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上海版九年级下学期英语5月中考模拟D卷一、 单项选择 (共14题;共28分)1. (2分) What do you think of Mary? She is _ honest girl.A . theB . /C . aD . an2. (2分)One sunny day, Alice sat _ a river with her sister. A . byB . onC . atD . to3. (2分)Taking buses in Beijing is than taking a taxi A . more cheapB . much cheaperC . a little cheapD . less cheaper4. (2分) Lingling, can I use your e-dictionary? Sure. But you _ return it after class.A . mustB . canC . mayD . would5. (2分)Ladies and gentlemen, attention please! I have important to tell you.A . nothingB . somethingC . everythingD . anything6. (2分)Please _ Mary. Her telephone number is 8223330. A . meetB . spellC . callD . Know7. (2分)My sister_basketball. Great. You must be_ her.A . is good for; proud ofB . is good at; proud ofC . is good for; afraid ofD . is good at; afraid of8. (2分)Little Jack has learned to do lots of things on his own, _ he is only four years old. A . ifB . thoughC . forD . since9. (2分)Do you always spend much time _ computers?No, but I spend much time _doing my homework.A . on, inB . in, onC . in, in10. (2分)A: did you come so late to your office this morning?B: Oh, I felt so sick that I couldnt get up on time.A . HowB . WhichC . Why11. (2分) Listen! Who out of the classroom? It must be Lily.A . singB . singsC . is singingD . to sing12. (2分)I have a problem. I dont know what to do.Lets ask Dick for help. He can _a good idea to solve your problem.A . think upB . look upC . catch up withD . laugh at13. (2分)That actor often joins in different activities in Beijing. Do you know _?For 5 years.A . how soon he will come backB . how long he has stayed thereC . how long has he stayed thereD . how often does he go there14. (2分)- is it from your new neighborhood to the museum?- Twenty minutes ride.A . How oftenB . How muchC . How longD . How far二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)15. (10分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。One thorn(刺) of experience is worth many times of warning.Ralph Wick was seven years old. In most things he was a fine boy, but he would cry from time to time. When he could not have what he wanted, he would 1for it. If he was told that it would hurt him, and he could not 2it, he would also cry.One day, he went with his mother into the 3. The sun shone. The grass was cut. The flowers were starting to come out.Ralph thought he was, for once, a good boy. A 4was on his face. He wished to do as he was told. Ralph helped his mother with the farm work and he was very happy.“Now you must be tired and 5,” said his mother. “Have a good rest here and eat some cookies. I will get a beautiful red rose for you.” So his mother brought the red flower to him. When he saw his mother still had a white rose in her hand, Ralph 6it.“No, my dear.” said his mother. “See how many thorns it has. You must not touch it, or you would be sure to hurt your 7.” When Ralph found that he could not have the white rose, he began to cry, and 8took it away. But he was soon very sorry. The thorns hurt his hand. It was so 9that he could not use it for some time.Ralph would never 10this. From then on, when he wanted what he should not have, his mother would point to his hand which had been hurt before. He at last learned to do as he was told.(1)A . run B . cry C . plan D . call (2)A . save B . hide C . have D . lose (3)A . park B . garden C . forest D . field (4)A . smile B . sign C . fear D . mark (5)A . lazy B . noisy C . hungry D . sleepy (6)A . waited for B . Asked for C . cared for D . thanked for (7)A . Arm B . leg C . hand D . foot (8)A . quietly B . proudly C . politely D . suddenly (9)A . helpful B . harmful C . peaceful D . painful (10)A . Accept B . refuse C . forget D . remember 三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共24分)16. (6分) When Ben Franklin was only a boy,he always wanted to know about things. He was always asking his father and brothers “What?”and “How?” and “Why?”They couldnt always tell him what he wanted to knowWhen they couldnt tell him,Ben tried to find out for himselfMany times Ben did find out things that no one knew before. The other boys would say,“That Ben Franklin!Hes always finding out something new!”Ben lived close to the waterHe liked to go there to see the boats. He saw how the wind blew them across the waterOne day Ben said to himself,“Why cant the wind help me float(漂浮)across the water?And Im going to try.” Ben got his big kiteHe took hold of the kite string(线)and ran with itThe wind took the kite up into the air. Then Ben jumped into the waterThe wind blew the kite high into the airBen began to float across the water. Soon he was on the other side,and he had not worked at all One boy shouted,“Look at Ben floating across the water!His kite takes him to the other side without any work!”“Yes,” said another“Hes always finding new ways to do things.”(1)When he was only a child,Ben _A . liked to fly a kite by himselfB . always asked easy questionsC . always liked to play with waterD . always liked to find out how things worked(2)His father and brothers _A . couldnt answer all his questionsB . could answer all his questionsC . tried hard to find out something new for himD . let him answer all the questions himself(3)In the passage,the sentence “and he had not worked at all” means“_”A . he worked hard to cross the waterB . he didnt go to work that dayC . he didnt cross the water at allD . he crossed the water in an easy way17. (10分)根据材料内容,选择正确答案。(A)Germs are always in dirty water. When you look at dirty water under a microscope, you will see them in it. So your parents will not let you drink dirty water.Germs are found not only in dirty water, they are also found in air and dust. If you cut your finger, and if some of the dust goes into the finger, it will become big and red, and you will have much pain in it. Sometimes they will go into your body and you will have pain everywhere.(1)Germs are always in .A . clean waterB . dirty waterC . everywhereD . A, B and C(2)You can see germs .A . when you are illB . only when you use a microscopeC . when you cut your fingerD . everywhere around you(3)A microscope is used for .A . making very big things look much smallerB . making very small things look much biggerC . helping you see things clearlyD . killing germs(4)Your parents dont let you drink dirty water because .A . water will make you sickB . there are many germs in itC . you can see germs in itD . it will make your finger become big and red(5)In this story, the word microscope means in ChineseA . 眼镜B . 放大镜C . 显微镜D . 镜子18. (8分)阅读理解 As our closest neighbor in space, the moon has been the subject of popular legends, songs and poems since ancient times. And it also attracts scientists deeply.But even after centuries of research, many questions remain to be answered about the Earths only satellite. Perhaps the Change-4 lunar probe will be able to find out more of its secrets. On Dec 8, 2018 the probe lifted off from Xichang Satellite Launch Center in Sichuan province. It is the first probe to the far side of moon in human history.The Earths gravity slows the moons rotation, matching it to the speed of its orbit. Thus, the far side of the moon is always dark and has never been seen.Its this sense of the unknown that makes the far side of the moon such an interesting place for scientific and space exploration. Long exposed to solar winds, the far side may have the special soil and minerals in its upper mantle.For this reason, Change-4 will study the effect of solar winds on the lunar surface and any minerals found beneath the probe. Change-4 is also carrying flower seeds and potato and silkworm eggs to see whether life is possible on the moon. If it is, then the moon will become a more likely destination for space travel in the future.However, because of communication problems, exploring the dark side will not be easy. As the far side is blocked off from us, radio noise coming off Earth is also blocked. This is why China launched the relay satellite Queqiao in May, 2018, so that communication between Earth and the probe could go ahead.Power supply is also a challenge to the mission. Change-4 gets energy from the sun through its solar panels. However, a lunar day has the length of 28 Earth days. It means that the probe will need to orbit the moon for over 20 days to be in a position to be able to land in moon daylight and so use its solar panels.According to Xinhua, theChange-4 lunarprobe landed on the far side of the moon on Jan 3, 2019 successfully, and everything goes well.The New York Times described the journey as groundbreaking, and wrote that it would give clues to the history and development of the moon.(1)According to the passage, Change-4 lunar probe will study_. A . what is in the center of the moonB . whether there are plants on the moonC . how the solar winds affect the moon surfaceD . why the far side of the moon has never been seen(2)Its difficult for scientists to explore the dark side of the moon because of _. A . radio noise and power supplyB . the moons rotation and solar panelsC . communication problems and solar panelsD . communication problems and power supply(3)Which of the following statement is probably TRUE according to the passage? A . The moon has been a popular destination for space travel.B . Change-4 lunar probe is the first probe to reach the moon.C . It took Change-4 lunar probe more than a month to reach the moon.D . The relay satellite Queqiao was launched earlier than Change-4 lunar probe.(4)Which of the following can be the best title for the passage? A . Landing on the MoonB . Lighting the Moons Dark SideC . Carrying life to the moonD . Developing the lunar probe四、 七选五 (共1题;共5分)19. (5分)阅读短文,回答问题Stonehenge is one of the oldest places made by man. It took about 700 years to build the oldest part of it is now believed to be 4,800 years old. It is located in the south of England near a small town called Amesbury in an area which has many other ancient monuments.Stonehenge consists of several circles. Some of them are made of stone, one is a ditch(沟渠)and one consists of 56 holes in the ground called “Aubrey holes”. Because many of the stones have fallen over or have been moved, it is difficult to see the full shape. The outside circle of stones once had 30 enormous (巨大的) stones, each weighing about 25 tons. On top of them used to be 30 more weighing 7 tons each, so that they made a circle of huge arches (拱形).Inside this was a horseshoe shape of five even bigger arches in which each of the upright (直立的) stones weighed 45 tones. Inside this was a bluestone circle of 60 stones, then a bluestone horseshoe of 19 stones. Finally in the middle was an enormous stone called the altar (祭坛) stones. The bluestone came from some mountains in Wales, 385 kilometers away, and even the other stones came a distance of at least 50 kilometers. Carrying the 80 stones to form the main circles probably took several thousand men several years.Nobody knows why it was built. It may have been a kind of church; it may have been a meeting place for the people who lived near. Some people say that it was a means of predicting the position of the sun, the moon and the stars. It has also been discovered that Stonehenge is located on some mysterious (神秘的)lines called “ley lines ” that seem to join together ancient buildings and places in England.阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题。(1)Where is Stonehenge?_(2)How long did it take to build Stonehenge?_(3)What is in the middle?_(4)Does anyone know for certain(肯定地) why it was built?_(5)What do you think of Stonehenge?_五、 单词拼写 (共1题;共10分)20. (10分)(1)Do the umbrellas belong to those _(邮递员)?(2)I introduced Lucy to Mike and now theyre _(已婚的).(3)Is the wooden house hidden _trees? (在中)(4)The charity walk becomes even _ because you have to finish walking a 100-kilometre trail within 40 hours.(艰难的)(5)They discussed for a long time, at last they reached an _. (协议)(6)_ (luck), he didnt catch the last bus back home. He had to walk.(7)Tough the cartoon _ (it) was not interesting, it still attracted many kids.(8)None of my classmates can swim _ (far) than I can.(9)Every time you answer a question _ (correct), you will lose a point.(10)Computers were one of the greatest _ (invent) in the last century.六、 语法填空 (共2题;共2分)21. (1分)Lucy has a good friend _ (call) Tina. 22. (1分)_( final ) ,they finished their work . 七、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)23. (5分)阅读短文及文后AE选项,选出可以填入各题空白处的最佳选项。Most of us think the telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell._In fact, an Italian named Antonio Meucci was officially recognised(认定)as the inventor a few years ago. Who is Meucci and why wasnt he known for his invention at the time?Antonio Meucci was born in Italy in 1808. He studied engineering and drawing. During his studies, Meucci started to experiment with electricity. _When two places were connected with wire, people in those places could hear each other talk.In 1850, Meucci and his wife. Ester, moved to New York. Meucci was worried about his wife, because she had become very ill. _To solve this problem, he connected metal cables between his home and his workshop. This way, they could talk to each other conveniently.Meucci invited a group of people to see his new invention. They listened in amazement as the voice of a singer was heard through the wires._Even worse, Meucci never applied for a patent (专利) on his invention. Meanwhile, Alexander Graham Bell was working on the same idea and in 1876 the patent for the telephone was given to him.In 2002, more than a century after Meuccis death, his work was finally recognised by the government. _A. He discovered that sound could travel through metal cables.B. However, he wasnt the first person to think of the idea.C. Unfortunately, only a few people attended this talk.D. He will now be known all over the world as the telephones inventor.E. He needed to keep in touch with her at all times.八、 翻译 (共1题;共2分)24. (2分)我哥哥去游泳了。My brother has _ _.九、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)25. (5分)随着经济(economy)快速发展,越来越多的人买得起车了,私家车不再仅仅属于富人。然而越来越多的私家车给人们的生活带来了怎样的影响呢?请以“私家车Private cars 的利与弊”为主题写一篇作文。优点缺点可以节省时间,不必花费时间等公交车;使旅行变得更容易,享受沿途美丽的风景;私家车的数量变多,浪费能源;由于驾驶员的粗心,事故频发;改变了健康的生活方式,宁愿开车也不说说你自己的看法要求:1)表达清楚,语法正确,上下文连贯;2)必须包括表格中所有的相关信息,并适当发挥;3)词数90个左右,开头已给出,不计入总词数;4)不得使用真实姓名、校名和地名等。With the development of economy, more and more people can afford to buy the cars. 第 20 页 共 20 页参考答案一、 单项选择 (共14题;共28分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)15-1、三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共24分)16-1、16-2、16-3、17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、17-5、18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、四、 七选五 (共1题;共5分)19-1、19-2、19-3、19-4、19-5、五、 单词拼写 (共1题;共10分)20-1、20-2、20-3、20-4、20-5、20-6、20-7、20-8、20-9、20-10、六、 语法填空 (共2题;共2分)21-1、22-1、七、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)23-1、八、 翻译 (共1题;共2分)24-1、九、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)25-1、


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