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牛津版(深圳广州)2019-2020学年初中英语九年级上册期末复习(题型专练):阅读理解B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 一、 阅读理解 (共10题;共84分)1. (8分)阅读理解 No matter where a video game is played, on a handheld device(装置), the Internet or the television, too much gaming is a bad thing. Playing too many video games is a problem for kids and there are many signs that show the negative(消极的) influences. If young people are always thinking about when they can play a video game, that is a sign that they have lost themselves in it. If they give up other hobbies that they used to love, that is also a problem. Many kids who choose to spend all their free time playing video games will make up ways to play the game instead of communicating with others. Leaving sports teams or clubs, refusing to go outside to play with friends, and choosing to stay home from birthday parties are all signs that video games have taken over the childs attention. In addition to negative behaviours, there are health problems from playing too many video games. If video game players skip meals or lose sleep because they stayed up too late playing games, this can negatively influence their health. Sitting in front of a game for more than two hours a day instead of getting up and being active can result in childhood obesity(肥胖症). Moreover, backaches, headaches and strained(紧张的) eyes can be caused by playing too many video games. (1)The writer thinks _ is a problem for kids that causes negative influences. A . watching too much TVB . buying many handheld devicesC . chatting too much onlineD . playing video games too often(2)If a child is crazy about video games, he or she may _. A . keep thinking of playing themB . play outdoors instead of staying homeC . like to hold parties with friendsD . eat more than he or she usually does(3)What kind of problem will video game addiction(成瘾) cause according to the passage? A . Higher chance of foot pain.B . Longer time of sleep.C . Lower speed of heartbeats.D . Less interest in exercise.(4)What is the main idea of the passage? A . How to avoid playing video games.B . The signs and the harm of video game addition.C . Reasons of stop making video games.D . What happens to children without enough exercise.(5)You may find this passage in _ . A . a newspaperB . a fashion magazineC . a storybookD . a guidebook2. (8分)Molly Boylan is one of the most successful business women in Canada after setting up her cosmetic (化妆品) company Blazes in 1992. Though she is very successful, she says that she finds it harder every year in balance (平衡) her business with her family life. She sometimes feels that her two children know more about their baby-sitter than they do about her.Molly employs (雇佣) around eighty people in her factory and warehouse, and ten others in her two new fashion stores, but her newest employee is the most important one for her. After years of worrying about her business more than her family, she has decided to make Sally Pamonte new general manager in her company. Molly will still be involved in decision- making, and shes going to stay in touch with the people who work for her, but Sally is going to look after day-to-day running of the business so that Molly can spend more time with the kids.The new arrangement (安排) is going to start on Monday, and both of them are already excited about it. Sally says, Im very nervous, actually, but Im sure Molly will help me a lot in the early days, even though I hope she feels she can trust me not to make too many mistakes.”Molly, on the other hand, seems quite relaxed about the whole thing. ”I know that Sallys going to be a very nice manager.”she says, Shes only been here a couple of days and shes already shown me how to work out a few problems we were having. The best thing though is that I feel a hundred times happier than Ive been in years. I mean, I honestly cant remember the last time I felt as relaxed as this, and my kids are really excited about my being at home more. To be honest, I wish I had made this decision years ago.”(1)The best thing for Molly now is that _. A . she has more than eighty people working for herB . her kids know more about the baby-sitterC . she can have more time to be with her kidsD . she has got a new general manager in her company(2)The passage is mainly about _.A . Molly and her childrenB . Molly finding a new managerC . the baby-sitter and the kidsD . Molly making a change about her business(3)The underlined phrase be involved in in the passage probably means_.A . be interested inB . take part inC . be nervous aboutD . learn about(4)Sally seems to be a good manager because _.A . she has set up a new BlazesB . she keeps in close touch with the workersC . she has been able to solve a few problemsD . she has been working for the company since 1992(5)According to the passage, Molly _ .A . will not run her business any moreB . seems satisfied with the new arrangementC . was not pleased with the baby-sitterD . was successful both in her business and her family(6)The best thing for Molly now is that _. A . she has more than eighty people working for herB . her kids know more about the baby-sitterC . she can have more time to be with her kidsD . she has got a new general manager in her company3. (8分)根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。A Two-day Trip to BeijingIf you want to know about China. Please come to Beijing. You can visit the Great Wall and other places of interest and enjoy Beijing Duck.Time: May 6May 7Price: 480 yuan per personTel: 78456895A Four- day Trip to QinhuangdaoIf you like warm weather and clean city, Qinhuangdao is a good place for you. You can climb mountains, enjoy beautiful beaches and go to the zoo.Time: May 1May 4 Tel: 56478445Adult: 780 yuan per personChild: 550 yuan per personE-mail: 126ycsina.comA Seven-day Trip to SanyaThere are many beautiful places in Sanya. You can walk along the beaches, go fishing and go boating.Time: May 10May 17Price:1 person: 650 yuan per person2-5 persons: 600 yuan per person6-9 persons: 550 yuan per personCall us at 800-820-8199.(1)If you want to go on a trip on Saturday and Sunday, you can choose (选择) a trip to _. A . BeijingB . QinhuangdaoC . SanyaD . Taiyuan(2)If you go to Qinhuangdao, you can _. A . visit the Summer PalaceB . go to the zooC . enjoy Beijing DuckD . go to the park(3)Sam wants to visit Sanya, he can call _. A . 78456895B . 56478445C . 800-820-8199D . 800-802-8099(4)If Mr. Black with his two children takes a seven-day trip to Sanya, it will cost _. A . 1,950 yuanB . 1,800 yuanC . 1,650 yuanD . 1,790 yuan(5)Tom can _ from May 1 to May 4. A . eat Beijing DuckB . climb mountainsC . visit the Great WallD . go boating4. (8分)根据汉语意思完成句子I started my school life at the age of sixAt first the school for me,a boy,meant play,play and more play instead of sitting in the classroom and learning somethingHowever,I changed the way I used to behave(表现)at school with the help of my teachersI tried my best to do well in my schoolwork and follow the school rulesGrowing and learning were great funEvery year we had different kinds of school tripsNot only could we learn many things from them,but also we were given many projects(课题)as homework. It helped US know more. At the same time,we made many good friendsIn Grade 8,I won prizes in drawing and English speech competitionshen I was in Grade 9,I realized that I should give all my attention to my studies because l was going to take the exams to get into senior(高级的)middle schoolWhenever I think of my school life,I feel very happy and I think in everybodys school life there are many ups and downs(苦乐;盛衰)that influence his lifeSchool is a place where all of US learn to care and share“Schoolis not just a place,but a large building made up of rules,knowledge and loveI think in everybodys success,school plays a key roleI can describe my school in“Three Ss”They are:Small,Sweet and SimpleMy school was the best,is the best and will always be the best(1)When did the writer start to go to school?_(2)Who helped him change the way he used to behave at school?_(3)Does he think the school trips were useful?_(4)Why did he give all his attention to his studies in Grade 9 ?_(5)He describes his school in“Three Ss”What are they?_5. (8分)阅读理解You dont have to be a weatherman to tell people about the weather. If you notice the animals, the sky and the world around, you can predict weather on your own.Examine the moon or sun, but do not look at the sun directl or it will hurt your eyes seriously. If you see a ring around the sun or moon, then warm weather follows. A golden ring around the moon warns us that a storm is on the way. A watery yellow sunset is a sign that rain may be near. Feel the direction of the wind. A wind blowing from the east shows that a storm will probably happen. A wind from the west means a sunny day. Monitor the clouds. There are three things about clouds you should look for: movement, color, and change. As a rule , the higher the clouds, the better the weather. And the lower the clouds , the worse the weather will be.The rainbow has a message, too. If you see the sun in the east and a rainbow in the west, the rain may be coming your way. If the sun is in the west and the rainbow is in the east, the rain will be moving away from you. Look at your shoes as you walk through the grass in the morning. If the grass is wet with dew (露珠), then you can expect dry weather. But if the grass is dry, then it will be wise of you to take your umbrella.(1)The underlined word “predict probably means” “ in the passage. A . 观察B . 研究C . 预测D . 改善(2)According to the passage, is a sign of fine weather. A . a rainbow in the westB . a watery yellow sunsetC . a wind from the westD . a golden ring around the moon(3)When the clouds lift up, can be expected. A . a stormB . a heavy snowC . wind movementD . better weather(4)The last paragraph mentions ways to tell us about the weather. A . twoB . threeC . fourD . five(5)The main purpose of the passage is . A . to warn us of bad weather like stormsB . to share knowledge about weatherC . to tell us about the work of weathermenD . to show us the importance of weather6. (8分)阅读理解You either have it, or you donta sense of direction. But why is it that some people could find their way across the Sahara without a map while others can lose themselves in the next street?Scientists say were all born with a sense of direction, but it is not properly understood how it works. One theory(理论) is that people with a good sense of direction have simply worked harder at developing it. Research being carried out at Liverpool University supports this idea and suggests that if we dont use it, we lose it.“Children as young as seven have the ability to find their way around,” says Jim Martland, research director of the project. “However, if they are not allowed out alone or are taken everywhere by car, they never develop the skills.”Jim Martland also emphasizes that young people should be taught certain skills to improve their sense of direction. He makes the following suggestions:If you are using a map, turn it to the way you are facing.If you leave your bike in a strange place, put it near something like a big stone or a treesomething easy to recognize(辩认). Note landmarks(地标) on the route as you go away from your bike. When you return, go back along the same route.The simple way of finding your direction by using lines such as streets in a town, streams, or wells in the countryside to guide you. Count your steps so that you know how far you have gone and note any landmarks such as tall buildings or hills which can help to find out where you are.Now you will never get lost again!(1)Children have the ability to find the way around when they are _ years old. A . 5B . 6C . 7D . 8(2)Which of the following things cannot be used as landmarks? A . Tall buildings.B . Hills.C . Wells.D . Bikes.(3)What does the underlined word “emphasize” mean in the passage? A . To give special importance to something.B . To express thanks for somebody.C . To understand or realize a fact.D . To admire somebody.(4)Scientists believe that _. A . some babies are born with a sense of directionB . people learn a sense of direction as they grow olderC . people never lose their sense of directionD . everybody has a sense of direction from birth(5)What may be the best title of the passage? A . A research on direction.B . The sense of direction.C . Peoples ability of finding the way.D . Scientists research on skills.7. (8分)阅读理解Okay to Eat?At least 50% of U.S. adults have eaten food off the floor. Thats according to a 2017 Harris Poll. Many people use the five-second rule. The rule says that fallen food is safe to eat if it has been on the floor for less than five seconds. Can people really use the five-second rule to save a dropped sandwich? Or should they throw it and make a fresh one?Donald Schaffner is a professor of food science. His study shows that the five-second rule should not always be used. In his 2016 report, he says its not wise to eat dropped wet food. The wet food takes in bacteria (细菌 ) as soon as it falls. Bacteria dont have legs, they move with the moisture, Schaffner says. The wetter the food is, the more bacteria it soaks up(吸收) .Anthony Hilton studied the five-second rule too. He is a professor of Life and Health Sciences.Hilton found that a dry food on the floor collects fewer bacteria than a wet food. Hilton also found that carpeted floors pass fewer bacteria than wood floors. Still, one should be careful. Food that is on the floor is never completely risk-free to eat, he says. But if you drop a dry food in your house, its usually okay if you pick it up very quickly. Most clean homes dont have bad bacteria.Should you eat food that was dropped on the kitchen counter? Dr. Steven Dowshen is a doctor for children. He says that floors are not the only place that can make food unsafe to eat. Kitchen counters can contain more harmful bacteria, Dowshen told TFK. This is because raw foods sometimes have bad bacteria called salmonella. These raw foods can be on kitchen counters. If people eat food off a surface that has salmonella, they can get very sick, says Dowshen.With the five-second rule, the type of food and the place where it falls matter. So perhaps use this e instead: When in doubt, throw it out.(1)Whats Donald Schaffners opinion about the five-second rule? A . The five-second rule should always be used.B . The drier the food is, the more bacteria it takes in.C . Its a good choice to eat the dropped wet food.D . The minute the wet food falls, it soaks up bacteria.(2)The underlined word risk-free probably means “ ”. A . deliciousB . dangerousC . safeD . easy(3)What can you infer from the passage? A . People should not eat a dropped sandwich on any places.B . People cannot eat food that is on the floor because of salmonella.C . People need to consider the type of the dropped food before eating.D . People should be careful about the food dropped on the kitchen counter.(4)Whats the writers purpose of writing the passage? A . To introduce the five-second rule to people.B . To encourage people to use the five-second rule.C . To show different peoples opinions about the five-second rule.D . To advise people to think twice before using the five-second rule.8. (8分)根据短文内容,选择正确答案。DThe brain is the boss of the body. Your eyes, ears, nose, and skin tell your brain what is going on around you. Other parts of your body tell your brain what is going on inside you. Your brain takes in the signals. It tells your body what to do with them. When you touch fire, your skin tells your brain that your finger is too hot. Your brain tells you to move your finger. All these happen very fast. Your brain also controls your breathing, blinking, and heartbeat. It becomes your feelings and thoughts too.Humans have the most developed brain of all animals. Yet it is not the largest brain. The human brain weights three pounds. The brain of an elephant weights 11 pounds. So the largest brain is not always the best brain. In people, a large brain does not mean a clever person.(1)What is the main idea of this story?A . The human brain works very hard.B . The largest brain is not always the best brain.C . The brain controls the body.D . The best brain is the largest brain.(2)What does “the boss of the body” mean?A . The signals.B . The most developed body part.C . The main part of the body.D . The centre of the body.(3)Which kind of brain is the most developed?A . The largest brain.B . The human brain.C . The smaller brain.D . Not too big brain.(4)What are the things that the human brain does?A . Takes in signals.B . Controls breathing.C . Controls feelings and thoughts.D . A, B and C.9. (10分) This is a picture of a classroom(教室). You can see a teachers desk, five desks and six chairs. You can see a girl and a boy, too. Four English books are on the teachers desk. One pencil-case is on a desk. Two pens and two rulers are in the pencil-case. A schoolbag is behind a chair. A ball is on the floor. The girl is Lily. She is 12.The boy is Mike. He is 11.They are in Class 5.They are good friends. Their teacher is Mr. King. He is not here.(1)What picture is it?A . It is a picture of boys and girls.B . It is a picture of desks and chairs.C . It is a picture of pens and pencils.D . It is a picture of a classroom.(2)Where are the two pens?A . They are in the pencil-case.B . They are on the teachers desk.C . They are behind the chair.D . They are on the floor.(3)Who is eleven?A . Lucy.B . Lily.C . MikeD . I dont know.(4)Who is their teacher?A . Mrs Green.B . Mrs King.C . Miss King.D . Mr King(5)Are Lily and Mike good friends? A . No,they are.B . Yes,they arent.C . No,they arent.D . Yes,they are.10. (10分)根据短文理解, 选择正确答案。Haibao, the mascot(吉祥物) of the 2010 Shanghai World Expo, is very cute, said Gu Hui, a school kid. I want a big toy like the mascot.Haibao looks like the Chinese word ren, which means people or a person. The name, a typical lucky one in Chinese tradition comes from the Chinese phrase Si Hai Zhi Bao the treasure of the four seas. It also means the treasure of Shanghai, which lies beside the sea.Haibaos blue curly(卷曲的) hair looks like the waves of the sea. Its smile is a sign of the healthy spirit of China. Those thumbs-up(翘拇指) will welcome millions of people to Shanghai from around the world. Its big feet show China has the ability to host a successful Expo.Haibao was created by two artists, one from the mainland(大陆) and the other from Taiwan. The design is about people living together in the city. The designers want it to fit the theme of the Shanghai Expo, that is, a good life should be created by all the people and peo


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