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德州市陵城区义渡口镇初级中学英语组九年级书面表达(1)(2014,杭州) 假设你是李平,最近你学习上遇到困惑。请用英语给你的英国朋友南希(Nancy)写一封电子邮件,讲述你的问题并寻求她的帮助。注意:1.邮件必须包括下面三幅画所描述的内容。 2词数80左右,开头和结尾已给出(不计词数)。 参考词汇:考试不及格 fail the exam熬夜 stay up lateHi Nancy, How are you?Hope youre well. I have a problem and need your help. I failed the math exam yesterday. My mom was really mad with me. In order to do better next time, I stayed up last night doing my math homework. Since I didnt get enough sleep, I felt sleepy this morning. My teacher noticed it. She came up and asked what was wrong with me, but I didnt tell her the truth. What should I do? Can you give me some advice? Im really looking forward to receiving your reply soon. Love, Li Ping 书面表达题主要考查学生在特定的语境中综合运用语言进行表达的能力;同时,还考查学生英文书写的规范性、美观性等。一、常见的书面表达题型1根据文体归类:日记、书信、通知、便条、启事、贺卡、发言稿、调查报告、记叙文、说明文及 议论文等。然而许多试题都将记叙、议论、说明等表达方式融为一体,形成复合型的写作。2根据所提供的材料:图画作文、图表作文、提纲作文及命题作文等。这样的测试形式既有一定的 控制性,又有一定的开放性,为考生展示其写作能力提供了发挥的空间。二、如何写出优美的文章 1选准词语。 语言是交流的工具。要使用通用的、合乎习惯的词语,切忌使用生硬的词汇。 选词要达意,英语有许多同义但用法不同的词汇或短语,切忌混淆用法。 用词要简明扼要,在不确定的情况下,宁可用常用词简单明了地表达信息。 2写好句子。 运用所学词汇、短语,结合一定的语法知识,按照句子结构特点,直接用英语写出相应句子。 运用固定句式表达信息;把比较复杂的句子分成两个或两个以上的句子,减少写错句的几率。 把两个简单句用一个复合句或较复杂的简单句表达出来,这样可提高文章的可读性,但在没有把 握的情况下慎用。 遇见生词或不熟悉的表达时,可以在保持原意的基础上,用不同的表达方式写出来。 3设计段落。 一个完整的段落要有主题句、拓展句及结尾句。正确运用连接词使语言衔接自然、行文流畅。 4书写规范、卷面整洁。三、如何提升写作 1熟悉五种基本句式及一些使用频率较高的句式。 2收集优秀范文并大声朗读来扩展思路及培养语感。 3坚持常规练习。即:词词组句子段落篇章。切记:简单句是主菜,要做到运用自 如;复杂句是佐料,有之增色,缺之乏味,但不可舍本逐末,以免弄巧成拙。 4仔细审题,要点齐全,人称及时态运用正确。【例1】 暑假即将来临,对于如何安排孩子初中毕业后的第一个假期,家长们和孩子自己有着各自的想法。请根据下表提示,写一篇英语短文,描述他们的不同看法,同时发表你自己对暑期安排的观点。(2014,丽水)Parents opinionsget ready for high schooldo some housework.Kids opinionshave a good restdo some sightseeing.Your opinion. 注意:1.表格中的观点仅供参考,允许适当发挥; 2开头已经给出,不计入总词数; 3文中不得出现真实姓名和校名等信息; 4词数:80100。 How will you spend the coming summer vacation?Parents and kids have their own opinions._点拨:第一步,根据提示的情景,设身处地思考,完成表格中需要补充完整的地方。 第二步,根据表格的内容,遣词造句,连句成文。 第三步,通读全文,纠正错误,书写整洁。注意:1.阐明观点看法常用句型“. think that从句”;should,be supposed to等。 2文章阐明的观点应具有积极的意义,凸现出正能量。参考范文: How will you spend the coming summer vacation?Parents and kids have their own opinions.Some parents think kids should get ready for high school in the summer, so its necessary to take summer courses. They also think kids can help do housework to learn some life skills. But many children disagree. They think its time to take a good rest. They need to hang out with their friends and do some sightseeing. In my opinion, we children can have a talk with our parents. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. We need to relax ourselves after working so hard at school. Its good for us to have a trip or do some sports.精彩再现: 文章内容完整,表达清楚,要点一目了然。 恰当地使用副词so,also,but等,让父母与孩子的观点对比鲜明。经典句型:some parents think.But many children disagree.In my opinion,.All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.【例2】 (2014,呼和浩特) 良好的生活与学习习惯对我们的成长是非常重要的。请从以下的习惯中选择一个你以前做得不够好,但现在已具备的好习惯,谈一谈你养成这个习惯的过程及收益。要求:1) 不使用真实的校名、人名等相关信息; 2) 内容完整,书写整齐; 3)80词左右; 4)文章的开头已给出,但不计入总词数。 Sleeping habits Eating habits Learning habitsMy Good Habit_is my good habit._点拨:第一步,根据提示从提供的习惯中选取一个。 第二步,仔细审题,构思作文,注意这个好习惯是从坏习惯转变为好习惯的。 第三步,通读全文,纠正错误,注意英语表达习惯。注意:谈这一习惯的转变时,以前的坏习惯用一般过去时态或used to表达,而现在的状况要用一般现在 时态。参考范文:My Good Habit Early to bed and early to rise is my good habit. Two years ago, when I was a Grade 7 student, I liked reading books in bed. Every day after I finished my homework, I lay in bed until 24:00 oclock. The next day I couldnt get up on time. I used to be late for school and I felt tired in class. It was too bad. With the help of my teacher and my parents, I gave up the bad habit. Ever since then I go to bed early and get up early. I never go to school late again. As a result, Im much stronger and doing better in school now.精彩再现:文章内容完整,由“晚睡,迟到,疲惫早睡早起”转变自然,更突出好习惯养成的不易及让人受益。 合理地运用“used to,as a result和with the help of.”等短语,让文章增色不少。经典句型:My good habit is early to bed and early to rise. It was too bad. Im much stronger and doing better in school now.(一) 合理安排闲暇时间有助于养成良好的生活习惯。最近你们班同学就 How to Spend Free Time 进行了交流,请结合下图所提供的信息,用英语写一篇短文,并谈谈你的看法。要求:1. 短文必须包括图中全部信息,可适当发挥; 2条理清晰,能表明自己的观点并说明理由; 380100词,开头已给出,不计入总词数; 4. 短文中不能出现真实姓名、校名、地名等信息。How to Spend Free Time Recently my classmates have talked about how to spend our free time. Everyone has his own way.Alan likes going online because it helps him relax a lot. Sometimes he does some reading. Sonia doesnt help her parents with the housework much.Instead, she spends most of her time watching TV. I think it a waste of time to watch TV or go online often. I prefer reading some interesting books, which can make my life enjoyable. At the same time, sports are also my favourite. Of course, when my parents are busy, I will do the chores. All in all, its important to make good use of our free time.Better habits, healthier life.(二) (2014,梅州) 请仔细阅读下面这篇短文,再根据短文后面的内容要点完成写作。 This is my favorite school. It starts at 9 a.m. and finishes at 3 p.m. We have music and art lessons every day because they are very interesting to us. There are only 25 students in each class. We only have half an hour of homework on weekdays. There is a park, a shopping mall, a tennis court and a swimming pool. We have a big library with lots of useful books. There are lots of clubs and afterschool activities. Every month, we go on a school trip to a museum or a theater.为了使同学们更加健康快乐地成长,学校决定向同学们征求建议。假如你是刘波,请根据下面表格提示,以“Suggestions for a Better School Life”为题,用英语向校长写一封80词左右的建议信。注意:文中应包含所有要点,可适当发挥; 语句连贯,不得照搬原文; 不能出现真实的校名和姓名; 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Our school*open the library more often*organize more afterclass activities*give us more time for sports*organize fewer testsOurteacher*make classes more interesting*talk less but more clearly in class*finish classes on time*give us less homeworkSuggestions for a Better School LifeDear Headmaster,Im very glad to write a letter to you. These days we are talking about how to have a better school life. Here are some of my suggestions. First, I hope our school will open the library more often. Second, I think our school can organize more after-school activities. Next I hope our school will give us more time for ports, art and music. And I suggest our school should organize fewer tests as well. As for our teachers, I hope they will be our friends and make classes more interesting. And if they can talk less but more clearly in class, we will be more interested in studying and have more time to practise. Whats more, I hope they will give us less homework and finish classes on time.Hope my suggestions will be helpful. Thanks for reading my letter!Yours sincerely,Liu Bo(三)(2014,温州) 假如你是林思,要去澳大利亚的墨尔本高中(Melbourne High School)留学,需要在当地找一个寄宿家庭(host family)请按要求写一封约100词的电子邮件给寄宿家庭中介公司的经理Mr Porter。 内容包括: (1)简单介绍自己的个人情况,如语言,爱好等; (2)提出自己的对寄宿家庭的要求(如下表所示)。Family memberEnglish speaker,no smokerHousingnear the school,a bedroom with a bathroomOtherscooking by myself. 注意:邮件需涵盖以上所有要点,可适当发挥;开头和结尾已给出(不计入总词汇); 文中不能出现真实的人名和校名等相关信息。Dear Mr Porter,My name is Lin Si, Im a 16yearold boy from China. Im going to study in Melbourne Hight School.I like making friends. English is my favourite subject but Im weak in spoken English. Thats why I want to find a host family who are native English speakers. In this way, I will have more chances to practise English in daily life. I hope its a family without smokers. Moreover, its better if the family lives within a 20minutes walk from school and provides a bedroom with a bathroom. As for the meals, Id like to cook by herself because Im fond of cooking.Looking forward to your early reply.Best wishes,Lin Si(四)(2014,黔南中) 假设你叫张玲(Zhang Ling),前些天收到笔友戴夫(Dave)的email。信中说他不久要来中国学习中文。他想了解如何学好中文。请你用英文给他回复一封email,提出一些如何学好中文的建议。 内容要求: 1中文有用,外国人对它感兴趣,学习它; 2中英文不同,学习困难; 3学好中文的建议:多记忆、多读写、看电视、听广播、找人交流等。 4不仅能从书上学到,也能通过其他方法学好中文。 要求:1)必须用上以上所有信息,可适当发挥; 2)要求句子连贯,语句通顺,书写规范; 3)词数不少于80词,信的开头和结尾部分已给出,不计入总词数; 4)文中不得出现真实的人名、校名等相关信息。参考词汇:useful, foreigner, different from, difficult, learn.by heart, listen to the radio, not only.but also.Dear Dave,Im glad youll come to China to learn Chinese. Chinese is becoming more and more useful. Many foreigners are interested in it and studying it now. It may be difficult for you because its really different from English. You have to learn Chinese words by heart/remember as many Chinese words as possible. Its also important to do some reading and writing. You can watch TV and listen to the radio to practise your listening. Its a good way to catch every chance to talk in Chinese. You can learn Chinese not only from books but also from people around you.If you have any questions, please let me know. Im sure youll learn Chinese well.Hope to see you soon.Yours,Zhang Ling (五)(2014,台州) 假如蒂娜(Tina)是你校的暑期国际交换生,她想了解有关防台风的知识,请你根据下面的图片提示,将给她的五条防台建议补充完整。Advice (1)You could watch TV to learn about the news of typhoons(台风). (2)Make sure you have a flashlight, some food(bread); food(bread) and enough water/water.(3)Dont/Never/You shouldnt(mustnt, cant)/Youd better not. leave any flowerpot(花盆) on the balcony(阳 台). (4)You must close/shut the window(s)/keep your window(s) closed. before typhoons arrive. (5)Call(Phone,Telephone)110/You could(should,can) call 110/.when you are in (六)(2014,临沂) 请以“My Favourite Teacher”为题,根据以下提示,用英语写一篇不少于60词的短文。标点符号不占格。提示(短文须包括下列要点): 1What subject does your favourite teacher teach? 2What does he/she look like?And how about his/her personal traits(性格)? 3Tell a story about how he/she helped you. 4What do you want to say to him/her when you meet in the future?注意:短文中,老师的姓名请一律使用Mr Wang或Ms Wang,不得出现任何真实人名、校名及其他相 关信息,否则不予评分。My Favourite Teacher Mr Wang is my favourite teacher. He teaches me math.Hes of medium build and young. He has short straight black hair and small eyes. He is outgoing and funny. His classes are always lively and interesting. And he is very kind to us.Last year, I failed a math exam. I was sad and upset, but Mr Wang encouraged me. He always told me, “You can do it!” Because of him, I became more confident about math and worked harder. Finally, I did well in math.When I meet Mr Wang one day, Ill be excited and say hello and thanks to him.(七)(2014,随州)假如你是李明,你的朋友彼得(Peter)即将面临中考,然而他却深感压力巨大,寝食不安,情绪低落,学习效率低下。请你写一封信给他提一些有益的建议,帮助他调整心态,提高学习效率,轻松迎考。要点如下: 1学会放松(体育锻炼,听音乐) 2健康饮食 3充足睡眠 4学会沟通 注意:1.词数:80词左右。(文章的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数) 2可适当发挥,但必须包含以上要点。Dear Peter,Dont worry about your study too much. First, you should learn how to relax yourself. I think doing more sports is good for your health. Listening to music is also a good way to relax. And I think its necessary to have healthy eating habits. Please remember to have breakfast every morning. It can give you enough energy to study for the whole morning. Youd better go to bed early and have enough sleep. It will keep you active during the day. Finally I think you should talk with your friends, parents or teachers often. Tell them about your thoughts and feelings. Try to get help from them.I hope you can stay in good spirits, and study better.Yours,Li Ming(八)(2014,烟台) 两个月前,胶东在线对我校初四学生毕业后的人生规划进行了一次问卷调查。请根据图表中提供的数据信息,写一篇100120词的调查报告,并结合实际谈谈你的观点和毕业后的人生理想。 要求:1.行文不得出现真实姓名和校名; 2.开头已给出,不计入总词数。 Two months ago, Jiaodong Online made a survey on what junior Grade 4 students would do after graduation. Here is the result. 65% of us hope to be admitted to the senior schools. About 20% would like to learn useful skills at technical schools so as to get jobs easily after graduation. And 10% of the students will find jobs to make money to support their families. Only 5% are not quite sure about their aims. I think they should make it clear what to do next. In my opinion, we teenagers should have a definite design for our future life. Different students have different aims and of course they change with the time. My dream is to be a doctor to serve the patients. So, I am determined to work hard at all my lessons so that I can enter Beijing Medical University. Im ready for a hard but colourful senior school life.8


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