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六年级上册英语复习(一)Lesson 1 Lesson 3一、 重点单词和短语a telephone 一部电话机 use a telephone 使用电话机call = ring up = telephone 打电话 an IP card 一张电话卡come in 进来 a CD一碟 have 有 Teachers Day 教师节 Childrens Day儿童节send 送 flower花 present 礼物wait 等待 do some washingdo the washing 洗衣服wait a moment = just a moment 等一会儿 Happy Birthday! 生日快乐! Happy NewYear! 新年快乐!二、 重点句子K b1. Co m1、 向别人借东西时,我们要这么问:May I use your?例如:May I use your pen? 我可以借/用你的钢笔吗? 你同意给对方用时要说:Certainly.或者Sure. (当然可以),也可以说:Yes,please. 给对方时说: Here you are. (给你) 要是你的东西不能借给对方用,要先说 Sorry,再说明原因。2、 感谢别人时,我们要说: Thank you. / Thank you very much. / Thanks a lot. 表示不用谢,不客气时,我们可以说: Thats OK. / Youre welcome. / Thats all right ./Its my pleasere./ My pleasure. / Not at all. w W w .x K b 1.c o M3、 电话铃响了,拿起电话时说: Hello?(你好),也可以直接告诉对方你是谁 :This is speaking. (我是 )4、 要找某人时要说:May I speak to , please?(请找接电话,好吗?) 5、 在电话中问对方是谁时,要说:Whos that ? 或者 Whos calling ?(你是谁?)也可以问对方: Is that speaking? (你是吗?)6、 问某人在家时:Is in / at home ? ( 在家吗?)7、 Would you like to do ? (你想做 吗?)8、 Good idea! (好主意)9、 See you tomorrow ! (明天见) See you ! (再见) 10、 Lets send a present to our teacher.(让我们送份礼物给老师吧。)11、 Today is his birthday. I want to say “ Happy Birthday !” to him .(今天是他的生日,我想对他说生日快乐。)12、 Who will you ring up? (你要打电话给谁?)Lesson 4 Lesson 6一、 重要词语swing 秋千 slide 滑梯 seesaw 跷跷板tree 树 building 建筑 library 图书馆gym 健身房 playground 操场 computer room 电脑房swimming pool 游泳池 teaching building 教学楼office building 办公楼 school 学校 children 孩子们where 哪里 in the middle of 在 中间X|k |B| 1 . c|O |min 在 里面 on 在上面 under在 下面behind 在 后面 near 在附近 next to 在.隔壁beside 在旁边 over there 在那儿 play games 做游戏pillow 枕头 vase 花瓶 bed 床 sleep 睡觉 window 窗户 bookshelf 书架room 房间 desk 书桌 book 书本 cat 猫二、 重要句子1、Where is + 单个的人或地点? (在哪里?) 回答:She / He / It is + 地点短语 Where are + 表复数的人或事物? 回答:They are + 地点短语例如:-Where is Mary ?(玛丽在哪里?) -She is on the slide .(她在滑梯上。) -Where are Tom and Linda? (汤姆和琳达在哪里?) -They are on the seesaw.(他们在跷跷板上。)2、 Do you know? (你知道吗?)3、Are there any children under the tree?(树下有孩子吗?)4、They are playing games. (他们正在做游戏。)5、Excuse me. (打扰一下,请问。) 新- 课- 标 -第 -一-网6、There is + 单数名词 + 表地点的介词短语。意思是某个地方有某个人或事物。例如:There is a cat under the desk .(桌子下有一只猫。) There are some books on the desk . (桌子上有一些书。) There is a quilt and two pillows on the bed.(床上有一床被子和两个枕头。) There are two pillows and a quilt on the bed.(床上有两个枕头和一床被子。)7、My cat is sleeping near the desk.(我的猫在桌子旁睡觉。)8、I like it very much . (我非常喜欢它。)练习题L1L3一. 按字母表中的顺序写出24个小写字母. a_ z 二. 按顺序写出所缺的大小写字母。 Ff_ Hh O o_ Qq Kk_ M mV v_ X x _ T t _ _ Dd _三、根据汉语意思补全单词1. s_ nd 送 2. t _ _ cher 老师 3. pr_ snt 礼物 4. r_ ng 打电话 5.sp_ _ k 讲话 6. w_ _ t 等待7.m_ m _ nt 一会儿 8. fl_ _ er 花 9. c _ _ d 卡片四、读一读,连一连come in 马上 nice 新年快乐Thats OK. 怎么样 do some washing 好的soon 当然可以 Happy Birthday 使用电话what about 进来 use a telephone 洗衣服certainly 不客气 Happy New Year. 生日快乐五、给下列句子重新排列顺序,组成完整的对话。(一)A. Just a moment. Sorry, she is not in now.B. Bye! C. Hello?D. Thats OK. Goodbye . E. Hi! Is Mary in?(二)A. Hello?B. Yes. Whos that? X|k |B| 1 . c|O |mC. Hello! Is that Betty speaking?D. This is Wang Nan speaking. Tomorrow is Teachers Day. Shall we send some flowers to our English teacher?E. See you.F. Good idea! See you tomorrow.六、选择对对碰1. Is that Linda _? A. speak B. speaking C. to speak2.-Hello! Whos _,please? - This is Tom speaking. A. that B. he C. you3.My mother is _ some washing. A. do B. doing C. to do 4._ you like to buy a new pen? A. what B. Can C. Would5._ I use your watch? A. what B.May C. Can七、从B栏中找出A栏的正确答语() (B)1. Is that Helen speaking ? A. Speaking.2. May I speak to Tom, please? B. This is Wang Nan .3. What about going swimming ? C. No, this is Linda.4. Whos calling? D. Good idea.练习题L4L6一、 根据汉语意思补全单词 1. sw_ ng 秋千 2. sees_ _ 跷跷板 3. l_ br_ ry 图书馆 4. b_ _ lding 建筑 5. b_ h_ nd 在后面 6. g_ m 健身房 7. tr_ _ 树 8. n_ _ r 在附近 9. midd_ _ 中间 10. pill_ _ 枕头 11. v_ se 花瓶 12. w _ nd_ _ 窗户二、读一读,连一连 on the slide 电脑房w W w .x K b 1.c o M under the desk 教学楼 office building 在滑梯上 computer room 办公楼 playground 在桌子下 teaching building 操场三、 排序A. Hhow can I get to the museum?B. Its next to the post office.C. Excuse me, wheres the museum?D. First, walk south for three minutes. Then , take the No.1 bus at the cinema.E. Thank you.四、 选择1. _, wheres the library? A. Excuse me. B. Sorry . C. Help me.2. There are many _ in the city. A. builing B. buildings C. build3. -_ is our new classroom? - Its on the second floor.A. What B. Where C. How 4. Look! They are _ the swings. A . on B. at C. in 5. Where _ they ? A. is B. am C. are 6.The swimming pool is _ the middle of the school.A. in B. on C.at 7. There _ some children under the tree. A. am B. is C. are五、根据汉语意思补全句子。 1、 琳达和玛丽在哪儿? _ _ Linda and Mary? 他们在秋千上。 They are _ _2、它和图书馆是相邻的。Its _ _ the library. 3、它在游泳池的附近。 Its _ the swimming pool. 4、我的房间里有张床。 There is a _ in my _. 5. 树下有只猫。 There is a _ _ the _.六、选择适当的介词完成句子 behind on in under1. There are many children the tree.2. There ia a little rabbit _the hat.3. Look! They are _ the slide.4. Li Shan is _ the door.5. Are there any children _ the tree?Lesson 10 Lesson 12一、 重要短语和词语have a headache 头痛 feel bad 感觉不舒服 have a stomachache 肚子痛 go to the hospital 去医院have a toothache 牙痛 see a doctor 看医生have a fever 发烧 open your mouth 张开你的嘴巴have a cold 感冒 take medicine 吃药have a good rest 好好休息 stay in bed 呆在床上ill in bed 生病在床 after school 放学 hear 听with 与; 和 lesson 功课 worry about 担心二、 重要句子 1、I feel very bad today. 今天我感觉不舒服。 2、Whats wrong ? 怎么了? Whats wrong with you ? 你怎么了? Whats wrong with him? 他怎么了? Whats wrong with her ? 她怎么了? Whats wrong with them ? 他(她)们怎么了? 3、You look ill. 你看起来病了。 4、What about my lessons? 我的功课在怎么办? 5、Dont worry. 别担心。Dont worry about them. 别担心它们。 6、Is it very serious? 非常严重吗? Nothing serious. 不要紧,不严重。 7、Youll be well soon. 你很快就会好的。 8、What are you going to do ? 你要去做什么?We are going to 意思是 我们将要 表示已经决定或安排好的要做的事。例如:We are going to go to the Childrens Park. 我们要去儿童公园。 Tom。我们要去看汤姆。 We are going to see him. 我们要去看他。 her. 我们要去看她。 them. 我们要去看他们。9、I m sorry to hear that. 听到这个消息我很难过。10、May I go to see him with you. 我能和你一起去看他吗?11、Youre having a fever now. 现在你正在发烧。练习题 Lesson 10 Lesson 12一、 根据汉语意思补全单词。1. h_ _ dache 头痛 2. t_ _ thache 牙痛 3. _ _ l 生病的 4. f _ _ l 感觉 5. st_ _停留 6. _p _ n 张开7. m_ _ th 嘴巴 8. w_ ll (身体)健康的 9.r_ st 休息10.seri_ _ s 严重的 11.h_ _r 听 12.m_ dic_ ne 药二、英译汉1. have a stomachache _ 2. ill in bed_3. nothing serious _ 4. see a doctor _w W w .x K b 1.c o M5.feel bad _ 6.after school _三、单项选择1. I _ a fever and I feel very bad. A. has B. have C. am2. Whats _ with you? A. wrong B. the wrong C.matter3._ some medicine, have a rest, and youll be well soon. A. Taking B. Take C. Takes4. Tom is ill _ bed. We are going to see _. A.in, he B. on , him C. in, him5.Dont worry _ your lessons. A. for B. about C. with6. Im sorry _ that. A. hear B. to hear C. hearing7.We _ going to see him. A. are B. is C. am8. May I go to see _ with you? A. he B. she C. her9.You need to have _ good rest. A. a B. an C. the四、从B栏中选出A栏句子的正确答语X|k |B| 1 . c|O |mA. Nothing serious.B. Youre welcome.C. Sure.D. He has a fever.E. Im going to go shopping.b (A) (B)1. Whats wrong with him? 2. May I go there with you?3. What are you going to do after school?4. Thanks a lot.5. Is it sserious? 五、补全对话(1) A: Whats _ with you, my boy?B: I _ a headache and I _ very bad.A: Oh, you have a cold.B: Is it very _ ?A: Dont _. Nothing serious. _ some medicine, _ a rest, youll be _ soon.B: Thank you _ _ .A: Youre _.(2) A: What are you _ to do _ school?B: We are going to _ Bob.A: Whats wrong _ him? B: He _ a bad cold. A: May I go to see him _ you? B: Sure.Lesson 13 Lesson 14一、 重要短语和单词 help 帮助 do some housework 做家务 clean the room 打扫房间 outside the school gate 校门外 mop the floor 拖地板clean the window 擦窗户 see a film 看电影 go skating 去滑冰go to the zoo 去动物园 play tennis 打网球 go swimming 去游泳fly kites 放风筝 learn Chinese 学汉语 play tennis 打网球teach 教 read English 读英语 be from 来自 popular 受欢迎的二、重要句子1. We are going to help Grandma Li do the housework. 我们要去帮助李奶奶做家务。2. Lets clean the room and mop the floor together , shall we?让我们一起打扫屋子和拖地,好吗? together 一起 3.All right。 好的。4. When and where shall we meet ? 我们在什么时候什么地点见面? 5. Outside the school gate at 8 oclock in the morning. 早上8点钟在校门外。6. What are you doing ? 你在做什么?Im reading English. 我正在读英语。7. He teaches well. 他教得好。8. Where is he from? 他来自哪里? Hes from England. 他来自英国。9. Will he teach you next term? 下学期他会教你们吗?10. May be. But Im not sure . 或许会,但我不敢确定。11. Hes very friendly to us. 他对我们很友好。 练习题 Lesson 13Lesson 14一、 根据汉语意思补全单词 1. g_ t_ 大门 2. f_ _ endly 友好的 3. m_ p拖洗 4. h_ lp 帮助 5. r_ _ d 读 6.p_ p_ lar 受欢迎的 7.t_ _ ch 教 8.t_ _ m 学期 9.h_ _ sework 家务二、英译汉 1. fly kites _ 2. go swimming _ 3. do the washing _ 4. go to the zoo_ 5. clean the window_ 6. play football _ 7. come from _ 8. next term _三、单项选择 1. We shall meet _ four oclock in the afternoon. A. in B. on C. at 2.- Where are you from? - Im _ England. A. from B. come from C. an 3.Im going to help my mum _ the room. A. clean B. cleaning C. cleaned 4. _ Mr Green teach you next term? A. Is B. Will C. Does 5.- _ are you going to do tomorrow? We are going to swim. A. What B. Where C. How新 课 标 第 一 网 6. We are _ to see him. A. go B. going C. goes 7. - _ and _ shall we meet ? - Outside the school gate at nine. A. When ; when B. Where ; what C. When ; where 8. Miss Liu is very _ to us. A. friendly B. popular C. friend 9.Mary often helps mother _ clothes. A. washes B. wash C. washing四、排序A. Im going to see a new play. Lets go together.B. See you.C. What are you doing after school?D. All right. When and where shall we meet?E. Outside the school gate at 8 oclock in the evening.F. OK. See you later.A. I have a fever and I feel bad.B. Youre welcome.C. Good morning, doctor.D. Oh, you have a cold.E. Morning. Whats wrong with you?F. Thanks a lot.G. Dont worry. Take some medicine, youll be well soon.H. Is it very serious?五、 根据汉语意思,完成下列句子。1、 你的语文老师是谁?_ _ your _ teacher?2、 你的弟弟正在做什么? _ is your brother _?3、 她来自哪里? _ _ she from?4、 格林先生下学期教你们吗? _ Mr Green _ you next term?5、 我们都很喜欢他。 We _ _ him. http:/ww w.xk b1.com六、从B栏中选出A栏句子的相应答语。A. Im reading books.B. Im going to the bookstore.C. Yes, I will.D. Im from Japan.E. Sure.F. Its near the bank. (A) (B)1. Where are you from?2. Where is the post office?3. What are you doing?4. Where are you going?5. May I use your car?6. Will you go swimming this Sunday?七、选词填空 Take ; beside ; with ; where ; hospital1. There is a vase _ some flowers on the desk.2. My bookshelf is _ the bed.3. He is in the _ because (因为) he is ill.4. Shall we _ a taxi?5. Excuse me, _ is the Xinhua Bookstore.六年级上册中期英语一请给下列单词填入一个字母,使之成为完整的意义。(共20分)1.b_s (共汽车) 2.h _spital (医院 ) 3 .g_m (健身房) 4. sl_de (滑梯) 5. libr_ry (读书馆) 6. flow_rs (鲜花) 7.sle_p ( 睡觉) 8. b_iding(建筑楼) 9.sees_w (跳跳板) 10. u_e (使用)二. 要求书写正确而优美.得抄写下列句子. (共10分)1. What about some beautiful flowers?2.But what present shall we send her? 新|课 |标| 第 |一| 网3.Hello ! May I speak to Li-Shan , please ?4.Are there any children under the tree ?5.How many books are there on the desk ? 三.根据单词汉语意思画出其表示的简笔图. (共12分) pillow tree vase bookshelf四.联线题. (共14分)A. Just a moment ,please ? 1.请汤母接电话,好吗? B. Where are they ? 2.它在办公楼旁边。 C. May I speak to Tom, please? 3. 请跟我来! D, Its next to the office buiding. 4.他们在哪儿?E. My room is very nice! 5.。我可以使用一下电话吗?新 课 标 第 一 网F. Follow me , please ! 6. 请稍等!G. May I use the telephone? 7. 我的房间很漂亮五选择正确的方位介词,使句意完整。(共14分)On , next to , in the middle of ,In , behind , under , in front of . 1.The flowers are _(在。中间)the garden.(花园)2.There is a pencil _(在。里面) the pencil-box .3.the boys are _(在。底下)the old tree.4.A box is _ (在。上面)the water.5. The children are _(在。后面)the wall.(墙)6.The school is _(在。旁边/隔壁)the gym.7.The boy is _(在。前面)the house. (房子)六单项选择题。(共30分)1 在电话中,”This is Mary” 的正确译法是:A 这是玛丽。 B。我 是玛丽。2 在电话中问“你是谁”时,会用: A.Who are you? B. Who is that ?3“I bought a new CD . ” 的正确译法是:A 我借了一盘新CD。B。 我卖了一盘新CD。 4“My mother is doing some washing. ”的正确译法是:A 我妈妈正在洗一些衣服。B。我妈妈正在做一些衣服。 5“我马上就到。”的英语表达法是:A. I come here . B. I am coming soon .6May I come in ? A. Yes , please ! B. Its over there .7.Who will you ring up ?A. I dont know ! B. My grandfather .8.You are really a nice boy ! http:/ww w.xk b1.comA. I am not. B. Thank you!9.Tomorrow is Teachers day . Lets send a present to our teacher?A. Good idea ! B. Hi ! This is good.10. -see you tomorrow!A. see you ! B. Thats OK!11.Where are Linda and Mary?A. She is on the slide. B. They are on the seesaw.12. -, Where is the library ? A. Thank you ! B. Excuse me ,13.Where is Mary ?A. She is under the tree . B. She is in the pencil-box.14.On the desk , there is - A. A big tree. B. A beautiful vase .15. Shall we take a bus ?A .No , it isnt far .B. No , it is very far .新课标第一网系列资料 www.xkb1.com


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