冀教版2020届九年级下学期英语质量调研试卷(二模)(II )卷

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冀教版2020届九年级下学期英语质量调研试卷(二模)(II )卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 一、 Choose the best answer(选择最恰当的答 (共20题;共40分)1. (2分)下列字母组合含有相同音素的一组是 。 A . A; SB . H; IC . L; YD . M; X2. (2分)Jane is _ 16-year-old high school student in _ United States.A . a;theB . the;aC . a;/3. (2分)We must protect animals, they are friends.A . weB . ourC . oursD . us4. (2分)Hey, Jenny, which are my gifts for Fathers Day? The yellow gifts are _and the red _ belong to grandpa.A . your; oneB . yours; oneC . you; onesD . yours; ones5. (2分)If you have a sore throat, you could drink some hot tea _honey. A . withB . AtC . on6. (2分)Our English teacher is a beautiful lady long hair. A . inB . byC . with7. (2分)Dad, Ill eat less fast food this year, believe me. Since youve made a , you must keep it.A . menuB . listC . promiseD . choice8. (2分)Mom, its _. I cant see the sign clearly(清楚地). A . hotB . foggyC . coolD . cold9. (2分)Do you know Sun Yang? Yes. He is one of _players in China.A . popularB . more popularC . most popularD . the most popular10. (2分)Must I hand in the homework right now? _ Thats the rule.A . Yes, you can.B . No, you cant.C . Yes, you must.D . No, you mustnt.11. (2分)Give me a chance, _ Ill prove it to you. A . andB . tillC . thoughD . while12. (2分)The car didnt hit him, his leg got hurt. A . andB . butC . soD . because13. (2分)Its seven oclock in the evening. They _. A . is having dinnerB . have dinnerC . are having, dinnerD . has dinner14. (2分)By the end of last week, she _in the west of China for two months helping the homeless children. A . will stayB . has stayedC . would stayD . had stayed15. (2分)Our classmates are going to Fantawild Adventure(方特欢乐世界) after the exams._ exciting idea!A . WhatB . What anC . How anD . How16. (2分)This term three of our teachers are going to to England to have advanced studies.A . be sendingB . are sentC . be sentD . send17. (2分)go skiing with us this afternoon? A . How aboutB . What aboutC . Why not18. (2分)You need to brush your_ after_. A . tooth; eatB . teeth; eatC . tooth; eatingD . teeth; eating19. (2分)Would you like to join me for dinner? _. Where do we eat?A . Yes, pleaseB . Yes, Id love toC . No, thanks20. (2分) I think teenagers should be allowed to meet internet friends alone. _. Its not safe enough.A . I disagreeB . I think soC . I agree二、 Complete the following passage (共1题;共1分)21. (1分)根据短文内容,从方框中选出恰当的单词或短语填空,使语意通顺完整。每个选项只能使用一次,每框有一项剩余。A. angry B. help C. surprised D. Why E. out of F. quickJack was a rich young man. One day, he was driving very happily down a street. Suddenly from his car came a terrible sound. He felt _, so he stopped his car and looked around. He saw a child standing nearby with a few small stones in his hand. He jumped _the car and found a dent (凹痕) in the door. He was so _that he caught the boy and shouted at him, Who are you? _did you throw a stone at my new car?Please, sir, please Im sorry! But I didnt know what else to do!” said the child. I threw the stone because I wanted to get you to notice me. I need your _!三、 Complete the sentences with th (共8题;共8分)22. (1分)I have a dog and _ (it) name is Wangwang. 23. (1分)Its_(possible) for a little child to answer this difficult question. 24. (1分)Whats _ (she) favourite sport? 25. (1分)Im interested in the _ (invent), and I think it is useful. 26. (1分)He seemed_(happy)because he failed his exam. 27. (1分)In the _(north) part of the city, there is a big zoo. 28. (1分)My friend Jim usually_(call) me at weekends.29. (1分)The Yangtze River is the_(long) river in China. 四、 Complete the following sentenc (共7题;共11分)30. (1分)They have some new computers. (改为一般疑问句) _they have _new computers? 31. (1分)She likes PE because its fun(对画线部分提问) _ _ she like PE?32. (1分)Its hot today. (对画线部分提问) _ the weather _ today?33. (1分)Jim isnt good at math. (改为同义句) Jim _ _ _ in math.34. (1分)Sue has a soccer ball.(改为否定句)Sue _ _ a soccer ball.35. (1分)What does Jackie like to eat? (改为含有宾语从句的复合句)I want to know_Jackie_to eat36. (5分)There is some apple juice in the bottle. (改为否定句) There is _ _ _ in the bottle.五、 Reading comprehension (阅读理解) (共4题;共44分)37. (12分)阅读理解 Maybe your childhood piano lessons made you never, want to play the piano again. Perhaps a piano is too expensive for you. Now, thanks to a program in Sydney called Play Me, Im Yours, people can play the piano in public places for free. They share beautiful music, and the program also helps them communicate with each other.The government has placed thirty pianos in different parts of the city, including in several parks, at a bus stop and on some streets. Play Me, Im Yours are written on them. People are invited to play music or sing songs with the pianos. The program has interested lots of people to stop to watch or play the pianos.Play Me, Im Yours is a part of the Sydney Festival. It is a project of the British artist, Luck Jerram. He wants to help people in the city know each other better. He thinks that so many people are sitting in front of computers and busy with their work all hours, and they almost have no chance to enjoy music. So he hopes this can help them relax and make new friends.The program Play Me, Im Yours has also reached England and Brazil(巴西)before. It was warmly welcomed there. But its greatest success seems to come at the Sydney Festival. Its a chance for people to be creative, know others better and just have some fun, Jerram said.(1)According to the first sentence of the passage, your childhood piano lessons may be . A . boringB . valuableC . interestingD . meaningful(2)Thirty pianos are placed in parts of the city EXCEPT . A . in parksB . at a bus stopC . on streetsD . in a school(3)Luck Jerram wants to help people . A . sing songsB . play the piano for freeC . relax and make friendsD . enjoy beautiful music(4) countries have had the program. A . TwoB . ThreeC . FourD . Five(5)Which is the best title for the passage? A . Beautiful musicB . A British artist, Luck JerramC . The Sydney FestivalD . A program Play Me, Im Yours38. (1分)完形填空Amy is my friend. She 1a good house. Three 2are in her house. The first room is the living room(客厅).3sofa, two tables and some chairs are in 4The next room is Amys5room. A bed is in it. The bed is 6Purple is her parents favorite color. The last room is Amys. A CD player is in 7room. Ten CDs are 8the player. Amys room 9tidy. Her things are everywhere on her bed, on the desk and under the chair.10must clean up her room.(1)A . sees B . has C . knows (2)A . rooms B . tables C . girls (3)A . A B . An C . The (4)A . this B . it C . that (5)A . parent B . parents C . parents (6)A . green B . blue C . purple (7)A . your B . his C . her (8)A . on B . in C . of (9)A . is B . isnt C . arent (10)A . She B . He C . I 39. (1分)根据首字母的提示完成短文,每空一词。If you want to travel to a new place, what will you w_about first? The answer may be how to find the way.In big c_, many people go from one place to another by bus, taxi or underground. The bus is a popular way of travelling. If you want to take a bus, you s_know which bus to take. You can write down the timetable(时间表) so you can take the right bus and get to your place on time.In the countryside, travelling can be much easier. In some places with small r_, people get to shops or their working places by bike. In o_places, students can go to school on foot because they live near the school.40. (30分)任务型阅读 Dear Miss Li, Id like to thank you for giving money to Animal Helpers, Im sure you know that this group was set up to help people like me. You helped to make it possible for me to have Lucky. Lucky makes a big difference to my life. Let me tell you my story. What would it be like to be blind or deaf? Or imagine you cant walk or use your hands easily. Most people would never think about this, but many people have these difficulties, I cant use my arms or legs well, so normal things like answering the telephone, opening and closing doors or carrying things are difficult for me. Then one day last year, a friend of mine helped me out. She talked to Animal Helpers about getting me a special trained dog. She also thought a dog might cheer me up. I love animals and I was excited about the idea of having a dog. After six months of training with a dog at Animal Helpers, I was able to bring him home. My dogs name is Luckya good name for him because I feel very lucky to have him. You see, Im only able to have a dog-helper because of your kindness! Lucky is very clever and understands many English words. He can understand me when I give him orders. For example, I say, Lucky! get my book, and he does it at once. Lucky is a fantastic dog. Ill send you a photo of him if you like, and I could show you how he helps me. Thank you again for changing my life. Best wishes, Ben Smith(1)Who wrote the letter to Miss Li? Why? (2)What did Miss Li do? (3)Why did Ben Smith need a dog? (4)What can Lucky do for Ben Smith? (5)In what other ways do you think dogs are able to help people? 六、 Writing (共1题;共5分)41. (5分)随着经济的增长,家庭轿车越来越普及,越来越多的人放弃了环保的交通方式,比如步行和骑自行车。令人开心的是, 漳州的大街小巷仿佛一夜之间就出现了很多的摩拜单车(mobike),为人们的出行带来了很大的便利。请写一篇文章,谈谈你对摩拜单车的看法。提示词:save energy;air pollution; cost less money;healthy;useful sport要求:1).80词左右2).提示词必需全部用上。第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、 Choose the best answer(选择最恰当的答 (共20题;共40分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、二、 Complete the following passage (共1题;共1分)21-1、三、 Complete the sentences with th (共8题;共8分)22-1、23-1、24-1、25-1、26-1、27-1、28-1、29-1、四、 Complete the following sentenc (共7题;共11分)30-1、31-1、32-1、33-1、34-1、35-1、36-1、五、 Reading comprehension (阅读理解) (共4题;共44分)37-1、37-2、37-3、37-4、37-5、38-1、39-1、40-1、40-2、40-3、40-4、40-5、六、 Writing (共1题;共5分)41-1、


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