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沪教版2020届九年级英语二模试卷(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 一、 单项填空(共6分,每小题0.5分) (共12题;共6分)1. (0.5分)_ a GPS will make _ easier for you to visit a strange place. A . Take; itB . To take; thatC . Taking; itD . Take; that2. (0.5分)My mother says my friend is similar me, but I think she is different me.A . as; fromB . to; fromC . to; as3. (0.5分)Can you tell me _Huang Hua will give us a speech this afternoon Yes, he will.A . bothB . whatC . thatD . whether4. (0.5分)Its already tens of years _ the worlds population reached five billion. A . beforeB . afterC . sinceD . until5. (0.5分)Making pictures in your mind _ also a good way for you to memorize things. A . isB . areC . has6. (0.5分)The population of Tianjin is than Beijing. A . smaller; ofB . smaller; that ofC . less; /D . less; that of7. (0.5分)Lisa, I think your article is too long.OK. I some words.A . deletedB . didnt deleteC . will deleteD . won t delete8. (0.5分)In our city there a number of cars and the number of them growing larger and larger. A . are; isB . have; isC . is; are9. (0.5分)My car _ yesterday. Could you please give me a ride tomorrow? Im sorry I cant, Im _ Dalian tomorrow morning.A . breaks down; flying atB . has broken down; flying atC . broke down; flying toD . had broken down; flying to10. (0.5分) I havent packed my bag. Hurry up! All the friends _ you outside!A . waited forB . will wait forC . wait forD . are waiting for11. (0.5分)Open the door please. Im home. Come in, please. The door .A . opensB . is openingC . is openD . opened12. (0.5分)Put your hands behind your back. Dont speak. Well in ten minutes. A . backB . be backC . are backD . are back to you二、 完形填空(共8分,每小题1分) (共1题;共8分)13. (8分)完形填空 Once upon a time, there was 1old farmer. He loved money very much. He kept a lot of gold coins(金币)but 2used them; he 3not give them to others. He put them into a 4box and put it in the ground. He came to the 5every day to look at it. This made him happy. 6, when he came to the place, he could not find the 7. He became very, very sad. He began to cry.8a man came to him and said, Dont cry. Put a stone in the ground instead, and 9) it is a box of gold coins. A stone will be still the same, 10when the coins were there, you never used them. (1)A . a B . the C . an D . / (2)A . often B . never C . nearly D . almost (3)A . did B . can C . will D . should (4)A . black B . paper C . blue D . strong (5)A . earth B . tree C . place D . house (6)A . After day B . Sometimes C . One day D . From then on (7)A . box B . dog C . place D . house (8)A . Before B . Then C . But D . Also (9)A . cry B . let C . think D . know (10)A . because B . so C . if D . but 三、 阅读下列短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D (共4题;共26分)14. (6分)阅读理解 Some students want to find pen friends on the Internet. Here is their information. My name is Jessica Morgan and Im 13 years old. My dad is Greg and my mom is Debbie. I have two brothers, John and Peter. We are from the United States. I like dancing. I like swimming too, but I dont like running. Hi, Im Roger Taylor and Im 12 years old. I live with my parents and my grandmother in the United Kingdom. I dont have brothers or sisters. But I have a pet dog. His name is Peter. We often play together. My name is Tina Jones. Im from the United States. Im 13 years old. I live with my parents and my brother. They are all doctors. But I want to be a singer because I like music so much.(1)Jessica like to _. A . danceB . writeC . singD . run(2)Of the three students, _ has a pet dog. A . JessicaB . DebbieC . RogerD . Tina(3)Tina wants to be a _ one day. A . workerB . nurseC . doctorD . singer(4)_ come from the U.S. A . Roger and PeterB . Tina and JessicaC . Roger and TinaD . Jessica and Roger(5)Which of the following is true according to the passage? A . Jessica has two sisters.B . All of the three students are 13 years old.C . Roger lives with his parents and grandfather.D . There are four people in Tinas family and they live together.15. (6分)阅读下面短文,从下面每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 One afternoon, on my way home, I saw a car accident (事故)!I asked people for help, but no one stopped. When the car driver and his wife saw this, they quickly closed the window of the car and drove away. What shall I do? The old man needs help, I thought.At that time, a truck stopped and the driver came out. Whats wrong with the old man? What can I do? the driver asked me. Sir, please help the old man. A car hit him and he is badly hurt! I said. well, dont worry. Let me take him to the hospital first, the driver said.A few minutes later, the driver took the old man to the hospital and I called the police. I told the whole story to the police and I also told them the number of the car. The police said to me, Well done, boy! Leave it to us, We will punish (惩罚) them!When I got home, it was 7: 30. I thought I was great.(1)One afternoon, a car hit _. A . a young manB . a boyC . a truckD . an old man(2)What did the truck driver do? A . He drove away quickly.B . He stopped for a while and then drove away.C . He took the old man to the hospital.D . He called the police.(3)What did the writer think of himself? A . Very good.B . Very terrible.C . Very nervous.D . Very surprised.(4)Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage? A . When the car driver saw the accident, he quickly drove awayB . After a long time, the car driver took the old man to the hospitalC . The writer told the whole story to the police.D . The writer got home at 7: 30(5)What do you think of the writer? A . He is a bad person.B . He is a nice person.C . He is a strange person.D . He is a handsome person.16. (6分)根据短文理解,选择正确答案。We can express thoughts and feelings and send sounds and pictures on our smart phones today. We also communicate by using programs like Skype and Face Time. We cant send tastes, smells or touch, of course. But scientists in Britain are trying to develop a way for smart phones to do just that.Adrian David Cheok is a professor at City University in London. He wants people to experience communication using all of their senses. He said In the real world, we can open up the glass, open the window. We can touch, we can taste, we can smell in the real world.To give users a sense of taste, researchers designed two electrodes (电极)that are placed on the tongue. A chemical process creates different tastes through molecules (微粒)on the surface of the tongue. This chemical process sends electrical signals that convince the brain that a person is tasting something. They have already created sour, salty, sweet and bitter tastes.You put these two silver electrodes in your mouth, you put your tongue in between and then it stimulates electrically your tongue and you get a virtual taste perception in your brain.A device(设备)called Scentee permits users to have the sense of smell. Scentee plugs into a smart phone and can spray tiny clouds of fragrances, including flowers, fruits and coffee. Professor Cheok says the person speaking can activate the device.Scentee holds a container with about 100 different smells. The container must be replaced when all the scents(pleasant smells) run out.(1)Where could the passage most probably be taken from?A . A news story.B . An advertisement.C . A science fiction.D . A science magazine.(2)Which of the following is the right order according to the passage?a. Electrical signals are sent to brain.b. Two electrodes are placed on the tongue.c. The brain is convinced that a person is tasting something.d. Different tastes are created through molecules on the surface of the tongue.A . a-b-c-dB . b-d-a-cC . c-a-d-bD . b-d-c-a(3)What will be most probably talked about in the next paragraph?A . The bright future of the smart phones.B . How the sense of touch will be achieved.C . The different attitudes towards the smart phones.D . The advantages of the smart phones with new functions.17. (8分)阅读下列短文, 请从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。(B)Do you often talk with your parents? Here are some ideas on how to talk with them.Try to start your talk with something fun. This will make talking easier. For example, ask them questions about their day. Hows the work? They love this.Make it clear what you want to tell your parents. If they have some advice, let them finish and dont stop their talking. Ask them to do the same for you. Show them respect(尊敬) by listening to them carefully. Look them in the eye. Be honest(诚实). Honesty builds trust(信任). Life is good when your parents trust you. If your parents dont understand, thats OK. It doesnt mean they dont love you. Sometimes you have to explain the things to them again. When you finish the talk, thank them for listening. Say something like, thanks, you help me a lot. It will let them know this is important to you, and you make them do it more often. (1)If you want to start the talk easily, you should say something _ at the beginning. A . angryB . interestingC . sadD . unhappy(2)While talking to the parents, you should look them in the eye to show you _ them. A . likeB . understandC . respectD . agree with(3)When your parents dont understand you, you can _. A . ask them to stopB . argue with themC . look them in the eyeD . explain your idea to them again(4)Whats the main(主要) idea of this passage? A . We should respect our parents. B . Its important to trust our parents.C . We should love our parents. D . Some ways to talk with our parents.四、 任务型阅读(共10分,每小题2分) (共1题;共10分)18. (10分)配对阅读:左栏是学生在日常生活中容易出现的安全事故,右栏是相对应的解决方案,请为每一位选择最适合的方案。 _As students, we should remember that making a fire in the bedroom is very dangerous _Running after each other during the break time between two classes may make you get hurt._When you get angry with anybody, you may fight against him. It isnt good at all._If you go to swim in the river nearby without your teachers permission, it will be dangerous._Riding a bike fast inside the schoolyard is regarded as one of the most dangerous things at school.A. When its time for you to go to bed, you should turn off the lights and lie on your bed to sleep. B. Because you may burn the things inside your bedroom and even be killed by the fire.C. So students must wait in line when they are waiting to get their meals in the dining hall.D. If you go home by bike, please dont ride on it inside the schoolyard until you are on the street outside your school.E. All classmates are your friends. Even if you cant agree with anything, you neednt quarrel or fight. You should learn how to get along well with others.F. Some students die in this way. Without their parents or teachers nearby, they may not know how to deal with the danger they meet when swimming.G. When class is over, you should have a short rest either inside or outside your classroom. But dont run here and there.五、 书面表达(共10分) (共1题;共10分)19. (10分)学校是否有必要设立“无作业日”?对此,你在班中进行了调查。请你根据下表内容写一篇短文在英语课上交流,并阐述你的观点和理由。 OpinionsReasonsmost studentsYeshave free timefeel relaxedsome studentsNowaste timeget bad gradesI注意:短文必须包括表中所有内容,可适当增加细节;词数:80-100;短文首句仅供选择使用,不计入总词数。参考词汇:无作业日Homework-free Day短文首句:Ive done a survey about whether it is necessary to have Homework-free Day. Here are the results.第 17 页 共 17 页参考答案一、 单项填空(共6分,每小题0.5分) (共12题;共6分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、二、 完形填空(共8分,每小题1分) (共1题;共8分)13-1、三、 阅读下列短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D (共4题;共26分)14-1、14-2、14-3、14-4、14-5、15-1、15-2、15-3、15-4、15-5、16-1、16-2、16-3、17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、四、 任务型阅读(共10分,每小题2分) (共1题;共10分)18-1、五、 书面表达(共10分) (共1题;共10分)19-1、

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