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UNIT11. 我想和你们一起去打乒乓球。_ _ _ play table tennis with you.2. 我的叔叔大学毕业后从事医生的工作。His uncle _ _a doctor after he finished university.3. 他热衷于游泳。He _ _ _swimming.4. 你愿意和我们一起去游泳吗?_you _ _go _with us?5. 他的哥哥中学毕业后当工人。His brother _ _a worker after he finished middle school.6. 她总是乐于助人。Shes _ _ _ _others.7. 你将来要做什么工作?What are you going to be _ _ _?UNIT21. 我爸爸每年去两次北京。My father goes to Beijing _ _ _.2. 每天吃三次药。Take this medicine _ _ _ _.3. 周日她总是6:30起床。she _ _ _at 6:30 on weekdays.4. 起床后,她洗脸、刷牙。After she gets up, she _her face and _her _.5. 他上学从来不迟到。Hes _ _ _school.6. 除了一点拼写错误以外,他的作文写得很好。His composition is _, _ _some spelling mistakes.7. 他的家离学校很远,经常步行上学。His home is _the school and he often _ _school.UNIT31. 晚上不要熬夜,这对你的健康不好。Dont _ _late at night. Its _ _your health.2. 他经常迟到。他的班主任生他的气。Hes always _ _school and his class teacher _ _ _him.3. 他正在考虑买一套新屋。He is _ _ _a new house.4. 不要让小孩独自在街上四出走。Dont let the little boy _round _ _ _in his street.5. 我看见老太太摔倒,伤了脚。I saw the old lady _ _and _her leg.6.我问他的名字,但他什么也没有说。I asked his name, but he _ _.7.周日他总是七点钟就起床。He always _ _at 7:00 _ weekdays.8. 尽量不要太介意别人把你和其他人相比较。Try not to _ _ _when people _you to others.9. 你应该明白你的父母很关心、爱护你。You should understand your parents _ _you and _you very much.UNIT41. 这不仅是他的工作,也是他的爱好。It was his hobby _ _ _his job.2. 集邮是他的业余爱好。_stamps _his _.3. 例如,噪音是一种污染。Noise, _ _, is a kind of pollution.4. 我好久没有收到他的来信。I havent _ _him for a long time.5. 我年轻时,常常在这河里游泳。When I was young. I _ _swim in this river.6. 爬山和游泳是他的业余爱好。_ and _ _his hobbies.7. 他们观看着足球比赛时,很兴奋。They _very _when they were watching the football match.8. 你觉得他的主意怎么样?_ do you think _ _his idea.9. 整个上午他除了玩电子游戏机,什么也没有做。He did _ _playing computer games all the morning.10. 他过去常常在课堂上睡着。he _ _fall _in class.11. 他有什么爱好,例如爬山?Do you have a hobby, _ _,climbing?12她不但聪明,而且很善良。She is kind _ _ _clever.13. 赶快,否则我们会错过这趟火车。_ _,or well miss the train.UNIT51. 桂林以美丽的山水而闻名。guilin _ _ _its beautiful hills and water.2. 今天老年人能过着幸福的生活。Today, it _ _ _old people to live a happy life.3. 他和他的母亲都没有到过北京。_he _his mother _been to Beijing.4. 我们应尽力保护我们的环境。We should _ _ _to _our environment.5. 依他看来,有些符号代表着声音。_ _ _,some of the signs represented sounds.6. 由于坏天气,他们不得不呆在家里。They _ _stay at home _ _the bad weather.7. 我的家乡变得越来越美丽。My hometown is getting _and _ _.8. 如果你不知道这个词的意思,可在词典里查找。If you dont know the meaning of the word, you can _ _ _in the dictionary.9. 他不会讲英语也不会讲日语。He can speak _English _Japanese.UNIT61. 他们将用完粮食和钱。They were _ _ _food and money.2. 我希望梦想成真。I hope this dream will _ _.3. 我想喝冷饮,不想喝咖啡。Ill have a cold drink _ _coffee.4. 从现在起,我们必须努力学。We must study hard _ _ _.5今年我们要去北京而不去上海。This year well go to Beijing _ _going to Shanghai.UNIT71. 你觉得我们的新学校怎么样?_do you _ _our new school?2. 他对发现新药更感兴趣?He is _ _ _ _new medicing.3. 他经常看别人的玩笑。He often _ _ _others.4. 这故事听起来很有趣。The story _ _.5. 他们太疲劳,走不动。They were _tired _walk any longer.6. 不要开我的玩笑。Dont _ _ _me.7. 现在我们过着幸福的生活。Now we are _a _ _.8. 爱迪生是个发明家,他发明了许多东西。Edison was an _. He _a lot of _.UNIT1答案:1.would like to 2.worked as 3.is keen on 4.Would / like to / swimming5.worked as 6.always happy to help 7.in the future UNIT2答案:1.twice a year 2.three times a day 3.always gets up 4.washes/ brushes teeth5.never late for 6. good / except for 7. near / walks to UNIT3答案:1.stay up /bad for 2.late for /get angry with 3.thingking about buying 4.walk / on his own 5.fall over/ hurt 6.said nothing 7.gets up/ on 8.mind too much /compare 9.care about / loveUNIT4答案:1.as well as 2.Collection / is/ hobby 3. for example 4.heard from5.used to 6.Climbing / swimming are 7. got / excited 8.What / think of 9.nothing except 10.used to /asleep 11.for example 12.as well as 13.Hurry upUNIT5答案:1.is famous for 2.is possible for 3.Neither /nor / has 4.try our best protect5.In his opinion 6. had to/ because of 7.more/ more beautiful 8. look it up 9.neither norUNIT6答案:1.running out of 2.come true 3.rather than 4. from now on 5. instead ofUNIT7答案:1.What /think of 2. more interested in discovering 3.plays jokes on 4.sounded interesting 5.too/to 6.play jokes on 7.living /happy life 8.inventor /invented inventions


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