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文博学校学科教学案教师: 学生: 日期: 年 月 日 星期: 时段: 课 题Where are they 学情分析学习目标与考点分析 学习重点 难点 学习方法教学过程第一部分:授课思路第二部分:学习过程一、重点短语1. climb the hill爬山climb (up)爬 (p38) 知识链接climb up the Great Wall爬长城 climb into the bed爬上床climb through the window从窗户爬出来 climb over the wall翻越墙2. need to exercise and keep fit需要锻炼来保持健康 知识链接keep fit, keep healthy, stay healthy保持健康need作名词时,构成短语in need。作行为动词时有人称和数的变化,后接不定式或动名词;当主语和它后面的动词之间有一种被动关系时,使用need doing或need to be done。作情态动词时无人称和数的变化,后接动词原形。We should help people in need. He needs to study hard. A lot of homework needs finishing.A lot of homework needs to be finished.3. come on (命令句)快,快点吧;走吧;跟我来;好啦好啦;这边来吧 知识链接Come on! Well be late for school.快点!我们上学要迟到了。4. Lets enjoy ourselves! 知识链接enjoy oneselfhave a good time玩得高兴,过得愉快,反身代词与主语保持一致。Lets do sth., shall we? 除此以外的祈使句,无论是肯定式还是否定式,附加疑问部分一律用will you。e.g. Dont be late again, will you? Open the door, will you? Let us go home, will you?5. take a boat trip乘船旅行,go past the Opera House经过悉尼歌剧院 6. sit in a little coffee shop by the River Seine坐在塞纳河畔的一个小咖啡店里 知识链接coffee house咖啡店;茶馆,coffee shop咖啡店by在旁边(比near近) Come and warm yourself by the fire.过来烤烤火。7. take care保重;当心,小心 知识链接take (good) care oflook afterwell (好好)照顾 look out当心look out of向外看be careful小心be careful of/with珍视;注意 Please be careful of your health. 请注意你的健康。8. a beautiful building with a big garden and many trees 介词短语作后置定语,修饰名词。 9. foreign country外国,a foreign language一门外语 10. have a wonderful/great/good time 玩得高兴;过得愉快 (p40)11. interesting placesplaces of interest有趣的地方;名胜 (注意此处的interest无复数) 知识链接这里interest解释为“令人感兴趣的事或人”。interest还表示“兴趣”,常用的短语有:show/have interest in sth对某事感兴趣, show/have interest in doing sth对做某事感兴趣Daniel shows/has great interest in computers. Daniel shows/has great interest in making his own home page.12. invite me to join their school trip to the World Park邀请我参加她们学校组织的去世界公园的旅行 知识链接invite sb to邀请某人去某地sb be invited to某人应邀去某地,Millie invited me to her birthday party. I was invited to Millies birthday party.invite sb to do sth邀请某人做某事sb be invited to do sth某人应邀做某事,We should invite more people to take part in the charity show. More people should be invited to take part in the charity show.join参加,加入某组织,如政党、社会团体等。join sb, join sb in sth指和某人一起做某事。join intake part in参加某活动,attend出席。试比较:He joined the tennis club. The man joined the army at the age of 19.He joined in the game. Did you take part in your school sports meeting? Were going to plant trees. Will you join us? He joined us in the game.13. at the beginning开始;起初 知识链接at the beginningin the beginningat firstat the start开始;起初 (See 8A p42)at last, finally, in the end后来;最后;终于,与上述短语“开始,起初”意思相反。用法拓展at the beginning of在之初(后接时间)at the end of在末尾,在的尽头(后接时间或地点) 注意:没有in the beginning of, in the end offrom beginning to end自始至终;从头到尾。注意:该短语不含定冠词the。begin withstart with先做;以开始 e.g. Lets begin with Exercise 1. 表示“启程”、机器的“启动”只能用start。Lets start at 6:00 a.m. tomorrow.Well begun is half done. 良好的开端是成功的一半。14. at the school gate在学校大门口 知识链接at表示在较小的地方,如:at the theatre在剧院,at the party在聚会上,at the airport在机场,at the bus stop在公交站台,at the crossing, at the crossroads在十字路口15. get on a coach上长途汽车 知识链接get on/get off上、下(车、船等),e.g. get on/get off the plane上、下飞机16. a lot of trafficheavy trafficbusy traffic交通拥挤,作主语时谓语动词用单数。17. on the city roads在市内道路上,on the highwayon the main road between cities在交通干道上 18. feel sick感到难受,感到恶心 知识链接feel ill 感到不好受,fall ill病倒feel good指身体健康或精神振奋,feel well仅指没有生病 e.g.Im not feeling so good. Can I have the day off? 我感觉不大好。我今天能否休息?He didnt feel well after the operation. 他在这次手术之后,感觉身体不好。19. arrive at the World Park到达世界公园 知识链接“到达”有三种表达,即:get to某地,arrive at小地方,arrive in大地方,reach某地。get to,arrive at/in后接地点副词时不能用介词,常用的地点副词有here, there, home。如:get/arrive here/there/home到这里/到那里/到家。20. be made of metal 由金属制成 知识链接be made of由制成,强调从制成的成品上还能看得出原材料,物理变化。The desk is made of wood. 这张桌子是木制的。be made from由制成,表示从成品上已经看不出原材料,化学变化。 Wine is made of grapes. 葡萄酒是葡萄酿成的。be made up of由组成,由构成,指各个部分组成整体。Our class is made up of 54 students. 我们班由54名学生组成。be made in在某地制造 NOKIA mobile phones are made in Beijing.21. not any more再也不no more,no more, no longer用于be动词后、行为动词前 (p41)知识链接not any moreno more再也不(表示程度、数量上的不再)not any longerno longer不再(表示时间上的不再延续) e.g.When the baby saw his mother, he did not cry any more.After having some bread, she was no longer hungry.用法拓展more and more越来越;越来越多 more or less几乎;差不多 what is more更有甚者;更为重要的是 e.g.Ive more or less finished reading the book. 我差不多已经读完这本书。Youre wrong, and what is more you know it. 你错了!而且你明明知道你错了!22. the song and dance parade歌舞巡游,join in the dancing加入舞蹈行列 23. on the Internet 在因特网上 知识链接on the computer在电脑上,on the screen在屏幕上,on TV在电视上24. teach himself how to make a home page自学制作网页 知识链接teach oneselflearnby oneself自学,疑问词带to的动词不定式。25. go and see for yourself亲自去看看 知识链接for oneself亲自,by oneselfon ones ownalone独自;单独 Did she find it out for herself? Yes. She did it all by herself.26. travel from one place to another从一个地方到另一地方旅行 (p42)知识链接from one place to another相当于from place to place,类似的有:from one country to anotherfrom country to country。用法拓展fromto another中的another不能用other代替。fromto中的名词前不能用冠词a/an/the,名词不能用复数。from beginning to end自始至终,from head to foot从头到脚 from morning to night27. take a look at看一看 知识链接have/take a look看一看,只强调看的动作;have/take a look at看一看I took a lot of photos in Shenzhen. May I have/take a look at them?Take a look at the things (people used in the past). 括号内的句子是定语从句。28. 北京著名景点:Laoshe Tea House老舍茶馆,the Great Wall长城,the Palace Museum故宫,the Summer Palace颐和园,Tiananmen Square天安门广场,Wangfujing Street王府井大街,the Monument to the Peoples Heroes人民英雄纪念碑,the Peoples Great Hall人民大会堂, the Temple of Heaven天坛,Tsinghua University清华大学,Peking University北京大学,Beihai Park北海公园29. in the past过去,at present现在,in the future将来;未来 (注意介词in/at和冠词的搭配) (p44)30. walk slowly around the big lake and feel the beauty of the old park in the Summer palace在颐和园里环湖漫步,感受这座古老公园的美丽 知识链接beauty n. 美;美丽e.g. A thing of beauty is a joy for ever.美的事物永远令人喜爱。(语出约翰济慈John Keats英国文坛巨星、著名诗人,与雪莱、拜伦齐名) 美人;美丽的事物,She was a beauty in her day. around围绕;环绕show sb around. 带领某人参观某地The guide showed us around the Xuanwu Lake Park. The earth travels around the sun. 31. travel by underground坐地铁 知识链接by underground乘坐地铁,by交通工具,是介词短语,此时by后无介词。类似的有:by bus/train/plane/underground乘坐公共汽车/火车/飞机/地铁。表示“乘坐某交通工具去某地”通常有两种表达:go to sp bytake the to。例如:坐地铁去市中心:go to the centre of the city by undergroundtake the underground to the centre of the city。另外,“乘坐飞机去某地”有三种形式:go toby planetake the plane tofly to(飞往)32. learn more about old Beijing更多地了解老北京 33. great fun很有趣 (p46)知识链接fun 名词娱乐,嬉戏 e.g. He is full of fun.他很有趣。有趣的人或事 We had a lot of fun at the party.在聚会上我们玩得很高兴。It is fun to play cards.玩牌很有趣。(不加a) for fun闹着玩的,e.g. I have said it just for fun.我是说着玩的。make fun of嘲弄 e.g. They made fun of him.34. go horse riding去骑马,e.g. You can go horse riding in Inner Mongolia. 35. keep their secret to themselves保守着他们的这个秘密 知识链接keep sth to oneself不将某事说出去 e.g.She always keeps her ideas to herself. The problem of stress gets worse when people keep their worries to themselves.keep secrets for sb为某人保密,e.g. Thank you so much for keeping the secret for me. 36. at the front of the bus在公交车的前部at/in the front of在的前部 知识链接in front of“在的前面”,主要指一物体在另一物体的前面,两者是分开的,反义词是behind,“在的后面”;而at/in the front of 则指一物体中有一部分位于前部,在某物的前面部分,即两者是包容的,the front是某物的不可分割的组成部分;at/in the front of 的反义词是at the back of在某物的后面部分;而before是“在的面前”。The introduction is always in/at the front of the book.序言总是置于卷首。She sat in/at the front of the bus to get a good view of the country. Many people took photos (在前面) the Leaning Tower of Pisa.The robber was taken (在面前) the policeman.37. in the final of the basketball competition在篮球赛决赛中 (p50)知识链接in the first half of the在的上半场比赛中,in the second half of the在的下半场比赛中,in the final of the在的决赛中,half-time中场休息,presentation of cup and medals颁发奖杯和奖牌仪式,gold medal金牌,silver medal银牌,bronze medal铜牌。注意:赢得/获得金牌:win a gold medal38. take place发生;举行,不及物动词短语,不能接宾语,不能用于被动语态中。知识链接take place 发生 The dialogue took place at a tailors shop. Great changes have taken place in China since 1989. 注意:happen是“偶然发生” e.g. What happened to him last night? 举行be held,e.g. The wedding of Michael and Stella will take place next Sunday.用法拓展take the place of取代/代替,take ones place取代/代替某人 Here is a toy plane to take the place of the one you lost.My sister is ill, and Ive come to take her place. Now plastics (塑料) can steel (钢材) in many ways in life.A. take place of B. take the place of C. in place of D. instead of39. go back to my school回到我的学校 (p51)知识链接go back toreturn to回到e.g. Hong and Macao have returned to China.40. a fun place to visit动词不定式作后置定语,这里的fun是形容词,意为“有趣的”。 (p52) 41. the plan for today当天的计划 plan n.计划 v.计划 (p54)知识链接make a plan制订计划,make a/the plan for制订的计划,plan to do sth计划做某事 e.g. make a plan for the coming summer holiday42. change to the bus换乘公共汽车 知识链接change v.,“交换”,与复数宾语连用Can we change seats? change名词,变化(可数名词) e.g. great changes巨变 找给的零钱“Dont forget your change!” said the cashier.43. take the bus all the way to the Palace Museum乘公共汽车直达故宫 44. make it a really fun day for everyone使每个人度过真正有趣的一天 45. let me know as soon as possible.let sb know as soon as possible尽快通知某人46. go climbing on rocks去攀岩 (p55)词汇解析1. luck n.运气,常用于Good luck to sb.祝某人好运。Good luck with sth.某事好运。lucklucky adj.幸运的,e.g. a lucky dog幸运儿luckyluckily幸好,幸运地,幸运的是,常用于句首。Her handbag was stolen on her way back home. (luck), she hadnt put her keys in it.2. play hide-and-seek 捉迷藏 (详见Unit 2“词汇解析”第4条)3. support v.&n.支持;养活e.g. have a lot of support from sb得到某人的大力支持Mark has a big family to support.马克养活一大家人。with ones support在某人的支持下supportsupporter支持者;拥护者 e.g. Im a Yao Ming supporter.我是姚明的球迷。4. instead adv. 代替 e.g. Theres nothing at the cinema. Lets go to the Internet bar instead.instead of名词/代词/动名词/介词短语,代替 e.g. Can I come at 9:00 instead of 8:00?5. real/true词语辨析real和true的主要含义不同,real指确实存在、非相像的;true表示与事实相符、真实、非杜撰的。e.g. Was it real or was it a dream? 这是真实还是梦幻? Is the news true? 这消息是真的吗?a movie based on a true story取材于真实故事的电影 6. movement n. 运动;行进;走动 e.g. There was a sudden movement in the bushes. 灌木丛里突然有什么东西动了一下。the womens/peace movement 妇女/和平运动 7. ticket票;券;入场券 e.g. a bus/theatre/plane ticket公共汽车票/戏票/机票,Tickets are available from Arts Centre at ¥50. 艺术中心有票,每张50元。 a ticket for票, free tickets for the show演出的免费入场券 a ticket office售票处,a ticket machine自动售票机,a ticket collector 收票员8. win (在比赛、赛跑、战斗等中)获胜,赢,后接宾语为比赛、赛跑、战斗等,不能接人作宾语反义词lose。winner获胜者。beat(在比赛或竞争中)赢、打败(某人),后接的宾语是人或团体。France won the World Cup in 1998, but lost in 2002. Congratulations! You win!He beat me at chess. Their recent wins have proved theyre still the ones to beat.9. cheer vi.欢呼;喝彩;cheer for为欢呼cheer sb欢呼某人cheerful高兴的;兴高采烈的,Cheering crowds greeted their arrival. We all cheered for our football team as they came on the field. The crowd cheered the President when he drove slowly by. He felt cheerful and full of energy.他感到兴高采烈,浑身充满活力。cheers (用于祝酒)干杯,常用作Cheers! (英口)再见,如:Cheers then. See you later.10. wonder 奇迹 e.g. Grand Canyon is one of the natural wonders in the world.想知道,常用于wonder if/whether, wonder wh-从句 e.g. I wonder if you can help me. Linda wonders where Simon is hiding.二、重点句型1. Which city do you want to go to? (p39)知识链接该句的疑问词which作go to的宾语,不能使用where。例如该句可以回答为I want to go to Paris/Washington/London. 试比较:Where does he live? Which flat does he live in?2. The trip from Kittys school to the world took about two hours by coach. 知识链接Sth takes sb some time by.乘坐某交通工具需要时间。The journey from Taipei to Beijing takes three hours by plane.3. The model pyramids looked just like the real ones in Egypt. (p 41)知识链接look like看起来像,look just like看起来就像,ones代指前面的复数pyramids,若是单数则用one。look the same看起来一样,后面不接宾语。4. It was interesting to see models of so many places of interest from all over the world. (p42)知识链接It beadj.(for sb)to do sth. It是形式主语,动词不定式是真正主语,因为动词不定式短语往往太长,为了避免头重脚轻,因此使用这种句型。It is necessary for them to work hard from now on.5. It is 467,000 square metres in area.它的面积是467,000平方米。 (p52)知识链接Sth is in area. 某物的面积是。square kilometre平方千米China is 9,600,000 square kilometers.中国的面积是9,600,000平方千米。6. The cost is about ¥50 per person. 每个人的费用大约是50元。 (p54)知识链接cost动词,表示“某物的价值为”用Sth cost some money. Tickets cost ten dollars each.每张票价为10美元。costthe money that you spend on something名词,“费用”。e.g. the cost of the trip旅行的费用,the cost of living生活费用,cost price成本价,at all costs不惜任何代价,at any cost在任何情况下;无论如何。第三部分:课后针对性练习一、用所给词的正确形式填空:1.This match was _(cheer) because our team won.2.Is he one of _(win) in the competition?3.Did you receive the cup at the end of the _(finally)?4.Dont be afraid. We are all your _(support).5.She was very sad after _(receive) the letter from him.6.The _(费用) of this trip is much cheaper than before.7.They will go on a school trip this Sunday. Are you _(确定)?8.The school bus _(到达) at our school at 7 a.m. every day.9.The teacher says,”¥30 _(每) person if you want to go there.”10.The score at _(中场休息) was 2-2.二、同义句转换:1.It took me over two hours to finish my homework last night. It took me _ _ _hours to finish my homework last night.2.He spent 100 yuan buying the coat. The coat _ _ 100 yuan.3.I dont know which sportswoman I should support. I dont know _ _ _ _.4.Our school has a library. There are many useful books in it. Our school has a library _ _ _books in it.5.Why dont you go to the Palace Museum with us? _ _ _ to the Palace Museum with us?三、表达建议的几种方法:1.Shall we _(go) to the Palace Museum?2.Lets _(go) to the Palace Museum?3.Why not _(go) to the Palace Museum?4.Why dont we_(go) to the Palace Museum?5.What about _(go) to the Palace Museum?6.How about _(go) to the Palace Museum?7.Would you like_(go) to the Palace Museum?四、根据所给中文的意思,用英语完成下列句子,每个空格只能填一个单词1当我看到金字塔时,我简直不敢相信我的眼睛。 I couldnt 1 my eyes when I saw the 2 .2昨天在决赛最后,获胜者接受了奖杯和金牌。 The 3 4 the cups and gold 5 at the end of the 6 .3我决定多做运动来保持健康, I decided to do 7 exercise to 8 9 .4去野营之前,请尽快整理好行囊。 Please pack your bags 10 11 12 13 before you go camping.5昨天我从美国白宫经过了。 Yesterday I 14 15 the White House. 6每天城市的大道上总有很多车辆.地面上有很多枫叶.There is a lot of 16 on the city roads and many maple 17 on the city roads.7在那里整个世界展现在我们眼前。 The 18 world is there in 19 20 us.五、选择题1. Were your parents at home last night? No. We _ went to Grandmas birthday party. A. both B. none C. neither D. all2. _ honest boy is Jack, _ friend of mine.A The; an B An; the C The; a D An; a 3. I felt sick for the whole journey and the food finally _ from my stomach. A came back B came up C came down D came over4. The beef tastes _. I want _. A wonderful; some more B wonderfully; more some C wonderfully; some more D wonderful; more some5. There is little milk in the bottle, _? A is it B isnt it C is there D isnt there6. _ the idea sounds! A How crazy B What crazy C How crazily D What crazily7. Beijing Zoo is a place of interest _. A visit B travel C to visit D to travel8. The boy fell _ the rock and _ himself. A from; hurted B down; hurt C off; hurted D off; hurt9. I will give you some nice picture books. Good. The _, the _. A more; better B many; good C most; best D much; worse10. Why dont we have a day out? _ A. Thats right. B Youre great. C What a good idea! D No, I dont11. The doctors and the nurses are doing their best to fight with SARS. They think more of others than _. A they B them C theirs D themselves12. Hi, Tom! Can you tell me when _ for London?Yes, tomorrow afternoon. A leaving B leaves C to leave D are you leaving13. I like riding fast. Its very exciting. Oh! You mustnt do it like that, _ it may have an accident. A and B or C so D but14. The trip from the school _ about half an hour by coach. It was too _. A spends; bored B spent; boring C takes; bored D took; boring15. Excuse me, where is Childrens Park, please?Take the No. 5 bus and _ at the fifth bus stop. A get on B get off C get up D get to第四部分:教学反思学生对于本次课的评价: 特别满意 满意 一般 差 学生签字:教师评定:1、 学生上次作业评价: 非常好 好 一般 需要优化2、 学生本次上课情况评价:非常 好 好 一般 需要优化 教师签字:主管签字:家长签字: 文博学校教务处


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