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Unit 1 Good Friends一. 重点单词和短语1. be loyal to sb 对 忠心 2. show loyalty to sb 对表忠心 3. argue with sb about sth 为某事和某人争吵4. find a solution to sth 找出的解决方案5. classical music 古典音乐6. rock music 摇滚音乐7.pop music 流行音乐8. be fond of 喜欢9. survive the earthquake 从地震中兴存下来10. a deserted baby 一个被遗弃的婴儿11. in order to 为了12. share sth with sb 和某人分享某物13. be in deep sorrow 处在深切的悲痛之中14. care about 介意15. such as 比如16. drop sb a line 给某人写信17. make an apology to sbapologise to sb 向某人道歉18. write an e-mail 写电子邮件19. hate doing sth 憎恨做某事20. be into sthbe interested in sth 对 感兴趣21. too much 太多22. be bored with 对 厌倦23. surf the Internet 上网24. all the time 一直25. play computer games 玩电脑游戏26. imagine doing sth想象做 27. be alone on an deserted island 独自一人在荒岛上28. everyday life 日常生活29. explain sth to sbexplain to sb sth 向某人解释某事30. explain to sb that 向某人解释31. so.that 如此以致 32. play a part/role in 在 中扮演角色33. play the role of 扮演的角色34. succeed in doing sth be successful in doing sth 成功地做某事35. send e-mails 发电子邮件36. all over the world 遍及全世界37. be on a flight across the Pacific Ocean 在飞越太平洋的途中38. land on a deserted island 登上一座荒岛39. hunt for food 寻找食物40. make (a) fire 生火41. develop a friendship with sb 和某人建立友谊42. treat sb as 把某人当作 43. share happiness and sorrow 分享幸福分担痛苦44. make friends with sb 和某人交朋友45.keep sth in mind 记住某事46. get angry with sb 生某人的气47. keep secrets保守秘密 48. promise to do sth 许诺做某事49. borrow sth from sb 向某人借某物50. have a flat tire 爆胎51. senior high school 高级中学52. have a pleasant holiday 度过一个愉快的假期53. write a short description of sb 写一段某人的简要介绍54. be proud of 为 感到骄傲55. keep an eye on sth 照看56. feel down 情绪低落57. make fun of sb 嘲弄某人58. be curious about sth 对感到好奇Unit 2 English around the World1. make oneself at home 别客气2. the majority of 大多数/a majority of +number3. native language 母语4. native speakers 说本族语言的人5. mother tongue 母语6. except for 除了7.international organization 国际组织8. communicate with sb 和某人交流9. exchange A for B 用A交换B10. stand for 代表11. stay up 熬夜,挺住12. come about 发生13. end up with 以告终/结束14. bring in 吸收,引进15. a great many 许多16. compare A with B 把A和B做比较17. compare A to B 把A比作B18. for the first time 第一次19. the first time 当第一次的时候20. have a good flight 飞行愉快21. fly all the way direct from A to B 从A地径直飞往B地 22. be tired of 对厌倦23. be tired from 由于而劳累24. tire sb out 使某人精疲力竭25. mean to do sth 打算做某事26. mean doing sth 意味着27. spoken language 口语28. spoken English 英语口语29. English-speaking countries 说英语的国家30. a number of 许多31. the number of 的数量32. more than 超过,不仅仅是33. develop into 发展成为34. the working language 工作语言35. international trade 国际贸易36. international tourism 国际旅游37. the language of global culture 全球文化语言38. on the radio 通过收音机39. through the Internet 通过因特网40. communicate in English 用英语交流41. have a good knowledge of English 很好地掌握英语42. American English 美式英语43. British English 英式英语44. the answer to the question 问题的答案45. the key to the door 门上的钥匙46. the entrance to the cinema 电影院的入口47. at first 起初,首先48. for a long time 好久以来49. an independent country 独立的国家50. a separate country 独立的国家51. for example 例如52. in the same way 以同样的方式53. the way to do sth 做某事的方法the way of doing sth做某事的方法54. at the same time 同时55. borrow words from other languages 从其他语言借鉴词汇56. end up with 以结束/告终57. be different from 和不一样58. most of the time 大部分时间59. have difficulty in doing sthtrouble做某事有困难60. take great trouble to do sth 不辞辛劳地做某事61. the reason for sth 的原因62. change over centuries 几世纪以来的变化63. a great/good many 许多64. give a description of 描述65. replace A with B 用B代替A66. have a problem with 有困难67. part of 部分68. an important part of 一个重要的部分69. drive on the same side of the road 在路的同一边驾驶 Unit3重点词汇及词组1. consider vt 考虑,细想,打算(+n/pron/v-ing/连接词+to do/that-clause)consider 后不可直接跟不定式,但可接连接词+不定式作宾语。E.g.: Im considering what to do next.Consider 可表示“认为”之义(与think同义),常用于 clause Consider + sb /sth (to be) sb /sth (as) sb /sth to have doneCharles Babbage is generally considered _ the first computer.A. to have invented B. inventing C. to invent D. having invented表示“把看成”之义的词组:regardas, think ofas, treatas, look on/uponas2. means 通常用作可数名词,单复数形式相同,意思是“方法,手段,工具。” by all means 一定,务必,尽一切可能(用于回答)当然行,请 means by means of 通过的方式 by this/ that means 通过这种/那种方式 by no means 决不,一点也不3. follow(1) vt 跟随 (表示时间或顺序),接着,随着(2) vt 听得懂,领悟 eg: The foreigner spoke too fast; I couldnt follow him. (3) vt 接受,采纳,遵照 eg: Some schools follow the new teaching method.(4) vt 沿着而行 eg: Follow the street and youll arrive there.相关短语:follow ones advice 听从某人的劝告, follow ones instructions 听从某人的教导, follow the example of 以为榜样, as follows 如下4. experience(1) vt 体验,经历,感受(2) n 可数名词,经历,阅历;不可数名词,经验,体验(3) experienced adj 有经验的5. get away from 离开,摆脱,回避,否认get out of 从中出来,从中得到,逃避,改掉(习惯)B I really dont want to go to the party, but I dont see how I can _ it. A get back from B get out of C get away D get off与 get 有关的短语:get along;进展 get around; 传播get away;逃跑get down to;认真开始做 get in; 插话get into; 进入,招惹get on/off; 上(下)车get over; 痊愈,恢复,淡忘get through; 接通(电话),通过,完成考试及格get up; 起床 get together;聚会6. more and more 可以作状语,修饰adj, adv 表示“越来越”Eg: more and more interesting,也可以作定语,修饰 n. 表示“越来越多的” , eg: more and more people 注意:()fewer and fewer 越来越少的,用来修饰复数名词()less and less 越来越少的,越来越不,用来修饰不可数名词以及adj, adv.7.try to do sth 尽力去做某事,不论成功与否try doing sth 试着去做某事,即试一试某种做法是否行得通8.get close to = get near to 接近,快要到,to 为介词,后接n/ pron/v-ing close 可作adj和adv,表示“近的地”,常与介词to 连用,表示“几乎,接近”。他的另一副词形式是 closely ,表示抽象意义,意为“紧密地,密切地”eg: watch closely 认真地观察,密切地监视 (A) It was raining heavily. Little Mary felt cold, so she stood _ to her mother. A close B closely C closed D closing9. equipment 装备,设备,为不可数名词,不能与不定冠词连用。10.watch out (for) 注意,当心 注意,当心的警告语:Watch out! Take care! Look out! Be careful! 相关短语:watch it = watch out, 当心,小心;watch for 留心找寻,小心等待;watch over 照看,看守。11.wear, put on 与have on wear 意为“穿着,带着”,用于穿衣服,鞋,戴帽子,戴手套,眼镜,手表及留头发胡须等;强调“穿着”的状态。 Put on 意为“穿上,戴上”,表示穿的动作,可用于穿衣服,鞋袜,戴帽子,手套等;宾语若是代词,须置于on 前;其反义词是 take off. Have on 意为“穿着”,表示状态,相当于be wearing, 不可用于进行时12.protect sb / sth from / against 防止免受之苦,保护,防卫,警戒13.hit (hit, hit) vt 打,撞,袭击,打击,击中。Hit 作“打,拍,击中”解时,习惯把人作为动词的宾语,用介词短语说明打在人的某个部位。人体的部位前用定冠词,其结构为hit/take/pat/lead sb on/in/by + the +人体的部位。Hit 的引申义()使遭受(自然灾害,损失,痛苦等)()猜中,达到,碰到14.danger n 危险,指一般概念时不可数;指具体的危险或造成危险的人事物时,可数。相关短语:in danger 处境危险 in the danger of处于危险之中 out of danger脱离了危险。Dangerous adj 危险的,指给他人造成危险或危害的。15.similarity 作相似解是不可数名词,做相似之处解是可数名词。Similar adj 相似的,类似的;be similar to和相似separate adj 单独的,分开的,有差异的vt 分离,分开,隔离(常与from 连用)A As we joined the big crowed I got _ from my friends.A separated B spared C lost D missed16.form 可数名词:形式,形状,形态,表格vt 形成,建立,养成17.be bad for对有害处 be good for 对有好处 be bad at 不擅长,在方面差 be good at 擅长,在方面好 be bad to 对待(某人)不好 be good to 对待(某人)好18.go against;违背 go for/after; 追求go ahead; 开始,继续go around; 传播go down; 下降,下沉go in for;从事,爱好 go off; 爆炸go on; 发生,继续go out; 熄灭go over; 复习,察看go through; 遭受,经历go with相配,协调19.time:against time; 争分夺秒all the time; 总是,一直at one time; 曾经at a time; 一次at the same time; 同时ahead of time; from time to time; 间或in time; 及时on time; 准时time and time again; 反复for a time; 暂时or the time being;暂且Unit4 1. host n. C主人,东道主(女主人为hostess) vt 做东,主办. Eg: He is willing to host the visitors.Hold 单纯表示举行,举办2. be caught in 被困住,突然遭遇上 Eg: We were caught in the rain.系动词be 可以用get 替换,表动作,不延续.3. for fun 为了好玩,为了高兴 in fun 闹着玩的,开玩笑的 make fun of 开的玩笑,取笑 fun n. 高兴, 乐趣, 不可数名词; 有趣的人或事, 可数名词4. fire be on fire 着火,表示燃烧的状态; catch fire = take fire/begin to burn 着火,起火,强调动作. Fire 作名词的用法及其搭配(1) 不可数名词 play with fire 玩火 under fire 遭受炮火的攻击 set fire to =set .on fire 纵火烧.(2) 可数名词, 意为火灾,火堆,炉火 make/start/light a fire点火; discover a fire 发现火情 control the fire 控制火势; escape from the fire 逃离火势 put out the fire 灭火; be killed/burnt in the fire 在大火中丧生; fight the fire 救火; (the fire) break out 发生火灾; watch the fire 围观火势5. scare vt. 使惊吓(相当于frighten) eg: You scared me by coming in so quietly. vi. 受惊吓 eg: He scares easily. 他容易受惊吓.Scared adj 受惊吓的, 感到害怕的 scaring adj 令人害怕的,吓人的Be scared of = be afraid of 害怕 be scared to do = be afraid to do 不敢做Scare away 吓跑 scare into/out of doing 吓得做/吓得不敢做Scare n. 惊恐,惊吓6. before 的用法和意义(1) before 和情态动词can/could 连用,表示才,还没来得及就. 把before 从句理解为还没来得及做某事,主句的动作就发生了.Eg: She was angry before I could explain to her.(2) 主句动作发生在前,从句动作发生在后.这时before 译为然后,后,才eg: Look before you leap. 三思而后行(3) 主句的谓语动词是否定形式时, before 译为就,便eg: It was not long before he learned to use the computer.(4) 主句含有hardly, scarcely 等半否定副词时,before 可译为刚就eg: I had hardly fallen asleep when he woke me up.(5) before 的主句含有情态动词will 和would 时,译为宁愿也不eg: I will die before I give in. D Someone called me up in the middle of the night, but they hung up _ I could answer the phone. A as B since C until D before C He made a mistake, but the he corrected the situation _ it got worse. A until B when C before D as7. advance 的用法 (1) v 前进, 进步, 做出, 提出(要求,建议等), 提前, 提早, (指价格,成本,费用)上涨, 提高, 提升, 晋升. (2) n 前进,推动,前移,进步,发展,改进.进展,改善.预支,借贷 in advance 预先,提前 (3) advanced adj 先进的,高级的,年老的 eg: advanced English; an advanced worker; be advanced in years 年纪大8. swallow vt 吞下或咽下,吞没或掩盖某人/某物,忍受 swallow ones words 收回自己的话9. go down 不及物动词词组 沉没,(太阳,月亮)落下,(价格等)下降,(风浪等)平静下来 C The price _ , but I doubt whether it will remain so. A went down B will go down C has gone done D was going down10.hold onto = hold on to 意思是抓住(不放),抓牢; 保持,不放弃,不卖掉. We thought of selling this old furniture, but weve decided to _ it. Itmight be valuable. A hold on to B keep up with C turn to D look after11.struggle v 斗争,搏斗,挣扎 struggle against 与 斗争,为反对而斗争 struggle for 为争取而斗争 struggle with 与.斗争, 和一起战斗 注意: fight 的用法与此相同12.must have done 意为一定已经,表示对过去发生的事情作出肯定的推测,其否定形式为couldnt have done. 反意疑问句应根据实际时态的动词形式确定.Eg: You must have gone to the hospital yesterday, didnt you?Must + 动词原形表示对现在的情况进行肯定的推测. (A) My sister met him at the Grand theatre yesterday afternoon, so he _ your lecture. A. couldnt have attended B. neednt have attended C. mustnt have attended D. shouldnt have attended13.go through (1)穿过,通过 A terrible noise went through the house. (2)审阅,检查 I cant go through the letters in an hour. (3)翻找,查看 Mother went through the room for her glasses.(4)经历(困难,痛苦等) Most families went through a lot in the war.(5)通过,成功,成交 The plan didnt go through.14.fear 的意义及用法 (1) 不可数名词 恐惧,害怕 (= fright) 可数名词 担心的事(2) vt 恐惧,害怕 fear +n/ to do/clause短语: for fear of 担心,以防 for fear that. 同上,后接句子 in/with fear 惊恐地15.long before 的固定句式It took/was long before 过了很久才It didnt take/wasnt long before 过了不久才It will take/be long before 要过很久才It wont/be long before 不久就会注意:(1)long 可换成a long time 也可以用具体的时间如:It was five years before (2)before 引起时间状语从句,其中的谓语动词不用将来时(3)before long 不久,单独作状语,相当于sooneg: youll understand this before long.16.marry: 1)vt. e.g. Alice married Jeff last week. 2)Get married e.g. He has got married. 3)be married to e.g. She has been married to Mr.Brown for a year. 17.moment:for a moment; 一度时间for the moment; 暂时in a moment; 一会儿以后at any moment;随时18.beat/hit/strike/knock19.can/must的用法Unit5 The Silver Screen一、重要词汇及词组1. play a role in 在中扮演角色; 在-方面起作用;play the role of 扮演-的角色;2. be married to 结婚 (表状态,跟一段时间连用)get married to 结婚 (表动作)They got married in 1998.They have been married for three years.3. win a prize for 因-而获奖4. work on sth 从事-工作5. take off (1)飞机起飞; (2)脱(衣服);(3)取消;(4)成名;take on a new look 呈现一片新的现象;take over 接管take up 从事-; 专注-;占据-;6. owe (sb) for sth 因-欠某人钱/债Mr Wang owes us for the goods he received last year. 王先生去年收到货物到现在还欠着我们钱呢。Owe sth to sb/ owe sb sth 欠某人(某物);把(名誉等)归功于某人;The boss owed a lot of money to the bank 老板前银行很多钱。He owes much of his success and happiness to his wife and children.他把成功和幸福归功于他的妻子和孩子。7.go + adj 表示转变成-,表情况的变化;go worse/ while/ hungry/ bad/ wronggo wrong 变糟,出问题,发生故障;8.top directors 顶尖导演9.in all 总共,总计;10. be deeply moved by 被-深深感动;be moved to tears 感动的流眼泪;a moving story 一部感人的电影11. take ones place (1) take the place of sb/sth 取代,代替;Mr green is ill, so I will take his place to give you a lesson.(2) take ones place 就坐;Since everyone has taken his place, lets have our meeting.12. lock sb up 将某人监禁起来;将某人锁于某处不得进出;13. run after 追赶;14. escape 1) vi. Escape from = run away 逃走,逃跑;Only a few people escaped from the danger. 2) vt. 逃避,逃脱;escape sth/ doing sth ;You were lucky to have escaped the punishment/ being punished. (惩罚) There is no way to escape doing the work.15.the naughtiest boy 最顽皮的男孩;16.cause trouble 制造麻烦;17.afford vt. 担负得起,买得起,抽得出时间;常与can, could或 be able to连用,多用于否定句或疑问句中。afford sth afford to do sthafford + 时间/金钱 for sthCan you afford 200 yuan for that book.together with 和-一起,一道; 谓语动词使用就前原则; as well as; but; including; with; like; except; besides; more than; rather than; 以上都使用就前原则; John, together with his parents, has gone to the party.18.get to know each 互相了解;19.need 1) 做情态动词,后直接跟动词原形; We need help.2) 实义动词need to do sth /didnt need to do /need to be done = need doingThe bike needs to be repaired. 自行车需要修理。The bike needs repairing. 自行车需要修理。 She doesnt need to teach. All she needs to do is keeping everything in order. 3) have a need to do sth 必须做某事; There is a need for/ of sth 需要-; There is a need for sb to do sth 某人需要做某事 be in need of 需要;二、重要句型 1. 在表示时间、条件、方式或让步等从句中,主语与主句主语一致,谓语中含有be 动词,主语与be动词可以省略。主动时用分词,被动用分词。While typing the letter, she heard the telephone rang.When heated, ice will be changed into water.While still a student, she played many roles in plays. 2. The reason why is/was that -的原因是-The reason why she was ill was that she had eaten bad food. 她生病的原因是吃了变质的食物。The reason why many people want to buy it is that the price is low.许多人想买它,原因是价格便宜。 The reason why he could not go there was that his grades were low.3. This was the moment when 这是-的时刻This was the moment when Spielbergs career really took off. 这是斯皮尔伯格事业真正成名的时刻。This was the moment when the whole nation unites to fight against SARS.这是全国团结与非典做斗争的时刻。4. before a) 不等-就 He went out before I had a chance to tell him the good news.我还没来得及告诉他好消息他就出去了。 2) 不多久就-We hadnt waited long before the bus came.我们还没等多久公车就来了。3) 宁愿- 也不-He will die of hunger before he will steal. 他宁愿饿死也不愿偷窃。4) It wont be before 用不了多久就会-It wasnt before 没过多长时间就-Unit6 Good Manners1 pay a visit to sb/sth = pay sb a visit 拜访某人/某地2 for the first time 第一次3 be surprised by 对-感到惊讶4 manners 风俗,习惯,规矩 manner 方式,方法 用法与way相似 He has good manners. 他有礼貌. Its bad manners to interrupt others. 打断别人的话是不礼貌的.5 leave/make a good impression on sb 给某人留下很好的印象6 at the table 在桌旁 at table 在吃饭7 custom c (社会)风俗,习惯, 习惯 customs 关税 the customs 海关customer 顾客 8 start with 以-开始; 从-开始 begin with nowledge begins with practice. 知识从实践开始.9 for the moment 暂时,目前 for a moment 一会儿 in a moment 很快,立即the moment = as soon as 一-就-at the moment 此刻,那时10 ask for 要求得到, 要求见到 Someone is asking for you at the gate. 某人要求要见你. ask sb for sth 向某人要某物,请求给予11 the main course 第一道菜 in the course of = in the process of 在-过程中 The building is in the course of being built. 楼房正在建设中.12 a second bowl of soup = another bowl of soup 又一碗汤,在一碗汤 the加序数词表第几,强调排列的顺序 Please try it a second time. 请再试一次. You are the second to tell me the news. 你是第二个告诉我这个消息的人.13 raise vt 使-上升 rise vi 升起,上升,起立 raise a flag (a hat, a glass) 升旗,举帽,举杯 raise prices (ones voice) 抬高物价(声音) raise money for 为-筹集资金14 drink to 为-干杯,为-祝酒15 advice u 建议 give advice提出建议 a piece of advice 一则建议 ask sb for advice on 向某人征求对于-的意见 follow/take sbs advice 遵循某人的建议,接受劝告 advise doing sth 建议作某事 advise sb to do sth 建议某人做某事 advise + that从句 用虚拟语气, 用should+v. 他建议我们应该努力学习.advise sb + what(how) to do 建议某人该干什么16 mix vt mix sth with sth 把-和-混合起来 be mixed with Rice should not be mixed with other food.17 allow sb to do sth 允许某人做某事 be allowed to do sth allow ones doing 允许某人做某事18 apologize to sb for sth 因某事像某人道歉19 find fault with 找茬,吹毛求疵20 forgive sb for sth 原谅某人做某事 forgive sb for doing sth 21 pray for sb 为某人祈祷 pray sb for sth 22 clothUnit 71. give sb. some advice on sth. 给某人一些关于的建议2. make suggestions3. baseon A is based on B A以B为基础4.be sent into space space 作为 “宇宙,太空”讲,前无任何冠词.作为 “空间” 可加 “the”“间隙” 前可加 “a”There is a space between you and me.5 be of great importance = be important6 represent 代表 The sign “&” represents “and”. 象征 A police represents the power of law.7 include included 过去分词作形容词,放名词/代词之后There are six people in the room, 3 women included. including 有介词作用 加名词/代词Three people were killed, including an American. include + 宾语The list includes his name.与“contain” 进行比较include “包括”整体中一部分contain “包括” 整体中的全部Our textbook contains 12 Units, including 2 revision Units.8. in ones opinion 按照某人的看法9. Where there is a river, theres a city.=Theres a city at the place, where there is a river.此句是由 where 引导的状语从句,而后者被改为了由where引导的定语从句。10. flow through 流过,流经11. out of a fairy tale 从神话故事中来12. under attack 遭遇袭击13. give in 屈服,让步give up 放弃give away 赠送;分发give off 发出(光、热等)give out 发出;耗尽,筋疲力尽14. in ruins 成为废墟15. lie in pieces on the ground 满地碎片16. “ , and we will do everything we can to save our city!”此句是定语从句,省略了that引导词,can 后也省略了do , to 表目的。17. bringback to life 使苏醒,使恢复生机18. with the help of 在的帮助下19. a portrait of 的肖像20. look out over the city 俯瞰这座城市21. come true 成为现实,成真22. set up a website 设立一个网站23. worry about 担心24. solve the problem 解决问题answer the question 回答问题25. hold ones breath 屏住呼吸lose ones breath 喘不过气来(动词短语)out of breath 喘不过气来(副词或形容词短语)26. Theres a limit to = There are limits to 27. pull down 推毁,推翻28. official languages 官方语言(形容词)government officials 政府官员(名词) unit 81. stand for 2. be worth doing 值得做be worth 值be worthy of being done be worthy to be done值得被做3. win against = beat /defeat 打败,战胜4. prefer to do rather than do 宁愿做而不愿做prefer doing to doing prefer sth. To sth.prefer sb. to do5. every four years 每四年/每隔三年every + 基数词 +名词(pl.)every other day = every two days 每两天6. the same as7. take part in 参加某个活动join 与join in join 指加入并成为一员 join the Army 参军join in 指加入某个活动8. in modern times 在现代in ancient times 在古代9. event 事件;体育运动项目10. mean to do 打算做mean doing 意味着11. the history-making success 历史性成功名词+分词 做形容词 the peace loving people 爱和平的人们the snow covered fields 被雪覆盖的田地12. in preparation for13. have effects on 有影响14. weight 重量(n.)l


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