. (2分)It was snowing hard_we had to stay at home and watch TV.A . thatB . soC . butD . because45. (2分)A kind of shared bike _ is called bluegogo is getting more and more popular in Chengdu. A . itB . whoC . which46. (2分)Do you know_? Im going to see him. Sorry, I dont know.A . where does Mr. Li liveB . where did Mr. Li liveC . where Mr. Li lives47. (2分)This history book is of great value.Exactly. _ can be enjoyed from it _ you have a deep understanding of it, however.A . Nothing; unlessB . Few; tillC . Something; untilD . Little; since48. (2分)Linda, can you tell me something about Mo Yan?Sure. He is the writer _won the Nobel(诺贝尔) Literature Prize.A . whomB . whoseC . who49. (2分)Id like to know for the party.I have no idea.A . why did she buy so little foodB . what she has preparedC . whether will she danceD . when is she leaving50. (2分)I dont care _. In this camp, theres only one hairstyleshort! Understand? Yes, madam!A . what you are used to likingB . what you used to be likeC . what are you used to likingD . what did you use to be like51. (2分) What are you doing under the desk? Im looking for the pen I bought yesterday.A . whoB . thatC . WhatD . where52. (2分)Could you tell me _? I must find him.Sorry. I have no idea. But he was here just now.A . where has Harry goneB . where Harry wasC . where can I find HarryD . where Harry is53. (2分)Your father was worried about something this morning. Why?He wondered .A . where he could repair the televisionB . why he repair the televisionC . that he repaired the televisionD . how did he repair the television54. (2分)Nobody knows _ yesterday.A . how the accident happensB . how does the accident happenC . how the accident happenedD . how did the accident happen55. (2分)Judy, could you tell me _ the schoolbag? Oh, yes. I bought it in a store on the Internet.A . where did you buyB . where will you buyC . where you boughtD . where you will buy56. (2分) Could you tell me _? About two months.A . when are you leaving for ShanghaiB . how often you go to the school libraryC . how many tickets have you bookedD . how long you have been at this school57. (2分)Jeff, could you tell me if it_ tomorrow. If it _tomorrow, I will stay at home. Its reported that it will be sunny, lets go camping on the Fenghuang mountain.A . rain; rainB . rains; rainsC . will rain; rainsD . will rain; will rain58. (2分) Have you finished writing your book? Yes. It _ and _ soon.A . is printing; is coming outB . is being printed; will come outC . is going to print, will be come outD . is printed; has come out59. (2分)When some Chinese women were dancing to loud music in a park in New York, the people lived nearby called the police.A . whoB . whomC . whoseD . which60. (2分)Some of my friends are interested in science, but none of them can tell _. A . when UFOs appeared next timeB . that horses know the way or notC . where was this kind of plant foundD . how elephants communicate第 20 页 共 20 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共60题;共120分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、21-1、22-1、23-1、24-1、25-1、26-1、27-1、28-1、29-1、30-1、31-1、32-1、33-1、34-1、35-1、36-1、37-1、38-1、39-1、40-1、41-1、42-1、43-1、44-1、45-1、46-1、47-1、48-1、49-1、50-1、51-1、52-1、53-1、54-1、55-1、56-1、57-1、58-1、59-1、60-1、

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