2019春六年级英语下册 Module 3 Unit 2《The cows are drinking water》课件4 (新版)外研版.ppt

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2019春六年级英语下册 Module 3 Unit 2《The cows are drinking water》课件4 (新版)外研版.ppt_第1页
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2019春六年级英语下册 Module 3 Unit 2《The cows are drinking water》课件4 (新版)外研版.ppt_第2页
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2019春六年级英语下册 Module 3 Unit 2《The cows are drinking water》课件4 (新版)外研版.ppt_第3页
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M3U2Thecowsaredrinkingwater shine shining write writing come coming have having run running put putting drop dropping Swim swimming send sending sing singing eat eating look looking 现在进行时 表示现在正在做某事结构 be am is are 动词ing 1 直接 ing 2 去e ing 3 双写 ing 动词ing 时间 now Guessinggame A Whataretheydoingnow B Arethey B Aretheydancing A Yes theyare No theyaren t A Whatishedoingnow B Ishe B Ishedrinking A Yes heis No heisn t A Whatisshedoingnow B Isshe Yes sheis No sheisn t B Isshesleeping A Sheiseatinganicecream Gametwo Lookatthepictureandtalkaboutthepictures SheTV is watch ing Shemorningexercises is do ing Hehisbike is rid ing e Hetomusic and hissister is listen ing is sing ing Theyswimnow ming are Heflyakite is ing Theyhavapicnic are ing e Text Agirlisonatrain Andsheistalkingonthephone Inherphone sheistalkingwhatissheseeingontheway Let slisten Listentothetapeandreadthetext Girl Whereareyou Boy Iamonthetrain Iamlookingoutofthewindow Itisraining Pigsaresleepingunderthetree Amaniswearingabighatandaraincoat Childrenarejumpinginthewater Thetrainisgoingupahill Nowwearegoingdownthehill Itisn training Thesunisshining Childrenareplayinginapark Nowthetrainiscomingtothestation Icanseeyou Readandfindoutthesentenceswithwordsendingin ing Iamlookingoutofthewindow Itisraining Pigsaresleepingunderthetree Amaniswearingabighatandaraincoat Childrenarejumpinginthewater Thetrainisgoingupahill Nowwearegoingdownthehill Itisn training Thesunisshining Childrenareplayinginapark Nowthetrainiscomingtothestation Listenandanswerthesequestions 1 Whatisthegirldoing 2 What stheweatherlike 3 Whatarethepigsdoing 4 Whatisamanwearing Sheislookingoutofthewindow Itisraining Pigsaresleepingunderthetree Amaniswearingabighatandaraincoat 5 Whatarethechildrendoing 6 Isthesunshining 7 Wherearethechildrenplaying Childrenarejumpinginthewater Yes itis Thechildrenareplayinginapark Game Talkaboutthephotos 2 A Inthisphoto Iamlookingatsomeanimals B Youareinthezoo A That sright 1 A Inthisphoto we rehavingapicnic B You reinthepark A That sright 3 A Inthisphoto I mlookingforabook B You reinthebookstore A No I mnot Tryagain B Youareinthelibrary A That sright 4 A Inthisphoto we rebuyingthings B You reatthesupermarket A That sright A Inthisphoto we re ing B You reatthe A That sright No I mnot Tryagain Exercise1 1 thisphoto it sraining In On At 2 Theducksare inthewater swim swimming 3 Thepoliceman wearingabighat is am are 4 Myfather drawingapicture is am are 5 Thebusis come coming 6 Thesunis shine shining In swimming is policemen are is coming shining Exercise2 1 Here thephotos Look A amB isC are 2 Look Theducks inthewater A swimsB isswimmingC areswimming 3 thisphoto it sraining A InB AtC On 4 Ihadaveryfunnyday Sunday A onB atC in 5 Pleaselook this A inB atC on A C A A B Exercise3 1 Theducksare ourpicnic 2 Thebirdsare inthetree 3 Thesunis 4 Itis 5 Weare atsomeducks 6 Iam somephotos shiningeatingsingingrainingsendinglooking eating shining singing raining sending looking M3课件练习 用Be动词的适当形式填空 am is are 1 It goingtobewarmtomorrow 2 I havingapicnicwithmyfriendsinthepark 3 Sam runninginthepark 4 We goingdownthehills 5 Theboy lookingoutofthewindow am is is is are 选词填空 1 Whataretheducksdoing They ourpicnic A areeatingB eatingC eats 2 Where s She sunderthetalltree A yourdadB yourmumC yourbrother 3 Whatareyoudoing I m A intheparkB hungryC writingtoSam 4 Areyousingingintheroom A Yes Iam B Yes Ido C No Idon t 5 OnSundaywe apicnicintheparkandwe afunnydaythatday A have haveB had hadC have had A B C A B 1 WhatareAmyandLinglingdoing 4 2 Whataresomegirlsdoing 3 Whatistheoldmandoing ItisSundaytoday AmyandLinglingareinabigpark Theyareflyingkites MrsSmartisrunningaroundthelake Someboysareplayingfootballonthegrass Somegirlsaresinginganddancing Anoldmanisreadinganewspaperunderabigtree Ayoungwomanandherlittlesonareplayingwithatoybus Howhappytheyare Inthepark 1 2 Heisreadinganewspaper MrsSmartisrunning Theyaresinginganddancing 3 Theyareflyingkites 5 Aretheyhappy Yes theyare What is Mrs Smart doing 5 ItisSaturdayevening IamDaming Weareallathomenow Mymotheriswashingclothes Myfatherisreadingthenewspaper MygrandmaiswatchingTV Mygrandpaislisteningtotheradio Iamdoingmyhomework Twolovelycatsareplayingontheground Thewaterisrunningfromthetap 水龙头 Mysisteristurningitoff 关掉 1 Whatisthedaytoday ItisSaturdayevening 2 WhatisDaming smotherandfaterdoing Hismotheriswashingclothes Hisfatherisreadingthenewspaper Hisgrandma grandpa Daming hiscats hissister


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